Imágenes de páginas





A Monthly Magazine, designed to bear testimony to the Truth as it is in Jesus,
apart from Sectarian ends and connections.


The exposition of the prophetic Scriptures is a prominent object of the
enterprise, under the conviction of those engaged in it that the coming of
the Lord draws near, and that the Church is in her proper attitude when
waiting for that event. Since no one can be truly looking for the Lord in
the glory of his second coming, who does not truly know him in the love
of his first coming to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, the truth
regarding the blessed hope of the Christian cannot be taught apart from
the doctrines of Christian faith and the lessons of Christian love. The
design, therefore, embraces the elucidation of the fundamental doctrines of
the Gospel, which will be treated in their Scriptural connections and their
bearing on the Christian life and its relations.

The publication is humbly intended to be "CHRIST-EXALTING;" and is
specially addressed to those who, in our various communities, are reaching
out to an experimental acquaintance with the unsearchable riches of Christ;
who, beyond all denominational zeal, love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
desiring to live in separation from the world, as pilgrims and strangers here:
not unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again, and
to be found like men waiting for their Lord. It is addressed to earnest and
prayerful students of the Word of God, and while it will occupy middle
ground between the learned and the merely popular periodicals, it will aim
to bring the mature fruits of Christian scholarship and critical research
within the reach of ordinary inquirers into the mind of the Spirit.

The numbers of the current year will contain a variety of papers designed
to open up the field of prophetic inquiry, expositions of the principal para-
bles, illustrations of the earthly mission and the mediatorial work of our
Lord, and essays on personal and relative duties; with occasional narra-
tives, reviews, notices of millenarian literature, and of current events as
bearing on the main object of our publication.

The numbers of the Magazine for a year will form two volumes, with a
suitable title-page and index for each volume.

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To Agents, or to Clubs, for four or more subscribers to our address, four
copies will be sent for $10.

For the convenience of subscribers, the postage will be prepaid, in con-
sideration of the payment being strictly in advance.


Office of Waymarks in the Wilderness,

[blocks in formation]

NOTICE. This number is sent to some who are not sub-
scribers. as a specimen of the work. Those receiving it who
do not wish to subscribe, are requested not to take the trouble
of returning it, as no subsequent number will be sent to their
address unless it is ordered.

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It was at first proposed to publish "Waymarks in the Wil-
derness at $2 a year, but it was found that this could not be
done without pecuniary loss in consequence of the recent ad-
vance in the cost of paper and printing. It will of course be
sent in accordance with the original proposal to those who have
subscribed before the change of terms was announced.

Address orders, remittances and communications (for the

present) to


50 North 13th Street, Philadelphia.

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