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Produção Vegetal, bem como a colaboração técnica dos demais orgãos do Ministério da Agricultura que forem necessários.


O Coordenador dos Negócios Interamericanos, por sua vez, compromete-se:

1°-A contribuir com a quantia de um milhão de dólares no primeiro ano de vigência do Acôrdo, em duas parcelas de meio milhão, sendo uma após a assinatura dêste Acôrdo e a outra ao ser depositada, no Banco do Brasil, pelo Governo brasileiro, a quantia de cinco mil contos de réis, de que trata a obrigação no 1 na Cláusula 3, assumida pelo


2o A contribuir com um milhão de dólares, na primeira quinzena de Setembro de 1943.

3o-A enviar e manter no Brasil, durante a vigência do presente Acôrdo, pagando os honorários e despesas de viagem e diárias, técnicos norte-americanos especializados em questões referentes aos assuntos do presente Acôrdo.

4o-A facilitar, tanto quanto possível, a aquisição do material especializado que for necessário para a execução dêste Acôrdo.

5°-A depositar as contribuições estipuladas nos itens 1 e 2 desta cláusula, no Banco do Brasil, à disposição do Ministro da Agricultura, em conta especial da Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Produção de Gêneros Alimentícios, para serem dispendidos nos termos da cláusula 5, letras c e d.


Para a execução dêste Acôrdo:

a) Constituir-se-á uma Comissão Especial que se denominará "Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Produção de Gêneros Alimentícios", composta:

1o do Diretor da Divisão de Fomento da Produção Vegetal, na quallidade de Presidente;

2o do Chefe dos especialistas de produção de gêneros alimentícios designado pelo Coordenador dos Negócios Interamericanos. b) A séde da Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Produção de Gêneros Alimentícios será no Rio de Janeiro, podendo ser transferida para outro local, a juizo do Ministro da Agricultura.

c) A aplicação dos recursos à disposição da Comissão BrasileiroAmericana e sua prestação de contas obedecerão a instruções a serem elaboradas pela dita Comissão e aprovadas pelo Ministro da Agricultura.

d) As despesas realizadas por conta das dotações Brasileiras e Americanas, constantes do item 1 da cláusula 3 e itens 1 e 2 da cláusula 4, serão devidamente escrituradas em serviço adequado de contabilidade, para serem submetidas à aprovação do Ministro da Agricultura, depois de devidamente examinadas e visadas pelo dois membros componentes da Comissão Brasileiro-Americana.

65714°-43-—PT. II-50

Effective date; duration.

e) The vouchers of the expenditures incurred by the Division for the Development of Vegetable Production from the funds set forth in item 2 letters a and c, and item 3 of clause 3 will be subject to the accounting procedure set forth in the regulations now in effect, it being understood that a special copy of all of the vouchers will be supplied for the information of the American member of the Brazilian-American Food Production Commission.

f) The voucher of the expenditures incurred under the ordinary budget, consisting of item 2, letter b, and item 4, of clause 3, will be made in accordance with the requirements of Brazilian public accounting, there being sent, however, to the Brazilian-American Food Production Commission a copy of the distribution of the credits made to the Fiscal authorities of the States included in the area of the present Agreement.

g) It is understood that all improvements made under the provisions of the present Agreement will remain the property of the Brazilian Government.


The present Agreement will be for the duration of two years, counting from the date of its signature, and may be extended in the judgement of the contracting parties.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto, sign and seal the present Agreement in duplicate in the English and Portuguese languages.

[blocks in formation]

e) As comprovações das despesas executadas pela Divisão de Fomento da Produção Vegetal, com os recursos constantes do item 2, letras a e c, e do item 3 da cláusula 3, reger-se-ão pelas normas de contabilização adotadas pelo regulamento atualmente em vigor, ficando entendido que será enviada uma via especial de todas as comprovações, para o conhecimento da Comissão Brasileiro-Americana de Gêneros Alimentícios.

f) A comprovação das despesas decorrentes das dotações orçamentárias, constantes do item 3, letra b, e do item 4 da cláusula 3, será feita pelas normas exigidas pela contabilidade pública, brasileira, sendo, porém, encaminhada à Comissão Brasileiro-Americana uma cópia da distribuição dos créditos às Delegacias Fiscais dos Estados, compreendidos na área do presente Acôrdo.

g) Fica entendido que todas as bemfeitorias que se fizerem por força deste Acôrdo ficarão pertencentes ao Govêrno Brasileiro.


O presente Acôrdo vigorará durante dois anos, a contar da data de assinatura, podendo ser prorrogado a juizo das partes contratantes.

Em fé do que, os abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados, firmam e selam o presente Acôrdo, em dois exemplares, nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa.

[blocks in formation]

September 16, 30, 1942

[E. A. S. 303]

March 31, July 17, and Agreement between the United States of America and Australia respecting military service. Effected by exchanges of notes signed at Washington March 31, July 17, and September 16 and 30, 1942; effective July 18, 1942.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Australian Minister


Nationals of CObelligerent countries.



March 31, 1942

I have the honor to inform you that the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, ['] provides that with certain exceptions every male citizen of the United States and every other male person residing in the United States between the ages of 18 and 65 shall register. The Act further provides that, with certain exceptions, registrants within specified age limits are liable for active military service in the United States armed forces.

This Government recognizes that from the standpoint of morale of the individuals concerned and the over-all military effort of the countries at war with the Axis Powers, it would be desirable to permit certain classes of individuals who have registered or who may register under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to enlist in the armed forces of a co-belligerent country, should they desire to do so. It will be recalled that during the World War this Government signed conventions with certain associated powers on this subject. The United States Government believes, however, that under existing circumstances the same ends may now be accomplished through administrative action, thus obviating the delays incident to the signing and ratification of conventions.

This Government is prepared, therefore, to initiate a procedure Induction proce which will permit aliens who have registered under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, who are nationals of co-belligerent countries and who have not declared their intention of becoming American citizens to elect to serve in the forces of their respective countries, in lieu of service in the armed forces of the United States, at any time prior to their induction into the armed forces of this country. Individuals who so elect will be physically examined by the armed forces of the United States, and if found physically qualified, the results of such examinations will be forwarded to the proper authorities of the co-belligerent nation for determination of acceptability. Upon receipt of notification that an individual is acceptable and also receipt of the necessary travel and meal vouchers

1[54 Stat. 885; 50 U.S.C. app. §§ 301-318, Supp. II §§ 302-305, 308-310, 312,315.]

Sept. 16, 30, 1942

from the co-belligerent government involved, the appropriate State Director of the Selective Service System will direct the local Selective Service Board having jurisdiction in the case to send the individual to a designated reception point for induction into active service in the armed forces of the co-belligerent country. If upon arrival it is found that the individual is not acceptable to the armed forces of the cobelligerent country, he shall be liable for immediate induction into the armed forces of the United States.

Stipulations to be agreed to by co-bellig

Before the above-mentioned procedure will be made effective with respect to a co-belligerent country, this Department wishes to receive erent country. from the diplomatic representative in Washington of that country a note stating that his government desires to avail itself of the procedure and in so doing agrees that:

(a) No threat or compulsion of any nature will be exercised by his government to induce any person in the United States to enlist in the forces of any foreign government;

(b) Reciprocal treatment will be granted to American citizens by his government; that is, prior to induction in the armed forces of his government they will be granted the opportunity of electing to serve in the armed forces of the United States in substantially the same manner as outlined above. Furthermore, his government shall agree to inform all American citizens serving in its armed forces or former American citizens who may have lost their citizenship as a result of having taken an oath of allegiance on enlistment in such armed forces and who are now serving in those forces that they may transfer to the armed forces of the United States provided they desire to do so and provided they are acceptable to the armed forces of the United States. The arrangements for effecting such transfers are to be worked out by the appropriate representatives of the armed forces of the respective governments.

(c) No enlistments will be accepted in the United States by
his government of American citizens subject to registration or of
aliens of any nationality who have declared their intention of
becoming American citizens and are subject to registration.
This Government is prepared to make the proposed regime effective
immediately with respect to Australia upon the receipt from you of a
note stating that your government desires to participate in it and
agrees to the stipulations set forth in lettered paragraphs (a), (b),
and (c) above.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Acting Secretary of State

The Right Honorable


Minister of Australia.

Proposed regime.
When effective.

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