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ايدك. نه صاتون آلمالیدیلر ! - ایکی دیویت ، بر دسته کاغد و بر

قوطو قورشون قلم صاتون آلمالی ايديلر. ۹ دوست زك ايده جك بر ايشى

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وار می ? - یازه جق بر مکتوبی وار در ۱۰ صاته حق بر آنم وار.

او قویه جق بر غزته سی وار (٣٩٤٤٤٠٨ ) .

.58 Translation ترجمه ٥٨

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1. You must have come to us as soon as you had If you have heard this news. 2. What shall I do? not learnt your lesson, you should learn it now. 3. What had your wife to do? - She had to write a note. 4. Have No, Sir, they are to go the they to go this way? 5. Who has to work all the day? other way. poor man has to work all the day. The baker had to all his money. 7. What have you to do to-day? letter. 8. What has the shoemaker to do? shoemaker has to mend my shoes. 9. Am I obliged Yes, you must come, your coming to come here? is necessary. 10. The teacher called the pupils, saying, Come.

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6. Who had to give give all his money.

I have to write a


.Conversation مكالمه

س) سويله باقالم ! قوشار بهارین نه یا مالیدرلر؟ ج) قوشار بهار موسمنده یووالرینی یا مالی ، یومورطه لريني يومور طلامالى یا ورولرینی چیقار مالی ، اونلری بسله مه لی و اوچور مالی درلر.

. س) عجبا همشیره کز خانم بنی کورسه طانيه جق میدر؟

ج) طانيمالیدر کورمشم دیو چوق دفعه لاقير ديکزی ایدر.

س اثوابلريمي كيم ديكه جك ؟ و چورا بلریمی کیم یا مالایه جقدر ؟

ج بن یا پاجغم اما بیلمم كه چورا بلرك يك اسکی در ؛ يامالامالیمی ? :

يا مالا ما ماليمن ?

س) بر تذکره یازه حق کاغديكز وار میدر ?

ج) بويورك افندم بر تذكره لك دكل آ ايشته سيزه اون تذكره لك كاغد ؛ كاغدم يوقدر ديو يازما مازلك ايتمه يكز ( ٢٩٤ ) .


.Reading Exercise تعليم قرائت

.The Marriage of the Teacher خواجه نك اولنمه سی

نصر الدین خواجه افندينك باشی بوزو لمش ؛ ایکنجی دفعه اوله رق اولنمك آرزوسینه دوشمش. اسلاملر آراسینده عادتدن در که ، ارککار قاريلرك يوزلرینی کور مزلو . قاریار یا بانجی بر اركك كورورلرايسه ، چار چایوق یوزلرینی اور ترلر . خواجه نك دوستاری کندیسینه غایت چیرکین برقاری بوله رق کوزل در دیو یوتدوره شاره . قاری اوه کلیر


كلمز خواجه يوزينك اور توسینی قالدير مش با قمش كه ؛ نه ديكه يك چيركين برشی ! عادتا بر کومور ! جانی چوق صیقیلمش ایسه ده

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ایرته سی کون بزم خواجه اودن چیقار کن ، قاری در «آمان خواجه افندی اسن کیدییورسین ، سویله ! كيمه كورونه ميم 1 ? كيمه كورونه ميم 12


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خواجه «بره قاری ! جانیکی

دیو بر ادا 13 ایله سوال ايتمش. سورسه ك 18 ، بكا كورونه ده کیمه کورونورسه ك كورون ! » ديمش


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= to

Words. 1. bashi bouzoulmaq (to be put out of order) be a widower. 2. to be anxious. 3. adétdén ol." to be usual. 4. yabanji stranger. 5. to veil. 6. to cause to swallow, to deceive. what wonder! 9. adéta 7. eortû veil. 8. né déñ! (what do you say) = he was angry. Je simply; really. 10. his soul was oppressed 11. to unveil (her face). 12. to veil. 13. éda arrogance. 14. bîré qarî now then, woman! 15. diniñi sévérsén if you love your soul please! 16. he could scarcely get rid of her.


.28 Lesson درس ۲۸

.The Participles فرع فعل

§ 395. There is no Relative Pronoun in Turkish corresponding to the English who, which, or that.

These are always accompanied by a verb in English. In Turkish the Subjective and Objective Participles of the verb take the place of both the Relative and the verb.

§ 396. Note. This peculiarity is the most characteristic, and at the same time the most beautiful feature in the Turkish language, though foreigners and even natives of Turkey, whose mother-tongue is not Turkish, are often guilty of infringing it, and are frequently in utter ignorance of its value and meaning. For instance, béni sévén adém 'the me-loving man'; ot yéyén at the grass - eating horse': are equivalent to the man who loves me' and 'the horse which eats grass'. The great number of Participles derived from the Turkish verb enables a very great degree of precision to be given to this construction.


§ 397. The only Relative Pronoun in Turkish ki, meaning who, which, that, what' is not Turkish in origin, it is Persian. This word, ki, is never used in correct Turkish, though employed in translated Persian and Arabic sentences. It is also used by foreigners.

§ 398. The Participles may be divided into two classes or moods: Subjective and Objective.

1. Subjective Mood.

§ 399. The Subjective Participles are those which are composed of the subject, (the nominative case of who, which, that, what) and the verb. They are derived both from active and from neuter or passive verbs. In the first case they are called Active Participle (Ismi Fayil) and in the second Passive Participle (Ismi Méfoul). The Active Participle corresponds to the Present Participle and the Passive Participle to the Past Participle of the English Grammar.

§ 400. The Subjective Active and the Subjective Passive Participles have seven tenses each:

§ 401. Subjective Active Participle. Jeli pul



yazar يازار

yazan who writes, writer, writing (adjectival). one who writes, writing j yazdiq one who wrote.


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Past Future: G) ¿ṣojɩ yazajaq olan one who is (about) to

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,seomeyen سومه بن ,yazmayan يازمایان The Negatives are .sevilmeyen, etc, سويلمه بن yazalmayan يا زلمایان

Múta-la-at: Remarks.

§ 403. I. The Present Active Participle is applicable either to the present or to the past; as:

pɔł übɩ yazan adém, means either 'the writing man, the

man who writes, the man who is writing', and 'the man who wrote'.

§ 404. II. The Aorist Participle means whose nature or business is to write' or 'who is willing to write'; as:

oqour yazar bir adém a man who can read

and write, a literary man'.


georamar georanmez sheyler things which کورونور کورونمز شیار

can be seen and cannot be seen, i. e. visible and invisible things'.

§ 405. III. The Negative of the Past Participle is more used than the Affirmative:

siz dyi bir adem سز ایو بر ادم سکز، سزى سومه دك كيمسه يوقدر

siñiz, sizi sévmédik kimsé yoq dour. is nobody who does not love you.

You are a good man, there

§ 406. IV. Only the Present, the Pluperfect and the Past Future tenses are used either as the subject or as the adjective qualifying the subject of a sentence. The remaining four tenses are always used as adjectives qualifying the subject (§§ 71, 417, 423).

bou بومکتوبی پازان ، یازه حق اولان ، یازمش اولان ذات کیم در?

méktoubou yazan, yazajaq olan, yazmîsh olan zat kim' dir? Who is

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بو مکتوبی یازان ، یازه حق اولان the person who wrote this letter or

Ja joj bou méktoubou yazan, yazajaq olan, yazmish olan kim dir? Who is the writer of this letter?

§ 407. V. Therefore, these three tenses, when used as subjects, are declined like substantives, either alone or with pronominal affixes.

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§ 408. VI. In English, when the object of the verb falls between the verb 'to have' and the Infinitive, it may be rendered into Turkish by the Future Participle (§ 393).

yeyejek ekmeyi yog dour. He has no bread ييه جك اكمك يوقدر

to eat.

§ 409. VII. The Aorist, Past, Dubitative and Future Participles are the same in spelling and pronunciation with those of the Indicative Mood. It is very easy to distinguish them, and there is one absolute rule: If it is Indicative Mood, it must always stand at the end of the sentence, because verbs are always put at the end of the sentence. If it is a Participle, as a subject or a modifier of the subject, it must precede the verb in any case:

bou evde kim otourajaq? Who will بو اوده کیم اوطوره جق ?

dwell in this house?

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