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from £500 down to 6d. It was their purpose in that case, as at the opening of the chapel and the organ, to publish a balance sheet, on which would be a list of the subscribers, and to forward so far as possible a copy to each contributor. The value of the land, as a site, was £400; amount of contracts, £4465 17s. 1d.; value of old material taken from the old school, but used in the present building, £200; sundries, £220; making the total cost of the school £5275 17s. id. Towards liquidating that large sum they had received the value of the site, £400, given by Mr. W. Sykes, Green Lea; from Sunday-school, £350; proceeds of foundation stone laying, £130; subscriptions already paid, £1603 19s. 6d. ; choir services, £25; ladies' sewing meeting, £100; young ladies' sewing meeting, £30; proceeds of tea-meeting last Christmas, £8; value of old material used in new building, £200; from sale of old material, £125 5s. 9d.; collections at the opening services, £417 Os. 31d.; added by Mr. W. Sykes (who had offered to give a sum equal to the amount received at the opening services), £417 Os. 34d.; making the total collections received at the opening services up to the previous Sunday, £834 Os. 7d.; subscriptions promised, £111 12s. 7d. Those subscriptions were so perfectly safe that he durst give 198. for every 20s. The subscriptions received that evening were £67; proceeds of the tea-meeting, £55; collection that evening, £100 2s. 6d. ; added by Mr. W. Sykes, £100 2s. 6d. ; Mr. R. Shaw Buckley's subscription, £10; total amount received, £4240 3s. 4d.; leaving a balance due to the treasurer of £1035 13s. 9d. He had hoped that the opening services would have entirely removed the debt off the schools. They, however, had done their best. They had amongst them a great friend, and had it not been for him those schools would never have been erected. He had given largely. He had presented the site, had doubled the collections, and he was authorised from Mr. Wm. Sykes to say that the schools were entirely free from debt, he having consented to make up the deficient £1035 13s. 9d. He might inform them for the honour of that gentleman's liberality, that he (Mr. Wm. Sykes) had contributed towards these new schools over £2500.

This statement was received with an outburst of applause, continued and renewed. This was not matter of suprise, for the remembrance of such generosity must remain so long as the building and the Connexion are in existence. Success cannot fail to crown such generous god-like efforts.

At the request of the Chairman, the whole congregation rose and sang, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

The Rev. Dr. Stock, in the course of an excellent address, said that he thought the Methodist New Connexion stood A 1 in the village. Referring to their minister, the Rev. J. Le Huray, he said that he was exceedingly sorry that he (Mr. Le Huray) would have to leave them next June, but he hoped that before long he would be again appointed to that circuit. Alluding to the statement that Nonconformists who desired to have secular education in schools wished to deprive children of religious education, he said could it be supposed that they wanted to make light of religious education? They held the broad principle that a man might be full of learning, but, if he had not the love of Christ in his heart, he had not taken one single step in the direction of heaven.

Mr. Alderman W. Mellor said he was present at the meeting partly to show his sympathy in the work, and partly to show his deep appreciation of the noble character, and liberal, self-denying spirit of the gentleman who was announced to preside. The most eloquent speech that had been given that night had been delivered by an absent chairman. It was no new freak of Mr. Wm. Sykes that he should have given aid liberally and generously. He (Mr. Mellor) had known him many years, and he was glad to find they had so great and true-hearted a friend; he could heartily re-echo the prayer uttered that evening that Mr. Sykes might long be spared to be a honour to the district in which he resided, and a blessing to all around him. He rose to perform a duty which to him was exceedingly pleasant, it was to propose

that the thanks of the meeting be given to Mr. Sykes for the generous way he had taken up that scheme for the erection of new schools, and for the very liberal-well, that was not exactly the word-he would say magnificent act in freeing the members of the denomination from debt. He was thankful that he had had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Sykes for nearly half a century; they sat shoulder to shoulder at the school up the street nearly 50 years ago; they had fought shoulder to shoulder for 40 years in various ways; and they had always gone the same way. If it was a political or School Board battle they fought together, he never wanted a better friend, he never wanted a better supporter. He never differed with Mr. Sykes in his life, and he did not think he ever would. Therefore to him it was a labour of love to propose that resolution that evening.

Mr. J. Binns, one of the superintendents of the school, in seconding the motion, said he believed that nothing they could give Mr. Sykes would please him better than to know that the schools were well appreciated and useful.

The motion was carried with great enthusiasm.

The Rev. P. Baker briefly moved that a vote of thanks be given to the ladies who had provided the tea, and the waiters, the choir and the organist.

Mr. Firth Ellam, one of the superintendents of the school, in seconding the motion, remarked that every day he became prouder of Lindley. There were a great number of men in that place who had risen up to positions of usefulness, and were ever ready and willing to help in the time of need. The motion was carried amid applause.

On the motion of the Rev. T. D. Crothers, a vote of thanks was warmly accorded to the chairman, and shortly afterwards one of the most successful meetings ever held at Lindley terminated.



THE readers of the Magazine have been accustomed to see, from year to year, an account of the proceedings of the Hunslet Road Chapel Anniversary, in connection with which the collections on the two Sabbaths set apart for the services have rarely, if ever, fallen below £100, the annual sale of goods being usually in excess of that amount. For twenty-seven years this has been continued, the friends having been enabled by these means to extinguish entirely the debt on the chapel, schools, and preacher's house in Hunslet Road, besides relieving the Dewsbury Road estate to the extent of nearly £1000. The Hunslett Carr school and chapel have also been benefited to the extent of £300, and from time to time the trust fund has rendered assistance to the society and circuit to the total amount of several hundred pounds. Having accomplished all this, some of the friends thought that the practice of holding the anniversary should be abandoned. This proposal, however, was not at all to the mind of our enterprising friends, who determined to hold the annual sale as usual, and to have collections made on one Sabbath, with the understanding that the friends would not be called upon to contribute to these collections after the liberal fashion of former years. Accordingly on Sunday, December 20th, the Rev. J. E. Radcliffe preached in the morning, and the Rev. S. Meldrum in the evening. The collections amounted to £37 10s. and will be appropriated to the fund now accumulating for the erection of a new chapel in the important and rapidly improving neighbourhood of Hunslet Carr.

The annual bazaar was held in the Whitehouse Street School-room, on Monday, December 28th, and following days. After a brief devotional service, conducted by the Revs. S. Meldrum and J. E. Radcliffe, the

bazaar was formally opened by Mr. Councillor R. Buckton. Mr. Alderman Blackburn and Messrs. J. Simpson and G. Hill took part in the proceedings. The goods provided for this sale, thanks to the indefatigable exertions of our good friend Mrs. Blackburn and her lady helpers, both in quality and quantity, fully maintained the reputation of former years.

Notwithstanding the unfavourable weather which prevailed nearly all the time the bazaar was held, a very gratifying amount of success has been realised. On the opening day a large number of friends assembled and purchased freely. The interest of the bazaar was increased by an exhibition of African curiosities, a zootrope, and a snow-house seven feet high, which was illuminated in the evening. The total amount realised by the sale is £184 15s. For this handsome result our best thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn, the ladies who have worked so hard to make up the goods, and to all who have contributed to bring about such a successful S. MELDRUM.


January 6, 1875.



JULY 29, 1874, will long be remembered by many of the friends in this neighbourhood, the whole village being astir to witness the laying of two corner stones of the new school. It was a glorious day, which tended in no small way to swell the happy gathering.

Hitherto the children, numbering upwards of 100, had been taught in the chapel on the Sabbath, but it was felt very desirable to have a school erected as soon as the necessary funds could be raised. A true friend of the cause, Mr. John Smith, of Hulme, came forward and generously gave a plot of land adjoining the chapel sufficient to build the school upon and enlarge the chapel when necessary, together with a handsome donation towards the building.

This noble gift encouraged us to set to work in right good earnest. A committee was formed on April 29th to solicit subscriptions, Mr. W. Smith, of Hulme, being chairman, and it was proposed by him, "That building operations be not commenced until £100 had been promised," which amount was raised by the end of the following month. Mr. Edward Harrison, of Cobrige, kindly prepared the necessary plans and specifications, and a contract was entered into with Mr. Thos. Clarkson, builder, Heath House, to erect the school and out-buildings for the sum of £265. The day for laying the corner stones at length arrived, and we were greatly favoured with the presence of the Revs. J. C. Watts (superintendent of the circuit), J. Robinson, and E. J. Hope. After a hymn had been sun g and prayer offered by Rev. J. Robinson, an impressive address was deliver ed by the esteemed superintendent, who explained the contents of the mysterious bottle, and deposited the same in its assigned place, in a cavity of one of the stones. The memorial stones were duly laid by Mrs. Worthington, Mollart House, Hanley, and Miss Smith, of Hulme.

A silver trowel, with suitable inscription, was presented to each of these ladies, and after another hymn had been sung, a collection was made in aid of the building fund, and the benediction pronounced.

The ceremony thus ended, we adjourned to a neighbouring farm-house, where, through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, tea had been provided. Upwards of 150 sat down-those who preferred in the open-air, others in the house.

After tea a stroll on the moor was much enjoyed until 6.30, when a public meeting was held in the chapel under the genial presidency of E. J. Baxter, Esq., Havelock Place, Hanley. Able addresses were given by the Revs. J. C. Watts, J. Robinson, E. J. Hope, and Mr. A. Fenton, and a very enjoyable and profitable evening was spent. The day's proceedings, including £10 from Mrs. Worthington, and £5 5s. from Miss Smith, raised the building fund to something like £150.

The work progressed very rapidly under Mr. Harrison's efficient supervision, and in October bills were posted about announcing the opening services to take place on Sunday, November 1st. Early on that Sabbath morn might be seen inside the newly-erected school a little band of earnest Christians, composed of the teachers and well wishers of the cause, with the devoted superintendent of the Sabbath-school, Mr. E. Lovatt, rendering their sacrifice of prayer and praise to Almighty God for enabling them in His great mercy to accomplish their object, and earnestly and devoutly asking His blessing on the work to be carried on in the school.

With hearts full of joy and gratitude this little band dispersed only to meet again, however, in the chapel at 11 o'clock to take part in the morning service.

The Rev. E. J. Hope, of Leek, being invited to conduct the services of the day, two excellent sermons were preached to crowded but most attentive congregations. Collections were made at the close of each service amounting to £7 10s. On the following day a tea-meeting was held in the school room, and we were not a little proud to associate the opening of the school with a cup of tea which more than one confessed tasted much better than on former occasions. After tea a public-meeting was held, at which Mr. Alderman Ridgway, of Hanley, presided.

The report of the building committee was read, and a financial statement showed that the expenditure was increased by furnishing, &c., to £300, and toward that amount we had collected £182. The report urged that renewed efforts should be made to get the debt of £118 cleared off as soon as possible. Interesting addresses were delivered by the Rev. E. J. Hope, Messrs. J. Rigdway, A. Fenton, and E. Harrison, who bore testimony to the very efficient manner in which the builder had executed his contract. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded, at the close of the meeting, to the chairman, to the committee of management, and to the ladies who had given trays.

About six weeks later the building committee feeling desirous to acknowledge the valuable services gratuitously rendered by Mr. E. Harrison, invited him to a social gathering in the new school-room, on December 16th. After tea the Rev. J. C. Watts took the chair, and Mr. W. Smith, on behalf of the committee, in a very complimentary address, presented Mr. Harrison with a handsome writing desk and silver pencil case, which were suitably acknowledged. A few short addresses were given, and a very happy meeting terminated, the rough winterly weather necessitating an early departure.

It is with feelings of gratitude we acknowledge the kindness and ready assistance we have met with in our noble undertaking. Surely if the Lord had not been on our side such success could not have attended our efforts. One generous but anonymous donor of £10 is entitled to our warmest gratitude, and to the Rev. J. C. Watts, through whom the donation came, we must ever feel grateful for the warm interest and untiring zeal he has shown in the work, always ready with sound advice; and the happy, cordial manner in which it was given will ever be associated with pleasant recollections. We would also acknowledge his kindness in giving an admirable lecture on "The Pilgrim Fathers," in aid of our building fund. We sincerely trust our school may prove a blessing to the neighbourhood, and pray that God will specially bless and pour out His spirit on the church which has the honour of planting the first place of worship, and now the first school, in this small village, and make her future even more prosperous than the past. BENJAMIN HORTH.


ABOUT twelve months since the above place of worship was beautifully restored, at the cost of £300, but soon after its reopening it was discovered that the organ was so out of repair as to be quite useless for conducting the musical part of the service. For some months the singing was led with an harmonium. This awakened a desire on the part of many of our friends to enlarge and restore the organ. A subscription list was at once opened for the purpose, and our friends as well as others outside our cause gave liberally towards the object, while a series of penny readings brought in several pounds. In a few months, therefore, the old organ was restored and enlarged, and on Sunday, Nov. 22, 1874, it was reopened; when two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. J. L. Hookins. The choir sang as chants in the morning Jackson's "Te Deum," and in the evening the anthem, "O taste and see that the Lord is gracious." On the following Monday evening a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. W. H. P. Martin (Wesleyan). Addresses were given by several ministers and friends, and the choir sang several suitable pieces. Mr. O. Hugo (organist of St. Mary's Wesleyan Chapel) kindly gave his services in presiding at the organ on the occasion. The collections amounted to about £9. The organ, which has been rebuilt by Messrs. Brewer and Co., of Truro, consists of the following stops: open diapason, stop diapason (bass and treble), principal, fifteenth, and bordonne. The case is handsomely decorated to match the sanctuary (white and gold), and the show-pipes are diapered. The cost of restoration is £58, of which £40 has been raised, and several more pounds are promised.

F. A.


Ar a meeting of the Chapel Committee, held at Woodhouse Lane Chapel, Leeds, in the month of April, 1873, it was determined to present a testimonial to the indefatigable secretary, the Rev. W. Baggaly, in recognition of his valuable services during a period of about eight years, but especially for his arduous efforts in connection with the extinction of the debt of nearly £1000 on the chapel fund. A committee-consisting of the Rev. W. Cocker, D.D., Messrs. J. G. Heaps, E. Blackburn, T. Thackrah, and H. Dixon; with Rev. A. R. Fearson as secretary—was appointed to arrange for it. The ensuing Conference lent its sanction, and in the following December a circular was issued soliciting donations in aid of the object. As the amount required was only about £60 or £70, it was resolved to limit the maximum subscription from our lay friends to £1 1s., and from our ministers to 10s. 6d. No personal appeal was made, but the result, as will be seen from the subjoined financial statement, was highly satisfactory. The testimonial consisted of portrait in oil of Mr. Baggaly, executed by Henry Lenthall, Esq., of Regent Street, London, an elegant time-piece, with vases, accompanied by an illuminated address prepared by Mr. W. Lister, of Bradford.

Arrangements were made for the presentation at the last Conference, on Friday, June 19. The proceedings were opened by the reading of the address by the Rev. A. R. Pearson. It referred to the great services Mr. Baggaly had rendered to the Connexion, especially in relation to the Beneficent Fund and the Chapel Fund. In regard to the latter, it stated that at the time Mr. Baggaly was appointed to the office of secretary, its obligations in sums promised to necessitous Trusts, and loans on which interest was being paid, amounted to about £10,000, but now not more than £2000 was owing. It expressed a hope that the life and health of Mr. Baggaly might be preserved, and that he might receive abundant spiritual

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