Imágenes de páginas
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Ad atptandum, For the purpose of captivating.

Ad infinitum) To an unlimited extent.

Ad libitum. At pleasure.

Alias, Otherwise.

Alibi, Elsewhere.

Alma muter. Gentle mother; often applied to the institution where one is educated.

Amor natrhv, Love of country.

Anolici, In English.

Annus mirabilm, A year of wonders.

A priori, Beforehand; from previous knowledge.

Bona pi?. In good faith; genuine.

i/i'rt^r m^mo/'tff,Of hle(*»ed memory.

Cocoo?thes scribendi, A ridiculous fondness for writing.

Casus belli, A case for war.

Caveat, Let him beware.

Contra,On the other hand; against.

De facto, In fact.

De jure, By right.

Dramatis persona, Characters of

the play.
Ergo, Therefore.

Et id genusotnne,Anda]]id that sort.
Ex officio. By virtue of the office.
Exitj He (or she) goes out.
Exeunt o/nnes. They all <*o out.
Ex parte. On one side only.
Ex tempore, Ou the moment.
Facetiae, Witty sayings.
Fac si/nil*, An exact copy.
Fiat, Let it be done; a command.
Fiutjustitia runt cesium. Let justice

be done though the heaveus crash. Finis, The end.

Genius loci. The genius of the place.
In propria persona. In person.
In transitu. On the way.
Imprimis. In the first place.
Impromptu, Off-hand.
Interim, In the mean time.
Item, Also.

Lapsus lingua?, A slip of the tongue.
Magna charla. The great charter.

.Maximum, The greatest quantity.
Mens sana in corpore sano, A sound

mind in a healthy body.
Me am et tunm. Mine anil thine.
Minimum, The least quantity.
Xe plus ultra. The greatest extent

Nil desperandum. Never despair.
Nolens role.ns, Willing or not.
yon compos mentis, Not of sound

mind. yon est inventus, Not to be found. yon seq attar. It does uot follow. yota bene, Mark well. Omnia vincit amor, Love conquers

all things. Onus proband!, Burden of proving Orator fit, poeta nascitur. The

orator is made, but the poet is

born. Otium cum dlgnitate, Ease with

dignitv. Par nooile fratrum, A noble pair

of brothers; two alike.

Passim, Everywhere.

Paterfamilias, Father of a family.

Per capita. By the head.

Per diem, By the day.

Per fas et nefas, Through right or

wrong. Per se, By itself. Prima facie. On the first view. Pro et con, For and against. Pro forma. For formS* suke. Pro tempore. For the time being. Quondam, Former. Quid mine? What now? Iius in urbe. The country in town. Semper idem. Always the same. Sab rosa, Privately" SidgeneriSyOtit* own kind; unique. Tempusfugit, Time flies. Vale, Farewell. Veni, ridi, rid, I came, I saw, I

conquered. Verbum sat, A word is enough. Viva voce, By the living voice. Vice versa, The case being reversed.


A bas (ah-bah), Down with.

A bon marche (ah-bong-mar-shai). Cheap.

A cheval (ah-sheh-val)x On horseback.

Affaire d amour (ah-Jaire-dah-moor), A love affair.

Affaire d"honneur (af-fairc-don-ai-ur). An affair of honor.

A la mode (ah-lah-mod), In the fashion.

.1 1'improriste (ah-lam-pro-vist). I'uawares.

Amateur (ah-ma-tair). An admirer of and unprofessional practitioner in any art.

Amour (ah-moor). Love.

A t'outran ce (ah-loo-trangsse), To the utmost.

A propos (ah-pro-poe), By the way; to the purpose.

A toutprix (au-too-pree), At any cost.

A contraire (o-kong-trayre). On the contrary.

Aufait (ofay). All right; instructed.

Au revoir (o-ruk-voo-ar), Til) we meet again.

Avmt coureur (ah-vang-koo-rayre), Forerunner.

A votre santi (au-vottr-sang-tai), To your health.

lias bleu (bah-bluhe). Blue-stocking.

Beau monde(bo-mongde), The gav world.

Belles-lettres (bell-lay-tr). Polite literature.

Bias* (btah-zai), Time-worn, faded.

Bijou (be-joo), a jewel or gem.

Billet-doux (be-yay-doo), A love letter.

BongrS malgre (bon-grai-mai-grai), Willing or not.

Bonhomie (bun-no-mee). Good nature.

Bon jour (bong-joor). Good-day.

Bon-mot (bong-mo), A witticism.

Bon soirlbong-sooar). Good night.

Bon ton (bong-long). High fashion.

Bon vivant (bong-vi-vang), A high liver.

Bonne bourne (bun-boos nr), A tid-bit.

Bonnefoi (bun-foo-ah). Good faith.

Canaille (kan-auh). The rabble.

Carte blanche (kart-blansh). Full power.

Chacun a son goitt. Every one to his taste.

Chdteau en Espagne, Air-castles.

Chefd'auvre (shay-duhvr), A masterpiece.

Cher atni^shair-ah-me^ Dear friend (male.)

Chere amie (shayre-ah-mee), Dear friend, (female.)

Cl-devant (se-duh-vang), Formerly.

t'ommeiljaut (kom-ill-foh), As it should be.

f'ompagnon de royage (kong-pang-yong), Traveling companion.

Contretemps (kongtr-tang). Disappointment, accident.

Coup d'etat (koodaihtah), A stroke of policy.

Coup de grace (koode-grass), The finishing stroke.

Coup <Vail, A glance.

Coute quit come (koot-key-koot), Cost what it may.

Debut (dai-boo). First appearance.

Denouement (dai-noo-mang). Solution; result.

Dieu et tnon droit, God ana my rigut.

Dot (do/i), A dowry.

Double entendre (doo-bt-ang-tangdr), Double meaning.

foux ycux (dooz-yuhe). Tender glances. clal (ai-klah), Splendor; brilliancy. lite (ai-litt), Choice; select.

Embonpoint (ong-bong-poo-aing), Plumpness, fatness.

En ami (ang-ah-me). As a friend.

Encore (ong-kor), Again.

Enivre (ai-ne-vrai). Intoxicated.

En tnasse (ong-mass). In a body.

Ennui (ah-noo-e). Weariness.

En revanche (ung-ruh-vanghshe). In return.

Entente cordtale (ong-tangte-kor-dyot), Good understanding.

Entree (ang-traie). Entrance.

Entre nous (angtr-noo). Between ourselves.

Esprit de corps (es-pree-duh-kor). Pride of association.

Faux pas ( foe-paw), False step; misconduct.

Fits (faytej, A festival.

Feu dejoie (fuh-dft-joo-au\ Bonfire; illumination.

Gensdarmes (jang-darm). Soldier police.

Haut ton (ho-tong), Highest fashion.


Honi soil qui mat y pense, Shamed be he that evil thinks.

■/••■'/ de mots, A play upon words.

Jen d'esprit (Juh-tles-pree), A witticism.

Le bon temps viendra There is a good time coming.

L'homme propose et Dieu dispose, Man proposes and God disposes.

Matinee (mah-te-nate), A daytime entertainment.

Mise en scene (meeze-angseyne). Putting on the stage: getting up.

yom de plume (nong-du-ploom), Literary nickname.

yous verrons (noo-vai-rong), We shall see.

On dit (ong-<U), It is said.

Outre*\Oo-tray\. Extravagant; outlandish.

Papier mache (puh-pyat-ma-shai), Paper pulp prepared for use and ornament.

Par exemple, For example.

Parvenu, An upstart.

Petit {puhte). Small, little; (feminine, petite.)

Protege (pro-tai-hjai). One protected by another; (feminine, prot&g&t.)

Qui tire (ke-vtv), (On the), On the alert.

Recherche* (ruh-sher-sha), Of ran' attraction.

Resume* (raizoo-mui), A summary.

Role (role), Part in a drama or performance.

Sansfacon (sang fah song), Without formality.

Sans peur et sans reproc.he. Without fear and without reproach.

Sans souci (sang-sott-se). Without caro.

Savant (sah-rang), A man of science.

Savoirvivre, Good breeding.

Soi-disant (soo-ah-de-zang). Self-styled.

8oirie(soo-ah-raie), An evening entertainment.

Tete d lete (tayte-ah-tayte), Face to face.

Tout a vous (toot-ah-roo), Wholly yours.

Tout ensemble (too-ang-sangbl), The whole together.

Vis a vis (vee-zah-ree), Opposite.

Vive Is roi (vivv-luh-roo-ah), Long live the king.

Voila tout (voo-ah-lah-too), That is all.

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a.—In commerce, to. isi.—In commerce, at. A.A.G. — Assistant Adjutant-General. A. A. P. 8.— American Association for the Promotion of Science.

A. A. S.— Academic Americana Socius, Fellow of the American Academy (of Arts and Sciences).

A.A.S.S.— Americano: Antiquariana Societatis Socius, Member of the American Antiquarian Society.

A.B.— Artium Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Arts.

A- B. C. F. M. — American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

Abp. —Archbishop.

Abr. —Abridgment.

Abbr. —Abbreviation.

A.B.S.—American Bible Society.

A.C.— Ante Christum, before Christ; Arch-Chancellor.


Acct—Account; Accent

A.C.S.— American Colonization Society.

A. D.— Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.

A. D. C. — Aid-de-camp.

Ad. — Advertisement.

Adj.— Adjective.


Adj t- -Gen. —Adjutant-General.

Ad lib.—Art libitum, at pleasure.

Adm.—Admiral; Admiralty.

Adm. Ct—Admiralty Court.

Admr. —Administrator.

Admx. —Administratrix.

Ad v.— Ait valorem, at .or on) the value.

Adv.—Adverb; Advent; Advertisement.

£t-—J£tatis, of age. Aged.

A. F. * A. M. — Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.

l.F.HS —American and Foreign Bible Society.

A. G. —Adj utant-Geners 1.

Alaska—Alaska Territory.

Agr. — Agricul ture.

A.GSS. —American Geographical and Statistical Society.

Agt. —Agent.

A. H. — Anno Hegira, In the year of the Hegira.

A.H.M. 8—American Home Mishionary Society.

Ala. — Alabama.


A.I. of H. — American Legion of Honor.

Alex. —Alexander.

Alg. —Algebra.


A.M.— Anno Mundi, in the year of the world. Artium Maaister, Master of Arts. Ante meridiem, before noon; morning.

Arab.-Ambassador. (See Emb.)

Amer. —American.

AMM.— Amalgama, amalgamation.

Ami —Amount.

An.— Anno, in the year.

An.A.C— Anno ante Christum, In the year before Christ

Ana1. —Anatomy.

Anc. — Ancient; Anciently.


Ang. -Sax. —Anglo-Saxon.

Anon. —Anonymous.

Ans. — Answer.


Anth. —Anthony.

Aor. oraor. — Aorist

A.O.S.S.— Americana Oriental if Societatis Socius, Member of the American Oriental Society.

A.O. U. W. —Ancient Order of United Workmen.

Ap.—Apostle; Applus. Ap. .:■ '■ ■'. In the writings of; as quoted by.


Apoc. —Apocalypse.


A. Q. M. G. —Assistant Quartermaster-

A.R.— Anna Regina, Queen Anne. Anno regni. year of the reign.

A. R. A. — Associate of the Royal Academy.

Arab.—Arabic, or Arabia.

Aria. Ter. — Arizona Territory.

Arg. — Argumento, by an argument

drawn from such a law.

Arith. —Arithmetic.


A.R.R.— Anno regnt regis, in the year of the reign of the king.

Arr. — Arrived. Arrs., Arrivals.

A.R.S.S.— Antiquariorum Regia S*>cietatis Socius, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries.


A.S. or Assist. Sec—Assistant Secretary.

A. 3. A.—American Statistical Association.

A.S.S. U-—American Sunday-School Union.

Astrol. —Astrology.

Astron. —Astronomy.

A. T. - Arch-Treasurer.

A. T.S.—American Tract Society.

Ats.— At suit of.

Atty. —Attorney.

Atty. -Gen. —Attorney-General.

A.U-A.— American Unitarian Association.

Aub. Theol. Sem. — Auburn Theological Seminary.

A.U.C— Anno urbis oondita, or ab urbe condita, in the year from the building of the city (Rome).


Aur. — Murtim, gold.

Auth. Ver.—Authorized Version (of the Bible.)

Av.—Average. Avenue.

Avoir. —Avoirdupois.

A. Y. M. —Ancient York Masons,
b. — Born.

B.A.— Bachelor of Am.
Bar. — Barueh.
Bart, or Bt—Baronet
Bbl. -Barrel.

B. C. —Before Christ

B.C.L.-Bachelor of Civil Law.

B.D. — Bacexilaumts Dignitatis, Bachelor of Divinity.

Bds. or bits.—Boards (.bound In).

Be nj. —Benjamin.


B-LL- — titwealaureus Legum, Bachelor of Laws.

B.M.— Baecalaureus Medicina, Barb

elor of Medicine.
BR.—Bills Receivable.
B. P.—Bills Payable.
Bost— Boston.
Bot. —Botany.
B.R.— Banco Regis or Regina, the

King's or Queen's Bench.
Brig.—Brigade; Brigadier.
Brig. -Gen. — Brigadier -GeneraL
Brit. Mus.— British MuKOm.
Br. Univ.—Brown University.

B. S.—Bachelor in the Sciences.
B.V.— Beata Virgo, Blessed Virgin.

Bene vale, farewell. B.V.M.—Blessed Virgin Mary.

C, Ch. or Chap.—Chapter.

C. or Cent— Cm/am, a hundred. caH. par. — Cateris paribus, other

things being equal. Cal.— California', Calends. Can.—Canon. Cant—Canticles. Cap. or c. — Caput, capitulmm.

chapter. Caps. —Capitals. Capt —Captain. Capt -Gen. —Captain-General. Cash.—Cashier, ca. resp.— Capias ad respondendmwt,

a legal writ, ca. sa-— Capias ad satisfaciemlum.

a legal writ. Cath. -Catherine. C B. —Companion of the Bath. Cosa

munis Bantrus, Common Bench C.C.—Cains College; Account Current; Chancellor Commander,

County Commissioner.
C.C.C.—Corpus Christi College.
C.C.P.—Court of Common Pleas.
C.E.—Canada East; Civil Engineer.
Cel. or Celt—Celtic.
Cf. or cf.—Confer, compare.
CO.—Commissary -General; Consul-

Ch.—Church; Chapter.

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Chem. —Chemistry.




Cin. —Cincinnati.

C.J.— i''liiff Justice.


CM.—Common Meter.

CM.G.—Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

Co.—Company; County.

C.O.D. —Cash (or collect) on delivery.

Cochl.—A spoonful.

Col.—Colonel; Colosslans.

Coll.—Collector; Colloquial; College; Collection.


Com.—Commerce; Committee; Commentary; Commissioner; Commodore.

Com. Arr.—Committee of Arrangements.


C. mini.—Commentary.

Comp.—Compare; Compound; Compositor.

Com. Ver.—Common version (of the Bible).

Con.—Contra, against; in opposition.

Con. Cr.—Contra, credit.

Conch.— Conchology.

Cong. —Congress.

ConJ. or conj.— Conjunction.

Conn. orCt.—Connecticut.

Const.—Constable; Constitution.

Con t.—Continent; Contract; Continued .

Co r. —Cori n thlans.

Corol .—Corollary.

Cor. Sec.—Corresponding Secretary.

C.P.—Common Pleas; Courtof Probate.

C.P.S. — Gustos Privati aigilli. Keeper of the Privy Seal.

C.R.—King (Rex) Charles.

C.R.—Custos Rotulorum, Keeper of the Rolls.

Cr.—Creditor; Credit.

Crim. Con.—Criminal conversation; Adultery.

C.S.—Court of Sessions. Oustoa Stgillt, Keeper of the Seal.

Ct., cts.—Cent; Cents.

C Theod.—Codice Theodosiano, In the Theodoslan Code.

C.W.— Canada West.

Cwt. —Hundredweight.

Cyc. —Cyclopedia.

d.— Denariu* or Denarii, penny or pence; Died.

D.—Five hundred.


Dan.—Daniel; Danish.

D.C.—Da Capo, again; District of Columbia.

D.C.L.—Doctor of Civil Law.

D.D.—Divinitatis Doctor, Doctor of Divinity.


Dec.—December; Declaration; Declination.

Deg.—Degree or degrees.

Del.—Delaware; Delegate.

Del. or del.— Delineavit, he (or she) drew it.




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trix. Defender of the Faith.

Ye.—Ferrum, iron.

Feb. —February.

Fee— Fecit, he did it.

Fern. —Feminine.

F.E. 8.—Fellow of the Entomological Society; of the Ethnological Society.

Ff.—The Pandects.

F.G.S.—Fellow of the Geological Society.

F.H.S.—Fellow of the Horticultural Society.

a. fa.— Fieri facias, cause it to be done.

Fid. Def.—Defender of the Faith.




F.L.S.— Fellow of the Linnamn Society.

F. O. B. —Free on Board.




F. P. S.-Fellow of the Philological Society.

Fr.—Franc; francs; French. Fragmentum, fragment. Francis.

F.R.A.S.—Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

F.R.C.S.L.—Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, London.


F.R.G.S.—Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Frl. —Friday.

F. R. S. —Fellow of the Royal Society.

Frs.— Frisian.

F.R.S.E.-Fellow of the Royal Society, Edinburgh.

F.R.S.L.—Fellow of the Royal Society, London; Fellow of the Royal 8ociety of Literature.

F.S.A.— Fellow of the Society of Arts.

F. S. A. E.—Fellow of the Society of
Antiquaries, Edinburgh.

Ft.—Foot; feet; Fort.

F.Z.S.—Fellow of the Zoological

G. org.—Guineas.

G.A.—General Assembly.


Gal.— Galatians; Gallon.

G.B.—Great Britain.

G.C. — Grand Chancellor; Grand

Chapter. G.C. B.— Grand Cross of the Bath. G.CH.—Grand Cross of Hanover. G.CL.H. —Grand Cross of the

Legion of Honor. G.E.— Grand Encampment. Gen.—Genesis; General. Gent. —Gentleman. Oeo.—George; Georgia. Geog. —Geography. Geol.—Geology. Geom. —Geometry. Ger.—Germany; German. G.L.— Grand Lodge. Ql.—Glossa, a gloss. G.M.—Grand Master. G.O-—General Order. Goth. —Gothic. Gov. —Governor. Gov, -Gen. —Governor-Oeneral. Q.R.—Oeorgius Rex, King George. Or.—Greek; Gross; Grains.

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In lira.—In limine, at the outset.

In lot*, -In loco. In the place; on the passage.

In pr.— In principio, in the beginning and before the first para' graph of a law.

I.N.R.L —Jesus ScuarenuB, Rex Judaorum, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

Inst.—Instant, of this month; Institutes.

In Kum.-Jn nimma, In the summary.


Inter]. —Interjection.

In trans.—/n transitu, on the passage.

Introd. —Introduction.

I.O.O.T. —Independent Order pf Good Templars.

I. O.F.— Independent Order of Forresters.

I.O.O.F. —Independent Order of Odd-Fellows.

I.O.U.—I owe you.

l.q.— litem quod, the same as.

Isa.— Isaiah.

Is!.— Island.

I.S.M.—Jesus Salvatormundi, Jesus the Saviour of the world.

Ital.—Italic: Italian.

Itin.— Itinerant, or Itinerary.

IV. —Four or fourth.

IX.—Nine or ninth.

J.—Justice or Judge. JJ.—Justices.

J.—One (medical).

J. A. —Judge- Advocate.

Jac— Jacob.

Jam. —Jamaica.


Jas. —James.

J.CD.—Juris Cirtlls Doctor, Doctor of Civil Law.

J.D. Jurum Doctor, Doctor of Laws.

Jer. —Jeremiah.

Jno.— John.

Jona. —Jonathan.

Jos. —Joseph.

Josh.— Joshua.

J. P.—Justice of the Peace.

J. Prob—Judge of Probate.

J.R. —Jacobus Rex, King James.

Jr. or Jun.—Junior.

J.U.D. or J.V.D.— Juris utriusque Doctor, Doctor of both Laws (of the Canon and the Civil Law).



Judge-Adv. —Judge- Advocate.

Jul.—July; Julius.

Jul. Per.—Julian Period.

Jun.—June; Junius; Junior.

Jus. P. —Justice of the Peace.

Just. —Justinian.

J. W.—Junior Warden.


K.A.— Knight of St. Andrew. In Russia.

K.A.N. — Knight of St. Alexander NevskoJ. In Russia.

Kas.— Kansas.

KB—King's Bench; Knight of the Bath.

K. B. A. —Knight of St. Bento d'Avls. In Portugal.

K. BE -Knight of the Black Eagle. In Russia,

K.C— King's Council; Knight of the

Crescent, in Turkey. K.C.B.—Knight Commander of the

Bath. K.C. H. — Knight Commander of

Hanover. K.C.S.— Knight of Charles III. of

Spain. K.E.— Knight of the Elephant, in

Denmark. K. F. —Knight of Ferdinand of Spain. K.F.M. —Knight of St. Ferdinand

and Merit, in Sicily. KG.—Knight of the Carter. K. O. C. —Knight of the Grand Cross. K-G.C.B. —Knight of the Grand

Cross of the Bath. K.G.F. —Knight of the Golden

Fleece, In Spain. K.G.H. -Knight of the Guelphs of

Hanover. K.O.V.—Knight of Gustavus Vasa,

In Sweden. K.H.— Knight of Hanover; Knights

of Honor. Ki.-Kings. KM. or kll.-Kilderkin. Kingd. —Kingdom. K.J.— Knight of St. Joachim. K l.. or K.L. A. —Knight of Leopold

of Austria. KL.H-— Knight of the Legion of

Honor; Knights and Ladles of

Honor. K.M.-Knight of Malta. K. Mess.—King's Messenger. K.M.H.— Knight of Merit, In Hoi

stein. K.M.J. — Knight of Maximilian

Joseph, In Bavaria. K.M.T.— Knight of Maria Theresa,

in Austria. K.N.— Know-Nothing. Knick. —Knickerbocker. K.N s.-Knight of the Royal North

Star, In Sweden. Knt.— Knight. K.P.-Knightof St. Patrick; Knight

of Pythias. K.R.C.— Knight of the Red Cross. K.R.E.— Knight of the Red Eagle,

in Prussia. K.8. — Knight of the Sword, In

Sweden. K. 8. A. — Knight of St. Anne, in

Russia. K s K -Knight Of St Esprit, in

France. K.s. F. —Knight of St Fernando, In

Spain. K.S.O.—Knight of St. George, in

Russia. K.S.H.-Knight of St. Hubert, In

Bavaria. K.S. J.—Knight of St. Janaurlus of

Naples. K.S.L. — Knight of the Sun and

Lion. In Persia. K.8.M. A 8.0. — Knight of St.

Michael and St. George, in the

Ionian Island*. K.S P.—Knight of St. Stanislaus, In

Poland. K.8-8. —Knight of the Southern

Star, in Brazil: Knight of the

Sword, in Sweden. K.S.W.-Knight of St. Wladlmlr.

in Russia. K.T.— Knight of the Thistle; Knight


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MB. — Medicina Baeratau
Bachelor of Medicine.

M.B.— Musica Baccataureus, Bachelor of Music.

M.B.G. et H.— Magna Britamuia, Qallia et Hibcrnia. Great Britain. France, and Ireland.

M.C.— Member of Congress.


M.D.—Medtcina Doctor. Doctor of Medicine.

Md— Maryland.

Mdlle. —Mademoiselle.

Mdse. —Merchandise.

M.E.— Methodist Episcopal; Military or Mechanical Engineer.


Mech.— Mechanics, or Mechanical


Mem. —Memorandum. Memmto, remember.


Messrs. or KM —Messieurs. Gentlemen.

Met. —Metaphysics.

Metal. —Metallurgy-
Meteor. —Meteorology.


Mex.—Mexico, or Mexican.

M.-Goth. -Moeso-Gothic.

M.H.S. — Massachusetts Historical Society; Member of the Historical Society.

Mlc. -Micah.



Mil. Acad.-Military Academy.

Min.—Mineralogy; Minute.

Minn. —Minnesota.

Mln. Plen. - Minister Plenipotentiary.


ML A — Mercantile-Library Association.

MM. - Their Majesties. Mrtsiemn. Gentlemen, Two thousand

M.M.S.— Moravian Miwtonary Society.

M.M.8.8. — Massarhusettensis Jferfsrina Societali$ S*>cium, Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

Mo—Missouri; Month.


Mon. —Monday.

Man*.—Monsieur, Sir.

Mos. — Months.

Mont Ter. — Montana Territory.

MP.-Member of Parliament; Member of Police.

MP P.-Member of Provincial Par II anient

MR.-Master of the Rolls.

Mr. -Mister.

M.R As -Member of the Royal Asiatic Society; Member of the Royal Academy of Srfrncr

M.R.C.C—Member of the Roral College of Chemistry.

MR .C S.-Memberof the Royal Oat lege of Surgeona.

M.R. US.-Member of the Royal Geographical Society.

M. R. I. -Member of the Royal Institute.

MR. LA.-Member of the Royal Irish Academy.


MRS L. - Member of the Rvynl Society of Literature.

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O.K.— A slang phrase for "All correct."

Obt or obdt.—Obedient.

Oct. —October.

O.F.—Odd-Fellow, or Odd-Fellows.

O.F.P.—Order of Friar Preachers.

Old Test. orO.T.—Old Testament.

Olym. —Olympiad.


Opt.—Optics; Optical; Optional.


Ord.— Ordinance; Order; Ordnance; Ordinary.



O.S.—Old Style (before 1758).

O.S.F.—Order of St. Francis.

O.T.—Old Testament.

O. U. A. —Order of United Americans.


Oxon— Oroniensis Oxonti, of Oxford, at Oxford.


P.—Ponder*, by weight

P. or p.—Page; Part; Participle.


Pal.— Palaeontology.

Par. —Paragraph.

Par. Pas. —Parallel passage.


Pathol. —Pathology.


Pb.—Plumbum, lead.

P. B. — Philosophic Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Philosophy.

P. C. — Patres Conscript!, Conscript Fathers; Senators.

P.C.—Privy Council; Privy Councilor.

P.D.— Philosophies Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy.


P. E—Protestant Episcopal.

P.E I.—Prince Edward Island.


Pent. —Pentecost.

Per or pr. —By the.

Per an.—Per annum, by the year.

Percent.—Per centum, by the hundred.


Pet —Peter.

P. G.— Past Grand.

Phar. —Pharmacy.

Ph. B.—Philosophies Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Philosophy.

Ph.D.— Philosophic Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy.

Phil.-Philip; Philippians; Philosophy; Philemon.

Phila. or Phil.-Philadelphia.

Phllom. — Philomathes, Lover of Learning.

Philomath. — PnHomafnemaffciis, A lover of the mathematics.

Phil. Trans. —Philosophical Transactions.

Ph ren.—Ph renology.

P. H.S. — Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Pinx. — Piniit, He (or she) painted tt


PI. or plur.— Plural.


P.M. Post Meridiem. Afternoon. Evening; Postmaster; Passed Midshipman.

P.M.G. — Postmaster-Oeneral; Professor of Music in Greaham College.

P. O. —PostOffice.


Pop. —Population.

Port.—Portugal; Portuguese.

Pos.— Position; Positive; Possession.

P.P.-Pater Patrice, Father of his

Country; Parish Priest. P. P. C. —Pour prendre conge, to take

leave. Pp. or pp.—Pages. Pph.— Pamphlet Pr.—By. P. R. —Populus Romanus, the Roman

People: Porto Rico; Proof-reader;

Prize Ring. P. R. A. — President of the Royal

Academy. P.R.C. — Post Romam conditam.

After the building of Rome. Pref.—Preface. Prep. —Preposition. Pres.—President. Prln.—Principally. Pro.—For; in favor of. Prob.—Problem. Prof.—Professor. Pron.—Pronoun; Pronunciation. Prop. —Proposition. Prot.— Protestant. Pro tern. —Pro tempore, for the time

being. Prov. — Proverbs; Provost. Prox— Proximo, next (month). P. R.S.-President of the Royal Society. P. S.— Post scriptum. Postscript P.8.— Privy Seal. Ps.—Psalm or Psalms. Pt.—Part; Pint: Payment; Point;

Port; Post-town. P.Th.G.— Professor of Theology In

Gresham College. Pub.-Publisher; Publication; Pub

lished; Public. Pub. Doc.—Public Documents. P. v.—Post-village. Pwt.—Pennyweight; pennyweights. Pxt.— Pinxit, He (or she) painted it. Q. — Queen; Question, q.— Quasi, as It were; almost. Q.B.—Queen's Bench. Q.C. — Queen's College; Queen's

Counsel. q.d.— Quasi dicat, as If he should

say; quart dictum, as If said;

quasi dixisset, as if he had said, q.e.— Quod est, which is. q.e.d.—Quod erat demonstrandum,

which was to be proved. q.e.t.—Quod erat faciendum, which

was to be done. q.e.i. — Quod erat inveniendum,

which was to be found out. q. 1. —Quantum libet, as much as you

please. Q. M.—Quartermaster, qm. — Quomodo, how; by what

means. Q. M. G. —Quartermaster-General, q.p. or—Quantum placet, as

much as you please. Qr.—Quarter. Q.8. — Quarter- sessions; Quarter

section, q.s.— Quantum sufficit, a sufficient

quantity. Qt. —Quart

qu. or qy.~ Quarre, inquire; query. Quar. —Quarterly.

Ques. —Question.

q.v.— Quod vide, which see: quantum vis, as much as you will. R. — Recipe, take. Regina, Queen;

Rex. King. River; Rod; Rood;

Ri^es. R.A.—Royal Academy; Royal Academician; Royal Arch; Royal

Arcanum; Royal Artillery. RC. — Rescrlptum, a Rescript, rewritten. R.E.—Royal Engineers. Rec—Recipe, or Recorder. Reed.—Received. Rec. Sec.—Recording Secretary. Rect— Rector; Receipt. Ref.—Reference; Reform. Ref. Ch.— Reformed Church. Reg.—Register; Regular. Reg. Prof.— Regius Professor. Regr. —Registrar. Reirt. —Regiment Rel.-Religion. Rep. — Representative; Reporter;

Republic. Rev.—Reverend; Revelation (Book

of); Review; Revenue; Revise. Rhet.—Rhetoric. R. I. —Rhode Island. Richd — Richard. R.I.H.S.-Rhode Island Historical

Society. R.M.— Royal Marines: Royal Mall. R. MS —Royal Mall Steamer. R.N.-Royal Navy. R.N.O. — Riddare af Sordstjerne

Orden, Knight of the Order of the

Polar Star. Ro. —Recto, Right-hand page. Root— Robert. Rom.—Romans (Book of). Rom Cath.— Roman Catholic. R.P.— Regius Professor, the King's

Professor. R.R. -Railroad. R.S.—Recording Secretary. Rs. — Responsum, answer; respon

dere, to answer. R.S.A. —Royal Society of Antl

quaries; Royal Scottish Academy. R.S.D.—Royal Society of Dublin. R.8.E. —Royal Society of Edin

burgh. R.S.L.—Royal Society of London. R.S.V.P.— Repondex sil vous plait.

Answer, if you please. Rt. Hon.—Right Honorable. Rt. Rev.—Right Reverend. Rt. Wpful.-Right Worshipful. R W. -Right Worthy. R W.O. — Riddare af Wasa Orden,

Knight of the Order of Wasa. S.—South; Saint; Scribe; Sulphur.

Sunday; Sun: Series. S —Solidus, a shilling. S. A. —South America; South Arrica,

South Australia, s. a. —Secundum artem, according to

art Sam.—Samuel. San cs. —Sanscri t. S.A.S. — Societatis Antiquariorum

Sod us. Fellow of the Society of

Sax. —Saxon.

Sax. Chron.— Saxon Chronicle.
S C— Senatus Consult urn, A decree

of the Senate: South Carolina.

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