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The Inspection of the Schools took place on Thursday, 6th March. A manifest improvement in the general conduct of the children was observable, in the form of greater quietude and better application to work. The Duplicate Examination Schedule has been received from the Education Department. It shows that of 107 children examined, 106 passed in reading, 92 in writing, and 99 in arithmetic: the per centage of passes being 92.5.


Below is the Statement of Account for the year: examination of it will show that careful economy is exercised: indeed an outlay of about 10 is now required to put the premises into decent repair; but there are no funds for this purpose, the result on the year as it is being slightly adverse. SCHOOL ACCOUNT.

Year ended 29th February, 1884.

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Salaries of Principal Teachers, Sewing Mistress,

Pupil Teachers, and Monitors

Books, Apparatus, and Stationery

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Fuel and Light, and Cleaning

,, Taxes and Insurance

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The mention of the two Nave Windows-now known to us by the names of "The Window of Holy Men" and "The Window of Holy Women"- has been interrupted by the notices which came in at the beginning of the year; they need not occupy so much space as the Te Deum and Font Windows, because even the young, for whom these explanations are intended, can read

them for themselves without much difficulty, by the light of the accompanying texts; and because, they are simply Holy Men and Women seen in some of those prominent passages of their lives, which are familiar to the Church as amongst the great Lessons given to it in Holy Scripture: whereas, the other windows involved doctrinal statements, necessitating careful setting forth, for the instruction of the young mind. Here then are eight passages from Scripture History, in which eminent Saints of God have taken part; and it will be felt, that the situation of these windows in the midst of the Congregation, naturally suggested some design, which might offer profitable contemplation for spare moments, and impress the Worshippers with the sense of Communion with the Saints of God's Church for all time-the One Body, the formation and unity of which, suffered no interruption, by the manifestation of God in the Flesh. Thus the histories are taken from both Testaments, and the work of the Divine Grace upon the souls of the people of God, is felt to be the same from the beginning until now.



March 9th-Charles A. L., son of Albert C. and Jane French Ebley.



At the approach of Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter, the Clergy of the Parish feel it their duty solemnly and earnestly to entreat all those committed to their charge to give up as much of their time and thoughts as they possibly can, both in public and in private, to the continual contemplation of those great subjects of meditation, which the Church now sets before us day by day-the Sufferings, the Death, the Burial, and the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour-as a great appointed means to deepen in our hearts the abhorence of sin, and to quicken in them that true practical love of Christ, which is assuredly the best defence against temptation of every kind.

The Holy Communion will be celebrated on Easter Day, both at 8 a.m., and at the usual 11 o'clock Service, and the Clergy desire to call serious attention to the rubric at the end of the office for Holy Communion, in which every Parishioner is required to communicate at Easter.

There will also be a Celebration, as in years past, on Good Friday, at the 11 o'clock Service.

The Evening Service during the whole of the Holy Week, except on Good Friday, will be at 7.30. On Good Friday it will be at 6 p m., and it will be at the same hour on Easter Day, and on every Sunday afterwards until further notice.

There will be a Lecture or Sermon after the Service on the first four days in Holy Week; the Services on Good Friday will be the same as on Sunday.

And may God in His mercy bless to our souls the observance of this Holy Season.

The Report of the Government Inspector has been received, and it appears that out of 89 children in the Standards presented for examination, 84 passed in reading, 78 in writing, and 74 in arithmetic; or to put the return in another form, 69 out of 89 passed in all three subjects, 13 in two, 6 in but one, with 1 only total failure. The Report of the "Infant Class" is altogether satisfactory, the average attendance being 34.

If the Examination had been conducted according to the old Code the Grants would have exceeded £90, but the amount is now to a greater degree dependent on the average attendance— an arrangement more favourable to Town Schools than to those to which the children come from a wide and scattered district as is the case with our Schools. The average attendance however during last year amounted to 108-74 in the Standards and 34 infants. The Grant for the elder children amounted to £60. 8s. 8d., and that for the infants to £21. 5s., total £81. 13s. 8d. This year there is no deduction. The net amount last year was £83. 4s. 8d., so that there is a falling off of £1. 11s. 6d., entirely to be accounted for by the change of Code.

A Merit Grant of 2s. is given "on the Scale of Good," and it is also said in the Report that "the per centage of passes has greatly advanced since last year, and is now very creditably high." Under these circumstances we do not so much regret the less favourable mention of such subjects as Elocution and Geography. The Report of the singing is also not so good as might be wished, though no fault was found by the Inspector when present, and that of the needlework is not "very good" this year, yet it is said to pass in every stage; this is of the elder children in the Standards; that of the infants is said to be fairly good.

The Parish Concert, mentioned in the last number of the Magazine, is now fixed for Wednesday Evening, April 16th, and assistance in carrying out the programme has been kindly promised by Miss Bengough, Miss Trollope, Rev. H. Ault, Mr. E. Goldsmith (deputy Organist of Gloucester Cathedral), and several other ladies and gentlemen.

We hope the programmes will be in the printer's hands in a few days. The proceeds of the Concert will be devoted to the Choir fund, which has been rather heavily taxed of late.



March 2-Alice, daughter of Alfred and Hannah Butcher. 23-Charles, son of John and Eliza Clark.

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-Sarah Jane, daughter of William and Sarah Nelmes,
Berkeley Road.

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J. C. Bengough, Esq. 110 Mr. J. R. Bailey


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