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rational and intelligent subjects of God's moral kingdom, is insensible to the movements of the truly enlightened and virtuous. Nor is he less happy in the full enjoyment of all his expanding faculties and moral susceptibilities.

And this may be, whether in the infancy of being, manhood of time, or ages of eternity. Happiness and usefulness are confined to no stage of being. During the period of infancy and youth we may be happy and useful under proper culture rightly educated and though not so extensively, as in after being, yet not less really. The first dawning of human existence may be attended with blessings in nature perfect and under the fostering care of wise instruction may continue in their enjoyment.

Nor will they, under the same culture, be denied in manhood when advancing years and rolling time have urged us forward to the busy scenes of life. Even then, and through time, we may be happy and useful. Neither the cares of life, nor the fearful anxieties of the future may disturb our repose, or render our influence unwelcome. Rightly educated, we meet events as they rise, and the utility of our course is unquestioned.

And when life shall cease, and the ages of eternity commence their rounds, the source of happiness shall remain; and our usefulness be acknowledged through all the ranks of superior intelligences. And in their acknowledgements and our enjoyment will appear the true dignity of man and glory of his instruction.

Education such, that develops the whole man, physical, intellectual and moral, in accordance with the laws of nature, the will of heaven, and providential dealings, qualifying him for personal enjoyment and mutual benefit in solitude, around the fire-side, among friends, as a citizen and a christian, in early life, through time and forever, may give form to chaos and bring order out of confusion: First, by destroying every royal road to knowledge, and drying up every imaginary fountain of happiness. Numerous are the inventions of men to find a short way to knowledge. They have used translations and abridgments; read reviews and journals; employed hieroglyphics and mathematical blocks; grammatical wheels and geographical cards to obtain knowledge an education without thinking without exertion. without exertion. But all will not do. To be wise and learned, they must think and act, study and

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investigate. Nor is there any other way of attaining the object. They must go deep and philosophically into the works of nature; examine patiently and thoroughly the claims of revelation; and closely and continually observe the leadings of providence, to become acquainted with themselves, the secret springs of human action, and the immutable principles of God's government. Thus education in its appropriate sphere and proper meaning, forever destroys every royal road to learning. There is none. And there never can be any. To know truly and act correctly, men must think intensely and perseveringly.

Various also are the imaginary sources of happiness. All men would be happy; and most expect to obtain the blessing. Yet many are disappointed in their expectations. They utterly fail of the anticipated good; and because they seek it where it may never be found. They would find it in the violation of their natures-trampling on the authority of revelation or in open defiance of the course of providence. But, in either case, they are unprepared to meet rising events, or to join in future scenes. This is the result of an education they do not possess; an education, that qualifies them for happiness in every place and at all times, corresponding with nature, revelation and providence. Nor is there any other from which it may flow. Every imaginary fountain of happiness then is dried up. And all, who would be happy from any source other than the well of knowledge and fountain of life, must be forever disappointed.

Thus, by removing the ground of all false hopes of happiness, and closing every specious avenue to knowledge, education does much to base them on a permanent foundation. And this serves as a corner-stone, immovable, on which to found every social, civil and religious institution. As a mighty rock in the ocean around which the waves dash and break in vain, so this stands firm amidst experiments and change. Neither one nor the other can move the foundations of knowledge and happiness. Amidst chaos else, this is fixed-wisdom and happiness are based on right education. And could this be stamped on every page of earth, and made to stand out in bold relief, how would brazen ignorance stand abashed, and presumptuous folly hide itself! Nor would little be done. to restore the convulsed elements of society to order.

Again, secondly, education would restore order by hushing

the warring elements of wild fanaticism, and lawless, reckless insubordination. The restraints of law and authority, and of morality and religion, seem to have yielded to restless impatience and enthusiastic zeal. Respect for age, fear of justice, and regard for truth, are giving away to youthful ambition and heedless enterprise. Retiring modesty and female delicacy and loveliness, are throwing off the veil, and assuming rights, and exercising an influence that ill become them. The very floodgates of licentiousness are giving way before the impetuosity of aspiring tyrants and ignorant zealots. They seem ready to break down the laws of society and of nature, and in defiance of the positive commands of heaven to bring all on a level. Nor is there hope left, but in education, based on the invariable characters of men, and conformed to the fixed laws of nature, revelation and providence; that qualifies them to stem the torrent of licentiousness with peaceful composure, and brave the dangers of hereafter in triumph.

This alone may hold in check the panting spirit of wild fanaticism; a spirit warring against good order the peace of individuals, families, communities, nations and the world: and one that nothing but intelligence and virtue may ever tame or even restrain. Heedless and ignorant, it knows no fear, and will take no advice, while it urges forward its course. To check it, then, light must be thrown into its path. And what more successful in this, than education? It throws light all around; and makes the darkness of fanaticism visible. No sooner is the mask torn away than it hides itself in retirement. Fanaticism shrinks from the light of education. thus it may be held in check.


it may be held

So with lawless, reckless insubordination in suspense by education. Though it sometimes shows itself in opposition to parental authority; then in rebellion against school, academy, and college regulations; next in city mobs and political parties; and finally in contempt of the moral government of heaven: still there is a redeeming principle in education. A principle, that may hold insubordination itself in suspense. It holds up the strong arm of civil authority, and the overwhelming retributions of eternity. And though they should not stop its course entirely it will be held in dread suspense. Lawless and reckless as it is, it dares not brave sworn vengeance and Almighty strength.

Thus, by suspending the operations of insubordination, and

checking the warring spirit of fanaticism, education tends to order. It holds fast the struggling elements of discord, and gives form and character to society. Nor may the ambitious and enthusiastic grasp all power, and hurl the moral world into chaos unprepared. Though revolution proceed to ultimate consummation, its progress is gradual, and may be guided by education. And thus order partial is sustained amidst ruin else.

Finally, education may restore order complete, by making men loyal and obedient to civil authority and bringing them under moral government. As social beings, men have formed themselves into civil society, and adopted rules and regulations to govern their intercourse with one another: and as rational and accountable beings, they are ever under the moral government of God. These different forms of government are necessary to their well-being. The one to regulate their civil conduct; and the other their moral action. Nor may they deviate from either with impunity. Yet many trample on civil authority and disregard the threatenings of the Almighty. They will not acknowledge the claims of any government, and refuse to be regulated in their course by God or man. And in open defiance of both, they violate the laws of the land, and the laws of heaven. Their responsibilities, however, are commensurate with their obligations. Consequently they subject themselves to deserved punishment for every offence.

Loyal and obedient, however, under the forming hand of education, they would neither offend nor be punished. And educated in accordance with the laws of nature, revelation and providence, they would be loyal and obedient to civil authority. They would be subject to the powers that be, and never deviate from good and wholesome laws. Though human, they would be revered and obeyed. And thus the laws of the land would become their guide, and the protection of the weak;a terror to evil doers, and the pride and boast of the whole; frowning the lawless delinquent from civil society, and holding out the olive-branch to the civilized world. Order thus would be restored, and peace reign through the abodes of men.

The same loyalty and obedience under moral government, would make men willing subjects of heaven. And rightly educated they would be loyal and obedient. In accordance

with the principles of their natures, as revealed in the Bible, and developed in providence, their moral actions would accord with the government of God. And thus acknowledging their allegiance to heaven, and submitting to the requisitions of their sovereign, they restore order through all the ranks of his moral kingdom. Nor would aught disturb its repose, were all loyal and obedient.

Thus by making men patriots and christians, loyal and obedient subjects of civil authority and moral government, education effects an entire change, and restores order complete. Amidst confusion, chaos and ruin, it may guide the storm, and bring the scattered fragments of broken institutions into one. harmonious and universal government: a government based on virtuous intelligence and loyal obedience: one that the storms of revolution cannot shake, and the crumbling elements. of earth shall not undermine.

Such are the conservative powers, the redeeming energies of education. It controls the man, guides the storm of revolution, and brings order out of confusion. It is the secret of self control the basis of free institutions. It makes us free; while it calms the passions, and hushes the noise of strife. It

"Fixes on the skies, and bids earth

Roll; nor feels her idle whirl.”

Noble object! high aim! worthy of the Institute — and of man. Persevere educate the world, and it is redeemed. Redeemed from ignorance and delusion; fanaticism and insubordination; civil discord and moral revolution. And though brass and marble inmortalize not your name; when these are mouldered in the dust, or have mingled in the last fire, you shall live in immortal honor.

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