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of civilization? 7. In fixing the scale of civilization, what are we to consider? How do you rank nations in civilization?

CHAP. VI.-1. What is society? What of the family? 2. What is an insurance company? 3. What is civil society? What is the state? 4. What of the obligations of civil society? What three things are everywhere observed among mankind? 5. What is the distinction between a solitary and a social being?

CHAP. VII.-1. What of some countries? 2. What of society as it advances? 3. What are the consequences of a division of property? In what proportion is a community usually happy? 4. In what proportion is a country usually poor? Why is this? 5. What is the object of the greater part of the laws in civilized governments? 6. What other rights does the right of property involve?

CHAP. VIII.-1. What is justice? How is justice often personified? 2. What is political or civil justice? 3. What is a part of man's nature? May individuals be destitute of the perception of justice? Is there any nation destitute of a perception of justice? 4. May the sentiment of justice be weakened? May it be strengthened? 5. In what countries only is justice a basis of action?

CHAP. IX.-1. Why should we inquire what the rights of men are? What of the Scripture rule? 2. What is the duty of lawmakers? 3. What are the general rights of man? For what only may the natural rights of man be abridged or taken away? 4. What of liberty? Value of liberty? What of the abridgment of our natural liberty?

CHAP. X.-What is liberty? In its widest sense? What is absolute liberty? What does this allow? 2. What of liberty without law? Of a savage? Of truth and justice? Of every human being? 3. What of absolute liberty practically? 4. Into what, therefore, does absolute liberty run? When can it only exist? 5. Natural liberty? To what is it often applied? 6. What restraints upon natural liberty exist among savages? 7. What of the law of custom? What other restraints than those of custom exist upon savage communities? If the weak are not protected from the strong, what follows? What of the mass of society, where natural liberty is said to prevail? What is a state of natural liberty? 8. What of the animal tribes? 9. What of virtue? How is the virtuous man restrained? 10. Why is civil government founded? 11. What has experience taught?

CHAP. XI.-1. What is civil liberty? Why does a man consent to be taxed? What of a man's right to walk or ride when he pleases? 2. In what does a man consent to have his liberty abridged in civilized countries? 3. Why does a man give up some of his natural rights? 4. What is the great principle on which

civilized society rests? What is all government? Wny is gov ernment necessary? What does government do? 5. Why does a man with 10,000 dollars, consent to be taxed, and pay away 50 dollars? 6. What are numerous in civilized society? Where is the greatest amount of practical liberty enjoyed? 7. What of New Holland? 8. What of the savage and his bow? 10. What of the savage and the wigwam? What injustice is done where property is held in common? 11. What shall we notice to follow in proportion as the laws are few and imperfect? 12. Where is there the least liberty? Where is there the most liberty?

CHAP. XII.-2. What do the law-makers seek? What is the consequence? 3. What is civil liberty? What can you do in Massachusetts? 4. What if you were among the western Indians? Where would you enjoy most freedom, in Massachusetts, or among the Indians? 5. Why would you enjoy most liberty in Massachusetts? How does the law requiring license to sell gunpowder, promote liberty? 6. What of dealers in wood, fish, flour, &c.? 7. What of every law tending to make life, property, and character more secure? What does this show?

CHAP. XIII-1. What is liberty? Absolute liberty? Natural liberty? Why can natural and absolute liberty only exist in theory? 2. What is meant by a community of property? 3. What does a man do for civilized society? Why does he pay a tax? What is government bound to do? 4. What is every law? What of the law against murder? Laws against stealing, wounding, &c.? On what are these laws founded? 5. What of the laws which compel a man to pay taxes, &c.? Why does a man submit to these evils? 6. What of a community where the laws are fewest, and most imperfectly enforced? What of life, property, &c., in such a community? 7. What of society where the laws are most complete, and best enforced? 8. What is civil liberty? Why can a person reasonably ask no other than civil liberty?

CHAP. XIV.-1. What have some persons fancied? What of the declaration of independence? 2. What is impossible? Why is absolute equality impossible? 3. Mention other grounds of ine quality. 4. What inequalities in nature can you mention? What does the whole system of nature and providence show? 5. What of countries where the greatest freedom prevails? 6. What of females? 7. What of mankind' In what sense can it be said that men are created equal? 8. What thing is plain? What does political equality not mean? What does it mean?

CHAP. XV.-1. What is civil government? What of society without government? What of a family? What would be the state of things without a government? What has never succeeded? Why are government and law required? 2. What is matter of necessity? What may all government be considered?

3. What is society where there is absolute liberty? What is indispensable to secure order, justice, &c.? 4. What of a man who expects to enjoy liberty without paying for it? 5. On what principle does a member of society act, in giving up a part of his liberty to secure the rest? What is government? To what has government been compared? 6. What is the great problem of government? What of every act of legislation? 7. What of the social compact? What of Russia? 8. What may be said of submission? What of government founded in force?


CHAP. XVI.-1. What three things does government embrace? 2. What of the form of government of the United States? Statutes? Administration? 3. The separate states? Their statutes? Their administration? Laws that violate a constitution? Government in Great Britain? The laws? The administration? What of France? Many of the systems of Europe? 5. What other division belongs to the government of most civilized countries? CHAP. XVII-1. How is legislative power usually vested? What is a legislature? 2. What of the two branches of legislature? What of a law introduced into either house? 3. What is necessary in order that a bill should pass? When it has passed one house, what is done with it? What happens when it has passed both houses? 4. What is legislation? What is the usual mode of legislation in civilized countries? Where are there no legislature, and no written laws? What of power in such countries?

CHAP. XVIII.-1. What is the judicial power? The judiciary? Of what does a court usually consist? 2. What if a man is charged with a breach of the law? 3. What of witnesses? 4. Witnesses against the accused? In his favor? How many persons in a jury? Of whom do they consist? What do they do? What is their decision called? 5. If the verdict is "not guilty?” If "guilty?" If the sentence is "death?" If "imprisonment?" If a "fine?"

CHAP. XIX.-1. What of the executive power of the states? 2. Of the United States? Of England? 3. What is the president's duty? Who are the cabinet? What do we call the president and the cabinet? What are the acts of a president sometimes called? 4. What is the duty of a governor of a state? 5. What of the legislature? The judiciary? The executive? What of these three powers? 6. Why ought these three powers to be placed in different hands? 7. Illustrate this. 8. What of despotic countries? The sultan of Turkey? What may be said of a government like that of Turkey? People of Turkey? 9. What of Tripoli, Morocco, &c.?

CHAP. XX.-1. What of parts of Asia and Africa? 2. Who rules over these wandering tribes? What does patriarch mean?

"What of the patriarchal form of government? 3. What can you say of the government of a military chieftain? 4. What of the military chieftain when he becomes king? 5. What does such a king do? 6. What other cunning artifice is adopted by kings? 7. What of the union of church and state? 8. What of an active and ambitious king? What is an emperor? 9. What were mere despotisms? 10. What is a democracy? 11. What of Attica? 12. What is a republic? What is each of the United States ? What of the government of the United States? What of Texas, &c? 13. What is the distinction between a democracy and a republic? What is a republic sometimes called? 14. What is an aristocracy? An oligarchy? A monarchy? What of most of the governments of Europe? 15. What is a despotic government? A tyrannical government? A free government? 16. An aristocratic government? What of Great Britain? What is a democratic government? In what sense is ours a democratic government? 17. What constitute the greatest differences in governments? Where is political power placed in a democracy? In a republic? In a despotism? What are popular governments? Despotic governments?

CHAP. XXI.-1. What must have been discovered in the first human family? What of children? 2. What of a family without government? Adam and Eve? The first government? Adam? 3. What of the first ages of the world? 4. Describe the progress of mankind. What of Nimrod? 5. What more of Nimrod? 6. What of the sovereigns of Assyria? Of what is there no recorded instance? 7. What of the rest of Asia? Persia?

The king and the people?

CHAP. XXII.-1. What has the government of the Hebrews been called? What is a theocracy? What of this government? 2. What of David? His successors? 3. What more of the successors of David? 4. What of the laws established by Moses? 5. What more of the Hebrews? When did Moses live? What of Confucius? Solon? 6. What is the leading idea of the Mosaic institutions? What was the object of Moses, and what did he do? 7. What of the descendants of Aaron? Levites? 8. What of the administration of justice? What was done in the time of Moses? 9. What of pleading before the Hebrew courts? Witnesses? When a man was found guilty? 10. What of the institutions of the Hebrews? Administration of justice?

CHAP. XXIII.-1. What of the early history of China? 2. What of the policy of China? 3. Government of China? Title of the emperor? Population of China? 4. Emperor of China? 5. What of nobility? Courts? 6. What of the government of China? Punishment? How may China be regarded? 7. Art of printing? Name of the penal code of China? 8. What of this

eode? 9. Punishments? 10. What is said of rebellion in the Chinese law?

CHAP. XXIV.-1. What of Egypt? 2, 3. Ruins of Thebes? 4. What of Egypt 2000 years before Christ? Where did the Greeks obtain their arts? 5. Political system of Egypt? 6. Religion in ancient Egypt? 7. Superstition? 8. Justice? Written laws? Perjury? False accusers? Falsehood? Forgery? 9. The king? The priests? 10. Kings after death? Soldiers and priests? Divisions of the people? The priests? 11. What kind of government was that of ancient Egypt?

CHAP. XXV.-1. What of the origin of Grecian history? How long since the first kingdom of Greece was founded? Who was living then? What of Greece before this time? 2. When does Grecian history begin? When does it end? How long a space does the history of ancient Greece occupy? 3. Describe the country occupied by ancient Greece. 4. Ancient Greeks? 5. Beauty of the country of Greece? 6. Climate? 7. What of the nation? 8. For what are we indebted to the Greeks? 9. Liberty among the Greeks? Law? What did the Greeks first discover? 10. What of Grecian character? Anecdote of an old man? 11. Patriotism of the Greeks? Anecdote of a king? 12. What of personal attachments? Xerxes and the Greek? 13. Solon and Cræsus?

CHAP. XXVI.-1. How was Syracuse settled? Tell the story of Damon and Pythias? 8. What bad traits of character had the Greeks? 9. What of their injustice? Morality? 10. What are we forced to confess?

CHAP. XXVII.-1. Of what was Athens the capital? When, and by whom was it founded? Describe its situation. The Acropolis? 2. Seaports of Athens? Extent of the walls around Athens ? 3. Temple of Theseus? 4. Inhabitants of Athens? 5. Who were freemen? 6. Divisions of citizens? 7. Strangers residing in Athens? 8. What was done after a war or the plague? 9. What is painful to reflect upon? What two kinds of slaves in Athens? 10. What of treatment of slaves? 11. How were Athenian slaves employed?

CHAP. XXVIII.-1. Government of Athens? What of archons? Pisistratus? Pericles? 2. How were archons elected? What was required of them? 3. Oath of the archons? 4. What did the archons wear? How were they paid? 5. What of the chief archon? 6. The second archon? 7. The third archon? 8. The other archons? 9. How were the archons assisted? 10. How was the power of making laws vested by Solon? What of the senate council of 400? 11. When was the council of 400 increased? How were senators chosen? How did the people vote? 12. Power of the senate? 13. Right of freemen? Who were

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