Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Bergen, J. Y., and Davis, B. M. Laboratory and field manual of botany. [bibl. p. 2272341. *90c. '07. Ginn. Campbell, D. H. University text-book of botany. 2d ed. *$4. '07. Macmillan. Curtis, C. C. Nature and development of

plants. **$2.50. 07. Holt.

Druce, G: C. Dillenian herbaria. *$4.15. '07. Oxford.

Hooker, J. D. and Jackson. B. D. eds. Index Kewensis. v. hf. mor. *$64; Supplement 1 (1886-1895), with the Index, *$77.25; Supplement. 2 (1896-1900). *$8.75, or in 2 pts., ea. *$4. Oxford. (corr. price.) Kraemer, H: Text-book of botany and pharmacognosy. 2d ed. *$5. '07. Lippincott. Syne, W: A. Some constitutents of the poison ivy plant. '06. William A. Syme, Raleigh, N. C.

See also Agriculture; Angiosperms; Bacteriology; Biology; Botanical apparatus: Citharexylum; Compositae; Cryptogams; Diatoms; Eupatorieae; Evolution; Ferns; Festuca; Floriculture: Flowers; Forestry; Fruit; Fungi; Gardening; Godetias; Grasses: Gymnosperms: Laboulbeniaceae: Leguminosac; Lichens; Mandrake; Microscope: Mosses; Natural history: Paleontology; Parasites; Phalloideae: Plant breeding: Plant regeneration; Plants: Plants, Diseases of; Polysiphonia: Seedtesting; Shrubs; Spermatophytes; Trees; Vegetables: Weeds.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bray, W: L. Distribution and adaptation of the vegetation of Texas. [bibl., p. 107-8.1 pa. 50c. '06. Univ. of Texas. Clements, F: E: Plant physiology and ecology. *$2. '07. Holt.

Copeland, E. B. Comparative ecology of San Ramon polypodiaceae. pa. 50c. '07. Bureau of science of the gov. of the Philippine Islands.

Davis. C: A. Field work in towns and cities. gratis. '06. Univ. of Mich.

Davis. C: A. Wood-lot studies. gratis. '06. Univ. of Mich.

Transeau, E. N. Bogs and bog flora of the Huron river valley. 75c. '06. Edgar N. Transeau, Charleston, Ill.

[blocks in formation]

Botany Continued.

Juvenile and popular literature.

Hale, E. H. Flowerless plants. *45c. '07. Hulbert.

Kellerman, W: A. Elementary botany with Spring flora. *90c. Hinds.

Maeterlinck, M. Intelligence of the flowers. **$1.20. '07. Dodd.

Ward, J: J. Some nature biographies: plant, insect marine, mineral. *$1.50. '08. Lane. Wright, M. O. Flowers and ferns haunts. **$2. '07. Macmillan.




Shreve, F. Development and anatomy of sarracenia purpurea. pa. 50c. '06. Forrest Shreve, Woman's college, Baltimore.


Jackson, B: D. Glossary of botanic terms. 2d ed. *$2.50. '07. Lippincott.

Lyons, A. B. Plant names, scientific and popular. 2d ed. $3.50. '07. Nelson, Baker & co., Detroit, Mich.


See Plants, Diseases of.


Boge, J. C. Comparative electro-physiology of piants. $5.75. 07. Longmans.

Clements, F: E: Plant physiology and ecology. *$2. '07. Holt.

Ganong botanical apparatus for use in plant physiology. '07. Bausch & Lomb optical co., Rochester, N. Y.

Green, J. R. Introduction_to_vegetable physiology. 2d ed. *$3. '07. Blakiston.

Jost, L. Lectures on plant physiology; [with bibl.] *$6.75. (*21s.); hf. mor. *$7.75. (*24s.) '07. Oxford.

Osterhout, W. J: V. On nutrient and balanced solutions. pa. 5c. '07. Univ. of Cal. Study and teaching.

Davis. C: A. Field work in towns and cities. gratis. '06. Univ. of Mich.

Davis, C. A. Wood-lot studies. gratis. '06. Univ. of Mich.

Goulding, M. P. Flores: a botanical game, 50c. Bardeen.

Southwick, A. P. Dime question bock on botany. 30c. Bardeen.


Macdougal, D. T., and others. Mutations, rariations, and relationships of the oenotheras. pa. $1. '07. Carnegie inst.

Altai mountains.

Turner, S: Altai flora. (In "Siberia," p. 374415.) $6. 06. Jacobs.


Hall, H. M. Compositae of southern California. pa. $3. 207. Univ. of Cal.


Brown. S. Alpine flora of the Canaian Rockles. **$3. '07. Putnam.


Rydberg, P. A. Flora of Colorado. '06. Agricultural experiment station, Fort Collins, Col.


Millspaugh, C: F: Flora of the sand keys of Florida, pa. 50c. '07. Field Columbian mu


Great Britain.

Adams, H. I. Wild flowers of the British Isles. **$10. (*30s.) '07. Doubleday.


U. S. National museum. Studies of Mexican and Central American plants, no. 5. (Con

[blocks in formation]

Bothwell, Mrs. Margaretta Gray. Jesus of Nazareth as a type. S. 32p. pa. 25c. (O.) '07. Progressive literature co. 7-38258. Law absolute. D. 32p. pa. 25c. (D. 15) '06. Progressive literature co. Motherhood series, 6v. ea. 32p. 25c; per set, $1. 07. Progressive literature co. Contents: v. 1, Motherhood. (7-38878); v. 2, First principles; v. 3, The law of expression; v. 4, Relation to environment; v. 5, Adolescence; v. 6, Success. Botsford, Anna. See Comstock, Mrs. J. H. Botticelli, Sandro (Alessandro Filipepi), 14471515.

Binns, H: B. Botticelli. *65c. '07. Stokes. Bottle. Cruikshank, G: *25c. Stokes. Bottle. Taylor, T. P. 15c. Dramatic.

Bottler's helper. Blumenthal, M. L., ed. Blumenthal bros., Phil.

[blocks in formation]

Bottome, Phyllis.

Imperfect gift [a novel]. D. 341p. $1.50. (Je. 20) '07. Dutton.

Bottomley, C. Earle E.

(comp.) Directory of Portland cement manufacturers in the United States, 1907. lea. $1. '07. C. Earle E. Bottomley, Land title bldg., Phil.

Boucicault, Dion, 1822-1890.

Colleen Bawn: Irish drama in 3 acts. 15c. Dramatic.

How she loves him: a comedy. 15c. French, S: Octoroon; or, Life in Louisiana: drama in five acts. 25c. Dramatic.

Boudin, Louis Boudianoff, 1874Theoretical system of Karl Marx in the light of recent criticism. (International lib. of social science.) D. 5p., 9-286p. $1. '07. Kerr. 7-21757.

"The present volume is substantially a reprint of a series of articles which appeared in the International socialist review from May, 1905, to October, 1906. ́ ́Pref.

Bougaud, (Louis Victor) Emile, 1823-1888. Divinity of Christ: an argument; tr. from the French by C. L. Currie. D. 300p. *$1. '05. Rev. Thomas J. Moran, Arlington, N. J.

Boughton, Rutland.

Bach. (Music of the masters.) D. $1. '07. Brentano's.

Boulger, George Simonds, 1853Familiar trees; with coloured plates by W. H. J. Boot and A. Fairfax Muckley and plain plates from photographs and microphotographs; entirely new ed., rev. throughout and enl. First ser. D. vi, 160p. col. front. il. 75 pl. *$1.50. '06. Cassell. Agr 7-1348. --Same. Second series. D. vi, 152p. col. front. 75 pl. *$1.50. '07. Cassell. Agr 7-1688. Boulogne-sur-mer.

Fleming, W: C. Boulogne-sur-mer: St. Patrick's native town. *45c. '07. Benziger. Boulting, William.

Tasso and his times: with 24 il. (Memoir ser.) O. xv, 314p. front. pls. pors. facsim. *$2.75. (S.) '07. Putnam. 7-37967.

Boulton, William B. Thomas Gainsborough, his life, work, friends, and sitters; with 40 il. O. xi, 336p. front. *$2.75. (S. 14) '07. McClurg.

Bounds, Edward McKendree, 1835Preacher and prayer. (Prayer ser.) S. 3-128p. pa. bds. 30c. '07. Pub. house M. E. ch. So. 7-23288. Resurrection. (Series on heaven.) S. 3-172p. pa. bds. 30c. '07. Pub. house M. E. ch. So. 7-23289. Bountyville boys. Hancock, H. I. $1.50. Appleton.

Bouquet, Henry, 1719-1766. Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764: historical account of expedition against the Ohio Indians, in 1764, under command of Henry Bouquet, Colonel of Foot (now Brigadier-General in America), including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the de

Bouquet, H: Expedition -Continued.

very of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace, with an introductory account of the preceding campaign and battle of Bushby Run. O. maps. pls. *$3. '07. Clarke, R.

Bourchier, Helen.

Darry's awakening; with original il. by J. Gillingham. D. v-vi, 299p. il. front. †$1.50. '07. Warne.

Bourgeois from Molière to Beaumarchais. Peirce, W. T. pa. 90c. Walter Thomson Peirce, Columbus, O.

Bourgeoys, Marguerite, 1620-1700.

Drummond, M. M. Life and times of Margaret Bourgeoys (the venerable). $1. '07. A. G. P.

Bourget, Paul (Charles Joseph), 1852

Un saint; ed. by Cloudesley Brereton. (Siepmann's advanced French ser.) S. xi, 116p. *60c. (O.) '07. Macmillan.

Bourke, S. Ten Eyck.

Fables in feathers; il. by J. M. Condé. D. 3p., 114p. front. 8 pl. †$1. '07. Crowell. 7-24036. Bourland, Benjamin Parsons. (ed.) See Alarcón. P. A. de. El sombrero de tres picos.

Bourne,; Holst, von; and Brown,.. Architectural drawing, architectural lettering. 200p. 55 il. $1.50. '07. Am. school of correspondence.

Bourne, Edward Gaylord, 1860

Discovery, conquest, and early history of the Philippine Islands; with maps and plates; being a separate issue of the Historical introduction to Blair & Robertson's "The Philippine Islands: 1493-1898.' O. 2p., 1987p. front. (por.) pls. maps. $1.25. '07. Clark, A. H.


Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de, 17691834.

La jeunesse de Bonaparte; ed. by A. Canivet. (Oxford modern French ser.) D. 11p.. 92p. *50c. (Ag.) '07. Oxford. W7-225.

Bousset, Wilhelm, 1865

What is religion?; tr. by F. B. Low, with an introd. by the Rev. Douglas Morrison. (Crown theological lib., v. 20.) O. 16p., 304p. *$1.50. (O. 12) '07. Putnam.

Boutelle, Clarence Miles.

Man of Mt. Moriah: a great Masonic story. Improved ed.; rev., introduced and indexed by J: W. Brown; supplemented with poems by the author; also with appropriate poems by several other noted writers; amended by increasing the number of il. and rearranging them. Q. 3p.. 3-298, 44, viiip. il. pls. $2.40; hf. rus. $2.80; g. $3.60; hf. mor. $3.20; g. $4; pa. $1.60. (c. '93-'07.) '07. John W. Brown & co., 2126 Indiana av., Chi7-26611


Boutet de Monvel, Maurice.

Joan of Arc; il. in color by the author. F. *$3. '07. Century.

Bovard, John F.

Notes on quaternary felidae from California. (Univ. of Cal. publications. Bulletin of the Dept. of geology. v. 5, no. 10.) Q. 155-170p. 2 pl. pa. 15c. (S.) '07. Univ. of Cal. Structure and movements of condylostoma patens. (Univ. of Cal. publications. Zoology, v. 3, no. 14.) Q. 343-368p. pls. pa. 25c. (S. 28) '07. Univ. of Cal.

"Condylostoma is one of the largest unicellular animals, and for this reason was chosen for experiments which had for their object the correlation of body, form and movements."-Pref.

Bowden, Alfred James, 1864

Fifty-five letters of George Washington to 'Benjamin Lincoln, 1777-1799; briefly described, with foreword, by A. J. Bowden. bds. $1. 07. Richmond. Unpublished revolutionary papers of MajorGeneral Edward Hand of Pennsylvania, 1777-1784: catalogued with preliminary note by A. J. Bowden. The property of and offered for sale by George H. Richmond. O. 29p. '07. Richmond.

Bowden, Emily F.

(tr.) See Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. F. Fathers of the desert.


G. V.


Bowditch, Charles Pickering, 1842Mayan nomenclature. Q. 11p. priv. ptd. '06. University press, Cambridge, Mass. Temples of the cross, of the follated cross and of the sun at Palenque. Q. 11p., 3 L il. priv. ptd. '06. University press, Cambridge, Mass. 6-46221.

Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838. American practical navigator, being an epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy; rev. in 1880, under the direction of the Bureau of navigation, Navy department; rev. in 1903, under the direction of the Bureau of equipment, Navy department. (U. S. Hydrographic office. Publication no. 9.) Q. 652p. il. $2.25. '06. Supt. of doc. 6-35331. Rev. in 1880 by P. H. Cooper and in 1903 by G. W. Logan.

Reprint of the revised edition, 1903, with no change made in the text or tables of that edition except the correction of such errors as have been discovered in it to the present date." cf. Note, p. 4. Bowdoin, William Goodrich, 1860

Jack and Jill according to the modern school of fiction. D. 15p. front. $1. priv. ptd. (D. 15) '06. W. G. Bowdoin, 130 Fulton st.. N. Y. 7-9526.

Bowen, Edwin W.

Makers of American literature. O. *$2.50. '07. Neale.

Bowen, James A. Story_reader, for the second year at school, by J. A. Bowen assisted by many teachers in the New York city schools. D. 266p. front. i. pls. *40c. '07. Globe school bk. 7-5714. Bowen, Marjorie.

Leopard and the lily. D. vi, 375p. †$1.50. '07. McClure. 7-7520. Master of Stair. D. 5p., 3-376p. $1.50. (My. 07. McClure. 7-15924 Viper of Milan: a romance of Lombardy. D. xii, 362p. †$1.50. '06. McClure. 6-41272. Bower, B. M. (B. M. Sinclair).

Her prairie knight, and Rowdy of the "Cross L." il. in color by W. Herbert Dunton. D. 3p., 11-314p. col. front. 2 col. pl. †$1.25. '07 Dillingham. 7-23641. Lure of the dim trails; il. by C. M. Russell. D. 5p.. 210p. col. front. 2 col. pl. †$1.50. (0.) '07. Dillingham. 7-32836. Range dwellers; il. by C: M. Russell. D. 3p.. 11-256p. col. front. 2 col. pl. $1.25. (F. 20) '07. Dillingham. 7-6407. Bowers, Spotswood E. (ed.)

See Stephen, J. F. of evidence.

Bowie. August J.

Digest of the law

Practical irrigation. '07. McGraw. Bowkett, Sydney.

Snowstorm: drama in one act. 15c. Dramatic Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1855

Surgical pathology and morbid anatomy. 5th ed. 652p. 196 engr. *$3.50. '07. Keener. Bowlby, Frank Hunter, 1857

(ed.) See Wharton, F. Law of homicide. Bowne, Borden Parker, 1847#Personalism: the Norman W. Harris lectures for 1907. 07. Houghton.

[blocks in formation]


Siler. G: Inside facts on pugilism. 50c; pa. 25c. '07. Laird.

Boy de la Tour, Henrl. Induction motor; its theory and design, set forth by a practical method of calculation: tr. from the French by C. O. Mailloux. 2d ed.. cor. O. xxvii, 200p. diags. *$2.50. 06. McGraw pub. 7-6663.

Boy at school. Willard, J. H. hf. vel. 25c, Altemus.

Boy Blue and his friends. Blaisdell, E. A. and
M. F. *40c. '06. Little.
Boy detective. Blaney, C: E. pa. 25c. Ogilvie.

Boy electricians. Houston, E. J. $1.50. Lippin


Boy general.


Willard, J. H. hf. vel. 25c. Alte

Boy geologist. Houston, E. J. $1. Altemus.
Boy hunter series. Cupples & L.

Boy Jesus. Myers, C. 75c. Am. Bapt.

Boy life on the prairie. Garland, H. 75c. Macmillan.

Boy lover. Stockham, A. B. pa. 25c. Stockham. Boy problem. 6th ed. Forbush, W: B. *$1. Pilgrim press.

Boy slaves, Reid, M. †$1. Dutton.

Boy tars of 1812. McIntyre, J: T: $1.25. Penn. Boy who obeyed. Willard, J. H. hf. vel. 25c. Altemus.

Boy who would be king. Willard, J. H. hf. vel. 25c. Altemus.

Boyce, Neith, pseud. (Mrs. Hutchins Hapgood). The bond. $1.50. '07. Duffield.

[blocks in formation]

Boyer, Joseph A.

Boyer's legal directory of the United States and Canada; cont. a carefully prepared dlgest of collection laws of each state and territory, Ontario and Quebec, together with names of at least one attorney in each county of the U. S. and Canada, [etc.,] Jan., 1907. [26th annual ed.] O. 7p., 393p., 19p. sh. $3. (c. '97.) '07. Boyer. Boyhood and youth of Napoleon, 1769-1793. Browning, O. *$1.50. Lane.

Boyhood days on the farm. Munn, C: C. †$1.50. Lothrop.

Boylan, William M.

Line of tribute, L. S. McCoy, 1837-1906. O. 2p., ix-xiii, 17-97p. pors. front. (por.) 75c. '07. William M. Boylan, Hubbard, Ia. 7-20628. Boyle, Charles C.

Therapeutics of the eye. 404p. *$3.50; hf. mor. $4.50. 06. Boericke & Runyon. Boyle. H. Edmund G.

Practical anaesthetics. (Oxford medical manuals, v. 6.) il. *$2. '07. Oxford. Boyle, Rev. Patrick.

(tr.) See Gregory I. Homily on the pastoral office.

Boyle, Mrs. Virginia (Fraser).

Love songs and bugle calls. D. $1.25. '07. Barnes.

Boyle lectures. v. 1, containing the first five lectures delivered before the Oxford university junior scientific club during the years 1892-6; with a preface by Sir H. W. Acland. $2.40. Oxford. (corr. price.) Boyles, Kate, and Boyles, Virgil D. Langford of the Three Bars; with il. in col. by N. C. Wyeth. O. 278p. †$1.50. (Ap. 20) 07. McClurg. 7-15542.

Boyles, Virgil D. See Boyles, K., jt. auth. Boynton, Edward C. See Herrick, A. B., jt. auth.


Adams, J. H:, ed. Harper's outdoor book for boys. $1.75. '07. Harper.

American lib. assn. Idle-hour books for high school boys; Live books for live boys; How to succeed; Men who have succeeded. (A. L. A. booklist, v. 3, no. 2.) p. 57-59. (F.) '07. A. L. A.

Carruth, W: H. Letters to American boys. *80c. 07. Am. Unitar.

Doyle, F. C. Lectures for boys, v. 1. *$2.25. '07. Benziger.

Drysdale, W: Helps for ambitious boys. 75c. '07. Crowell.

Educational activities for boys. pa. 15c. '07. Y. M. C. A.

Forbush, W: B. Boy problem. 6th ed. *$1. '07. Pilgrim press.

Pittsburg, Pa. Carnegie lib. Selections for reading aloud to boys. (Bulletin, Jan. '07.) p. 6-20.

Trewby, A. Healthy boyhood. **40c. '07. Longmans.

See also Children: Young men.

Boys and girls from Thackeray. Sweetser, K. D. $2. Duffield.

Boys' book of locomotives. Howden, J. R. $2. McClure.

Boy's book of rhyme. Zd ed. Scollard, C. buck. 75c. George W. Browning, Clinton, N. Y. Boys' congress of missions. Koehler, E. E. *50c. Westminster press.

Boy's Froissart. Froissart, J. $2. Scribner. Boys' life of Capt. John Smith. Johnson, E. H. 175c. Crowell.

Boys' life of Christ. Teachers' ed. Forbush, W: B. $1.25. Funk.

Boy's marriage. De Selincourt, H. †$1.50. Lane. Boys of Baltimore. Stavert, A. A. B. *85c. Benziger.

Boys of Crawford's Basin. Hamp, S. F: +$1.50. Wilde.

Boys of Monk's Harold. Manwell, M. B. †$1.25. Warne.

Boys of Pigeon camp. their luck and fun. Doyle, M. C. $1.25. Lothrop.

Boys of the border. Smith, M. P. W. $1.25. Little.

Boys of the cld glee club. Riley, J. W. $1.50. Bobbs.

Boy's story of the army series. Page.

Russel, F. K. In West Point gray. $1.25. Boy's vacation abroad. King, C. F., jr. $1.50.


Boys will be girls. Johnson, S. F. pa. 15c. Baker, W. H.

Brabant, F. G. See Marcon, C: A., jt. auth. Brabant and East Flanders. Omond, G: W: T. *$3. Macmillan.

Bracebridge hall. See Irving. W.
Brachvogel, John Kudlich, 1882-

Industrial alcohol: its manufacture and uses: a practical treatise on Dr. Max Maercker's "Introduction to distillation" as revised by Dr. Delbrück and Dr. Lange; comprising raw materials, malting, mashing and yeast preparation, fermentation, distillation, rectification and purification of alcohol: a statistical review, and the United States law; with special chapters by C: J. Thatcher. (Scientific American ser.) O. xii, 516p. il. tables. diags. $4. '07. Munn. 7-11600. Brackenbury, Laura.

Primer of psychology. S. vii, 120p. *30c. (My. 12) '07. Dutton.

Brackett, Anthony, d. 1691.

Brackett, H. I. Brackett genealogy: descendants of Anthony Brackett of Portsmouth and Captain Richard Brackett of Braintree. $5. '07. Herbert I. Brackett, Washington, D. C.

[blocks in formation]

Brackett, H. I. Brackett genealogy —Continued. of the immigrant fathers, their sons, and others of their posterity. O. xv, 608p. il. 2 pl. $5. '07. Herbert I. Brackett, Washington, D. C. 7-27163.

Brackett, James Albert, 1867(comp.) Theatrical law: the legal rights of manager, artist, author, and public in theatres, places of amusement, plays, performances, contracts, and regulations. v-xviii, 503p. buck. $4; lea. $5. '07. Clark. 7-26008.


Brackett, Richard, 1610-1691. Brackett, H. I. Brackett genealogy; descendants of Anthony Brackett of Portsmouth and Captain Richard Brackett of Braintree. $5. 07. Herbert I. Brackett, Washington, D. C.

Brackett family.

Brackett, H. I. Brackett genealogy. $5. '07. Herbert I. Brackett, Washington, D. C. Bracton, Henry de, d. 1268

Bracton's note book: a collection of cases decided in the King's courts during the reign of Henry the third; annotated by a lawyer of that time, seemingly by Henry of Bratton; ed. by the late F. W. Maitland. 3v. O. xxiv, 338; iv, 720; iv, 724p. *$25.20. '07. Putnam.

Bradbury, Harry B. See Lansing, W:, jt. auth. Bradbury, Mrs. L. A.

My country. 15c. Penn.

Bradby, Godfrey Fox, 1863

Great days of Versailles: studies from court life in the later years of Louis XIV; with portraits O. viiip.. 2 1., 384p. geneal. tables. front. pors. *$1.75. '06. imp. Scribner.


[blocks in formation]

Sermon sketches for the Christian year: fiftyseven outline sermons on texts from the epistles or gospels, with addresses for Christmas and Good Friday. D. 293p. *$1.75. (S. 24) '07. Whittaker. Bradford. Ernest Smith.

Municipal gas lighting: prepared with the cooperation of the Political science department of the University of Wisconsin. (Wisconsin free library commission. Legislative reference dept. Comparative legislation

bulletin no. 8.) D. 18p. '06. Wis. free lib. 7-10301.

Bradford, Thomas Lindsley. 1847Bibliographer's manual of American history; containing an account of all state, territory, town and county histories relating to the United States of North America, with verbatim copies of their title and useful bibliographical notes, together with the prices at which they have been sold for the last forty years, and with an exhaustive index by titles, and an index by states; ed. and rev. by Stan V. Henkels. In 5 v. v. 1, A. to E. Nos. 1 to 1600. Q. 9p., 340p. subs. buck. per. v. $3.50. '07. Henkels.


Bradford, William, 1590-1657.
#History of Plymouth plantation; ed. by W. T.
Davis. (Original narratives of early Ameri-
can history.) O. **$3. '07. Scribner.
Bradford, Mass.

Vital records of Bradford, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. O. 373p. *$3.90. '07. Topsfield historical society, Topsfield,


7-15573. Bradley, A. S. See Nichol, C: R., jt. auth. Bradley, Arthur Granville, 1850

Lord Dorchester. (Makers of Canada.) O x, 327p. front. (por.) complete ser., 20v. Parkman ed. $50; $80; de luxe ed. $100. '07. Morang & CO. 7-6747.

Round about Wiltshire. (Highways and byways in England.) D. x, 386p. 30 pl. map. *$2. '67. McClure. W7-180.

Bradley, Edith, and Crooke, May. Book of fruit bottling. (Handbooks of practical gardening.) D. *$1. '07. Lane.

[blocks in formation]

Bradshaw, A. Frederick, 1834Catharine Grace Loch, Royal red cross: a memoir; with an introd. by Field-marshal the Earl Roberts. *$1.60. Oxford. (corr. price.)

Bradshaw, Hamilton, 1881

1. Relative rates of oxidation of ortho, meta and para compounds. 2. Orthosulphaminebenzoic acid and related compounds. 3. Some derivatives of phenylglycocollorthosulphonic acid. O. 24p. pa. 30c. '05. Johns Hopkins.


Thesis (PH.D.)-Johns Hopkins university. Bradstreet, Mrs. Anne (Dudley) 1613-1672. Ipswich historical society. Ipswich, Mass. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. pa. 25c. '03. Ipswich historical society. Ipswich, Mass.

Bradstreet, Simon, 1603-1697. Ipswich historical society. Ipswich, Mass. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. pa. 25c. '03. Ipswich historical society, Ipswich, Mass.

Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 1861

Blue ocean's daughter. D. 3p., v-vi, 336p. col. front. 4 pl. $1.50. (S. 14) '07. Moffat. 7-29001. Corner in coffee, il. 75c. Dillingham. Gethsemane and after; a new setting of an old story. D. 217p. **75c. (My.) '07. Moffat 7-20639. Little traitor to the South. il. 75c. '07. Grosset.

(comp.) Northwestern fights and fighters; il with original drawings, maps and photographs. (American fights and fighters sei. v. 5.) 9. xxv, 373p. ¡$1.50. (O.) '07. MeClure. 7-36235.

Records. il. 75c. Dillingham.

Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer: a romance of the Spanish main. col. front. i. 75c. Dillingham.

Woven with the ship. (Lippincott's ser. of select novels.) 50c. '06. Lippincott.

Brady, Matthew B., 1823-1896. (photographer) See Eaton, E: B. Original photographs taken on the battlefields during the civil war.

Brady, William A., 1865-, and Grismer, Joseph R.

As ye sow: a romance of Cape Cod. by Rev. J: Snyder; founded on his successful play of the same title. by W: A. Brady and Jos. R. Grismer. (Play book ser., no. 79.) D. 192p. front. (por.) pls. pa. 25c. (F. 25) '06, Ogilvie. 7-15549.

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