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The Good Templars' Home for Orphans.

In 1869 a capacious and elegant structure was erected near Vallejo, in Solano County, California, and in October, 1870, it was dedicated and opened under the auspices of the Grand Lodge, and entitled the "Good Templars' Home for Orphans." Its title is not meant to convey any idea of exclusiveness as to the class admitted to its sheltering offices. On the contrary, it is open to all; the only passport required at its portals is to be a homeless orphan child. Children under fourteen years of age are received and cared for, and one hundred and fifty orphaned children are now being cared for within its walls. This kindly office has been extended to nearly one thousand homeless children in the past. The buildings are sightly, capacious, and pleasantly located. The Home is under the general management of a Board of Trustees and a Board of Lady Managers the former comprising nine gentlemen of the Order, who have charge of the buildings, grounds (20 acres), and financial matters, while thə Board of Lady Managers is composed of eight prominent lady members of the Order, selected from various portions of the State, and has charge of the internal and domestic relations of the institution. Within the Home graded schools under the "Public School System" of the State, are taught by three competent teachers. Upwards of $150,000 has been expended in the erection, care and maintenance of this institution. The Home is supported and sustained by voluntary contributions, and those benevolently disposed are requested to favor it by contributions in its behalf.


This is the juvenile branch of the Independent Order of Good Templars, under the care and patronage of the Grand Lodge of California, and has a separate ritual, pledge and badge.

The organization has a legal and well-defined connection with the Grand Lodge, in which body the Band of Hope is entitled to representation.

Sunday Schools or juvenile organizations desiring to adopt the Band of Hope as a temperance work among the children, will be furnished rituals and badges free of charge in any needed quantity.

For rituals, badges, or any information pertaining to juvenile temperance work, address

MRS. M. E. RICHARDSON, Gen'l Sup't,

East Oakland,


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