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THE YEAR 1880.





Page 185. In explanation of the large increase of receipts for public schools reported for Missouri in 1879-'80, it should be mentioned that the sum given, $832,371, includes a balance on hand from the previous year.




General statement of the work of the office, with list of its publications

during the year, v, vi; remarks on the collection of statistics of edu-

cation throughout the United States, vii, viii; statistical summary

of institutions, instructors, and students for the last ten years, viii-

x; summary of school age, population, enrolment, attendance, &c..

xí, xii; diagram of school ages in the United States, xii; diagram

of the relation of average attendance and enrolment to school pop-

ulation, xiii; diagram of the average pay of male and female

teachers, xiv; summary of the teachers employed in the public

schools and their average monthly salaries, xv, xvi; increased com-

pleteness and value of educational reports, xvi, xvii; rural schools

and graded courses of study therein, xvii-xix; selection and ap-

pointment of teachers, xx; methods of computing average monthly

salaries, xx, xxi; summary of annual income and expenditure for

public schools, xxii, xxiii; summary of per capita expenditure,

xxiii, xxiv; teachers' tenure of office, school supervision, XXV;

women as voters and school officers, xxv, xxvi; permanent school

funds, xxvi; educational land grants by the United States to public-

land and other States, xxvi-xxxiv; examination of schools, xxxiv,

XXXV; instruction in morals, XXXV, Xxxvi; educational activity,

Xxxvi, xxxvii; text books, xxxvii; statistical generalizations by

years and topics, xxxvii-xxxix; diagram of school population, en-

rolment, and average attendance for eight years, xl; summary of

the educational condition of the States and Territories, xli-lvii;

comparative statistics of education in the South, lvii; educa-

tion of the colored race, lviii-lxiv; Peabody fund, lxv; summary of

school statistics of cities, lxvi-lxxxi; women on school boards, ser-

vice and qualifications of school boards, lxxxii; superintendents,

lxxxii, lxxxiii; attendance and school population, lxxxiii, lxxxiv;

conduct of elementary instruction, lxxxiv, lxxxv; high schools,

discipline, truant service, lxxxv; diagram of relation between

school population and enrolment and attendance in cities of over

75,000 inhabitants, lxxxvi; school-houses, schools maintained by

private effort, lxxxvii; summary of normal school statistics, with

remarks, lxxxvii-c; summary of statistics of commercial and busi-

ness colleges, c, ci; summary of statistics of Kindergärten, with re-

marks, ci-ciii; summary of statistics of secondary instruction, with

remarks, civ-cix; summary of statistics of preparatory schools, with

remarks, cix-cxi; connection of high schools with State universi-

ties, exi-cxiv; Round Hill School, exv; courses preparatory to

higher scientific study, exvi, cxvii; summary of statistics of insti-

tutions for the superior instruction of women, with remarks, cxvii-

cxxi; requisites for admission to colleges for women, cxxi, cxxii;

opportunities for higher education of women, cxxii; summary of

statistics of universities and colleges, with remarks, cxxii-cxxxi;

preparatory departments, cxxxi, cxxxii; relation of colleges or uni-

versities to public high schools and preparatory schools, cxxxii,

cxxxiii; admission requirements and college curricula, cxxxiii,

cxxxiv; college government, cxxxiv, cxxxv; universities, cxxXV,

cxxxvi; summary of statistics of schools of science, with remarks,

cxxxvi-cxxxix; recent history of agricultural colleges, cxl-cxlvi;

recent history of schools of science not endowed by the national

land grant, cxlvi-cxlviii; summary of statistics of schools of theol-

ogy, cxlviii, cxlix; summary of statistics of schools of law, with

remarks, cxlix, cl; work of law schools, cl-clii; summary of statis-

tics of schools of medicine, with remarks, clii-cly; summary of





statistics of degrees conferred, clv-clx; sale of collegiate and pro-

fessional degrees, clx-clxv; summary of statistics of additional

public libraries, clxvi, clxvii; summary of statistics of training

schools for nurses, with remarks, clxvii, clxviii; summary of statis-

tics of institutions for the deaf and dumb, with remarks, clxviii-

clxxiii; summary of statistics of schools for the blind, with remarks,

clxxiii-clxxviii; summary of statistics of schools for feeble-minded,

with remarks, clxxviii, clxxix; summary of statistics of reform

schools, with remarks, clxxx-clxxxv; summary of statistics of or-

phan asylums, clxxxvi, clxxxvii; summary of statistics of bene-

factions, clxxxviii, clxxxix; summary of educational publications,

clxxxix; summary of patents for improvements in school furniture,

cxc, cxcí; education in foreign countries, exci-ccxxxiv; industrial

education, ccxxxiv-ccxxxviii; popular science teaching, ccxxxviii,

ccxxxix; evening schools, ccxxxix-cexlii; United States Army

post schools, ccxlii-ccxliv; special schools for Indians, ccxlv;

summer schools, ccxlv, ccxlvi; organized charities, ccxlvi; sanita-

tion and education, ccxlvi-cexlix; color blindness and myopia,

ccxlix, cel; physiology of reading and writing, cel-celv; school-

house grounds, cclv; exemption of school property from taxation,

celv-celvii; litigation in school matters, cclvií, eelviii; instruction

in forestry, celviii-cclx; scientific investigations, cclx; graphic

methods of exhibiting education in museums, cclx-cclxi; recom-

mendations, cclxi, cclxii; conclusion, cclxii.

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