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byres should be provided for the live stock offered for exhibition; that a good track of not less than three-eighths nor more than one-half of a mile in length, with one straight side of at least forty rods, is necessary for the proper exhibition of the style and motion of horses exhibited; and that it would be an exceedingly convenient and not unprofitable arrangement to have suitable sheds and hitching posts within the enclosure for the accommodation of the teams of the members, &c, Sheltered seats for the accomodation of spectators have been found very great acquisitions to their comfort and safety, and a portion of the ground set apart for the exclusive occupancy of ladies, is regarded as a matter of too much importance to be overlooked in perfecting the arrangements of a permanent location. A dining hall, as well as one for the exhibition of machinery, will, perhaps, in the course of events, be required; although it is to be expected that generally the fair days will be regarded here as they are in England, as pic-nics, upon which it will be more desirable for all parties to bring with them their own supplies.







Agricultural statistics of Queens county, for the year 1865, superintended by

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Bushels harvested.

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Respected Sir-The Rensselaer county agricultural and manufacturers' society, held their annual meeting for the election of officers, and winter exhibition, on the 16th, of January 1866, at their room No. 69 First Street. The attendance was quite large, and the exhibition of winter and spring grains, poultry, butter and apples, was good.

Not including potatoes and turnips sold.

No. colts raised.


No. horses on hand.

There was a sample of winter wheat and marrowfat beans exhibited by A. Pine, Pittstown, that cannot be beat any where.

There were several fine samples of rye, corn, oats, barley, flax seed, potatoes, carrots, parsnips and other smaller vegetables.

There were 19 premiums awarded, amounting to $38. Which premiums have not yet been paid, and are not included in the report made on the 8th of January 1866.

During the last year the Rensselaer county agricultural and manufacturers' society, on account of their grounds being occupied by the Government as a hospital, concluded to unite with the Albany agricultural society in holding a fair; and decided to hold it at Island Park, midway between Troy and Albany.

Considering the place, easy of access to both cities, by steamboat and horse railroad, the directors anticipated an extraordinary large exhibition, especially of manufactured articles, but the week commenced with a very heavy rain, and the contractor not getting his buildings ready for the reception of articles and stock, caused a great disappointment to the society. Taking all things into consideration, however, the show was a good one, the attendance was large, the receipts good, the expense enor


Rensselaer and Dutchess took the lead on fine wool sheep. Saratoga on coarse wool sheep, and Albany on horses and cattle.

Premiums paid amounts to $610; receipts $4,534; expenses over $5,000 Yours respectfully,

H. W. KNICKERBOCKER, Treasurer. Officers for 1866-President L. E. Gurley, Troy; Vice-Presidents, Geo. Tibbits, Hoosick; Ai Pine, Pittstown; Reuben Peckham, H. L. Shields, Troy; Burton A. Thomas, Sandlake. Secretary, J. C. Osgood, Troy; Treasurer, H. W. Knickerbocker, Lansingburgh.


The twenty second annual fair of the Rockland County Agricultural Society was held at New City, on the 27th and 28th days of September, 1865, and I have much satisfaction in reporting its continued prosperity and increasing popularity. Both gentlemen and ladies testified by their presence their attachment to the anniversary of the society.

The show of cattle was very good, some very superior animals.

We never have had a better show of high blood horses and colts exhibited in this county. Among the number was a Hambletonian stallion, five years old, called the Iron Duke, raised by John Peck, Esq., and sold by him to G. Miller, Esq., for $10,000; also, a two-year old Hambletonian colt, (stallion)—a colt of the celebrated trotting mare Princess, raised and owned by F. Gallaway, Esq., for which he refused $10,000.

The show of sheep and swine was not large, but of a good quality.
The products of the dairy was not large, but excellent.

The farm implements were mostly exhibited by Hutton Brothers, and were of a very superior quality.

A very little fruit was shown, as the apple crop was almost a failure this


The ladies generally out-do the farmers, in offering samples of needlework, paintings, flowers, &c., which does great credit to our fair contributors.

The annual address was delivered by the Hon. Hugh Maxwell, whose practical views were highly appreciated by the society.

Officers elected for 1866.-President, Capt. Isaac P. Smith, of Nyack. Vice Presidents, James S. Ranny, Abram B. Conger, David Munn, Prince W. Nickerson, George W. Suffern. Executive Committee, A. Thompson Blauvelt, Jacob V. Smith, James Eckerson, Nicholas C. Blauvelt, Watson Tompkins. Recording Secretary, Spencer Wood, Clarkstown. Treasurer, Abram A. Demarest, Clarkstown. Corresponding Secretary, A. Edward Suffern, Haverstraw.

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Expenses fitting up fair ground, gate keeping, &c.

$386 75 218 87

Paid the society for the improvement of the breed of horses for the road and the farm, for the use of their enclosed grounds....

463 75

Due treasurer of last year.

1 48

Balance in treasury..

43 02

1,113 87

Most respectfully submitted,



TO BENJ. P. JOHNSON, Esq., Sec'y of the N. Y. State Ag. Society:

Sir-The treasurer's account and vouchers of expenses and receipts of the St. Lawrence County Agricultural Society for the year 1865, having been forwarded to you, I now send the list of premiums awarded during the same year, stating "to whom and for what purpose," as required by law.

The St. Lawrence county society has had a prosperous year since the last report. There was a fund raised early in the year for the purpose of erecting an additional exhibition building, stand of seats, &c. The sum of $2,000 was subscribed, but, as it proved, it was not necessary to call for more than $650, the rest of the expense being defrayed out of the receipts of the year.

The fair held September 19th, 20th and 21st was very largely attended; the show was fully equal to the average, and there was most encouraging evidence of increased interest in the success of the society and the promotion of its objects. An admirable, practical, and thoroughly agricultural address was delivered by the Hon. A. B. James, of Ogdensburgh. It was much regretted that the very short notice of twenty-four hours, given to Judge James, made it necessary that his address should be an unwritten one, and that therefore it cannot be published in pamphlet form.

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