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The Secretary of State to the Minister of Switzerland, in Charge of German Interests

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Honorable the Minister of Switzerland in charge of German interests and has the honor, with reference to his note of March 4, 1942 submitting proposals from the German Government, to communicate the following:

The Government of the United States accepts the proposal of the Government of the German Reich to enforce the Model Agreement attached to the Geneva Convention concerning direct repatriation and hospitalization in a neutral country of prisoners of war for reasons of health.

The Government of the United States has taken note of the statement of the German Government to the effect that the German Armed Forces Information Service located at Hohenstaufenstrasse 47, Berlin W. 30, has received the necessary instructions to give information in regard to members of the American Armed Forces taken prisoners of war by Germany and to give particulars regarding such prisoners of war to the Legation of Switzerland designated by the American Government as Protecting Power as well as to the Central Information Office for Prisoners of War at Geneva.

The Prisoners of War Information Bureau established by the Government of the United States in the office of the Provost Marshal General of the United States Army will furnish to the Legation of Switzerland, designated by the German Government as Protecting Power, as well as to the Central Information Office for Prisoners of War at Geneva, particulars regarding members of the German Armed Forces taken prisoners by the United States.

In accordance with the declared intention of the United States to apply to civilian enemy alien internees the provisions of the Geneva Prisoner of War Convention to the fullest extent possible, the Civilian Internee Information Bureau in the office of the Provost Marshal General of the United States Army is already transmitting to the Legation of Switzerland and to the Central Information Office at Geneva particulars regarding German civilians interned or temporarily detained by the United States.



March 30, 1942

Agreement and supplemental exchanges of notes between the United
States of America and Peru respecting reciprocal trade. Signed at
Washington May 7, 1942; proclaimed by the President of the Republic
of Peru June 29, 1942; proclaimed by the President of the United
Štates June 29, 1942; effective July 29, 1942.



WHEREAS Section 350(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930 of the Congress of the United States of America, as amended by the Act of June 12, 1934, entitled "AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930" (48 Stat. 943; U.S.C., 1940 ed., title 19, sec. 1351(a)), provides as follows:

"Sec. 350. (a) For the purpose of expanding foreign markets for the products of the United States (as a means of assisting in the present emergency in restoring the American standard of living, in overcoming domestic unemployment and the present economic depression, in increasing the purchasing power of the American public, and in establishing and maintaining a better relationship among various branches of American agriculture, industry, mining, and commerce) by regulating the admission of foreign goods into the United States in accordance with the characteristics and needs of various branches of American production so that foreign markets will be made available to those branches of American production which require and are capable of developing such outlets by affording corresponding market opportunities for foreign products in the United States, the President, whenever he finds as a fact that any existing duties or other import restrictions of the United States or any foreign country are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States and that the purpose above declared will be promoted by the means hereinafter specified, is authorized from time to time

"(1) To enter into foreign trade agreements with foreign governments or instrumentalities thereof; and

"(2) To proclaim such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions, or such additional import restrictions, or such continuance, and for such minimum periods, of existing customs or excise treatment of any article covered by foreign trade agreements, as are required or appropriate to carry out any foreign trade agreement that the President has entered into hereunder. No proclamation shall be made increasing or decreasing by more than 50 per centum any existing rate of duty or transferring any article between the dutiable and free lists. The

May 7, 1942

[E. A. S. 256]

Purposes declared.

proclaimed duties and other import restrictions shall apply to articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of all foreign countries, whether imported directly, or indirectly: Provided, That the President may suspend the application to articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of any country because of its discriminatory treatment of American commerce or because of other acts or policies which in his opinion tend to defeat the purposes set forth in this section; and the proclaimed duties and other import restrictions shall be in effect from and after such time as is specified in the proclamation. The President may at any time terminate any such proclamation in whole or in part." WHEREAS the period within which the President of the United States of America is authorized to enter into trade agreements under the said section 350 (a) was extended by Joint Resolutions of Congress approved March 1, 1937 and April 12, 1940 (48 Stat. 944, 50 Stat. 24, 54 Stat. 107; U.S.C., 1940 ed., title 19, sec. 1352(c));

WHEREAS I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have found as a fact that certain existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and the Republic of Peru are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States of America and that the purpose declared in the abovequoted provisions of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, will be promoted by a trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Peru;

WHEREAS reasonable public notice of the intention to negotiate such trade agreement was given and the views presented by persons interested in the negotiation of such agreement were received and considered;

WHEREAS, after seeking and obtaining information and advice with respect thereto from the United States Tariff Commission, the Departments of State, Agriculture, and Commerce, and from other sources, I entered into a Trade Agreement on May 7, 1942, through my duly empowered Plenipotentiary, with the President of the Republic of Peru, through his duly empowered Plenipotentiary, which Agreement, including two Schedules annexed thereto, in the English and Spanish languages, is in words and figures as follows:



The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados States of America and the Presi- Unidos de América y el Presidente dent of the Republic of Peru, be- de la República del Perú, deseando ing desirous of strengthening the estrechar los lazos tradicionales de traditional bonds of friendship be- amistad entre los dos países metween the two countries by main- diante el mantenimiento del printaining the principle of equality cipio de igualdad de tratamiento of treatment as the basis of com- como base de las relaciones comer

mercial relations and by granting ciales y mediante el otorgamiento mutual and reciprocal concessions de concesiones y ventajas mutuas and advantages for the promotion y recíprocas para el fomento del of trade, have through their re- comercio, han llegado por medio spective plenipotentiaries arrived de sus respectivos plenipotenciaat the following agreement: rios al siguiente convenio:

[blocks in formation]

With respect to customs duties Cualesquiera ventaja, favor, or charges of any kind imposed on privilegio o inmunidad que los or in connection with importation Estados Unidos de América o la or exportation, and with respect to República del Perú hayan acordathe method of levying such duties do, o puedan acordar en adelante or charges, and with respect to all a cualquier artículo originario de o rules and formalities in connection destinado a cualquier otro país, con with importation or exportation, respecto a derechos aduaneros o and with respect to all laws or gravámenes de cualquier clase regulations affecting the sale, tax- sobre o en conexión con la imporation or use of imported articles tación o la exportación, y con within the country, any advantage, respecto al método de percepción favor, privilege or immunity which de tales derechos o gravámenes, y has been or may hereafter be con respecto a todos los reglagranted by the United States of mentos y formalidades referentes a America or the Republic of Peru la importación o exportación, y to any article originating in or con respecto a todas las leyes o destined for any third country reglamentos concernientes shall be accorded immediately venta, tributación o uso de artíand unconditionally to the like culos importados dentro del país, article originating in or destined será acordado, inmediata e incondifor the Republic of Peru or the cionalmente al artículo similar United States of America, respec- originario del territorio de la tively.


Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America or the Republic of Peru, shall, after importation into the other country, be exempt from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions other or higher than those imposed on like articles of national origin or of any other foreign origin.

República del Perú o de los
Estados Unidos de América, o
destinado a cualquiera de los
mismos, respectivamente.


Los artículos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en los Estados Unidos de América o en la República del Perú, estarán exentos, despues de su importación en el otro país, de todo impuesto, tasa, carga o gravamen internos, diferentes o más elevados que los que gravan artículos similares de origen nacional o de cualquier otro origen extranjero.


Customs duties,

Limitation on internal taxes, etc.

Freedom of imports and exports.


[blocks in formation]

1. No prohibition or restriction 1. Ni el Gobierno de los Estados of any kind shall be imposed by the Unidos de América ni el Gobierno Government of the United States de la República del Perú impondrá of America or the Government of prohibiciones o restricciones de the Republic of Peru on the im- naturaleza alguna a la importaportation of any article the growth, ción de cualquier artículo cultiproduce or manufacture of the vado, producido o manufacturado other country or upon the exporta- en el otro país, o a la exportion of any article destined for the tación de cualquier artículo other country, unless the importa- destinado al otro país, a menos tion of the like article the growth, que la importación del artículo produce or manufacture of all similar cultivado, producido o third countries, or the exportation manufacturado en todos los terof the like article to all third ceros países, o la exportación del countries, respectively, is similarly artículo similar a todos los terceprohibited or restricted.

ros países, respectivamente, sea prohibida o restringida en forma similar.

2. No restriction of any kind 2. Ni el Gobierno de los Estados shall be imposed by the Govern- Unidos de América ni el Gobierno ment of the United States of Amer- de la República del Perú imponica or by the Government of the Re- drá restricciones de naturaleza public of Peru on the importation alguna a la importación desde el from the other country of any otro país de cualquier artículo en article in which that country has el cual ese país tenga interés, ya an interest, whether by means of sea por medio de licencias o perimport licenses or permits or other- misos de importación, o de otra wise, unless the total quantity or manera, a menos que la cantidad value of such article permitted to o valor total de tal artículo cuya be imported during a specified importación se permita durante period, or any change in such un período determinado, o cualquantity or value, shall have been quier cambio en dicha cantidad o established and made public. If valor, hubiera sido establecido y the Government of the United dado a publicidad. Si el Gobierno States of America or the Govern- de los Estados Unidos de América ment of the Republic of Peru al- o el Gobierno de la República del lots a share of such total quantity Perú asigna una parte de dicha or value to any third country, it cantidad o de dicho valor total a shall allot to the other country, cualquier tercer país, deberá asigunless it is mutually agreed to dis- nar al otro país, a menos de hapense with such allotment, a berse acordado mutuamente dejar share based upon the proportion de lado dicha asignación, una parte of the total imports of such basada en la proporción del total article supplied by that country de la importación de tal artículo in a previous representative pe- efectuada por ese país en un riod, account being taken in so far período representativo anterior, as practicable of any special fac- teniendo en cuenta, hasta donde tors which may have affected or sea practicable, cualesquiera fac

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