Imágenes de páginas

April 15, 1942 [E. A. S. 266]

Gratis visas for designated persons.

Agreement between the United States of America and Argentina respecting waiver of passport visa fees. Effected by exchange of notes signed April 15, 1942; effective June 1, 1942.

The American Ambassador to the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship

No. 739


Buenos Aires, April 15, 1942.

I have the honor to confirm to Your Excellency in the following terms the agreement regarding passport visa fees between the Governments of the United States of America and of Argentina which has resulted from the conversations previously held.

In accordance with those conversations, gratis visas will be granted by the Governments of the United States of America and of Argentina to the persons mentioned below; and the validity of these visas with respect to both countries will be for the period of one year from the date of issuance of the visas and will cover any number of entries during the aforementioned period, provided that the passport is valid during that period:

a) the citizens of both Republics who may temporarily visit the territory of the other for business, pleasure or as tourists;

b) the nationals of both countries who, being professors, may go to the other for the purpose of giving lectures, and professional and other persons who may seek temporary admission for professional purposes or purposes of study, provided that such nationals do not intend to remain for a consecutive period of more than one year;

c) amateur sportsmen who are citizens of the two Republics who may go to the other country to participate in athletic tournaments;

d) the citizens of either of the two countries who may wish to pass in transit through the territory of the other country;

e) the citizens of both countries who may wish to enter the territory of the other for the purposes of carrying on trade between the two Republics in pursuance of the provisions of the treaty of commerce and navigation. [1]

It is understood that these provisions apply also to the wives and unmarried children under 18 years of age of the persons aforementioned. It is further understood that married or unmarried women, as well as unmarried male persons up to 21 years of age, shall also


1 [Treaty Series 4; 10 Stat. 1005; 18 Stat. (pt. 2, Public Treaties) 16.]

benefit by the provisions stipulated, provided they come within the terms of this agreement independently of the category of husband, wife or parent. The cases contemplated in this paragraph include, of course, only persons who are nationals and their wives or children who are bearers of or are included in passports of the United States of America or of Argentina.

In addition to applying to the countries and the citizens referred to in the preceding paragraph, the agreement will be applicable in the same cases to the Philippine Islands and to citizens of the Philippine Islands so long as the said islands continue under the sovereignty or the authority of the United States.

In thus confirming the agreement under reference, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States of America will take the necessary measures to place it into effect beginning June 1, 1942, as soon as it is informed that the Government of Your Excellency is also disposed to promulgate it on the date mentioned.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency


Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship,


Philippine Islands included.

Effective date.

Etc., etc., etc.

The Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship to the American

[blocks in formation]

Tengo el honor de dirigirme a V.E. acusando recibo de su nota N° 739, del día de la fecha, relativa al acuerdo de visación de pasaportes entre los Gobiernos de la Argentina y de los Estados Unidos de América.

Según el referido acuerdo, los Gobiernos de la Argentina y de los Estados Unidos de América expedirán visaciones gratis a las personas que se indican a continuación y la validéz de tales visaciones con respecto a ambos paises será por el término de un año y cubrirá cualquier número de entradas durante el referido período, a partir de la fecha en que se expidan las visaciones, siempre que el pasaporte sea válido durante ese período:

a).—a los ciudadanos de ambas Repúblicas que visiten temporariamente el territorio de la otra por negocios, placer o en calidad de turistas,

b).-a los nacionales de ambos paises que siendo profesores se
dirijan al otro para dar conferencias y a los profesionales
y otras personas que deseen ser admitidos temporariamente
por motivos profesionales o con fines de estudio, siempre
que los referidos nacionales no se propongan permanecer
durante un periodo consecutivo de más de un año;
c).-a los deportistas aficionados, ciudadanos de las dos Repúbli-
cas, que se dirijan a la otra con el fin de participar en torneos

d).—a los ciudadanos de cualquiera de las dos naciones que
deseen pasar en tránsito por el territorio del otro país;
e).—a los ciudadanos de ambos paises que deseen entrar al terri-
torio del otro con el objeto de dedicarse al comercio entre
las dos Repúblicas, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del
tratado de comercio y navegación.

Se entiende que éstas disposiciones se aplican también a las esposas é hijos solteros menores de 18 años de edad, de las personas aludidas. Entendiéndose además que las mujeres casadas 6 solteras y asimismo varones solteros hasta la edad de veintiún años, gozarán también de las disposiciones estipuladas, siempre que se ajusten a los términos del presente acuerdo, independientemente de la categoría de esposo, esposa ó pariente. Los casos contemplados en éste párrafo comprenden, naturalmente, solo a personas nacionales y sus esposas 6 hijos, portadoras de 6 incluidas en pasaportes de la Argentina 6 de los Estados Unidos de América.

Además de aplicarse a los paises y a los ciudadanos a que se refiere el párrafo anterior, el acuerdo se aplicará en los mismos casos a las Islas Filipinas y a ciudadanos de las mismas, mientras continuen dichas Islas bajo la soberania ó la autoridad del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Al confirmar así el acuerdo de referencia, complázcome en informar a V. E., que el Gobierno de la República Argentina tomará las medidas necesarias para que entre en vigor a partir del 1o de junio de 1942. Aprovecho la oportunidad para saludar al Señor Rmbajador con mi más alta y distinguida consideración.

Ministro de Relaciones
Exteriores y Culto



A S.E. el Señor Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America,


[blocks in formation]

I have the honor to address Your Excellency acknowledging receipt of your note no. 739 of this date relative to the agreement regarding passport visas between the Governments of Argentina and of the United States of America.

In accordance with the agreement aforementioned, gratis visas will be granted by the Governments of Argentina and of the United States of America to the persons mentioned below, and the validity of these visas with respect to both countries will be for the period of one year and will cover any number of entries during the aforementioned period, beginning from the date of issuance of the visas, provided that the passport is valid during that period:

a) the citizens of both republics who may temporarily visit the territory of the other for business, pleasure, or as tourists;

b) the nationals of both countries who, being professors, may go to the other for the purpose of giving lectures, and professional and other persons who may seek temporary admission for professional purposes or purposes of study, provided that such nationals do not intend to remain for a consecutive period of more than one year;

c) amateur sportsmen who are citizens of the two republics who may go to the other country to participate in athletic tournaments;

d) the citizens of either of the two countries who may wish to pass in transit through the territory of the other country;

e) the citizens of both countries who may wish to enter the territory of the other for the purposes of carrying on trade between the two republics in pursuance of the provisions of the treaty of commerce and navigation.

It is understood that these provisions apply also to the wives and unmarried children under 18 years of age of the persons aforementioned. It is further understood that married or unmarried women, as well as unmarried male persons up to 21 years of age, shall also benefit by the provisions stipulated, provided they come within the terms of this agreement independently of the category of husband, wife or relative.[1] The cases contemplated in this paragraph include, of course, only persons who are nationals and their wives or children who are bearers of or are included in passports of Argentina or of the United States of America.

1 [Note from the American Ambassador to the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship reads "parent"; see p. 1579]

In addition to applying to the countries and the citizens referred to in the preceding paragraph, the agreement will be applicable in the same cases to the Philippine Islands and to citizens of those islands so long as the said islands continue under the sovereignty or the authority of the United States.

In thus confirming the agreement under reference, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the Argentine Republic will take the necessary measures to place it into effect beginning June 1, 1942.

I avail myself of this opportunity to greet you, Mr. Ambassador, with my highest and most distinguished consideration.

Minister of Foreign

Affairs and Worship



To H.E. the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America,


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