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From Rev. AUBREY C. PRICE, B.A., late Fellow of New College, Oxford, Minister of Immanuel Churen :"West Brixton, S. W., August 20, 1885. Owing to extensive decay in two double teeth, I suffered for days excruciating pain. I was recommended y 'BUNTER'S NERVINE.' I did so. To my joy, the pain quickly and entirely ceased. I have since atedly derived the greatest possible relief in severe neuralgic headache from four or five drops of 'BUNTER'S VINE,' taken upon a lump of white sugar.'

BUNTER'S NERVINE, of all Chemists, 1s. 1d.

[blocks in formation]


Sold by all Dealers throughout the World.

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Macmillan's magazine

David Masson, Sir George
Grove, John Morley, Mowbray Morris

[merged small][ocr errors]
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