Imágenes de páginas

subsistence, but if he is an enlisted sus gastos de subsistencia; pero man, the cost of subsistence shall si pertenece al personal subalterno, be paid by the Government of the los gastos de subsistencia serán Republic of Colombia. Families pagados por el Gobierno de la shall enjoy the same privileges República de Colombia. Las faagreed upon in this Article for milias gozarán de los mismos members of the Mission, except privilegios convenidos en este Arthat a member of the Mission tículo para los miembros de la shall in all cases pay the cost of Misión, con excepción de que en subsistence incident to hospitali- todos los casos el miembro de la zation of a member of his family, Misión pagará los gastos de subexcept as may be provided under sistencia relacionados con la hosArticle 10.

pitalización de un miembro de
su familia, excepto lo que se dis-
ponga de acuerdo con el Artículo


Replacement in case

ARTICLE 29. Any member of the Mission unable to perform his duties with the Mission by reason of long continued physical disa- Misión por razón de incapacidad bility shall be replaced.

ARTÍCULO 29. Todo miembro of disability. de la Misión inhabilitado para desempeñar sus servicios con la

física prolongada, será reempla-

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the un- EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, los dersigned, Cordell Hull, Secretary suscritos, Cordell Hull, Secretario of State of the United States of de Estado de los Estados Unidos America, and Gabriel Turbay, de América, y Gabriel Turbay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Embajador Extraordinario y PleniPlenipotentiary of the Republic potenciario de la República de of Colombia at Washington, duly Colombia en Washington, debidaauthorized thereto, have signed mente autorizados para ello, han this Agreement in duplicate in firmado este Convenio, por duplithe English and Spanish languages, cado, en los idiomas inglés y at Washington, this twenty-ninth español, en Washington, el día day of May, 1942. veinte y nueve de mayo de 1942.

[blocks in formation]

June 2, 1942 [E. A. 8. 251]

55 Stat. 1603.

55 Stat. 31.

Preliminary agreement between the United States of America and China respecting the principles applying to mutual aid in the prosecution of the war against aggression. Signed at Washington June 2, 1942; effective June 2, 1942.

Whereas the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of China declare that they are engaged in a cooperative undertaking, together with every other nation or people of like mind, to the end of laying the bases of a just and enduring world peace securing order under law to themselves and all nations;

And whereas the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of China, as signatories of the Declaration by United Nations of January 1, 1942, ['] have subscribed to a common program of purposes and principles embodied in the Joint Declaration made on August 14, 1941 by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, known as the Atlantic Charter;

And whereas the President of the United States of America has 22 U. 8. C., Supp. determined, pursuant to the Act of Congress of March 11, 1941, that the defense of the Republic of China against aggression is vital to the defense of the United States of America;

I, §§ 411-419.

And whereas the United States of America has extended and is continuing to extend to the Republic of China aid in resisting aggression; And whereas it is expedient that the final determination of the terms and conditions upon which the Government of the Republic of China receives such aid and of the benefits to be received by the United States of America in return therefor should be deferred until the extent of the defense aid is known and until the progress of events makes clearer the final terms and conditions and benefits which will be in the mutual interests of the United States of America and the Republic of China and will promote the establishment and maintenance of world peace;

And whereas the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of China are mutually desirous of concluding now a preliminary agreement in regard to the provision of defense aid and in regard to certain considerations which shall be taken into account in determining such terms and conditions and the making of such an agreement has been in all respects duly authorized, and all acts, conditions and formalities which it may have been necessary to perform, fulfil or execute prior to the making of such an agreement in conformity with the laws either of the United States of America or of the Republic of China have been performed, fulfilled or executed as required;

[Executive Agreement Series 236; 55 Stat. 1600.]

The undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose, have agreed as follows:


The Government of the United States of America will continue to supply the Government of the Republic of China with such defense articles, defense services, and defense information as the President of the United States of America shall authorize to be transferred or provided.


The Government of the Republic of China will continue to contribute to the defense of the United States of America and the strengthening thereof and will provide such articles, services, facilities or information as it may be in a position to supply.


The Government of the Republic of China will not without the consent of the President of the United States of America transfer title to, or possession of, any defense article or defense information transferred to it under the Act of March 11, 1941 of the Congress of the United States of America or permit the use thereof by anyone not an officer, employee, or agent of the Government of the Republic of China.


If, as a result of the transfer to the Government of the Republic of China of any defense article or defense information, it becomes necessary for that Government to take any action or make any payment in order fully to protect any of the rights of a citizen of the United States of America who has patent rights in and to any such defense article or information, the Government of the Republic of China will take such action or make such payment when requested to do so by the President of the United States of America.


The Government of the Republic of China will return to the United States of America at the end of the present emergency, as determined by the President of the United States of America, such defense articles transferred under this Agreement as shall not have been destroyed, lost or consumed and as shall be determined by the President to be useful in the defense of the United States of America or of the Western Hemisphere or to be otherwise of use to the United States of America.


Aid to China.

Aid to United States.

Transfer of title, etc.

55 Stat. 31. 22 U. S. C., Supp. I, §§ 411-419.

Patent rights.

Return of remaining articles.

Credit for aid fur

In the final determination of the benefits to be provided to the nished by China. United States of America by the Government of the Republic of China full cognizance shall be taken of all property, services, information, facilities, or other benefits or considerations provided by the Government of the Republic of China subsequent to March 11, 1941, and accepted or acknowledged by the President on behalf of the United States of America.


Terms and conditions of benefits.

55 Stat. 31.

I, §§ 411-419.

In the final determination of the benefits to be provided to the 22 U. 8. C., Supp. United States of America by the Government of the Republic of China in return for aid furnished under the Act of Congress of March 11, 1941, the terms and conditions thereof shall be such as not to burden commerce between the two countries, but to promote mutually advantageous economic relations between them and the betterment of world-wide economic relations. To that end, they shall include provision for agreed action by the United States of America and the Republic of China, open to participation by all other countries of like mind, directed to the expansion, by appropriate international and domestic measures, of production, employment, and the exchange and consumption of goods, which are the material foundations of the liberty and welfare of all peoples; to the elimination of all forms of discriminatory treatment in international commerce; to the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers; and, in general, to the attainment of economic objectives identical with those set forth in the Joint Declaration made on August 14, 1941, by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

55 Stat. 1603.

Effective date; duration.

At an early convenient date, conversations shall be begun between the two Governments with a view to determining, in the light of governing economic conditions, the best means of attaining the above-stated objectives by their own agreed action and of seeking the agreed action of other like-minded Governments.


This Agreement shall take effect as from this day's date. It shall continue in force until a date to be agreed upon by the two Govern


Signed and sealed at Washington in duplicate this second day of June, 1942.


Secretary of State


of the United States of America


Minister for Foreign Affairs
of China

Agreement between the United States of America and Haiti construing
certain provisions of the trade agreement of March 28, 1935 and modi-
fying the agreement effected by exchange of notes signed February 16
and 19, 1942. Effected by exchange of notes signed April 25, 1942.

The Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the American

[blocks in formation]

Référant à la récente conversation relative à l'Accord Commercial signé le 28 Mars 1935 entre la République d'Haiti et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, j'ai l'honneur de confirmer l'entente qui en est résultée que le Gouvernement de la République d'Haiti et celui des Etats-Unis d'Amérique sont d'accord sur ce qui suit:

1.-Les dispositions des Articles I et II de l'Accord Commercial du 28 Mars 1935 n'empêcheront à aucun moment le Gouvernement de l'un des deux pays de frapper l'importation d'un article quelconque d'une charge équivalente à une taxe interne imposée sur un article national similaire ou sur un produit à l'aide duquel l'article importé a été fabriqué en tout ou en partie. En outre, les dispositions de l'Article IV du dit Accord n'empêcheront pas l'application aux cigarettes venant des Etats-Unis d'Amérique d'une augmentation de la taxe interne dans la mesure où la taxe interne est majorée sur les cigarettes nationales.

2. Rien dans l'Accord Commercial du 28 Mars 1935 ne sera interprêté de façon à empêcher l'adoption ou la mise en vigueur par l'un quelconque des deux pays de mesures ayant trait à la sécurité publique ou prises pour la protection des intérêts vitaux du pays en temps de guerre ou autre circonstance critique nationale.

3.-Référant à l'échange de notes entre les Gouvernements de la République d'Haiti et des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, effectué les 16 et 19 Février 1942, à propos des avantages tarifaires exclusivement accordés par la République d'Haiti à la République Dominicaine et spécifiquement énumérés dans le Traité de Commerce entre la République d'Haiti et la République Dominicaine signé le 26 Août 1941, il est entendu que les dispositions des notes échangées les 16 et 19 Février 1942 s'étendront également aux sacs vides de sisal comme il a été prévu par l'échange de notes du 24 Mars 1942 qui complète les dispositions du Traité de Commerce du 26 Août 1941.

Je saisis cette occasion pour renouveler à Votre Excellence, Monsieur le Ministre, les assurances de ma haute considération.

Son Excellence


E. E. & Ministre Plénipotentiaire

des Etats-Unis d'Amérique

65714-43—PT. II- -26



April 25, 1942

[E. A. S. 252]

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