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OUR Lord said to his disciples, "Ye are the light of the world." How very appropriate, therefore, is a lampstand, or candlestick, to denote a church, as we find the symbol used in the Revelations. A candle is not to be hid under a bushel, but to be placed in a candlestick that it may diffuse light around; thus are churches the instruments of God, for imparting to the world, wisdom unto salvation.

Missionary effort is one sign of a rising or falling church, and will always be extended in proportion as the divine blessing rests upon that church. So likewise is it with individuals, whose spiritual state is indicated by an interest for the souls of others. It is a blessed thing for us in the present age, that we have such multiplied means for causing our light to shine, even to the ends of the earth; and it is happy for us that we belong to the Church of England, which has been an honoured instrument in the Lord's hand, to spread the knowledge of His name, having so widely diffused her light in the last fifty years, and to the shining of whose candle other churches have come for example and instruction. As her members, we are called upon in our respective spheres, to increase her light, and take a part in diffusing it. God is glorified by our church according to the brightness of her shining, and for this we are each responsible. Let us deeply consider this responsibility, that we may per

ceive the duty of unity; not every one seeking his own glory, but the glory of the whole. An isolated Christian is no where supposed in Scripture; if we are one with Christ, we are one with his people, and united especially by peculiar ties to those of his people with whom his providence has cast our lot.

An external church is of great value, because, as a lamp is a means of concentrating and retaining light, so do the ordinances of a church. These are highly useful so far as they perform this office, but no further. Woe unto those who glory only in the means, and overlook the end; who rest in forms and deny the spirit of godliness! A church has no light except what she derives from Christ; even as a candle has no light in itself. Every spark comes from Him, and all besides and around, is midnight darkness. What then, is the folly of those who take an unlighted candle to guide their trackless way, loving darkness rather than light!

We read in the passage of Scripture to which we have referred, that the candlesticks are of gold. This shows us the preciousness of that holy Church which Christ purchased with his blood; and also, that none but the redeemed belong to it. For there can be nothing precious that has not been sanctified by the Holy Ghost; and those who have not received this baptism of the Spirit, are "reprobate silver," rejected of the Lord. The true church is also enduring. As gold that is put into a furnace is not consumed but purified, so is it with the Church of Christ, " against which the gates of hell cannot prevail;" of her members only is it written, that no man is able to pluck them out of the Father's hand. Professors, therefore, should take good heed that they are the redeemed of the Lord. Let the

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young be particularly careful that their religion is not one of imagination, of sentiment only, or of excitement; but that it has the true, solid foundation of conviction of sin, and the love of Christ shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost. If ever there was need of making our calling sure, it is now that all things are being shaken, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. But if the blessed assurance is granted, and by scriptural proofs we can say, "The Lord is my God," then we know, that his word is pledged for our safety. Christ as the head, cannot lose one of his members; but being exalted on the throne, they must be exalted with Him, or his glory would be incomplete.

But further, we read that Jesus walketh in the midst of the golden candlesticks. If there is any false doctrine or evil practice in his Church, he knows it. He controls the evil, regulates its course, and makes the wrath of men to praise him, by its working out good for his people. When the foundations are being shaken, he is there to establish and support them; and when the hearts of the faithful are ready to fail, he is there to protect and encourage them. Let this comfort such as are sighing and crying for the abominations in our Zion; and let this be their consolation, "The Lord knoweth them that are his;" "He knoweth them by name," and they shall never perish. He may indeed cause the external church to fall, but the imperishable seed cannot be removed; His secret ones cannot be lost. What security and confidence then may we not feel, however dark the clouds which are gathering around us; for the Church of God has Jesus in the midst of her. The Lord will help her, and that right early.

But there is another point for our consideration. If

Jesus is in the midst of his Church, how careful should we be to take heed unto our ways! What does he see, my young friends, when walking up and down among you? Does he find consistency of conduct? Does he see and hear that which becometh heirs of glory, "the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty." In your conduct at home, in your families, and with your companions, does he perceive what is in harmony with your profession? Are there no evil tempers, thoughtless words, selfish actions, or vain imaginations, for him to detect? Do you consider when two of you are together, that there is a third at hand, whose searching eye penetrates to your secret motives; who is pained by all that is false, and who weeps over the waywardness and petulance of his own dear people? It is grief and sorrow of heart to him when he observes the breakings out of the old man, and all those indications of pride, self-conceit, and highmindedness, which show how the law in the members prevails at times, over the law in the mind. Are you not ashamed of these things when you reflect on them in your chamber and if any fellow-sinner has perceived them, are you not humbled? Consider, then, how you have grieved your gracious and loving Saviour; for he was walking up and down, and heard and saw all that you would fain hide from the eyes of men, and blot from your own recollection.

Hear what he says to the Church; the message which he sends to thee. "I know thy works. I have not found them perfect. I have a few things against thee. Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead. Thou art neither hot nor cold." These are his observations and rebukes. Then again, hear how he admonishes, "Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do

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thy first works. That which ye have already, hold fast till I come. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, which are ready to die. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see.'

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I know thy works! Does He know all your shortcomings? the things you have left undone; opportunities of usefulness neglected; and light hid under a bushel then be admonished ! Consider your ways on

which the Saviour ponders, and be stimulated to watchfulness and diligence.

But the Lord also knows thy works for commendation. Such as are performed by the Spirit, glorify and please him, and not one of them is overlooked. He says to thee," I know thy labour and patience, thy hatred of them that are evil, thy tribulation and poverty, thy faith, thy charity, thy service, that thy garments are undefiled, that thou hast kept my word, and hast a little strength; and hast not denied my name." Here is his gracious approval; for the Lord is not unmindful of your good works, nor will he forget them. This is great encouragement to a soul which is perhaps ready to faint, following hard after God. And, moreover, there are promises to encourage, for He who is in the midst of his Church, says to every member; " To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God. He shall not be hurt of the second death; I will give him to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, with a new name written thereon; and I will give him power to rule the nations; and I will give him the morning star. He shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels; I will keep him from the

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