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which was revolved by power transmitted from the This "rippling cylinder" carried the heads of wheat box of the machine, and gradually evolved into the pre reel.

Nearly all of the principles involved in the header have been developed mainly in connection with other n such as the reaper and combined harvester, in connect which they will be discussed. Before 1823 only four i of harvesting machinery placed the power in front of chine. This involves either a side cut or driving th through the grain. On account of the great width of c header the side cut would give great side draft, and as nothing to counterbalance this, all headers are prop front of the power. Omitting minor details, the evol the header was completed in Haines' celebrated ma 1849, which was widely known as the "Haines Illinois ter." It was thoroughly successful, and was practic same as the machine of today.

The modern header has a cutter with a reciprocating vancing rectilinear motion; the reel brings the grain traveling canvas apron which delivers it to an elevatin on one side, and this in turn discharges it into the he placed upon a wagon driven along with the machine; swiveled steering wheel, operated by a suitable tiller; evener, to which the four or six animals are hitched, is forward of the steering whcel. The header ordinarily stalks a few inches below the heads of the grain, but i run very low for lodged or short grain. It saves bind shocking, but it is essential for the wheat to be dry bef cut, as it must immediately be either threshed or stac slightly damp, green, or weedy, it cannot be threshed

and may stack-burn if stacked. This confines the use of the header largely to the western part of the United States, where peculiar conditions exist which make it possible to let wheat ripen completely without much danger of loss, though the machine is used to some extent in the Mississippi valley. Some wheat growers cut with binders until the grain is ripe, and then use the header. It cuts from 12 to 20 feet in width, and from 15 to 50 acres a day. In Washington three headers and one threshing machine usually work together. From 50 to 75 acres a day are thus harvested. Three header-boxes, or barges, are usually used with one header. These are often unloaded at the stack or machine by horse power. A peculiarly arranged netting is laid in the box, and by means of ropes and a derrick the whole load is hoisted to the stack or feeder.

The header was used very extensively on the Pacific coast before the combined harvester came in use. Sixteen-foot headers drawn by six mules were used. The grain was usually threshed as fast as it was headed. The ordinary crew for a 44-inch cylinder thresher and 26-horse-power engine was as follows: Seven headers operated by 42 animals and 14 men; 21 header-boxes, requiring 42 animals and 21 men; and at the machine there were 11 animals and 32 men; this made a total of 95 animals and 67 men. In 1880 such an outfit averaged 3,800 bushels per day in California. Many headers are in use in South America, and a machine similar to an American header is also being used in Russia. The stripping header is still used in Australia. About 20 per cent of the headers manufactured in the United States are sold in foreign countries.

The Reaper. Under the reaper are included all machines designed to cut the grain and gather it in bunches, gavels, or rows. While the header was the first harvesting machine that was invented, it was not the subject of so many improvements, nor did it have, in modern times, such wide and early practical utility as the reaper. The ingenuity of man is well shown by the numerous devices that were invented to accomplish the two objects of the reaper. Nearly all of these inventions were made in England. Two forms of motion were utilized in cutting the grain, circular and rectilinear. Both forms shared the continuous advancing motion of the machine to which they were fastened. The type now universally used, except in stripping

found on every harvesting machine which has had any su In consideration of these facts, Pitt's name holds high among inventors of harvesting machinery.

The first patent on a reaping machine was granted in land to Joseph Boyce in 1799. Its only title to fame is pr

[graphic][merged small]

A year later an unsuccessful attempt was made to adopt as a cutting apparatus. This machine was unique in operated by human power. Outside and inside divide separate the swath from the grain left standing, now on all harvesting machines, were apparently first used in With Gladstone's machine (1806), the first to be drawn in of pushed, appeared the side cut and the platform upon the severed grain falls. Salmon (1808) first utilized t ciprocating cutter combined with the advancing motion machine. His reaper was also the first to have a self-deli apparatus for the grain. Dobbs, a theatrical genius, inv a reaper (1841) and introduced it to the public in a play a



of a modern reaper. The grain was raked from th by a man walking behind the machine. Developing of today consisted solely in perfecting contrivances f the principles already discovered. The devices for aut removing the grain from the platform were many, varied greatly in principle and crudeness. The revol the first form of which was invented by Hoffhein (18 became established as the most advantageous method.

The reaper was virtually perfected by 1865, but in States other forms of harvesting machines soon en planted it in cutting wheat. It is widely used in

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