Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

72, seventy-two.



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

600, six hundred. DC, or Inc.

jusqu'à quatre-vingts. quatre-vingt-un. quatre-vingt-deux. jusqu'à

quatre-vingt-dix. quatre-vingt-onze. quatre-vingt-douze. jusqu'à

deux cens.

trois cens.

quatre cens.

cinq cens.

six cens.

700, seven hundred. DCC, or ICC. sept cens.

800, eight hundred. DCCC, or

[ocr errors]

900, nine hundred. DCCCC, or


1000, one thousand. M, or CIƆ.

huit cens.

neuf cens.


These numbers never vary their termination, except un, which makes une in the feminine: cent, which makes cents or cens in the plural; mille is written mil, when we write the date of the year; in this case cent does not

vary; as,

1796, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six.



cent quatre-vingt-seize.

The words sepante, octante, and nonante are obsolete; huitante and neu vante, have been made use of only by some calculators. The advantage of admitting these words, septante, huitante, neuvante, which preserve their roots, is obvious enough to those who have numbers to put down, in figures under the telling of another person. Six-vingt (six score) was the common appellation for 120 in the last century, but has been abandoned: quatre-vingt (four score) will probably soon experience the same fate. Those false numerical appellations are entirely rejected by Mathematicians.

[blocks in formation]

First, or in the first place.

premièrement,ou en premier


secondly, or in the second secondement, ou en second


thirdly, or in the third place. troisièmement, ou en troi

fourthly, or in the fourth



[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Africa, l'Afrique.

The DAYS of the WEEK. America, l'Amérique.

Monday, Lundi.

Tuesday, Mardi.

Wednesday, Mercredi.

Thursday, Jeudi.

Friday, Vendredi.

Saturday, Samedi.

Sunday, Dimanche.


The fire, le feu.
The air, l'air.
The earth, la terre.
The water, l'eau.

[blocks in formation]

An island, une île.
A peninsula, une presqu'ile.
An isthmus, un isthme.
A promontory, un promon-

A mountain, une montagne.
A coast or shore, une côte.


Terms relating to WATER.
The ocean, l'océan.
A gulf, un golfe.
A strait, un détroit.
A channel, un canal.
A lake, un lac.
A river, une rivière.


The heat, le chaud.
The cold, le froid.
The rain, la pluie.
The dew, la rosée.
The hail, la grêle.
The snow, la neige.
The frost, la gelée.
The thaw, le dégel.
A fog, or mist, un brouillard.
The glazed frost, le verglas.
A storm, un orage.
A tempest, une tempête.
A flash of lightning, un

The thunder, le tonnerre.
The thunder bolt, la foudre.
The rainbow, l'arc-en-ciel.
The wind, le vent.

A hurricane, un ouragan.

The AGES of MEN.

Birth, la naissance.
Childhood, l'enfance.
Youth, la jeunesse.

Manhood, la virilité. Old Age, la vieillesse. Death, la mort.

Divinity, la théologie.
Philosophy, la philosophie.
Logic, la logique.
Natural philosophy, la phy-
Physic, la médecine.
Surgery, la chirurgie.
Law, le droit.

Grammar, la grammaire.
Rhetoric, la rhétorique.
Poetry, la poësie.

Mathematics, les mathéma


Astrology, l'astrologie.
Chronology, la chronologie.
Arithmetic, l'arithmétique.
Algebra, l'algèbre.
Geometry, la géométrie.
Geography, la géographie.
Perspective, la perspective.
Dialling, la gnomonique.
Surveying, l'arpentage.
Architecture, l'architecture.
Fortifications, les fortifica-


Navigation, la navigation.
Music, la musique.
Chemistry, la chimie.
Painting, la peinture.
Statuary, la sculpture.
Fencing, l'escrime.
Riding, le manège.
Dancing, la danse.
Drawing, le dessein.

The PERIODS of TIME. An instant, un instant.

A moment, un moment.
A minute, une minute.
A quarter of an hour, un
quart d'heure.
Half an hour, une demi-

An hour, une heure.
A day, un jour.
The morning, le matin.
Noon, midi.
Afternoon, l'après-midi.
The evening, le soir.
Midnight, minuit.
A week, une semaine.
A month, un mois.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Eternity, l'éternité.

The chin, le menton.
The neck, le cou.
The shoulders, les épaules.
The arms, les bras.
The elbow, le coude.
The wrist, le poignet.
The hand, la main.
The fingers, les doigts.
The thumb, le pouce.
The nails, les ongles.
The fist, le poing.
The knees, les genoux.
The legs, les jambes.
The feet, les pieds.
The heels, les talons.
The hip, la hanche.


The beginning, le com- A coat, un habit.


The middle, le milieu.

The end, la fin.

PARTS of the BODY.

The head, la tête.
The hair, les cheveux.
The face, le visage.
The forehead, le front.
The features, les traits.
The eyes, les yeux.
The eye-brows, les sourcils.
The eye-lids, les paupières.
The nose, le nez.
The nostrils, les narines.
The cheeks, les joues.
The lips, les lèvres.
The mouth, la bouche.
The teeth, les dents.
The gums, les gencives.
The jaw, la machoire.
The throat, le gosier.
The ears, les oreilles.

A waistcoat, une veste.
The sleeves, les manches.
The buttons, les boutons.
"The button-holes, les bouton-


The pockets, les poches.
A fob, un gousset.
The lining, la doublure.
Linen, du linge.

The ruffles, les manchettes.
A handkerchief, un mou-
Stockings, des bas.
Garters, des jarretières.
Shoes, des souliers.
Buckles, des boucles.
A hat, chapeau.
A wig, une perruque.
Gloves, des gants.
A muff, un manchon.
A comb, un peigne.
A sword, une épée.
Boots, des bottes.

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