Imágenes de páginas

To manure an acre highly, it requires 12 to 15 barrels or 36 to 45 bushels spread broadcast. Ap

plied in hills, one half of this quantity will suffice. Its application is simple and easy, and printed instructions for its use will accompany every parcel sent to order.

We desire it to be remembered, that our manure has no similarity to another, known under the name of Poudrette," although the principal component of ours (the Fecal matter) is the same as that which is used in poudrette in a much less proportion; our auxiliary substances, as well as our manufacturing process, are altogether of a different nature and kind. It belongs not to us to eulogize further the quality of our manure, what we desire at present is, to call upon the members of the agricultural community to try it! and we have reasons to assure them, that they will find it the most profitable manure they

ever used.

Price, taken at the Factory:

37 cents per bushel, without package; 50 cents per bushel, packed in barrels; or, $1.50 per barrel, package included.

Orders addressed to the above company at this office, 72 Greenwich-st., New York, will be promptly attended to.

By order of the Board of Directors, GEORGE BOMMER, Director. New York, January, 1849.

The Factory will be in full operation early in the spring, and manure can be had in April next, and at any time afterwards Feb. 1-tf.

ENCING-FENCING.-The undersigned is now prepar

Fed to furnish the entire apparatus, or any part of the chinery, exhibited in operation at the late Fairs of the Maryland Institute, and the State Agricultural Exhibition, for the manufacture of the new, beautiful and highly economical kind of fencing, figured and described in the August No. of this journal, for 1847-together with the Patent Right for any of the counties of this State, upon reasonable terms, to such as desire, except those of Frederick, Washington, Carroll, Montgomery, Prince George's, Baltimore and Kent-also, for the entire territory of Virginia, or any part of it-likewise for any of the Southern States except Kentucky-See the reports of committees published in the late December No. of the American Farmer.

C. COLEMAN. Mt. Pleasant, Frederick county, Md., Feb. 1849. lt-mh.1. PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS!!

Circular to the Farmers of Maryland.

Y Manure, manufactured in Baltimore, known as CHAPPELL'S FERTILIZER, OR AGRICULTURAL SALTS. This article is composed of the same materials as are found by analysis in the ash of plants. It consists of a mixture (in proper proportions) of Bi Phosphate of Lime, and Magnesia (or bones dissolved in sulphuric acid,) Sulphates of Am monia, Potash, Soda, and Lime, Animal Charcoal, Silicates of Potash, Alumina and Magnesia, and, as these constituents indicate, is intended to restore to the soil, all the inorganic materials abstracted by vegeta. tion. It has been ascertained that a soil containing a sufficient quantity of these salts, is always fertile; and their absence constitutes what is called "Worn-out Land." The analysis of rich soils show a good supply, and poor land a deficiency.

OUR attention is called to a new article of

The inorganic matter abstracted from the soil by the growth of different crops is the same, varying only in proportion, it is therefore evident that if we supply to the soil a sufficient quantity of each material thus abstracted, we restore its fertility.

The correctness of the above, has been fully sustained by the use of the agricultural salts, the last season. It has been used on poor land, and 25 to 28 bushels of wheat obtained, with a superior crop of clover. As a top dressing on wheat, 8 bushels additional has been realized. On the spring crops, of corn, oats and clover, the yield has been doubled.It has been used on the same field, (as an experiment) with the best Peruvian Guano both on corn and oats, and the yield has resulted in favor of the

Fertilizer. The most respectable reference can be given of its value and effects on poor land.

This article having been used with such favorable results, the manufacturer now offers it to agriculturists with the full confidence that it will largely repay for the outlay, and that it is the cheapest manure they can use.

On very poor land 2 barrels to the acre should be applied, on that in better condition, one, to one and a half barrels. It is calculated in using two barrels you supply to the soil sufficient salts for a rotationas a top dressing, one barrel put on after a rain, or when the land is wet, and in all cases near the surface and not ploughed in, broadcast and harrowed when practicable. The Ammonia in this prepara tion is a Sulphate, and therefore not volatile as in Guano, the Bi Phosphates being soluble,- the rain dissolves them, and they thus saturate the soil with prepared food, ready for the nourishment of the plant; being rich in Sulphates, they are powerful absorbents of ammonia from the atmosphere.

The subscriber is manufacturing Ploughs of various patterns and of different sizes; also Wheat Fans, Cylindrical Straw Cut ters, Corn and Tobacco Cultivators, CORN SHELLERS, &c. Also, THRESHING MACHINES and HORSE POWERS-these latter are used by the following gentlemen, to whom reference is made, as to their superior value, viz: Messrs. T. Beard, Th. Beard, Dr. Watkins, J. T. Hodges, T. Welsh, W. Mackall. J. Inglehart. A. Sellman, R. Sellman, W. Hopkins, J. Kent, Geo. Wells, Geo. Gale, Dr. Fenwick, A. Franklin, 3. C. Weems, of Anne Arundel county; G. W. Weems, J. T. Barber, R. B. As this Fertilizer can be manufactured only to a Chew, W. Boswell, Y. Howes, of Calvert co., Md. Agent of limited extent, and as the demand during the seedEvans Davis, Baltimore co. for sale of the woodcock Plowing season, during last fall, was much greater than Pennsylvania Grain Cradles.


Gillingham Alley, entrance from Howard-st., near Pratt, and store, Hollingsworth-st. corner Pratt.


[blocks in formation]

could be supplied, it would be advisable for those who may wish to obtain a supply in time, to send in their orders and purchase at once.

Price $20 per ton of 2000 lbs. put up in barrels, of 300 lbs. each. Terms, cash on delivery. Address, P. S. CHAPPELL, Chemist, Baltimore.

Note.-Guano is deficient in alkalies and sulphates -this preparation has a sufficient supply, and for this reason on some soils, is superior to it for producing large crops. Patent Kight secured. feb 1

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][graphic]

HE above cut represents Charles H. Drury's Horse Power Grist Mill, which was published in the American Farmer one year ago; they have been in use ever since, as the annexed certificates will show:

WEST RIVER, January 30, 1849. Mr. Charles H. Drury-Sir: I have used your mill for more than a year, and it still continues to give entire satisfaction. I grind once a fortnight fourteen bushels of corn, yielding from seventeen to seventeen and a half bushels of good meal, at the rate of four bushels per hour with five horses.

Your horse power I also consider the best I have ever seen.. kam, very respectfully,

J. THOMAS. Having used your milk the same length of time


A. G. MOTT, PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, GRAIN CRADLES, WHEAT FANS, CORN SHELLERS DRICAL STRAW CUTTERS, &c. &c. How Castings, of the New York composition chilled metal, always on hand, and old implements repaired, at No. 38 ENSOR STREET, adjoining the Bel-air Market, Baltimore.

[ocr errors]

Mr. Thomas has, I fully concur in the opinion he has expressed in regard to it, and your horse-powers, in all its particulars. THOMAS J. HALL,

To Mr. Chas. H. Drury. Light-st. Wharf.

Persons in want of such an article are referred to either of the above gentlemen, or to Dr. James Chesor to Mr. Y. D. Hance, of Calvert county, or Mr. ton, Mr. Sprigg Harwood, of Anne Arundel county, John Hamilton, of Charles county. One may be seen soon at Mr. M. B. Carroll's, Prince George's county, near Nottingham.


With whom may be found Horse Powers, Threshing Machines, Wheat Fans, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Grain Cradles, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, &c. &c. Hollingsworth-street, corner of Pratt. Baltimore, March, 1849.


mh 1

T HEIR Agricultural uses, with explanations of their properties and management, the soils to which they are applicable, and the precautions to be observed in their use, esCYLIN-pecially adapted to the wants of practical farmers-by JAMES HYATT, Chemist of Mt. Airy Agricultural Institute, Germantown, Pa. Copies of this treatise, more particularly noticed 'in the American Farmer, of Nov. last, can be had of SAMUEL SANDS, Office of the American Farmer, 124 cents per copy. It can be sent by mail to any post office. feb. 1.

[ocr errors]


The Moore & Chamberlain Plow can be had only of N. U. Mott.


Will offer for sale this season, the largest Stock of

Agricultural Implements and Seeds,

Ever found in an Agricultural Warehouse in the City of Baltimore; consisting in part of

100 Whitman's Premium Wrought Iron Rail-way Horse-powers. Price of the Double Power, $100, single dito $75. 100 Various kinds of Sweep Horse-powers, viz: Fitz', Allen's, Kirkpatrick's and others, from $65 to $120.

200 Whitman's Improved Threshers The cylinder of this machine will last 100 years, in constant use. Price, $45 to $50. If the Straw Carrier is attached, $15 will be added; and if made to thresh and clean at one operation, price $100. 50 Common Threshers, as low as can be purchased in any part of the country.

6,000 PLOUGHS,

Consisting of every kind sold in Maryland, New York, and Massachusetts. The first Premium on Ploughs in the Ploughing Match of the State Fair, holden at Baltimore, last November, was looked upon as a matter of great importance to every one engaged in agriculture; and this made the contest a spirited one, and brought in ploughs from all parts of the country, among which was the Wiley, Moore & Chamberlain, "Maryland Self-sharpener," and a host of others. Committee, after ttial, had no hesitation in awarding the first premium to E. Whitman, Jr., for the work done with his Prouty & Mears' Centre-draft Plough.

A large stock of Wheat Drills, Hay Presses, Gold Washers, and all kinds of Plough Castings, Grain Cradles, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, &c. &c. E. WHITMAN, JR., Corner of Light and Pratt streets, Baltimore, Md. WHITE MERCER POTATOES A NEW VARIETY.W These potatoes were originally grown by a gentleman in New Jersey from seed of the Mereer. It is a superior variety both for early and late planting. And so far has not suffered from the hollow heart, incident to the old variety. A saniple may be seen at this office. Persons wishing to procure seed will leave their orders. Price $1.25 per hushel.



1000 received from the Chinche Islands.

Also, PATAGONIAN AND AFRICAN GUANO, in large or small quantities to suit purchasers.

We recommend to the farmers and planters to form associ



ations for the purchase of guano in larger quantities than they AMERICAN FRUIT BOOK.

can do singly. Their interest is concerned in buying directly
from the port where it is imported, in large quantities, and
from such dealers as they can rely upon.
A. B. ALLEN & CO.,
Jani 4t
189 and 191 Water street, New York.
Fscreened at one and the same operation, with more econo-
ARMERS who want their wheat threshed, cleaned and
my of wheat, time and power, and also perfection of appara-
tus, than that done by any other machine of the same cost,
now known, would do well to send on their orders without
delay, remembering the shop rule, "first come first served;"
we, however, hereby promise to make every effort to supply
our customers with machines, which for workmanship and
judicious arrangement, founded upon principles at once plain,
simple and practical, being easily used by ordinary farm bands.
We will deliver a Thresher, with its attachments for clean-
ing and screening, similar to the one which took the 1st pre-
mium (and that by universal consent,) at the last Exhibition,
in the city of Baltimore, or at an equal distance in other di
rections from our shop for $110, or at the shop for $100.

Since the Fair we have made an improvement in the tread power, (which we purpose patenting,) by which one-third more power can be gained from the same weight of horses.

This superior Power will be furnished as above for 2 horses for $100, and for 3 horses $110. With the latter power from 25 to 35 bushels Wheat can be threshed, cleaned and bagged per hour. We are about getting up a set of patterns for Lever Powers, which we warrant a decided improvement in said powers, which will be delivered in Baltimore, for $70, or at

the shop at $65.

Persons who have Water Power, by using our Thresher and
Cleaner can have a splendid threshing arrangement.

ATLEE & BLYTHE, New Windsor, Carroll Co., Md.

S. W. COLE, Esq., Author of the popular work

entitled The American Veterinarian, of which 22,000 copies have already been published, has, afcompleted his great work, entitled Cole's American ter years of patient labor and close investigation, Fruit Book: A work which we believe is destined to have a more widely extended circulation than any similar work, ever before offered to the American public. We believe so for the following reasons:

FIRST, It is a mature work and a practical one, One on which Mr. Cole has spent many years of study and close examination, and knowing the wants of the community has met those wants, in a plain, concise and familiar manner, avoiding technicalities, and ultra scientific specifications and definitions, useful only to the few, he has made a work intelligible to all. It will be emphatically a book for


SECONDLY, It will have an unprecedented sale on account of its cheapness. It will make a volume of 288 closely printed pages. Illustrated with over one hundred beautifully executed engravings, by Brown, and will be sold for 50 cents, firmly bound in Leather, and 62 cents in Fancy Cloth, with gilt backs. It will contain full directions for Raising, Propagating and Managing Fruit Trees, Shrubs and HE superiority of these machines over all others is, that Plants, with a description of the best varieties of the Gold, Platina, Cinnabar, (ore of Quicksilver,) and FRUIT, embracing several new and valuable kinds; black sand, (containing a large per centage in gold) cannot es-embellished with Engravings, and outlines of FRUIT cape; and that the gravel and dirt pass off without detention. TREES, and various other designs. Emphatically a These machines will perform more and better work than any Book for Everybody. other ever constructed. They may be operated by hand, horse, water or steam power. Price of hand Machines, $25 to $35 Additional sieves, each; horse power machines, $50 each. castings, irons, and boxing extra.

As well for the man who eats Fruit, as for him who raises it. This valuable work will be publish


In addition to the above, emigrants to California, will find ed early in February. at our Warehouse a large and complete assortment of the best and most recently constructed mining tools of all kinds; smelting and assaying apparatus, crucibles and retorts, with printed directions for using, Pumps and Hose, Whitney's celebrated Rifles, Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows, Agricultural Implements, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. &c., at the lowest prices.

The public are cautioned against purchasing Gold Machines, imitations and counterfeits of Mr. Leavenworth's patent, as he has directed his Agent at San Francisco, E. Crosby, Esq. to enjoin all persons from using such on their arrival at California. A. B. ALLEN & CO. 189 and 191 Water-st., New York. feb 1-2t

SAGE ORANGE SEED.-Persons wishing to obtain a supply of this Seed, can be furnished at this Office, at the reduced rate of $2 per quart. Warranted French

Burr Mill Stones.
ESOPUS do., French BURR
PLASTER.-The subscribers
beg leave to inform their cus-
tomers and the public, tha
they are prepared to furnish
the above articles, of best
quality, at the shortest possi-
ble notice. They continue to
import French Barr Blocks,
selected by one of the firm at
the quarries in France.

Orders from any part of the
United States, accompanied
with satisfactory references,
will be promptly attended to.
West Falls Avenue, near Pratt-st. Bridge, Baltimore, Md.

Active, intelligent, and honest, are wanted, to sell this book, in every State in the Union. A castr capital of from $25 to $50 will be necessary. Address, (post paid) the publishers,

John P. Jewett & Co.

A rare chance for Agents to make money.
Are General Agents for the Publishers, for the
State of Maryland.
Feb. 1.3t
The above work will be on sale at the Office of the
American Farmer.

IME-LIME--The subscriber is prepared to furnish from

Lhis depot at the City Rlock, Baltimore, ALUM STONE

LIME of the purest description, deliverable at any point on the Chesapeak Bay or its tributaries, at such prices as cannos fail to please.

He is also prepared to furnish superior building Lime at 25e. E. J. COOPER, per bushel, in hhds., or at $1 per bbl. july 1 City Block, Baltimore.

PERUVIAN GUANO. THE cargoes of the ships Xylon and Deucalion of direct im portation into this port, and found by the State Inspector to be of the very best quality. This Guano has been put in good new Cotton Osnaburg hags. For sale by

feb 1. JAMES 1. FISHER, No. 76 Spear's Wharf

[ocr errors]

HE "Simon pure," and invincible WILEY PLOW still in the field-A. G. MOTT, at No. 38 ENSOR STREET, near the Bel-air Market - Manufacturer and Vender of Implements of Husbandry, viz. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Wheat-Fans, Corn-Shellers, Straw-Cutters, Endless enain Horse-Powers, Threshing Machines, &c. &c.-through this medium, would apprize the agricultural community of the fact, that he is the only manufacturer in the "Monumental city" of the GENUINE WILEY PLOw, (right and left hand) composed of the real "simon pure" and justly celebrated New York composition, chilled castings, the points of which, are warranted to stand the most rugged soil equal to steel, at a cost of about two cents per aere, for blacksmith's bill.-If you are for bargains, call, or send your orders, for he guarantees his implements good as the best, and cheap as the cheapest, for cash, and delivered in any part of the town free of charge. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK


Horse Powers, Threshing Machines,
Ploughs, &c.


HE subscriber advertised his entire stock of Implements for sale at auction, to take place at the late State Agricultural Fair, held in this city, but not being permitted to make the sale till Saturday, the last day of the Fair, when the visitors had mostly left the city, he did not accomplish his object. He has on hand about 60 Ploughs, several Horse Powers and Threshing Machines. Of his own patent Iron Frame Cylindrical Straw Cutter, all with extra knives, and two of them his 20 inch size, fitted for hand or horse power, revolving bottoms and capable of cutting 2000 bushels of straw per day; a Wheat Fan, and a Fan for cleaning Clover seed, Corn and Cob Grinders, and many other articles, all made in a faithful manner, and of the best materials, all of which he will sell for less than the first cost, as he has no room to store them.He has also for sale very low, Lathes, one very large for turning, boreing and chucking; a Blacksmith's Bellows, (which and Heading Tools, Sledges, &c.; one Trip Hammer, from the Messrs. Denmeads; Patterns with dies, &c.; one Hoisting Wheel, Grind Stones and Grind Stone Frames; a great variety of Moulding Flasks; a great variety of Plough Patterns, ground and finished in the best manner, with follow-board of superior quality. Also Patterns for Horse Powers, Corn Shellers, &c. all of which will be sold at far less than they can be made.All persons writing for information are expected to pay their postage. J. S. EASTMAN, dec 1 In the rear of 180 West Pratt Street.

Tinstitute, received the first premiums for articles in their has never been used, Anvil, and a great quantity of Tongues

HE subscribers-who, at the late Fair of the Maryland line of business, on exhibition-offer for sale a fine assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's SADDLES, Coach, Wagon and Cart HARNESS, Bridles, Whips, Collars and Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Shot and Bird Bags, &c., &c., on terms fully as cheap as the same quality can be obtained in the city. They particularly recommend their Spring Saddles for comfort to the rider and safety to the horses. S. & T. T. HUNT,

Jan1 3m

167 Baltimore street.


of different sale, together with a large and complete assortment of the various kinds of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements.Also FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS of the best qualities. A Catalogue of the above Implements, Seeds, &c. of 100 pages, will be sent gratis, when requested, post paid. A. B. ALLEN & CO.

Feb. 1.2t.

189 and 191 Water-st., New York.

MOBILE SEED STORE. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS for the Sale of Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers. Harrows, Cultivators, Seed Planters, Water Rams, &c. The undersigned have been for many years devoted to the advancement of Agricultural, Horticultural, and other scientific pursuits, for which a taste is advancing in this State rapidly, and beyond any other period of its existence; and aware of the want of an

ASPHALTED ROOFING FELT - Thos fel, is the citizens of this and the adjoining state, and the proprie

highly recommended as a durable roofing for houses, as also for the use of railways, and for sheeting ship bottoms. It tors can have confidence, and who would take a direct and is much used in England, where it is patented, and testimoni- personal interest in furthering the introduction of approved als can be produced of the high estimation in which it is held Agricultural and Horticultural implements, tools and machinin that country. Further particulars can be had of the subscri-ery, we are induced to open an Agency in this city, devoted bers, who will receive orders for the supply of the article. A to these branches alone. From our knowledge of, and acsample is also left at the office of the American Farmer. quaintance with the Planters of Alabama and Mississippi, we nov. 1 GUEST & GILMORE, Baltimore. are enabled to offer greater inducements and facilities to Patentees and Inventors for the sale of their articles than can be obtained elsewhere. We will open an exclusive AGRICULTURAL AGENCY WAREHOUSE IN MOBILE,

PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS, And all kinds of Agricultural finplements and Machinery manufactured of the very best materials. Being a practical workman myself, I feel safe in saying I warrant all articles purchased at my establishment. 1 still manufacture the Wiley, Empire, Minor & Horton, and the Delaware Premium Ploughs, both right and left hand. I am sole Agent for the sale and manufacture of Moor & Chamberlain's Delaware Premium Ploughs. Those ploughs took the first and second premiums, by N. U. Mott, at the Maryland State Fair, held at Fairmount, on the 9th and 10th of the 11th month, 1848, over numbers of compe utors. This plough is the lightest draught plough, by near 200 lbs., than any other plough in use. I am also Agent for Pennock's Patent Pennsylvania Pioneer Wheat Drill, for Wheat, Corn or Oats-considered the best and most perfect Drill in use. I also manufacture and keep for sale N. U. Mott's premium Hinge Harrow, a good article, and the Moore & Chamberlain's Patent Hollow-shank Steel Cultivator Teeth, a superior article; Edge T. Cope's Endless-Chain Horse Powers and Threshing Machines and Separators, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Wheat Fans, Harrows, Cultivators, and all articles used in the farming line. Being a practical workman myself, and paying strict attention to my business, and using the best of materials, I warrant all articles. Call and see for yourselves Thankful for past favors, I shall endeavor to merit a continNICHOLAS U. MOTT,

uance of the same.

Paca street, 5th door from the Lexington Market, and adjoining the Hand Tavern. N. B. All orders addressed to Ñ. U. Mott, Paca street, will meet with immediate attention. decl



Inventors and Patentees are invited to a correspondence, (post paid) relating to Plows, Harrows, Rollers, Cultivators, Horse Powers, Grain and Rice Thrashers, Hulling Machines, Fanning Mills, Cotton Gins, and all other articles useful to Planters and Agriculturists.

Road, of which Mobile will be the depot, will go on to a rapid It may be proper to add that the great Mobile and Ohio Rail ferior to none in the Union, for the sale of everything conand certain completion, and that this will shortly be a point innected with the vast interest of Agriculture in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky, and through the terminus of the Road at the mouth of the Ohio, with the "Great West," whose outlet this will be in a fair and profitable rivalry with

New Orleans.

We will make prompt returns of all business confided to us.
Agricultural works received on commission.
Mobile, Sept., 1848.
Stewart & Easton, Esqs.; J. G. Lyon, Esq., U. S. Marshal.
Refer to: Hon. John Gayle, Member of Congress; Messrs.
Messrs. LeBaron & Son; J. C. Hodges, Esq.; Collier H.
Minge, Esq.; Messrs. L. Merchant & Co.; J. H. Rivers & Co.;
Robert Desha & Co.; David Stodder, Esq.

nov 1-6m


GEORGE PAGE, Machinist & Manufacturer, Baltimore st. West of Schroder st. Baltimore, is now prepared to supply Agriculturists and all others in want of Agricultural and Labor-saving MACHINERY, with any thing

THE subscribers are prepared to furnish Building and Ag-in his line. He can furnish Portable Saw Mills to go by steam, ricultural Lime at the depot on the Back Basin, corner of Eden and Lancaster-sts., which they will warrant to give satisfaction, it being burnt from pure Alum Lime Stone, equal to any found in the United States. Orders may be left with WILLIAM ROBINSON, No. 15 Hollingsworth-street, near Pratt. feb. 1-tf. FELL & ROBINSON City Block

horse or water power; Lumber Wheels; Horse Powers of various sizes, ranging in price from $85 to $200, and each simple, strong and powerful. His Horse Power & Thrashing Machine, he is prepared to supply at the low price of $125 complete; the Thrashing Machines without the horse power, according to size, at $30, 40, 65 and $75; Improved Seed and Corn Planter, Portable Tobacco Press; Portable Grigt Mills complete, $12.


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