Imágenes de páginas

13. What of the people of the colonies? How did the colonies flourish? 14. What were the oppressions of the British govern


CHAP. XLVIII.-1. What of the colonies? 2. What occurred in 1774? 3. What of the first Congress? 4. What did the first Congress do? When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? How was it received by the people? What did Congress recommend in order to carry out the plan of national independence? 5. What was the government until near the close of the war? What of the articles of confederation? What of Congress during the war? 6. What of the power of Congress? What must be considered in respect to the government of Congress during the war? 7. What was obvious?

CHAP. XLIX.-1. What occurred in 1777? What in 1781? 2. What of the articles of confederation? 3. What did an eminent statesman say? 4. What of Congress? The states? 5. What could Congress not do? 6. What of these evils? CHAP. L.-1. What occurred in 1786? What in September, 1786. 2. What did Congress do? What occurred in September, 1787? What occurred in 1789? 3. What of North Carolina and Rhode Island? What of the first thirteen states? What of the other thirteen? What is the duty of every American citi. zen ?

CHAP. LI.-1. What of the government of Great Britain, France, &c.? The laws of the British Parliament? The laws of the French Legislature? 2. What of the twenty-six states? The constitution? 3. What are the chief powers granted to the national government? What powers are withheld from the


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CHAP. LII. Repeat the preamble of the constitution.* What was the first object of the constitution? Why was a more perfect union necessary? What was the second object of the constitution? Why was this necessary? What was the next object of the constitution? What is the meaning of this? What was the next object of the constitution? Why was this necessary? What was the next object of the constitution? Why should the general government have this power? What is the last object of the constitution, as set forth by the preamble? What is civil liberty? Of what does the constitution consist? What of the first article of the constitution?

ARTICLE I. Repeat the first section of Article I. What is

*It may be well, in examining the pupil upon the Constitution, to let him have a book in his hand, to see what sections and verses are referred to; but the answers should be given with the book closed.

the meaning of this? Repeat sec. 2, ver. 1. What does this mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does this mean? Repeat ver. 3. What principle does this verse lay down? What occurred in 1842? How many representatives in Congress has Maine? New Hampshire? Massachusetts, &c.? What is meant by the phrase, bound to service for a term of years? What is meant by the phrase "all other persons?" Repeat ver. 4; ver. 5. What is the power of impeachment? What occurred in 1805?

Repeat sec. 3, ver. 1. What does this mean? Why are two houses needed in a legislature? What of the Senate as compared with the House of Representatives? Repeat ver. 2, sec. 3. What provision is here made? Repeat ver. 3. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 4. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 5. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 6. What does it mean? peat ver. 7. What does it mean?


Repeat sec. 4, ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does it mean? Repeat sec. 5, ver. 1. What does it mean? Ver. 2? Ver. 3? Ver. 4? Sec. 6, ver. 1? Why should a mem ber of Congress be free from arrest? Why should he be able to speak freely? Repeat ver. 2, sec. 6. Why are these restrictions proper?

Repeat sec. 7, ver. 1. What does this mean? Why is this provision wise and just? Repeat ver. 2, sec. 7. What powers does this give the President? What does veto mean? What of the veto power in England? What if a President vetoes a bill? Repeat ver. 3. What does this mean? What power has Congress according to sec. 8, ver. 1? What power has Congress according to ver. 2? According to ver. 3? Ver. 4? Ver. 5.? Ver. 6? Ver. 7? Ver. 8? Ver. 9? Ver. 10? Ver. 11? Ver. 12? Ver. 13? Ver. 14? Ver. 15? Ver. 16? Ver. 17? Upon what are taxes laid?

How are duties on

Upon what are duties or imposts levied? foreign goods collected? How is the chief revenue of the United States obtained? What of direct taxation? From what do the States derive their revenue? What of the power to regulate commerce? What of the District of Columbia? Where were the first and second seats of the general government? What of Washington? What is the meaning of sec. 9, ver. 1? Repeat ver. 2. What of the habeas corpus? Repeat ver. 3. What is a bill of attainder? An ex post facto law?

Repeat ver. 4. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 5. What does it mean? Ver. 6. What does it mean? strictions of this last verse indispensable? prohibit? What does sec. 9, ver. 1, prohibit? prohibit? What of bill of credit?

Why are the reWhat does ver. 7 What does ver. 2

ARTICLE II. To what does Article II. relate?

Repeat sec. 1,

ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 4. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 5? Ver. 6? What does it mean? What of Harrison? Tyler? Repeat ver. 7. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 8. What does it mean? What of the salary of the President? Repeat sec 2, ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2.. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 3. What of the appointing power? How many persons are employed by the general government? How many postmasters? What of the opposition to the government? Repeat sec. 3, ver. 1. What occurs when Congress comes together? Repeat sec. 4, ver. 1.

ARTICLE III. To what does this article relate? Repeat section 1 of Article III. What does it mean? Repeat sec. 2, ver. 1. To what cases does the judicial power of the United States Courts extend? Repeat ver. 2. What is meant by original jurisdiction? By appellate jurisdiction? Repeat ver. 3. What is here secured? Where did the trial by jury originate? What is the design of a trial by jury? What is meant by peers? How is the trial by jury esteemed? Repeat sec. 3, ver. 1. Repeat ver. 2. What is treason in England? In the United States? What is generally thought of treason? How is treason punished in England? Why was it important clearly to define treason? What is the punishment of treason fixed by Congress? What is the meaning of attainder? What was the consequence of being attainted of treason in England? What is the meaning of the phrase, "work corruption of blood?" What of Aaron Burr? Why was he acquitted of the charge of treason?

ARTICLE IV. Repeat section 1. What does it mean? Repeat sec. 2, ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 3. What does it mean? What is the meaning of the phrase "held to service?" Repeat sec. 3, ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does it mean? What are the territories now belonging to the United States? What is the basis of the governments of these territories? What of the present form of government in the territories? How is a territory represented in Congress? How may a territory become a state? What states were once territories? Repeat sec. 4. What occurred in Rhode Island in 1842?

ARTICLE V. Repeat this article. ARTICLE VI. Repeat ver. 1. What does it mean? Repeat ver. 2. What does this mean? Repeat ver. 3. What does this mean? What has frequently happened in England, France and other countries? What of Catholics in England? Repeat ART. VII. Where was the first election under the constitution? Who was the first President under the constitution? The first Vice-President? Repeat the names of the other Presidents, with the periods they held the office.

AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Repeat Art. I. What is meant by the union of church and state? What of England? What is the meaning of freedom of speech and of the press? Why are these rights important? Why is the right of the people peaceably to assemble, important? What of the right of petition? Repeat Art. II. What is the case in some despotic countries? Repeat Art. III. What has been a common act of tyranny? Repeat Art. IV. Why is this provision important? Repeat Art. V. Repeat Art. VI. What provisions are here made in behalf of a man accused of crime? Repeat Art. VII. What is the meaning of common law in England? In the United States?

Repeat Art. VIII. What is the meaning of bail? When should excessive bail not be required? Repeat Art. IX. Art. X. Art. XI. Art. XII. Ver. 1. Ver. 2. Ver. 3. How have most Presidents been elected? What occurred in 1825? Repeat Art. XIII. CHAP. LII.-Ver. 1. Why should Americans study and understand the constitution? Why should citizens know what it means? Ver. 2. What does the constitution establish? What is our government called? Why is our government a partnership? Ver. 3. What distribution of powers does the constitution establish? Why are these powers kept distinct? 4. Of what is Congress the source. What is the duty of the President? Province of the judges? Ver. 5. What does the constitution take away from the states and give to the federal government? 6. What does the constitution leave to the states? Ver. 7. What binds us together as a nation? What is likely to form our national character? Why do foreigners chiefly regard our national government? Ver. 8. How is the constitution the bulwark of our liberties? Ver. 9. What is every citizen bound to do?

CHAP. LIII.-Ver. 1. How is Congress divided? What of their sessions? Ver. 2. For how long a term are senators chosen? How many are there from each state? How many from all? How old must a person be to hold a seat in the Senate? What powers have the Senate beside those of legislation? Ver. 3. What of the representatives? How many representatives are there in Congress? Ver. 4. Who has the power of impeachment? Who tries persons impeached? What is the pay of members of Congress?

CHAP. LIV.-Ver. 1. What is the constitution? Upon whom does the character of the government greatly depend? Ver. 2. Why should we put good men into office? Ver. 3. What are the President and his advisers called? Why?

CHAP. LV.-Ver. 1, 2. What is the salary of the President? What more of the President? Ver. 3. What of the Vice-Presi dent? Ver. 4. What advisers has the President? Ver. 5. Wha of these advisers of the President? Ver. 6. What is the Cab

net? The Cabinet Council? Ver. 7. What of the Cabinet? Ver. 8. What is a large and responsible part of the duty of the Presi dent? Ver. 9. What is necessary in all cases? Ver. 10. What of executive sessions? Ver. 11. What are Secretaries called in England? What difference between them and our Secretaries? Salary of the Secretaries?

CHAP. LVI.-Ver. 1. Describe the office of Secretary of State. Ver. 2. His principal duty. Ver. 3. What other duty has he? Ver. 4. What do the duties of the Secretary of State require? 5. What must be his character in other respects? Ver. 6. What eminent statesmen have held this office?

CHAP. LVII.-Ver. 1. Describe the Treasury Department. Ver. 2. Special duty of the Secretary of the Treasury. Ver. 3. What other duty has he? Ver. 4. What should be his character. Ver. 5. From what does the government chiefly derive its revenue? Ver. 5. What two forms of duty? Ver. 6. What is a specific duty? Ver. 7. An ad valorem duty? Ver. 8. What of custom-houses? Ver. 9. What is done when a vessel arrives? Ver. 10. Why should an honest man be at the head of the Treasury Department? Ver. 11. How can the duties be so laid as to encourage the industry of our country? Ver. 12. What effect has the laying of duties on foreign articles? Ver. 13. What is a tariff? A protective tariff? If we do not tax foreign productions, what will be the effect? Ver. 14. What other reasons are urged in favor of a protective tariff? 15. What of the protective policy? When was it adopted in this country? What is adopted in other civilized countries? Ver. 16. Why do some statesmen object to the protective system? Ver. 17. What is free trade? Who are in favor of it? How would they pay the expenses of government? Ver. 18. What other views have the friends of free trade? What is a horizontal tariff? Ver. 19. What do these persons approve? What do they condemn as unconstitutional? What are discriminating duties? What is incidental to protection? What is deemed a trespass upon the constitution? Ver. 20. What policy has prevailed since the adoption of the constitution? Ver. 21. For what is the Secretary of the Treasury called upon? Ver. 22. Annual expenses of the government? How is this money obtained? Ver. 23. What of the public lands? Ver. 24. What of the mint?

CHAP. LVIII.-Ver. 1. What of the War Department? Ver. 2, 3. Duties of the Secretary of War? Ver. 4. What of peace and war? Ver. 5. What of the army? Number of men? Annual expense?

CHAP. LIX.-Ver. 1. Duties of the Secretary of the Navy? Ver. 2. What of navy yards? Ver. 3. Naval Commissioners?

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