Imágenes de páginas
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War, Secretary of, communicates relative to the sale of
Horn Island military reservation, in
Gulf of Mexico..

transmits papers showing the cost to the
Quartermaster's Department of the
Modoc war

communicates relative to the expenses
incurred upon the abolition of the
franking privilege.

communicates relative to an examina-
tion of the wreck of the ship Patri-
cian and Noonday Rock, at the en-
trance to the harbor of San Francisco,

communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 1574, to aid in the con-
struction of a fire-alarm telegraph in
the District of Columbia....
transmits letter of Norman Wiard, pro-
posing experiments in ordnance, and
for making and testing new guns of
large caliber..

transmits reports of surveys made of the
Forked Deer River and the Red River
of the North....

transmits a report and map of a recon-
naissance in the Ute country, made by
Lieut. E. H. Ruffner, of the Corps of
Engineers, in 1873....

transmits reports on the construction of
the Saint Louis and Illinois bridge
across the Mississippi River
communicates relative to the present
condition of Presidio military reserva-

transmits answer to a resolution of the
House, relative to the survey of the
Oostenaula and Coosawattee Rivers,
in the State of Georgia..
communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 1479, to restore the Rush
Valley military reservation, in Utah,
to the public lands..

transmits statement of deficiency in the
appropriation for his Department for
year ending June 30, 1873....
communicates relative to a telegraph
line from Santa Fé, New Mexico, to
Tucson, Arizona

communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 2298, to restore certain
lands in California to homestead and
pre-emption settlement....
communicates in answer to a resolution

of the House, transmitting a report
upon an examination of waters for
the extension of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal to the Ohio River..
transmits a statement showing the ap-
propriations for the military service
for the preceding year..........

communicates relative to an appropria-

tion to pay the claim of the estate of
Maj. William B. Scott..

[blocks in formation]


War, Secretary of, the chief clerk of the War Department
communicates relative to the reduc-
tion of the clerical force in the War

the chief clerk of the War Department
communicates relative to the survey
of the mouth of the Coquille River,

transmits letter from the Postmaster-
General, stating in full the objections
to the scheme of making payments to
troops by checks, as proposed by bill
of the House No. 2546...
communicates in answer to a resolution
of the House, transmitting a report
upon the James River and Kanawha
Canal project.....

communicates relative to the ship-canal
to connect the Mississippi River with
the Gulf of Mexico

communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 1590, to provide for the
better protection of the frontier set-
tlements of Texas against Indian and
Mexican depredations....
communicates relative to deepening the
bar of Sabine Pass, Texas....
communicates relative to a request of
the President of the Argentine Repub-
lic to have educated at the Military
Academy at West Point, at its ex-
pense, four or six young men, gradu-
ates of the military school established
by that republic..

communicates relative to the claim of
the persons named in bill of the House
No. 1566, for compensation for alleged
services to the Government.
transmits draught of a bill giving to
general courts-martial jurisdiction of
the crimes of murder, manslaughter,

transmits estimate of appropriation for
the purpose of furnishing food to des-
titute persons on the Lower Missis-
sippi River

communicates relative to the cost of a
proposed telegraph-line between San-
ta Fé and Tucson...

transmits a statement of the purchases

made by the Ordnance Department
during the year 1873, &c..
communicates relative to an appropria-
tion to build permanent barracks at
Alcatraz Island

communicates relative to the burning of
the town of Brenham, Tex., by United
States soldiers, as alleged, in 1866..
the President transmits in answer to a
resolution of the House a report from
the, relative to geographical and geo-
logical surveys west of the Mississippi.
communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 2724, for the relief of cer-
tain States and Territories on account
of ordnance stores issued to them
during the late civil war.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


War, Secretary of, communicates relative to the claim of
Hiram H. McColley for the value of
property from which he was ejected
by military authorities at Camp Mc-
Dermitt, Nevada..

communicates relative to granting the
Memphis and Vicksburgh Railroad
Company the right to build a bridge
over Yazoo River
communicates relative to the case of
Captain Hurtt, A. Q. M., United States
Volunteers, &c...
transmits additional papers in connec-
tion with the Hurtt court-martial..
transmits draught of a bill to aid the
improvement of the Fox and Wiscon-
sin Rivers, in the State of Wisconsin..
communicates relative to a survey of
the Ouachita River, from Camden, Ar-
kansas, to Trinity, La...
communicates relative to the number
and dimensions of the Government
buildings at Yuma Depot liable to
damage from freshets in the Colorado

transmits draught of a bill to authorize

an issue of clothing to Sergt. Maj.
William F. King, Twenty-fifth In-
the chief clerk of War Department
transmits a report upon the past im-
provement and present condition of
Pawtucket River, Rhode Island..
the chief clerk of War Department
transmits answer to a resolution of
the House, relative to the extension
of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal....
communicates relative to an appropria-
tion to build permanent barracks at
Alcatraz Island, California...
communicates relative to the claim of
George A. Miller, late lieutenant, &c.,
and also the claim of George L. Ma-
loney for pay as first lieutenant, &c...
communicates relative to the military
reservation at Fort Wilkins, Michigan.
communicates relative to the claim of
Noland, Topp, Vance, and others, for
cotton taken from them...
communicates relative to an appropria-
tion for the extension of a military
telegraph-line in Arizona Territory..
communicates relative to the cost to the
Government of Lieut. G. M. Wheeler's
expedition of 1873

communicates relative to bill of the
House No. 1157, to provide for the pay-
ment of certain volunteer companies
in the service of the United States in
the war with Mexico and in the sup-
pression of Indian disturbances in New

communicates relative to the improve-
ment of the mouth of the Mississippi

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


War, Secretary of, communicates relative to the resolution!
of the House inquiring concerning the
General Orders No. 32 of War Depart-
ment, March 15, 1873..

[blocks in formation]

communicates relative to the retirement

of Lieut. Col. B. S. Roberts, Third
United States Cavalry..

[blocks in formation]

communicates relative to the formation
of an Army mutual survivorship an-
nuity society..
communicates relative to the proceed-
ings of a board of officers convened at
Camp Douglas, Utah Territory, to in-
vestigate the loss by fire for which Sec-
ond-Lieutenant Wallace Mott, Eighth
Infantry, and assistant commissary of
subsistence, is responsible...
the chief clerk of War Department com-
municates the circumstances of the
murder of Lient. Eben White by John
H. and Webster Sothoron..
communicates relative to the purchase
of military sites in Texas.
transmits report of the reconnaissance
of Northwestern Wyoming..
the chief clerk of War Department
transmits a report of Inspector-Gen-
eral James A. Hardie, U. S. A., upon
the subject of the Dakota Indian war-
claims of 1862.

Washington, letter from the Secretary of War, relative to
the construction of a military wagon-road
from Wallula to Seattle, in the Territory of..
letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting an estimate of appropriation
to pay for improvements by settlers on
lands set apart for Makah Indians, in the
Territory of..

Wheeler's expedition, letter from the Secretary of War,
relative to the cost of, of 1873.
White, Eben, Lieut., letter from the chief clerk of the War
Department, giving the circumstances of the murder of,
by John H. and Webster Sothoron.
Wiard, Norman, letter from the Secretary of War, transmit-
ting an inclosed letter from, proposing experiments in
ordnance, and for making and testing new guns of large


Winder's building, letter from the Secretary of War, rela-
tive to an appropriation for the purchase of the property
Wisconsin, letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a
resolution of the House, transmitting a copy
of a report upon the condition, &c., of the
harbor at Milwaukee....

letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the
condition of the harbor at Kenosha, in the
State of....

letter from the Secretary of the Interior, rela-
tive to an appropriation for the relief of the
Stockbridge and Munsee tribe of Indians, in..
letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
draught of a bill to aid the improvement of
the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, in the State of.
Wyoming, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, trans-
mitting an estimate of appropriations to sup-
ply a deficiency in the appropriation for build-
ing a penitentiary in the Territory of.............

[blocks in formation]


Wyoming, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a
report of a board of arbitrators for the ap-
praisal of the valuation of certain buildings on
the military reservation of Fort Bridger, in
the Territory of.......

letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
report of the reconnaissance of Northwesteru..


Yellow fever, letter from the Secretary of War, transmit-
mitting, in answer to resolution of the House, a report of
the Surgeon-General concerning the epidemic of, in the
United States in 1873....

Yellowstone Park, letter from the Secretary of the Interior,
transmitting draught of a bill amendatory of and sup-
plemental to the act to set apart a certain tract of land,
İying near the headwaters of the Yellowstone River, as
a public park

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