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The provisions of the civil-service act relating to political assessments will be strictly observed.

Nothing in these regulations shall be permitted to interfere in any way with the assignment of any employee in the subtreasury service to any temporary duty that may be deemed necessary by the assistant treasurer.

These regulations shall take effect on and after January 20, 1897.

Approved January 19, 1897.

By order of the Civil Service Commission:

J. G. CARLISLE, Secretary.

JOHN R. PROCTER, President.

NOTE.-The above regulations for the subtreasury service, under the heads "Examinations" and "Promotions and Transfers," contains amendments adopted April 12, 1897.



The officers and employees at the offices of the several United States shipping commissioners, included within the provisions of the civil-service law and rules, are hereby arranged in the following classes and schedules:


Class A.-All persons receiving an annual salary of less than $720, or a compensation at the rate of less than $720 per annum.

Class B.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $720 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $720 or more, but less than $840 per annum.

Class C.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $840 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $840 or more, but less than $900 per annum.

Class D.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $900 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $900 or more, but less than $1,000 per annum.

Class E.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $1,000 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $1,000 or more, but less than $1,200 per annum.

Class 1.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $1,200 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $1,200 or more, but less than $1,400 per annum.

Class 2.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $1,400 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $1,400 or more, but less than $1,600 per annum.

Class 3.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $1,600 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $1,600 or more, but less than $1,800 per annum.

Class 4.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $1,800 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $1,800 or more, but less than $2,000 per annum.

Class 5.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $2,000 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $2,000 or more, but less than $2,500 per annum.

Class 6.-All persons receiving an annual salary of $2,500 or more, or a compensation at the rate of $2,500 or more per annum.


Schedule A.-Executive positions: Such officers or employees as are authorized to act as executive officers, including shipping commissioners, deputy shipping commissioners, etc.

Schedule B.-Clerical positions: Including bookkeepers and other employees engaged upon clerical work.

Schedule C.-Miscellaneous positions: Including messengers, janitors, and other similar classified employees.


Where vacancies can not be suitably filled by transfer, promotion, or reinstatement, the following competitive examinations shall be provided to test the fitness of applicants for admission to different schedules; and, where necessary, special registers of eligibles shall be established for this service.

Schedule A.-The first-grade examination in orthography, penmanship, copying, letter writing, and arithmetic, with such practical questions pertaining to the duties of the position to be filled as may be determined upon by the Commissioner of Navigation and the Civil Service Commission.

Schedule B.-The first-grade examination in orthography, penmanship, copying, letter writing, and arithmetic, and the elements of accounts, and such practical questions pertaining to the duties of the position to be filled as may be determined upon by the Commissioner of Navigation and the Civil Service Commission.

Schedule C.-The third-grade examination in orthography, penmanship, copying, letter writing, and arithmetic, and such practical questions pertaining to the duties of the position to be filled as may be determined upon by the Commissioner of Navigation and the Civil Service Commission.

In addition to the subjects above enumerated, experience in work of a similar character shall be considered an element in each of these examinations, to be graded as follows:

For three years' experience, a credit of 70 per cent.
For four years' experience, a credit of 75 per cent.
For five years' experience, a credit of 80 per cent.
For six years' experience, a credit of 85 per cent.
For seven years' experience, a credit of 90 per cent.
For eight years' experience, a credit of 95 per cent.
For nine years' experience, a credit of 98 per cent.
For ten years' experience, a credit of 100 per cent.

The subject of experience shall have a relative weight of 25 per cent of the entire examination.

Wherever necessary, a board of examiners shall be appointed from among the officers and employees of the shipping commissioner's office, in accordance with Civil Service Rule IV, section 5.


No promotion shall be made from one schedule to another until after one year's service, and after examination prescribed for original entrance to the schedule to which promotion is to be made. Promotions may be made from one class to another within a schedule, upon such tests of fitness as the shipping commissioner may determine, and the Secretary of the Treasury approve, provided, the tests be not disapproved by the Civil Service Commission, subject to the provisions of Rule XI of the civil-service rules.

Transfers from a lower class to a higher class in such cases, shall be considered as promotions, and shall be made only in accordance with the promotion tests herein provided for.


No officer shall dismiss, or cause to be dismissed, or make any demands to procure tho dismissal of, or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any other person in the United States shipping commissioner's service because of his political or religious opinions or affiliations.

The provisions of the civil-service act relating to political assessments will be strictly observed.

Nothing in these regulations shall be permitted to interfere in any way with the

assignment of any employee in the shipping commissioner's service, to any temporary duty that may be deemed necessary by the shipping commissioner. These regulations shall take effect on and after January 20, 1897.

Approved January 19, 1897.

By order of the Civil Service Commission :


Commissioner of Navigation.

JOHN R. PROCTER, President.



Washington, D. C., April 1, 1897.

The following regulations governing admission to the grade of surfman in the life saving service have been adopted by the Commission:

1. No applicant shall be appointed to the grade of surfman in the life-saving service except upon examination and certification by the United States Civil Service Commission.

2. Applications for examination shall be made upon the blank forms of application furnished by the Commission, which may be obtained from the superintendent of any life-saving district or the keeper of any life-saving station.

3. For the purpose of establishing eligible registers for surfmen to meet the demands of the service, the coast whereon life-saving stations are located is divided into sections as follows:

First district.—Section 1, coast of Maino; section 2, coast of New Hampshire. Second district.-Section 1, from the northern boundary of Massachusetts to Barnstable Bay; section 2, from Barnstable Bay to the eastern boundary of Rhode Island.

Third district.-Section 1, coast of Rhode Island; section 2, from Montauk Point to and including Quogue station; section 3, from Quogue to Fire Island Inlet; section 4, from Fire Island Inlet to entrance to New York Bay.

Fourth district.-Section 1, from Sandy Hook to Barnegat Inlet; section 2, from Barnegat Inlet to Absecon Inlet; section 3, from Absecon Inlet to Delaware Bay. Fifth district.-Section 1, from Delaware Bay to the northern boundary of Maryland; section 2, from the northern boundary of Maryland to the northern boundary of Virginia; section 3, from the northern boundary of Virginia to entrance to Chesapeake Bay.

Sixth district.-Section 1, from entrance to Chesapeake Bay to the northern boundary of North Carolina; section 2, from the northern boundary of North Carolina to Oregon Inlet; section 3, from Oregon Inlet to Hatteras Inlet; section 4, from Hatteras Inlet to the northern boundary of South Carolina.

Seventh district.-Section 1, coast of South Carolina; section 2, coast of Georgia; section 3, east coast of Florida.

Eighth district.-Section 1, west and south coasts of Florida; section 2, coast of Texas.

Ninth district.-Section 1, coast of Lake Ontario; section 2, coast of Lake Erie; section 3,* Louisville, Ky.

Tenth district.-Section 1, coast of Lake Huron; section 2, coast of Lake Superior. Eleventh district.-Section 1, east coast of Lake Michigan; section 2, west coast of Lake Michigan, except Evanston station; section 3, the Evanston station.

Twelfth district.-Section 1, coast of Washington; section 2, coast of Oregon; section 3, coast of California.

*NOTE. To the Ninth district is added section 3, to make provision for the Louisville station at the Falls of the Ohio River.


4. Applications for examination must be filed with the keepers of stations. They may be filed at any time with the keepers of stations nearest the applicants' places of residence, which applications shall be forwarded by the keepers, through the district superintendents and the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, at the beginning of each month, to the Commission for examination, but the names of persons who are found eligible upon examination shall be entered upon the register of eligibles but twice a year-at the beginning of June and the beginning of December—unless because of a lack of eligibles for any section the demands of the service require a special examination to establish an eligible register.

5. Each applicant shall furnish two vouchers as to his experience as a *surfman, sailor, or boatman, from persons by whom or with whom he has been employed as such. He must also furnish a certificate of his physical condition, executed by a medical officer of the Marine Hospital Service. The physical examination must be made within five days 'preceding the filing of the application, and if the applicant is selected for appointment he must pass another physical examination within five days preceding his entrance upon duty.

6. An applicant must be a citizen of the United States, not under 18 nor over 45 years of age, not less than 5 feet 6 inches in height, not less than 132 nor more than 190 pounds in weight; must reside in the district in which he seeks employment and not more than 5 miles inland from the ocean, bay, or sound shore, or the shore of the Great Lakes (except applicants for the Louisville station at the Falls of the Ohio River); and must be able to read and write the English language.

7. Each station keeper, cach district superintendent, and the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service shall note any misstatement known to any of them which may be made by an applicant in his application, and shall call attention, to any disqualification under section 3, Rule V, civil-service rules, or to any other matter within his knowledge which, in his opinion, should render an applicant ineligible for the position of surfman.

8. No person shall be examined who has not had at least three years' experience as a surfman, sailor, or boatman, but if there are no eligibles in and for the section where the vacancy exists, and certification can not be made from any other section because there are insufficient eligibles to make a certification for the existing vacancy, applicants having had less than three years' experience or no experience at all may be examined.

9. The following elements shall be considered in the examination: (1) Physical condition; (2) experience; (3) age. These elements shall be weighted as follows in the examination: Physical condition, 6; experience, 3; age, 1.

10. In determining the general average of a competitor, the mark on each element shall be multiplied by the number indicating the relative weight of that element, and the sum of these products divided by the sum of the relative weights will be the average percentage.

11. A competitor who furnishes a medical certificate showing him to be physically qualified in every respect for service as a surfman shall be marked 100 for physical condition. A proportionate deduction shall be made from 100 for any physical defects noted by the medical officer, but which in his opinion do not disqualify the competitor for the service.

12. A competitor who has had five or more years' experience as a surfman or as a Falls boatman (if examined at the Louisville station) shall be marked 100 for experience. A proportionate deduction shall be made from 100 for less than five years' experience.

13. A competitor who has had five or more years' experience as a sailor or boatman shall be marked 40 for experience. A proportionate deduction shall be made from 40 for less than five years' experience.

*The term surfman includes not only a person who has had experience as such in the Life-Saving Service, but also a person who has not been employed in that service but has had experience in handling boats as a surf-fisherman or as a wrecker.

14. A competitor who has had experience as a surfman and who has also had separate experience as a sailor or boatman, or in all of these occupations, shall be given a mark for experience calculated upon the experience in each occupation, but the aggregate mark for experience in any one or more of these occupations shall not exceed 100.

15. A competitor between the ages of 18 and 25 years shall be marked 100 for age; between the ages of 25 and 35 a deduction of 1 from 100 shall be made for each year or fraction thereof in excess of 25; between the ages of 35 and 45 a deduction of 2 from 90 shall be made for each year or fraction thereof in excess of 35.

16. The names of all competitors who attain an average percentage of 70 or over shall be entered in the order of their average percentages upon a register of eligibles, which shall be on file at the Commission. A copy of the register of eligibles for each life-saving district shall be furnished to the superintendent thereof. Whenever a vacancy exists at a station, the keeper thereof shall make requisition upon the superintendent of the life-saving district in which the station is located for a certification of eligibles, and the superintendent shall certify the names of the three eligibles standing highest on the register for the section in which the vacancy exists, and from this certification a selection shall be made.

17. No certification shall be made of eligibles for one section to a vacancy in another section if there are eligibles in the section where the vacancy exists who possess the qualifications required for the duties to be performed. If there are no such eligibles, certification shall be made, in the order of their average percentages, of such eligibles in the nearest available section or sections in the district who have expressed in their applications a willingness to accept employment in the section where the vacancy exists.

18. When two or more eligibles on a register have the same average percentage, the length of service (preference being given to a surfman over a sailor or boatman, and at the Louisville station preference being given to a Falls boatman) shall govern in determining their relative standing on the register and the order in which they shall be certified.

19. The period of eligibility shall be one year from the date of entering the name on the register of eligibles, but an eligible who shall reach the maximum age limit during the period of eligibility shall not be certified for appointment.

20. Whenever a person is selected for employment as a surfman in the Life-Saving Service, he shall be required to enter into a written agreement to serve as such, according to the terms and under the conditions therein stipulated.

21. Whenever a keeper has made a selection from a certification, he shall immediately forward to the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, for transmission to the Commission, a statement giving the name of the person selected and certifying upon honor that the selection was made with reference to fitness only and without reference to political or party affiliations.*

22. The General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, the superintendent and assistant superintendent of each life-saving district, and the keeper of each life-saving station shall act as representatives of the Commission in the discharge of the duties required of them by these regulations.

By order of the Commission:

JOHN R. PROCTER, President.



The force of employees in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, with compensation at a rate less than $900 per annum, excepting clerks and those employees on what is known as the "salary roll," whose compensation is specifically appropriated

* See section 10, Act of May 4, 1882, entitled "An Act to promote the efficiency of the Life-Saving Serv. ice and to encourage the saving of life from shipwreck."

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