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Preliminary agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland respecting the principles applying to mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression. Signed at Washington February 23, 1942; effective February 23, 1942.

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Whereas the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declare that they are engaged in a cooperative undertaking, together with every other nation or people of like mind, to the end of laying the bases of a just and enduring world peace securing order under law to themselves and all nations;

And whereas the President of the United States of America has determined, pursuant to the Act of Congress of March 11, 1941, [1] that the defense of the United Kingdom against aggression is vital to the defense of the United States of America;

And whereas the United States of America has extended and is continuing to extend to the United Kingdom aid in resisting aggression; And whereas it is expedient that the final determination of the terms and conditions upon which the Government of the United Kingdom receives such aid and of the benefits to be received by the United States of America in return therefor should be deferred until the extent of the defense aid is known and until the progress of events makes clearer the final terms and conditions and benefits which will be in the mutual interests of the United States of America and the United Kingdom and will promote the establishment and maintenance of world peace; And whereas the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom are mutually desirous of concluding now a preliminary agreement in regard to the provision of defense aid and in regard to certain considerations which shall be taken into account in determining such terms and conditions and the making of such an agreement has been in all respects duly authorized, and all acts, conditions and formalities which it may have been necessary to perform, fulfil or execute prior to the making of such an agreement in conformity with the laws either of the United States of America or of the United Kingdom have been performed, fulfilled or executed as required; The undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose, have agreed as follows:


The Government of the United States of America will continue to supply the Government of the United Kingdom with such defense articles, defense services, and defense information as the President shall authorize to be transferred or provided.

1[55 Stat. 31.]

65714-43-PT. II- -22

February 23, 1942

[E. A. S. 241]

22 U. S. C., Supp. I, §§ 411-419.

Aid to United King


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Terms and conditions of benefits.


The Government of the United Kingdom will continue to contribute to the defense of the United States of America and the strengthening thereof and will provide such articles, services, facilities or information as it may be in a position to supply.


The Government of the United Kingdom will not without the consent of the President of the United States of America transfer title to, or possession of, any defense article or defense information transferred to it under the Act or permit the use thereof by anyone not an officer, employee, or agent of the Government of the United Kingdom.


If, as a result of the transfer to the Government of the United Kingdom of any defense article or defense information, it becomes necessary for that Government to take any action or make any payment in order fully to protect any of the rights of a citizen of the United States of America who has patent rights in and to any such defense article or information, the Government of the United Kingdom will take such action or make such payment when requested to do so by the President of the United States of America.


The Government of the United Kingdom will return to the United States of America at the end of the present emergency, as determined by the President, such defense articles transferred under this Agreement as shall not have been destroyed, lost or consumed and as shall be determined by the President to be useful in the defense of the United States of America or of the Western Hemisphere or to be otherwise of use to the United States of America.


In the final determination of the benefits to be provided to the United States of America by the Government of the United Kingdom full cognizance shall be taken of all property, services, information, facilities, or other benefits or considerations provided by the Government of the United Kingdom subsequent to March 11, 1941, and accepted or acknowledged by the President on behalf of the United States of America.


In the final determination of the benefits to be provided to the United States of America by the Government of the United Kingdom in return for aid furnished under the Act of Congress of March 11, 22 U. S. C., Supp. I, 1941, the terms and conditions thereof shall be such as not to burden

55 31.

§§ 411-419.

commerce between the two countries, but to promote mutually advantageous economic relations between them and the betterment of

world-wide economic relations. To that end, they shall include provision for agreed action by the United States of America and the United Kingdom, open to participation by all other countries of like mind, directed to the expansion, by appropriate international and domestic measures, of production, employment, and the exchange and consumption of goods, which are the material foundations of the liberty and welfare of all peoples; to the elimination of all forms of discriminatory treatment in international commerce, and to the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers; and, in general, to the attainment of all the economic objectives set forth in the Joint Declaration made on August 14, 1941, by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

At an early convenient date, conversations shall be begun between the two Governments with a view to determining, in the light of governing economic conditions, the best means of attaining the abovestated objectives by their own agreed action and of seeking the agreed action of other like-minded Governments.


This Agreement shall take effect as from this day's date. It shall continue in force until a date to be agreed upon by the two Govern


Signed and sealed at Washington in duplicate this twenty-third day of February 1942.



Acting Secretary of State

of the United States of America.


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55 Stat. 1603.

Effective date; du ration.

[E. A. S. 242]

January 26, 31, 1942 Agreement between the United States of America and Bolivia respecting the exchange of official publications. Effected by exchange of notes signed January 26 and 31, 1942; effective January 31, 1942.

The Bolivian Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American
Chargé d'Affaires ad interim

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Tengo el honor de expresar a Vuestra Señoría que mi Gobierno, de conformidad al oficio de esa Legación No 199 y la nota de esta Cancillería N° 867 de 29 de diciembre último, [] está dispuesto a negociar con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América un Convenio sobre Canje de Publicaciones y Obras Científicas y Literarias, que se publiquen bajo la protección oficial de los dos Gobiernos.

Dicho Convenio estará basado en las siguientes disposiciones: 1o.-La Oficina oficial de intercambio para la remisión de publicaciones de la República de Bolivia es el Departamento de Cooperación Intelectual de la Cancillería. La Oficina oficial de intercambio de parte de los Estados Unidos de América es el Instituto Smithsoniano.

2o. Las publicaciones que sirven de intercambio serán remitidas, de parte de Bolivia, a la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América; de parte de los Estados Unidos de América, a la Biblioteca del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Bolivia, mientras se organice la Biblioteca Nacional de La Paz.

3o.-El Gobierno de la República de Bolivia remitirá regularmente, a un ejemplar, la serie completa de las publicaciones oficiales de sus diferentes dependencias, Ministerios, Universidades, Direcciones Generales, Bancos y otras instituciones. Una lista de dichas publicaciones con sus indicaciones precísas queda incluida en el intercambio (Lista N° 1). [2] Esta lista será ampliada espontaneamente en el momento en que el Gobierno disponga la creación de nuevas oficinas.

4°.-El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos dará un ejemplar de cada una de las publicaciones oficiales incluidas en la adjunta (Lista No 2). [3] Esta lista será ampliada incluyendo, sin necesidad de posterior negociación, cualesquiera nuevas publicaciones importantes que sean incluidas por cualquier órgano del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos en el futuro.

1 [No impresa.]

[Véase pág. 1440.]

[Para la lista suministrada por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, véase pág. 1442.]

5°.-Con respecto a las reparticiones públicas que actualmente no editan publicaciones y que no están mencionadas en las listas anexas, se entiende que las publicaciones que hagan en el futuro serán proporcionadas para el intercambio, a razón de un ejemplar.

6o. Este Convenio no comprende las publicaciones confidenciales, circulares y otros documentos de carácter privado, de ambos Gobiernos. 7o.-Cada una de las Partes Contratantes se compromete a pagar el costo de tarifas postales, ferroviarias, de navegación y otros gravámenes establecidos en su propio país, por concepto de las obras que remite.

8°.-Este Convenio no implica modificación a los compromisos de intercambio ya existentes entre los diferentes departamentos y agencias oficiales de los dos países.

En.caso de que el Gobierno de Vuestra Señoría estuviere de acuerdo con el texto de las disposiciones de la presente nota y listas anexas, el Convenio empezará a regir desde la fecha en que esta Cancillería reciba la nota reversal de Vuestra Señoría y su duración será indefinida, pudiendo empero ser denunciado con tres meses de anticipación. Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar al señor Encargado de Negocios, las seguridades de mi más distinguida consideración.

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I have the honor to state to you that, in conformity with the Legation's note no. 199 and the Foreign Office note no. 867 of December 29 last, [] my Government is prepared to negotiate with the Government of the United States of America an agreement on the exchange of publications and scientific and literary works which are published under the official auspices of the two Governments. The said agreement will be based on the following provisions:


1. The official interchange office for the remittance of the publications of the Republic of Bolivia is the Department of Intellectual Cooperation of the Foreign Office. The official interchange office on the part of the United States of America is the Smithsonian Institute.

2. The publications involved in the interchange shall be forwarded, on the part of Bolivia, to the Library of Congress of the

[Not printed.]

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