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to be entirely under the control of the little girl, obeying her voice, and feeding from her hand.

We have just returned from a visit to the pond, and have seen the bright-eyed girl sporting with her obedient swarms of pickerel, pouts, and shiners, patting them on the head, touching their sides, and letting them slip through her hands. She has her favorites among them. A pout, which has been marked on the head in some way, and the turtle we spoke of, seem uncommonly intelligent.

A more beautiful instance of the influence of kindness and gentleness can hardly be found. Lions and tigers have been subjected to man, but this instance of taming fishes is as novel as it is interesting.


[The following account of an educated monkey is taken from the Student and Schoolmate, a periodical publication for young persons. It was written by a French gentleman who visited Pernambuco, in Brazil, in 1854]

A SHORT time ago I dined at a Brazilian merchant's. The conversation turned upon the well-tutored monkey of Mr. Vanneck, a Creole gentleman, which had been caught in the woods, and brought to its master in a wild state. Every one praised the accomplished animal, giving such wonderful accounts of its talents that I could not help expressing some incredulity. My host smiled, saying that I was not the first who would not believe in these results of animal education until he had seen it with his own eyes. He therefore proposed to me to call with him on Mr. Vanneck. I gladly consented, and on the following morning we set out.

The house of this gentleman was in the country, about an hour's ride from town. We proceeded along splendid hedges of cactus, shaded by bananas and palm trees, and at last observed the charming villa. A servant received us at the entrance, and took us to the parlor; hastening to tell his

master of our visit. The first object which caught our attention was the monkey, seated on a stool, and sewing with great industry. Much struck, I watched him attentively; while he, not paying any attention to us, proceeded with his work. The door opened, and Mr. Vanneck, reclining on an easy chair, was wheeled in. Though his legs are paralyzed, he seemed bright and cheerful; and he welcomed us most kindly. The monkey went on sewing with great zeal. I could not refrain from exclaiming, "How wonderful!" for the manner and movements of the animal were those of a practised tailor. He was sewing a pair of striped pantaloons, the narrow shape of which showed that they were intended for himself.

A servant now appeared, announcing Madame Jasmin, whom Mr. Vanneck introduced as his neighbor. Madame Jasmin was accompanied by her little daughter, a girl of twelve years, who immediately ran to the monkey, greeting him as an old friend, and beginning to prattle with him. Jack furtively peeped at his master; but as Mr. Vanneck's glance was stern, the tailor went on sewing. Suddenly his thread broke, and he put the end to his mouth, smoothed it with his lips, twisted it with his left paw, and threaded the needle again. Mr. Vanneck then turned to him, and speaking in the same calm tone in which he had conversed with us, said, "Jack, put up your work, and sweep the floor."

Jack hurried to the adjoining room, and came back without delay, with a broom in his paw, and swept and dusted like a clever housemaid. I could now perfectly make out his size, as he walked upright, and not on his four hands. He was about three feet in height, but stooped a little. He was dressed in linen pantaloons, a colored shirt, a jacket, and a red cravat. At another hint from his master, Jack went and brought several glasses of lemonade on a tray. He first presented the tray to Madame Jasmin and her daughter, then to us, precisely like a well-bred footman. When I had emptied my glass, he hastened to relieve me of it, putting it back on the tray.

Mr. Vanneck now took out his watch, and showed it to the monkey; it was just three. Jack went and brought a cup of broth to his master, who remarked that the monkey did not know. the movements of the watch, but that he knew exactly the position of the hands when they pointed to three, and kept in mind that his master required his luncheon at that time. If the watch were shown to him at any other hour, he did not go to fetch the broth; but if the hour of three went by without the luncheon's being called for, he grew fidgety, and at last ran and brought it. In this case he was always rewarded with some sugar plums.

"You have no notion," said Mr. Vanneck, "how much time and trouble, and especially how much patience, I have bestowed on the training of this animal. Confined to my chair, however, I continued my task methodically. Nothing was more difficult than to accustom Jack to his clothes; but at last he submitted to them. Whenever he walks out he wears a straw hat, but never without making fearful grimaces. He takes a bath every day, and is, on the whole, very cleanly."

66 Jack," exclaimed Mr. Vanneck, pointing to me, 66 this gentleman wants his handkerchief." The monkey drew it from my pocket and handed it to me.

"Now show your room to my guests," continued his master; and Jack opened a door, at which he stopped to let us pass, and then followed himself. Every thing was extremely tidy in the small room. There was a bed with a mattress, a table, some chairs, drawers, and various toys; and a gun was hanging on the wall. The bell was rung; Jack went out and reappeared with his master, wheeling in the chair. Meanwhile, I had taken the gun from the wall; Mr. Vanneck handed it to the monkey, who fetched the powder flask and the shot- bag; and in the whole process of loading acquitted himself like a rifleman. I had already seen so much that was astonishing, that I hardly felt surprised at this feat. Jack now placed himself at the open window, took aim, and discharged the gun.

without being in the least startled by the report. He then went through sword exercises with the same skill.

We staid to supper, to which there came more ladies and gentlemen. Jack again exhibited his cleverness in waiting, at which he acquitted himself as well as any man servant.


THE celebrated General Kosciusko, a native of Poland, who served as an engineer in the American army during the revolutionary war, was as remarkable for his benevolence and charity as for his bravery. He gave to the poor all that his means allowed, and often more. On one occasion he was prevented by unexpected business from visiting in person and relieving a poor family on the day he had been accustomed to do so. He knew that they would expect him, and was unwilling that they should suffer disappointment. He asked one of his neighbors, an honest farmer, to go to the house with the sum, which he could not carry himself. The farmer readily consented; and the general lent him for the errand the horse which he was himself accustomed to ride.

The farmer executed his commission, but did not return for a considerable time. When he saw General Kosciusko, his first words were, "I will never ride that horse of yours again, unless you give me your purse at the same time.” The general, somewhat surprised, asked him what he meant. "Because," replied his friend, "every time a beggar met me in the street, and held out his hat and asked for alms, the horse stood still, and would not budge a foot till I had given him something. Unluckily, I had only two shillings of my own money about me. When this was gone, I could only start your horse by playing a trick upon him, of which I was a little ashamed, by making believe throw a piece of money into the extended hat. Your horse is a very good horse: but he has learned all

your charitable tricks, and will never do for a poor man to


Horses sometimes learn the vices, as well as the virtues, of their masters. In England, a great many years ago, when travellers were often stopped and robbed on the highway, a fine horse was sold to a gentleman at a price which seemed much below his real value. But on taking a little journey with him, the gentleman found that the horse would never pass a stage coach, or a travelling carriage, when on a country road, without stopping short, with his head as near as possible to the door, or side.

The animal had belonged to a noted highwayman, who had been in the habit of robbing carriages by riding up to them, holding a pistol to the heads of the inmates, through the window, and requiring them to give up their purses. The horse had thus learned of his own accord to assist his owner in his unlawful calling. His new master constantly incurred the suspicion of being a highwayman by the conduct of the animal he rode, and was soon compelled to part with his purchase, which was no horse for an honest man to ride, who had no intention of robbing on the highway.

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THREE hungry travellers found a bag of gold:
One ran into the town where bread was sold.
He thought, "I will poison the bread I buy,
And seize the treasure when my comrades die."
But they too thought, when back his feet have hied,
"We will destroy him, and the gold divide.”
They killed him, and, partaking of the bread,
In a few moments all were lying dead.

O world! behold what ill thy goods have done:
Thy gold has poisoned two, and murdered one!

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