Imágenes de páginas

por el Gobierno de los Estados Government of the United States; Unidos; (b) exención de impuestos (b) exemption from all Salvadoran salvadoreños basados sobre sala- taxes based upon salaries for those rios de aquellos miembros norte- North American members of the americanos del personal de la station staff whose salaries are Estación cuyos sueldos sean paga- paid by the Government of the dos por el Gobierno de los Estados United States; and (c) when possiUnidos; y (c) cuando sea posible, ble Salvadoran students in gradel envío de estudiantes salvado- uate study in each of the fields of reños a los colegios o universidades agriculture in colleges or universide los Estados Unidos para seguir ties in the United States. cursos de estudios graduados en cada uno de los ramos de la agricultura.

6. El Gobierno de los Estados 6. The Government of the Unidos de América, por medio del United States of America, through Departamento de Agricultura de the United States Department of los Estados Unidos, y sujeto a la Agriculture, and subject to the disponibilidad de fondos para este availability of funds for the purfin, conviene en suministrar lo pose, agrees to provide: (a) the siguiente: (a) los servicios de cien- services of scientists to perform tíficos que realicen las funciones the functions of agricultural engide ingeniero agrónomo, patólogo neer, plant pathologist, plant de plantas, propagador de plantas, breeder, and upon agreement by y, de acuerdo entre los dos Gobier- the two governments, to provide nos, científicos que realicen otras scientists to perform other funcfunciones; (b) periódicos cientí- tions; (b) current scientific jourficos actuales sobre plantas y nals on plant and animal science animales, publicados en los published in the United States; Estados Unidos; (c) equipo y (c) scientific equipment and apaparatos científicos que no se paratus not produced or manuproduzcan o fabriquen en El factured in El Salvador; (d) stoves Salvador; (d) estufas y refrigera- and refrigerators not manufacdoras que no se fabriquen en El tured in El Salvador, for the Salvador, para las residencias del residences of the staff; (e) hand personal; (e) herramientas mecá- and mechanical tools for the stanicas y de mano para los talleres tion shops; (f) hospital equipde la Estación; (f) equipo de ment for the treatment of emerhospital para tratamientos de gency cases; and (g) technical emergencia; y (g) ayuda técnica assistance for the designing of all para proyectar todos los edificios, buildings, including residences for incluyendo las residencias para los the Salvadoran and North Amerimiembros del personal salvadoreño can members of the staff. y norteamericano.

7. El Gobierno de los Estados 7. The Government of the Unidos de América y el Gobierno United States of America and the de El Salvador acuerdan mutua- Government of El Salvador mutumente lo que sigue: que para ally agree (a) that in order to

Dec. 2, 1942

proveer la supervisión común de provide joint supervision over the los aspectos cooperativos del pro- cooperative aspects of the project yecto y para proporcionar un and in order to furnish a ready medio expedito de consulta entre means for consultation between los dos Gobiernos sobre la ma- the two Governments in regard teria, será establecido un Comité thereto, there shall be established compuesto por un representante a commission composed of one de cada uno de los dos Gobiernos; representative of each of the two que el Comité, sujeto a la aproba- Governments; that the commisción del Gobierno de El Salvador, sion, subject to the approval of será autorizado para establecer the Salvadoran Government will los requisitos de los candidatos y have authority to establish the proponerlos para empleos en la qualifications and propose candiEstación; que el Comité podrá dates for positions at the station; delegar en el Director de la Esta- that the commission may delegate ción aquellas de sus funciones que to the director of the station such estime conveniente; (b) que, fuera of its functions as it may deem de los sueldos de los científicos fit; (b) that, exclusive of salaries destinados a la Estación por el of the scientists made available Departamento de Agricultura de to the station by the United States los Estados Unidos, las obliga- Department of Agriculture, the ciones del Gobierno de los Estados obligations of the United States Unidos no excederán de Dólares Government shall not exceed $75,75,000 el primer año, ni de 25,000 000 the first year, nor more than dólares en cualquier año fiscal $25,000 in any one fiscal year posterior; (c) que la provisión de thereafter; (c) that the furnishing los artículos descritos en las cláu- of the items described under sulas (c), (d), (e) y (f) del párrafo 6 clauses (c), (d), (e) and (f) of del presente Convenio dependerá numbered paragraph 6, of this de la disponibilidad de tales artí- Agreement shall be contingent culos en los Estados Unidos; y (d) upon the availability of supplies que el Gobierno de El Salvador pro- of such items in the United States; veerá los fondos necesarios para and (d) that the Government of el cumplimiento de las obliga- El Salvador shall provide the funds. ciones estipuladas en el párrafo necessary for the fulfilment of the número 3 y en las cláusulas (a), (b) y (c) del párrafo número 4.

obligations stipulated under numbered paragraph 3, and clauses (a), (b) and (c) of numbered paragraph 4.

8. Este Convenio entrará en 8. This Agreement shall come efecto el día en que se firme y in force on the day of signature continuará en vigor por un período and shall continue in force for a de diez años, salvo que el Con- period of ten years, unless the greso de cualquiera de los dos Congress of either country shall Países no proporcione los fondos fail to appropriate the funds necesnecesarios para su ejecución; y en sary for its execution in which tal caso, podrá ser terminado me- event it may be terminated on diante aviso escrito de sesenta días sixty days written notice by either

dado por cualquiera de los Go- Government.


Por los Estados Unidos de América For the United States of America


Secretario de Agricultura


Secretary of Agriculture

Por la República de El Salvador For the Republic of El Salvador


Ministro Plenipotenciario


Date: October 21, 1942


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister


Date: October 21, 1942

Cumplo gustoso con instrucciones que he recibido de mi Gobierno, al manifestar a Vuestra Excelencia que el Memorandum de Entendimiento que aparece copiado en la presente nota es aprobado en todas sus partes por el Gobierno de El Salvador.

Debido a que la nota de Vuestra Excelencia, mencionada al principio de la presente, contiene la declaración de que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América aprueba así mismo en todas sus partes el Memorandum de Entendimiento a que he hecho referencia, yo estimo que la nota de Vuestra Excelencia y la presente respuesta completan la necesaria aprobación del mismo Memorandum, constituyendo un convenio entre nuestros dos Gobiernos sobre la materia, siendo entendido que este Convenio surte sus efectos desde la fecha del 21 de Octubre de 1942, debiendo continuar en vigor por un período de diez años, a menos que el Congreso de cualquiera de los dos Países deje de asignar los fondos necesarios para su ejecución, en cuyo caso el Convenio podrá ser terminado mediante aviso de sesenta días que uno de los dos Gobiernos comunique al otro.

Expreso a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi mas alta consideración.

[blocks in formation]

I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's courteous note dated November 24 last, relative to the Memorandum of Understanding of October 21, 1942, between the Governments of El Salvador and of the United States of America, which I had the honor to sign with the

Dec. 2, 1942

Honorable Claude R. Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America, on the date mentioned. The Spanish and English texts of the Memorandum of Understanding signed are given below: [Here follows the bilingual text of the Memorandum].

It gives me pleasure to comply with instructions which I have received from my Government to declare to Your Excellency that the Memorandum of Understanding which is transcribed in the present note is approved in all its parts by the Government of El Salvador.

In view of the fact that Your Excellency's note, mentioned at the beginning of this note, contains the declaration that the Government of the United States of America also approves in all its parts the Memorandum of Understanding under reference, I consider that Your Excellency's note and the present reply complete the necessary approval of that Memorandum, constituting an agreement between our two Governments on the subject, it being understood that this agreement has been in effect since October 21, 1942, and is to continue in force for a period of ten years, unless the Congress of either of the two countries fails to appropriate the funds necessary for its execution, in which case the agreement may be terminated by means of sixty days' notice given by one of the two Governments to the other.

I offer Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. HECTOR DAVID CASTRO

His Excellency CORDELL HULL,

Secretary of State,

Washington, D. C.

[E. A. S. 286]

October 12, 27, 1942 Agreement between the United States of America and Nicaragua approving Memorandum of Understanding signed July 15, 1942 respecting an agricultural experiment station in Nicaragua. Effected by exchange of notes signed October 12 and 27, 1942; effective July 15, 1942.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Nicaraguan Minister


General functions.


October 12, 1942

I have the honor to refer to a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the establishment and operation of an agricultural experiment station in Nicaragua, signed at México, D. F., México, July 15, 1942, by the Honorable Claude R. Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America, and His Excellency José M. Zelaya C., Minister of Agriculture and Labor of the Republic of Nicaragua, which provides as follows:

In conformity with the desire of the Government of Nicaragua that the Government of the United States of America cooperate in the establishment and operation of an agricultural experiment station in Nicaragua for the purpose of promoting the production of basic and strategic tropical products, the Government of the United States of America through the United States Department of Agriculture and the Government of Nicaragua, have reached the following understanding:

1. The general functions of the station shall include: (a) agronomic production investigations necessary to permanent agriculture over the whole of eastern Nicaragua with complementary products, particularly rubber, as the cash crops; (b) establishment of approved agricultural practices by agricultural extension work as liaison between the station and the private farms; (c) the propagation of planting material for distribution to farmers; (d) cooperation with other agricultural institutions of the Western Hemisphere in the promotion of tropical agriculture through consultation and the exchange of propagating material, scientific information, and personnel; (e) cooperation with public health, colonization, and agricultural rehabilitation agencies of the United States of America, Nicaragua, and the Western Hemisphere in the development of agriculture in Nicaragua; (f) consideration being given to the possibility that the Government of the United States of America will plant several thousand hectares of Hevea rubber in the Atlantic coast area of Nicaragua, the station will give full technical assistance to such a planting program.

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