Imágenes de páginas

thodist Church in Upper Canada, 62,
198, 331, 483; in the United States
of America, 62, 198, 331, 483-new
regulation respecting the annual return
of, 223, 359, 517

Minutes, District, standing order con-
cerning, 90, 225, 360, 519
Missionaries, stations of, 39, 176, 307,
457-total number of, 62, 199, 332,

Missionary Secretaries, rule concerning
the appointment of, 84

Missions, City and Town, general estab-
lishment of, recommended, 355
Missions, Committees, Treasurers, &c.,
for, 65, 201, 334, 486-Treasurer of
the London District Auxiliary to be
a member of the General Committee
ex officio, 65-resolution to extend
the Missions in India, 64-retire-
ment of Lancelot Haslope, Esq.,
from the office of General Trea-
surer, 65-arrangements for holding
Anniversaries to be made at the
Financial District-Meetings, 66, 202,
335, 487-persons who are invited
to attend the Special Meeting of the
Committee preparatory to the Confer-
ence, 66, 203, 336, 488-General Sec-
retaries to be furnished with a copy of
the District-Minute concerning candi-
dates for Mission work, 488-thanks
to officers, 66, 202, 334, 487-Mission-
ary Deputations, 67, 203, 336, 488

Newton, Rev. Robert, to visit Ireland, 63,
200, 333, 485-illness of, referred to,
102-visits of, to Ireland, referred to,
243, 382, 533-appointed Representa-
tive to the General Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Ame-
rica, 518

Obituaries. See under Preachers.
"Official Documents" of 1835, judgment
of Conference concerning, 85
Ordination by imposition of hands, decision
of Conference on, 85

Osborn, Rev. George, appointed Secretary
of the Committee of Privileges, 486
Ouseley, Rev. Gideon, death of, referred
to, 533, 543-obituary of, 427

Perfection, Christian, the Methodists ex-
horted to seek the attainment of,

Pilgrim-tax in India, petitions to Parlia-
ment against the, recommended, 237,

Plan, Conference, standing order concern-
ing the, 91, 225, 361, 519

Prayer-meetings, direction concerning,


Preachers admitted into full connexion,
remaining on trial, and received on
trial, 3, 140, 266, 411

Preachers' Annuitant Society, donations
to, 81, 219, 351, 505

Preachers on the List of Reserve, expense
attending the preparatory examination
of, by the London District, how to be
met, 83, 221, 353, 511

Preachers, stations of, in the several

In Great Britain,-

Aberdeen, 36, 172, 303, 453

Bath, 24, 160, 291, 440

Bedford and Northampton, 18, 154,
285, 434

Birmingham and Shrewsbury, 26,
162, 294, 443

Bristol, 23, 159, 290, 439
Carlisle, 35, 171, 302, 452
Cornwall, 22, 158, 289, 438
Devonport, 21, 157, 289, 437
Edinburgh, 36, 172, 303, 453
Exeter, 22, 158, 290, 438
Guernsey, 21, 157, 288, 437
Halifax and Bradford, 30, 165, 297,

Hull, 33, 169, 300, 450

Isle of Man, 35, 171, 303, 452
Kent, 19, 155, 286, 435
Leeds, 30, 166, 297, 447
Lincoln, 33, 168, 300, 449
Liverpool, 28, 163, 295, 444
London, 16, 152, 284, 432
Macclesfield, 27, 163, 294, 444
Manchester and Bolton, 28, 164,
296, 415

Newcastle, 35, 170, 302, 451
Norwich and Lynn, 19, 155, 287,

Nottingham and Derby, 32, 167,
299, 448

Oxford, 20, 156, 287, 436
Portsmouth, 20, 156, 288, 436
Sheffield, 31, 167, 298, 448
Shetland, 36, 172, 304, 453
Wales, North, 26, 161, 293, 442
Wales, South, (First,) 25, 160,
292, 441

Wales, South, (Second,) 25, 161,
292, 441

Whitby and Darlington, 34, 170,
301, 451

York, 34, 169, 301, 450
In Ireland,-

Belfast, 39, 175, 306, 456
Clones, 38, 174, 305, 455
Cork, 37, 173, 305, 454
Dublin, 37, 173, 304, 454

Preachers, stations of, continued.

Enniskillen, 38, 174, 306, 456
Limerick, 37, 173, 305, 455
Londonderry, 38, 175, 306, 456
Newry, 39, 175, 306, 456
Sligo, 38, 174, 305, 455
Tullamore, 38, 174, 305, 455

Waterford, 37, 173, 304, 454

On the Irish Missions, 39, 176, 307,

On the Foreign Missions,-

Africa, Southern, 43, 179, 310, 461
Africa, Western, 44, 180, 312, 463
British Dominions in North Ame-
rica, 46, 182, 314, 465
Ceylon, 41, 177, 308, 458
Continental India, 41, 178, 309, 459
France, 40, 176, 307, 458
Mediterranean Missions, 40, 177,
308, 458

South Sea Missions, 42, 178, 309,

Sweden, 40, 176, 307, 457

Upper Canada, 49, 185, 318, 468

West Indies, 44, 180, 312, 463
Preachers, Supernumerary and deceased,
education of the children of, 69, 80--
provision for the children of, 76, 215
Preachers, Supernumerary, and Preach-
ers' Widows, new Auxiliary Fund for,
506, 548

Preachers, total number of, 63, 199, 332,
484-occasional visits of, to other Cir-
cuits, 87

Preachers who have desisted from tra-

[ocr errors]

Alsop, James, 283
Armitage, John, 432
Dawson, Samuel, 432

Fullagar, Kelsham, 283

Garrett, John, 283
Griffith, Joseph, 283
Joll, Samuel, 283

Marsden, Joseph A., 432
Pennock, Thomas, 152
Shoebotham, Daniel, 16
Tuck, Henry, 283
Watkin, Robert, 16

White, William, 283

Preachers who have died during the years


In Great Britain, seventy-eight, viz.,—
Arnett, William, 416
Bacon, John, 276

Bakewell, Thomas Lancaster, 415
Barker, Jonathan, 418
Barrett, Benjamin, 420

Bogie, James, 271

Bourne, Alfred, 10

Breedon, William, 148

Briddon, John, 6

Preachers who have died, continued.
Brougham, Joseph, 7

Burgess, Joseph, sen., 418
Dunning, Joseph, 143
Edmonds, John, 148
Elvins, Henry, 145
Fairbourn, John, 420
Farrar, John, sen., 272
Fearnside, Joshua, 149
Floyd, Aaron, 9
Fordred, John, 143
Fussell, James, 417
Gaulter, John, 421
Gee, Thomas, 9
Gick, John, 11
Gill, John, 271
Gower, Richard, 7
Hardcastle, Philip, sen., 419
Harrison, William, sen., 6
Hayman, William, 274
Hickson, James, 270
Hiley, Benjamin, 147
Holder, George, 144
Hollingworth, Joseph, 7
Jennings, Joseph, 149
Jones, Edward, 1st, 270
Jones, Edward, 2d, 275
Jones, Humphrey, 1st, 416
Kelk, Thomas, 144
Mack, Robert, 271
M'Nicoll, David, 11
Mann, Joseph, 147
Marsden, Joshua, 269
Mauger, Nicholas, 150
Mercer, John, 417
Millman, Benjamin, 9
Millward, John, 272

Moulton, John Bakewell, 148

Newton, John, sen., 146

Oakes, Edward, 415

Ogilvie, John, 420
Osborne, Thomas, 144
Pinder, Thomas, 6
Pipe, John Willson, 8
Pollard, William, 419
Prior, John, 275
Ramm, Robert, 415

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

In the Foreign Missions, twenty-five,

Barr, Daniel, 15
Barry, John, 282

Bewley, Thomas Henry, 429
Cooper, Abraham, 282
Crane, Robert H., 431
Crosby, Benjamin, 151
Crosthwaite, Thomas, 16
Dunwell, Joseph R., 14
Edwards, Thomas, jun., 431
Ellis, William, 281
Fleet, Henry, 431
Gordon, Edmund, 15
Harrop, Peter, 151

Jackson, James Darwin, 281
Johnson, Samuel Stuart, 283
Maer, Edward, 151
Osborne, Thomas H., 15
Patterson, James, 280
Peard, Edward J., 431
Price, John, 14

Sharracks, James, 151
Wall, Thomas, 430
Walters, John, 14
Wilkinson, Henry, 281
Wrigley, George O., 282
President, annual appointment of, for
Ireland, 63, 200, 333, 484-requested
to visit Scotland, 63, 200, 333, 485—
to attend Welsh District-Meetings, 63,
200, 333, 485
Presidents, list of, 576

Presidents of the Upper Canada Con-
ference, 47, 182, 315, 469

Queen, Address to the, from the British
Conference, 223, 376; from the Irish
Conference, 378-commended to the
prayers of the Society, 371

Reece, Rev. Richard, visit of, to Ireland,
referred to, 102

Reece, Richard M., Esq., thanks to, 486
Representative from the United States of
America, mentioned, 115, 116-to
ditto, 112, 518

Representative from Upper Canada, men-
tioned, 109, 111-to ditto, 392, 545
Representatives, Irish, for the year
1836, William Stewart, Thomas Waugh,


1837, William Stewart, Thomas Waugh,


1838, Thomas Waugh, John F. Ma-
thews, 383

1839, William Stewart, Thomas Waugh,
William Reilly, 534

Richey, Rev. M., Principal of the Upper
Canada Academy, referred to, 389,
545, 547

Rogers, Rev. T., to attend the Second
South-Wales District-Meeting, 485
Rules, Report of the Committee for the
Revision and Classification of, 88
Russell, Lord John, replies from, to Ad-
dresses to the Queen, 378, 380
Ryerson, Rev. Egerton, mentioned, 103,
109, 111, 391

Sabbath, religious observance of the, in-
culcated, 235-petitions to Parliament
on the subject of the, recommended,
236, 370

Schedules, Circuit, standing orders con-
cerning, 90, 224, 360, 519

Schools, Kingswood and Woodhouse-

Grove, Committees, Treasurers, &c.,
of, 68, 204, 337, 490-thanks to officers
and benefactors of, 70, 206, 207, 339,
340, 492-collections and subscriptions
for, when to be made, 69, 205, 338,
490-allowances for education, when
due, 69, 205, 338, 491-allowance for
children of deceased or Supernumerary
Preachers, how to be paid, 69, 205,
338, 491-vacation to commence in the
last week of May or the first week of
June, 69, 205-boys not to be detained
at home more than a week after the
end of the vacation, 69, 205-every
Superintendent to furnish an account
of the contributions in his Circuit, and
of the claims upon it, 69, 205, 339,
491-General Treasurers' accounts,
when to be closed, 70, 206, 339, 491-
Chairmen of Districts to inquire into

the amount of collections and sub-
scriptions in each Circuit, 70, 206,
339, 492-re-appointment of Gover-
nors for a term of years, 206-Secre-
taries of the two Schools to correspond
quarterly, 492

Schools, Mission, in Ireland, mentioned,
101, 242, 246, 383, 534
Schools, Sunday and other, in connexion

with Methodism, Committee to obtain
information concerning, 90-resolu-
tions of Conference on Reports of the
Committee, 222, 354, 513
Schools, week-day, general establishment
of, urged upon the Societies, 233, 527
Scriptures, direction concerning the pub-
lic reading of the, 517

Shahwundais, (Rev. John Sunday,) visit
of, to Ireland, referred to, 243
Sheffield, Wesleyan Proprietary Grammar
School at, 84

Slavery in America, interchange of senti-

ments concerning, between the Ame-
rican and the British Conferences, 113,

Society-meetings, direction concerning, 86
Speculation in business, pastoral caution
against, 96

Stinson, Rev. Joseph, services of, in Can-
ada, acknowledged, 109, 545, 547-
appointment of, as President of the
Upper Canada Conference, requested,
390: the request complied with, 392
Superintendents, duties of, in connexion

with the School-Fund, 69, 205, 339,
491; the Chapel-Fund, 210; chapel-
building, 74, 212, 213, 344, 345, 499,
500-direction to, respecting visits to
each others' Circuits, 87-to fill up
and sign certain Schedules, 90, 224,
360, 519-to give Local Preachers,
Stewards, and Class-Leaders a copy
of the Pastoral Address, 91, 225; to
appoint special Society-meetings for
reading it, 360, 518

Superintendents of the Circuits in which
the Conference is held, to publish a

Plan of the Order of Preaching during
its session, 91, 225, 361, 519

Tackaberry, Rev. J., visit of, to Ireland,
referred to, 103

Treffry, Rev. R., thanks to, 841, 494

Visits of Preachers to each others' Cir-
cuits, direction respecting, 87

Waddy, Rev. Richard, to attend the
South-Wales District-Meeting, 333
Welsh District-Meetings, arrangements
for the, 63, 200, 333, 485
Wesley, Rev. John, recommendation that
the "Christian Library" of, should be
re-published, 83-Centenary of the
formation of Methodism by, 356 (see
also Centenary) - his "Abridgment
of the Order for the Administration of
Baptism and the Lord's Supper" to be
published in a separate form, 494
Wesleyan Theological Institution, thanks
to officers of, 82, 220, 352, 510—when
donations and subscriptions are to be
collected, 82, 221, 353, 511-Student's
second year of residence to be reckoned
as the first of the four years of his
probation, 82, 221, 353, 511-expenses
attending the preparatory examination
of Preachers on the List of Reserve,
how to be defrayed, 83, 221, 353, 511
-thanks to the Rev. J. Hannah, for
his "Letter to a Junior Methodist
Preacher, 83-re-publication of the
"Christian Library," for the use of
Students, recommended, 83-Com-
mittee of Management, 83, 222, 353,
511-rule concerning the appointment
of Tutors, 221; and of the House-
Governor, 353, 511-expression of
respect for the Rev. Joseph Entwisle,
sen., on his retirement from the House-
Governorship, 352-appointment of
the Rev. Richard Treffry, as his suc-
cessor, 353

London R. Needham, Printer, Paternoster-Row.


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