Imágenes de páginas

Healthiest Regions, Value of Foods, Educational Advancement Etc.

Healthiest Regions for Consumptives.

The following table. In a acale of 100. shown the per cent, of deaths from consumption. From this it will lw seen that the Atlantic States have a much higher death rate from this disease than most of the Western States and Territories.

n, . No. ofPraiM

State. amklw

Vermont 28

Maine 25

Massachusetts 95

New Hampshire 26

Rhode Island 25

Connecticut 20

Delaware 20

District of Columbia 20

New Jersey 20

New York 20

Maryland 14

Michigan 16

Ohio 14

Pennsylvania 16

Washington Territory 16

West Virginia 16

California 14

Indiana 14

Kentucky 14

Minnesota 14

Wisconsin 14

Dakota 12

Iowa 12

Oregon 12

Tennessee 12

Virginia 12

Illinois 11

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Salaries of Kings, Queens, Presidents and other Rulers.

The following tabic, condensed from the "Statesman's Year Book/' shows the yearly salary paid to kings, queens and members of royal households and presidents of various republics, according to the most reliable authorities in 1880. Out of these salaries some rulers have much to pay, in order to maintain the character of their position, so that theii actual clear savings, annually, cannot be easily shown.






Great Britain and Ireland, including queen and members of the royal housebold, making n total annual salary for the government to pay of 61.898.810

Queen (Privy Purse)..6290 .400.00

Prince of Wales .400.000 00

Princess of Wales 4Jt.400.OO

Duke of Edinburgh... 121.000 00

Duke of Connaught 121.000 00

Prince Leopold 88,780.00

Princess Fredrlch

Wilhelm of Prussia. .38,720 00 Princess Christian of

SchleswigHolstein.... 89.040.00 Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lome... 89,040.00 Duchess of Cambridge 89.040.00

Grand Duchess of Mecklenb'gStrelits... 14.520 00

Saxe Meiningen... Sweden and Nor-1

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SchwarxhurgRudolstadt.. United States., Victoria

Duke 991.960 90



Royal family 418.92*29)

i ... .78.696 6*

Duke r to

( ... .97342 98

Grand Duke 90 300 49

Royal familv. Private income

Prince 16.990 99

. President 50.00999

.Governor 16.409 99

.Prince 48.49009




Turkey .




A u stri a- H unga ry

8p.ln '$









* Emperor and roy- i ..fl>W8.000 00

/ al household.... $

i King 3,146.000 00

. I Prince Amadeo 58.0s0.00

'l»nk.- of Genoa 3S.72O.00

, Emperorand King J
•■ and royal fam • ..2,957,077.86

( iiy )

. Sultan 2.42O.0OO.0C

(, As Emperor 8.250.60000

< A-* King I .' ■■" ftOO 00

King 1,355,800 00

~>ueen 87.180 00

'«rents or King 80.1.8X0.00

I King's Sisters 154.KSO.00

\ King and royal t ..1>W3>W(U8

( family f

S Mikado and royal * uet,lm

) family \ " -■»■»«-<»

i Khedive... 786.000 00

. .His father 848.000 00

/ Royal family 33K.H00 on

S King 711.480.00

') Royal Tainily 183.855.60

... King .843.840 00

J King 447.9ft5.5«

'} Royal family 80.319.s0

£ King S96.ftft0 00

. • Ouwn 64.378 00

r Royal family 188.468.00

\ Grand Duke and' «•»«***.

"J royal family... v •3WWM> M
(Grand Duke and' i.,,,.,,

■j royal family.... (••■■»••<«•■

Princess Teck 84,850 00

Duke George of Cam-
bridge 58.0*0.00

King ....268.886 20

Heir apparent. 32.263 44

King 252.541.52

King 248.000 00

Royal family r... ... ...

Duke 242.000.00

Grand Duke 203.280.00

Prince Kt.840 00

Duke and royal J ...|WiSao.OO

, family f

India Governor-General 121.000.00

Schaumberg-Llppe. Prince 121.000 00

.116.160 00
..58.080 00





Saxe Weimar..

Rou mania


Fran»> S President

->State household.

Schwanburg \ Prlnce
Sonderhausen.. 1' nnWl"* *

Saie-Altenburg ] 1>,;*en„*nd


ror*1 * ...103 818 00



New Zealand

New South Wales

Hong Kong


Cape Colony,


Queensland ,

South Australia.





Natal, Africa


Private income

.Governor-General 48.400 09

.Governor 38.724) 99

. Governor 96.300 09



Governor ,




.Governor 24.800 09

Governor 84.299 99

President 81.799 00

President 19.399 99

.Governor 16.940.00

.Governor 12.100 09

Governor 18.10909

Federal Council—

President 2.904 99

Members | U3.9J9


Astronomical Tables, Giving Facts Relative to the Heavenly Bodies,

Condensed from chapix: on Astronomy in "hill's Album Of Biography Aud Art.*'


[merged small][merged small][table][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][table][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Weights and Measures for Cooks.

1 lb. of Wheat Flour Is equal to 1 quart

1 It.. 2 oz. of Indian Meal make 1 quart

1 lb. of Soft Butter is equal to 1 quart

1 lb. of Broken Loaf Sugar Is equal to 1 quart

1 lb. 2 oz. of Best Brown Sugar make 1 quart

1 lb. 1 ox. of Powdered White Sugar make 1 quart

10 Eggs make 1 pound

4 Large Tablespoonf uls make * gill

1 Common-sized Tumbler holds * pint

1 Common sired Wine-glass is equal to * gill

1 Tea-cup holds 1 gill.

1 Large Wine-glass holds 2 ounces

1 Tablespoonful is equal to * ounce

[blocks in formation]

Interest Table.

The following will be found convenient In the absence of extended interest tables.

To find the interest on a given sum, for any number of days, at any rate of interest.

At Ave per cent., multiply the principal by the

number of days, and divide by 72

At 6 per cent., as above, and divide by 60

At 7 percent., as above, and divide by 62

At 8 per cent., as above, and divide by 45

At 9 percent., as above, and divide by 40

At 10 per cent., as above, and divide by 36

At 12 per cent., as above, and divide by SO

At 15 per cent., as above, and divide by 24

At 20 per cent., as above, and divide by 18

Distances Around the World.

The following includes the principal stopping

Fit aces, and distances between them, in a direct Ine around the world.


New York to San Francisco 3,450

San Francisco to Yokohama 4,764

Yokohama to Hong Kong 1,620

Hong Kong to Singapore 1,160

Singapore to Calcutta 1.200

Calcutta to Bombay 1,409

Bombay to Aden 1,664

Aden to Suez ...1,308

Suez to Alexandria 250

Alexandria to Marseilles 1.800

Marseilles to Paris 536

Paris to I^ondon 316

London to Liverpool 205

Liverpool to New York 3,000

Average Velocity.

ObjrvL Per hour. | Per tec.

Electricity moves 288.000 miles

Light moves 192.000 miles

A rifle ball moves 1.000 miles, or 1,466 feet

Sound moves 743 miles, or 1,142 feet

A hurricane moves 80 miles, or 117 feet

A storm moves.... 36 miles, or 52 feet

A horse runs 20 miles, or 29 feet

Steamboat runs 18 miles, or 26 feet

Sailing vessel runs 10 miles, or 14 feet

Slow rivers flow 3 miles, or 4 feet

Rapid rivers flow 7 miles, or 10 feet

A moderate wind blows 7 miles, or 10 feet

A horse trots 7 miles, or 10 feet

A man walks 3 miles, or 4 feet

Boxes of Different Measure.

A box 24 Inches long by 16 Inches wide, and 28 inches deep, will contain a barrel (3 bushels).

A box 24 Inches long by 16 Inches wide, and 14 inches deep, will contain half a barrel.

A box 16 inches square and 8 2-5 inches deep, will contain one bushel.

A box 16 inches by 8 2-5 Inches wide, and 8 Inches deep, will contain half a bushel.

A box 8 Inches hy 8 2-5 inches square, and 6 Inches deep, will contain one peck.

A box 8 inches by 8 Inches square, and 4 1-6 inches deep, will contain one gallon.

A box 7 inches by 4 inches square, and 4 4-5 Inches deep, will contain half a gallon.

A box 4 Inches by 4 Inches square, and 4 1-6 inches deep, will contain one quart.

In purchasing anthracite coal, 20 bushels are generally allowed for a ton.

Debt of Different Countries, How Various Colors are Made, Length and Cost of American Canals, Center of Gravity of Population, Etc.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Center of Gravity of Population.

The change of center of population each ten

f'ears, in the United States, ts shown in the followng table. In ninety years the center of gT-a-nty has moved westward 467 mite*, on alntoa* * straight line from east to west. The very rapid settlement of the northwest of late would Indicate that the line will move considerably northward in the next ten years.

Da*. | Location. j "*•«—"'JJJ£

1790, 23 miles east of Baltimore

1800, 18 miles west of Baltimore U

1810, 40 miles northwest by west of Washington.!*

1820, 18 miles north of Woodstock, Va. »

1830, 19 miles southwest of Moorefleld, W. '. . ..M

1840, 1ft miles south of Clarksburg, W. Va So

1850, 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, W. Va.6»

1860. 20 miles south of Chililcothe. O U

1870, 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati, O At

1880, 8 miles west by south of Cincinnati, O M

Total 4«7

Capacity of Cisterns.

In calculating the capacity of cisterns, 31!. gallon* are estimated to one barrel and 63 gallons to one hogshead.

Circular Cittern one foot in depth.

& feet in dlam. holds 4J4 barrels.

6 feet in diam. holds ftjk* barrels.

7 feet in diam. holds 9 barrels.

8 feet in diam. holds 12 barrels.

9 feet in diam. holds 15 barrels.

10 feet in diam. holds 1 *l_. barrels.

Square Cittern one foot in depth. 5 feet by 5 feet holds—8 barrels.

ft feet by ft feet holds 8K barrets.

7feetby 7 feet holds. ..UK barrels. 8 feet by 8 feet holds. ..15V barrels. »feet by 9feet holds...19H barrels. 10 feet by 10 feet holds.. .23\ barrels.

Audible Sounds.

The distance at which sounds can be distinguished depends much on favoring winds.

Description of Sound. j Feet. \Mtle9

A powerful human voice

in the open air and no

wind 460....

Beating a drum 10,500 2

Music of a heavy brass

band 15,840 3

A strong human voice

with a breeze barely

felt 15,840 S

Report of a musket 18,000 3

Cannonading, very

strong 476,000 90

[blocks in formation]

Chesapeake and Ohio Maryland Hi 810,000.000

Delaware and Hudson New York and Pa 108 9,000,000

Illinois and Michigan Illinois 102 8.654,337

Erie New York 383 7,143,789

Wetland Canada 38 7,000.000

Central Division Pennsylvania 17S 5.307.262

James River and Kanawha Virginia 147 5.020.050

Ohio and Erie Ohio 307 4.695.824

Lehigh Pennsylvania 85 4.455.099

Miami Ohio 178 3.750.000

North Branch Extension Pennsylvania 90 3,528.302

Morris and Essex New Jersey 101 3.100.000

West Division Pennsylvania 104 3.098,622

Wabash and Erie. Indiana if.'' 3,057.120

Chesapeake and Delaware...Delaware and Md 13H 2.750.000

Delaware and Karitan New Jersey 43 2,844.103

Schuylkill Division Pennsylvania 106 2.500,170

Chenango Sew York 97 2.419.950

Cornwall Canada 12 2.000.000

Lachine Canada 8X 2.000.000

Beauhamols Canada 21 1.500.000

Sandy and Beaver Ohio 7ft 1,600.000

Delaware Division Pennsylvania to 1.275.715

Champlaln New York 83 1,257.604

North Branch Pennsylvania 73 1.098.178

Susquehannah Pennsylvania 39 1.039.266

St. Lawrence Canada 10 1.000.000

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Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing Mixing

[blocks in formation]

Red with Light Blue makes Purple

Carmine with Straw makes Flesh Color

Blue with Lead Color makes Pesui

Carmine with White makes Pink

Lamp-Black with Indigo makes Silver Ormy

Lamp-Black with White makes Lead Color

Paris Green with White makes Bright Green

Yellow Ochre and White mokes Buff

White tinted with Purple makes French White

Black with Chrome Green makes Dark Green

Chrome Green with White makes Pea Green

Emerald Green with White makes Brilliant Green

Vermilion with Chrome Yellow makes Orange

Chrome Yellow with White Lead makes Straw Color

White tinted with Red and Yellow makes Cream

White with tints of Black and Purple, makes Ashes of Rosea

White, tinted with Black and Purple, makes French Gray*

Chrome Yellow, Blue, Black and Red. makes OUv*




Size of Animals.

Man—4 to 5 feet in Lapland and Labrador; B)i to fiiv feet in Europe and Asia; fi to b% In Africa and America; and A to 8 feet in Patagonia.

Name of Animal. Sizv.

Fox. , 1H to 2 feet

Hole 8 inches

Staff 4 to 6 feet

Wolf 2H to 3 feet

Lion 6 to 8 and 9 feet

Otter SV feet

Lynx 4 feet

Civet 2 feet

Sable 11 inches

Lama 8 feet

Tapir 6 feet

Hyena 3 feet

Jackal Stffeet

Ferret. 14 inches

Ermine , 10 inches

Polecat 17 inches

Weasel 7 J* inches

Badger t% feet

Giraffe IS or 18 feet high

Marmot 10 Inches

Roebuck S-y feet

Raccoon 2 feet

Vampire 8 to 12 Inches

Name of Animal. Size.

Wild Cat 2 to b feet

Antelope 3% feet

Chamois. 3 feet

Opossum 15 to 18 inches

Dormouse 8 inches

Kangaroo 3 to 4 feet

Hedgehog 10 Inches

Porcupine v/t feet

Musk-Deer SJf feet

Ichneumon 15 Inches

Maned Seal 10 to 14 feet

Pigmy Apes 2 feet

Barbary Ape 3*4 feet

Common Bat 4 or 5 inches

Spectrum Bat 7 inches

Common Seal 4 to 6 feet

Hippopotamus. 12 to 20 feet

Flying Squirrel 8 inches

OurangOutang r.. t.. .v . i.. 1

Great Ant-eater 4 feet

Pigmy Antelope 10 inches

Walrus or Morse 15 to 18 feet

Vaulting Monkey 13 Inches

Bottle-nosed Seal 11 to 18 feet

Ordinary Squirrel 8 Inches

Dog-faced Baboon 5 feet

Armadillo and tail 5 feet

Elephant 10 or II feet

8 to 11 feet high

Lioness 5 to 6 and 7 feet

Tail 3 feet, height 3 to 5

Name of Animal. Size.

Tiger 8 to 9 feet

Tail 3 feet, height 4 feet

Ant i -lt.■]- l foot

Spines 1 feet

Dromedary 8 or 7 feet

9 feet high to top of head

Rhinoceros 12 feet

6 or 7 feet high

Legal Holidays in the U. S.

Fourth of July—in all the States and Territories.

ChrUtmaa Dny-Dfc. 25-in all the States and Territories.

Thniiknglvliig Hay—usually the last Thursday in November—when* ever appointed by the President of the United States or the Governors of StAtes—In all the States and Territories.

Fast Days—whenever appointed by the IVesidents of the United States or by the Governors—in all the States.

New Year'* Dny-Jan. /—In all States except Arkansas. Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode Island and South Carolina.

Washington** BIrthday—Feb. 22—in all States except Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina,Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas.

General Election Huy—usually on Tuesday after the first Monday in November— in California, Illinois, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

Decoration Day — May .,<> in Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Inland and Vermont.

Good Friday — Friday before Easter Sunday— in Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Easter Sunday Is the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on or after March 21st. If full moon happens on Sunday, Easter Sunday Is the Sunday thereafter.

Shrove Tuesday - f/if Tuesday preceding the first day of Lent—in Louisiana, and the cities of Selma, Mobile, and Montgomery, Ala.

Memorial Day — April 26 — In Georgia.

March '■£ — Anniversary of the Independence of Texas, in Texas.

April 81 — Anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto, In Texas.

January 8—Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, fought 11415, In Louisiana.

Fehrnnry IS —Lincoln's Birthday, in Louisiana.

March A—Firemen's Anniversary, in Louisiana.

Different Nations, the Name of their People and the Language they Speak.

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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]










Beloochistan .







East Indies...


'a- < nland





.Austrlans German. Hungarian and Slavonic.

. Arabs, Arabians Arabic.

..Afghans Persian and Hindoostanee.

.Algerines Chiefly Arabic.

..Abyssinians Abyssinian.

AiiHtmljud-n* J Dutch and English. Various native . .Australasians.. j languages are spoken.

. .Brazilians Portuguese.

.Bolivians Spanish.

..Belgians Flemish and French.

..Beloocheea Beloochee and Hindoostanee.

. .Canadians English and French.

..Chilians Spanish.

.Chinese China**.

, .Danes Danish.

..Egyptians Chiefly Arabic and Italian.

. .English English.

vaa* TnJUn. * Hindoostanee, Bengalee, Siamese,

.East Indians } Malay, etc.

.. French French.

, .Greenlanders Danish and Esqulrnaux.

. .Germans German.

..Greeks Greek.

■ Dutch Dutch.

. Hindoos Hindoostanee and others.


For the convenience of those who, though once familiar with the Multiplication Table, may have forgotten portions of it, or may not at the moment be able to recall the amount which results from one number being multiplied by another, this table is given. The x signifies multiplied by, anil — signifies1 equal to.



Expectation of Life and Present Value of Widow's Dower.


as she may live, it becomes ncccssarv that some definite calculation be made as to how lone* the widow will probably live to receive this interest. This matter being determined, a calculation can readily be mode as to how much she is entitled to at present, which being ascertained, the estate can be satisfactorily settled. To illustrate, by the above table, which is generally adopted in the settlement of estates, it will be seen that, if the widow be 60 years of age, she will probably live 15 and 45*100 years longer, or until her age is 75 and 45-100 years.

By the following table is given the value of an annuity of one dollar from 1 to 35 years at 5 per cent, per annum. Thus for 15 years the value of one dollar will "be $10.3796. Suppose the widow's dower interest in the estate to be gioo per year. To find the present value of the widow's interest, therefore, multiply the $100 by 10.3796, and the result is $1,037.96, which is the amount that the widow is entitled to in the settlement.

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Distances From New York City to


Adrian, Mich 775

Akron, Ohio 610

Albany, N. Y 143

Alexandria, Va 238

Algiers, La 1,551

Allegheny, Pa 434

AUentown, Pa 92

Alton, 111 1,060

Annapolis, Mil 222

Ann Arbor, Mich... 716

Atchison, Kansas 1,368

Atlanta, Ga.........1,018

Auburn, N. Y 328

Augusta, Me 407

Augusta, Ga 887

Aurora, 111 951

Baltimore, Md 188

Bangor, Me 4S2

Bath, Me 382

Baton Kouge, l..i... 1,320

Belfast, Mc 424

Bellefontaine, Ohio. 658
Binghamton, N. Y._ 215
Blackstone, Mass... 272

Bloomington, HI >>037

Boston, Mass 236

Bristol, R. 1 215

Bucyrus, Ohio 632

Buffalo, N. Y 433

Burlington, N. J. ... 74
Burlington, Iowa... 1,122

Burlington, Vt 380

Cambridge, Mass... 339

Camden, N. J 91

Canandaigua, N. Y. 377
Carson City, Nevada 3,SOO
Chambersburg, Pa.. 346
Charleston, S. C...._ 874
Charlestown, Mass. 235


Amsterdam 3.510

Barbadoes 1*906

Batavia ...13,066

Bermudas 660

Bombay 11.574

Bordeaux 3,310

Boston 310

Botany Bay 13.294

Buenos Ay res 7,110

Calcutta 12,425

Canton 'hV00

Cape Horn 8,115

Cape of Good Hope 6,83b

Chattanooga, Tenn.. 980

Chicago, fll. 911

Chillicothe.Ohio 645

Cincinnati, Ohio . 744

Ctrcleville, Ohio 640

Cleveland, Ohio 581

Columbia, S. C 744

Columbus, Ohio 624

Concord, N. H 30S

Covington, Ky 745

Cumberland, Md 364

Davenport, Iowa 1.093

Dayton, Ohio 804

Denver City, Col 1,980

Des Moines, Iowa 1,251

Detroit, Mich 679

Dover, N. 11 .304

Dubuque, Iowa 1,100

Dunkirk, N. Y 460

Elmira, N. Y 274

Erie, Pa 508

Evansville, Ind 1,021

Fall River, Mass... i8o

Fitchburg, Mass 21S

Fort Kearncv, Neb.. 1,598

Fort Wayne," Ind 763

Fredericksburg, Va. 290

Galena, III 1,083

Galesburg, 111....... 1,076

Gal veston, Texas.... 1,900

Georgetown, D. C._ 228

Hamilton, Ohio 766

Harrisburg, Pa 1S2

Hartford, Conn 112

Indianapolis, Ind.... 838

Jackson, Miss 1*498

Jefferson City, Mo...1,210
Kalamazoo, Mich... 822
Kansas City, Mo.... 1,301

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]


Qulncy, HI 1,176

Racine, Wis 976

Raleigh, N. C 660

Reading, Pa 1*8

Richmond, Va 356

Rochester, N. Y.... 386

Rock Island, 111 1,093

Rome, N. Y 26a

Roxbury, Mass 238

Sacramento, Cal 2,900

St Joseph, Mo 1,384

St. Louis, Mo 1.084

St. Paul, Minn 1,1 (i

Salem, Mass 252

Salt Lake City, Utah 2,410
San Francisco, Cal..3,038

Sandusky, Ohio 642

Savannah, Ga 974

Scranton, Pa 14.*

Springfield, III 1,062

Springfield, Mass... 138
Springfield, Ohio... 82S

Staunton, Va 4S6

Stonington, Com... 143

Syracuse, N. Y 302

Taunton, Mass . 210

Tallahassee, Fla 1,190

Tcrre Haute, Ind 912

Toledo, Ohio 742

Tonawanda, N. Y... 463

Trenton, N.J 58

Troy, N. Y 14S

Utica, N. Y 249

Vicksburg, Miss 1,542

Washington, D. C. 230
Wheeling, W. Va... 522
Wilmington, Del.... 116
Wilmington, N. C. 604
Worcester, Mass 192

Distances by Water From New York City to


Rio Janeiro 3.840

Sandwich Islands..15,300

San Francisco 15,858

St. Petersburg 4*420

Singapore 12,710

Smyrna 5.000

Stockholm 4-°5°

Tahiti 12,225 j

Trieste 5.130 |

Valparaiso 9»75o'

Vera Cm* 2,250 1

Washington 400 j

Round the Globe...25,000 I

The Influence of the Moon on the Growth of Plants.

Does the light of the moon affect the growth of plants? Does it make any difference in the growth of a plant what time in the'moon it is planted? Undoubtedly it docs.

Light is a great promoter of growth, and, the more brilliant the light, the stronger and more vigorous the growth, all the other conditions being favorable. It is a fact, also, with certain plants, that when young they require, like young animals, considerable time for rest and sleep. To have this sleep is to give them ultimate strength and vigor, which is essential to their subsequent complete development.

To illustrate: The seeds of certain vines and other plants sown in the new of the moon will vegetate, and the plants are likely to appear above ground, near the old of the moon, at a time when the moon's radiance is so brilliant that they are compelled to grow under its strong light. Upon the rising of the sun, the growth is still forced forward, and the tender plant, thus in its infancy, gets no rest.

The seed sown in the old of the moon will bring forth the plant in the new of the moon, or during Use dark nights; at which time it obtains the needed rest and sleep, in the darkness, which ts essential to its future productiveness.

That the light of the moon has thus a very perceptible and important influence upon the growth of plants when Terr young and tender, is a fact which thousands have verified, though few understand the philosophy of the 1

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