Imágenes de páginas

he be no my broder.' 'Then he is an uncle, or some other relation?' 'No, massa, he be no of my kindred at all, nor even my friend.' 'Then,' asked the master, on what occasion does he excite your interest?' 'He my enemy, massa,' replied the slave; 'he sold me to the slave-dealer, and my Bible tell me when my enemy hunger, feed him; and when he thirst, give him drink, for in so doing, I shall heap

coals of fire on his head.'"



MISSIONARY in India, passing one day through the school-room, observed a little boy engaged in prayer, and overheard him saying, "O Lord Jesus, I thank thee for sending big ship into my country, and wicked men to steal me and bring me here, that I might hear about thee; and now, Lord Jesus, I have one great favor to ask thee. Please to send wicked men with another big ship, and let them catch my father, and my mother, and bring them to this country, that they may hear the missionaries preach, and love thee."

The missionary, in a few days after, saw him standing on the sea-shore, looking very intently as the ships came in.

"What are you looking at, Tom?"

"I am looking to see if Jesus Christ answers my prayer."

For two years he was seen, day after day, watching the arrival of every ship. One day, as the missionary was viewing him, he observed him capering about, and exhibiting the liveliest joy.

"Well, Tom, what occasions so much joy?" "Oh, Jesus Christ answers prayer. Father and mother came in that ship."

This was actually the case.



saw a temple reared by the hands of men, standing with high pinnacles in the distant plains. The storms beat upon it -the God of nature hurled his thunderbolts against it and yet it stood firm as adamant. Revelry was in its halls-the happy, the young and the beautiful were there. I returned, and the temple was no more! its high walls lay in scattered ruins; moss and wild grass grew wildly there, and the midnight hour, the owl's cry, added to the deep solitude-the young, and the gay who had revelled there passed away.

"I saw a child rejoicing in his youth, the idol of his mother, and the pride of his father. I returned, and the child had become old. Trembling with the weight of years, he stood the last of his generation-a stranger amidst the desolation around him.

"I saw the old oak stand in all its pride on the mountain, the birds were carolling on its boughs. I returned, the oak was leafless, the winds were playing at their pastime through its branches.

"Who is the destroyer?' said I to my guardian angel.

"It is TIME,' said he, 'when the morning stars sang together with joy, over the new world, he commenced his course; and when he shall have destroyed all that is beautiful of the earth, plucked the sun from its sphere, veiled the moon in blood, yea, when he shall have rolled the heavens away as a scroll, then shall an angel from the throne of God come forth, and with one foot upon the sea, and one on the land, lift up his hand toward heaven, and swear by Heaven's Eternal-Time is, time was, but time shall be no longer.'"

EARLY DEATH A PLEDGE OF LIFE. Na sketch of the life of Rev. John Hum

phrey, son of Rev. Dr. Heman Humphrey, whose useful and promising ministry was suddenly terminated at the age of 38 years, Dr. Budington says:

SUNDAY AND LORD'S DAY.-These were the only names, in English, for the first day of the week, before the existence of Puritanism. The former expression was used by our Saxon ancestors, with all Teutonic nations. The latter was adopted from the Christian form of Southern Europe. Saturday, in Italian, still retains the name of Sabbato. The word for "It was a triumph so noble and beautiful Sunday, in Russia, means resurrection, "iden- that perhaps the exhibition of it is one of the tifying the day, as the Southern nations do, compensations which the loving God, in whose though more significantly, with the great tri-sight the death of His saints is precious, has umph of Christian faith."-Notes and Queries. ordained for such bereavements. It is a good

another and higher sphere into which the emancipated spirit shall rise. Apt as we are, from our earthly stand-point, to exclaim, Alas! when such a one dies, yet death coming

thing and blessed to die such a death; perhaps greater and more blessed to us, the survivors, than even the life it intercepts. A broken pillar is sometimes more suggestive of instruction, and appeals more eloquently in like a sudden eclipse, and hiding the light to the heart, than a structure completed. Enough exists to show the beauty of the artist's conception; and enough is wanting to make necessary a future in which that conception shall develop itself. Such a death is instinct with immortality; it evidently confines its ruin to the body, and prophesies of

of a full-orbed and rising mind, has something more hopeful about it than when it follows the decrepitude of age: we feel that death is only an eclipse-that the character which began its development here is expanding elsewhere, and the work thus intercepted is still going on."

Editorial Book-Table.

THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. By E. C. GASKELL. In two volumes. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

man at noontide to see the same freshness over the earth as when it lay under the dewy dawn. One of the peculiar charms in this author is her real, honest sympathy with naThis biography of Currer Bell, by Mrs. Gas- ture's beauty. Uncalled for, and to her unkell, is one of intense interest and permanent consciously, at the smile of sympathy, the value. The name of Currer Bell is associated flowers and dew-drops come to soften and in our minds with those of her two sisters, adorn her page. Her style is genuinely and Emily and Anne, known in the literary world nobly English, with a clearness, force, honesty, as Ellis and Acton Bell. The three were the that is worthy of study. You are at a loss to daughters of a clergyman of the Church of account for the charm which breathes around, England, who still survives his wife and all filling the air as with the fragrance of roses his children. Genius, as has not unfrequently after a shower. Allied with this power of happened, was, in the case of the three sis-original and loving observation of nature, her ters, associated with the seeds of fatal disease. Emily Bronte, author of Wuthering Heights, was, unquestionably, one of the most extraordinary women that ever lived; indeed, her genius seemed of richer promise than that of her gifted sister, Charlotte. Whilst Wuthering Heights contains evidence of transcendant genius, stores of exuberant mental wealth, we could never recommend its perusal to a youthful friend. It belongs to the horror school of fiction, and is involved in its unequivocal condemnation. Works of Edgar Poe, and this of Wuthering Heights, tend to blunt, to brutalize, and to enervate the mind. "Its beauty is allied to that wild loveliness which may gleam on the hectic cheek, or move while it startles, as we listen to maniac ravings."

But this biography is of Currer Bell. It is the nature of that mystic thing called genius to be, in a peculiar sense, unexampled and alone. It is justly said that every effect of nature is solitary. Each star has its own twinkle, every lily of the field its peculiar and unshared beauty. The Hand whose touch is perfection repeats not its stroke. Coleridge says, somewhere, that one effect of genius on its possessor is, to perpetuate that fresh gaze of childhood upon the world; to enable a

imaginative faculty was altogether new and remarkable. The peculiar strength of Currer Bell, as a novelist, is the delineation of one relentless and tyrannizing passion. We may compress all we have to say into one critique on the writings of Currer Bell, when we say that their central doctrine for the reconstitution of sacred ethics, their own remedy for the cure of social ills, is the permission of free play to the passion of love, and the abolition of its counterfeits. We must say, that, with all that is stirring and healthful in her works, the region in which her characters move is not the highest and purest. The truth she proclaims is one-sided-her scheme of life is too narrow.

But we have transcended our usual limits, and conclude by saying, that those fond of biography, at once novel, exciting, and instructive, will find all these elements of attraction in this admirable work of Mrs. Gaskell.

CHRIST OUR EXAMPLE. BY CAROLINE FRY. With an Autobiography of the author. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers.

This book has been for some time before the public. It is now presented in a new and an attractive form. My first wonder in read

ing this work was, that I had never read it before; and, upon inquiry, my wonder was increased by finding so few of the Christian community who knew anything about it, or, at most, knew it only by name. The autobiography is one of the most remarkable in the history of the Church. The dealings of providence and the processes of divine grace, in the conversion and Christian experience of this gifted woman, are among the most remarkable we have ever read. It sets one's mind working upon the great questions of experimental piety and the divine life in the soul. To the minister, who is expected to be acquainted with the diversified operations of the Spirit, in the work of conversion and sanctification, this autobiography is invaluable. Christ our Example, in all the relations and conditions of life, is original, suggestive, practical. It is none of your commonplace, hortatory works on practical piety with which our religious literature abounds. It is strong, direct, searching, forceful. It makes one think and pray, and awakens an aspiration to be like Jesus. In short, it is worth a whole library of the diluted, almost childish, works that are often given to the young Christian to help him on in the divine life. We heartily wish that all the young, with noble aims in their divine life, might possess this guide and stimulus, in their efforts to run the race set before them, looking unto Jesus.

MABEL VAUGHAN. By the Author of "The Lamplighter." Boston: John P. Jewett & Company.

This is a novel. But what is a novel? The question is more easily asked than answered. The novel is a work of Art, and in every work of Art there are two principal elements-the one is the original type in nature, the other the modification, or transformation effected by the imaginative faculty of the artist. In every true novel there must be some realistic groundwork on which it is constructed. By this it is connected with the world of fact. If the novelist proceeds without such realistic basis, his work must of necessity be vapid and worthless. If the novelist ignores fact and trusts solely to fancy, his production will wear a sickly aspect, and abound with weak sentimentality. This one essential element of the true novel, that it must have a realistic basis, establishes its claim to our respect and attention. "The nominally fictitious author becomes the recorder of Providence in domestic life, the historian of the fireside, the philosopher of the family circle."

The theme of this novel-as of every true novel-is domestic life. It is sometimes sneeringly said, It's nothing but a love story. And yet, is there any story like that of love love divine-love human.

"Loves filial, loves fraternal, neighbor-loves, And civic all fair petals, all good scents, All reddened, sweetened, from one central heart." Of all the feelings which belong distinctively to the world of living men, the mightiest is love. "The fountain of life rises sunward, and the light that falls on its white foam at the highest point is love. The hill of life is climbed in the dewy morning; in the light of noon, on the green, unclouded summit, the loved one is met; as evening steals on, and the dew begins again to fall, the descent is slowly made towards the grave at the foot." The novel, scientifically defined, is a domestic history of love. "A biographic strain of which the key-note is love." This Mabel Vaughan is a sweet story of sisterly and filial love. It is beautiful in style-chaste in its imagination-moral, purely moral, even religious, in its tone and tendency. The occasional reading of such a book of fiction will be promotive of good. And as the novel occupies an important and legitimate place in literature, it is not the province of the moralist and critic to utter an indiscriminate interdiction of all novels, but to warn the young against what is pernicious, and point them to the pure and wholesome. Such is Mabel Vaughan.

PHILOSOPHY AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. London: By JAMES AUGUSTUS ST. JOHN. Longman, Brown & Co. Also, Lindsay & Blakiston.

This is a pictorial representation of the progress of the soul from darkness to light. It abounds in pictures-allegorical, imaginative, poetical, scriptural. It is a work unique in plan, style, and execution. It is epigrammatical, like Tupper; allegorical, like Bunyan; and poetical, like Wordsworth. It is a book the like of which one seldom sees-full of gems of beauty-full of poetry in prose-instinct with heavenly devotion-sparkling with the glory of God.

There are but few copies in this country, and those few will not long remain in the stores. We have urged a publisher to issue an American edition, which, we have reason to believe, will be done in the spring.

THE SAINT AND HIS SAVIOUR. By REV. C. H. SPURGEON. New York: Sheldon, Blakeman & Co.

This work, on experimental religion, has been so extensively noticed in the religious papers, that we regard a simple announcement of its reception as all that is necessary. After reading the greater portion of the work, we can express, intelligently, our concurrence in the views of all the notices we have seen

that it is the best we have yet seen from this great preacher. It is Spurgeon's "noblest offspring," but we hope it will not be "the last."

Church Intelligence.

FIFTH REPORT OF GENERAL AGENT.-On Monday, the twenty-first of September, I left home with a view to attend the synod of West Pennsylvania, which held its annual meeting on the 24th in Brother Fry's church, Carlisle. Of the transactions and doings of that Synod I need say nothing, as a full account has already been given. That it afforded me much pleasure to be lodged with my old friend, Philip Messersmith, in company with Brother C. F. Heyer, our aged missionary, just returned from India-and to have the duty enjoined upon me to preach the sacramental sermon, and then after, in connection with Brother H., to administer the Holy Supper of our blessed Lord, first to the members of the Synod and then to the congregation, over which we both many years ago successively presided-I need not here give assurance. All that were present on that occasion have not yet forgotten that it was a day of high festivity and of great spiritual refreshing.

On the Saturday evening preceding, the Synodical Foreign and Domestic Missionary Societies celebrated their anniversaries. The addresses were delivered by the Brethren Lilly and Hill, and both were very good. But of the pleasing little incident that occurred that evening, there was not anything said. And as I think it was too good to be passed over in silence, I will take occasion very briefly to relate it. After the principal exercises were over, and the officers, I think, were counting the coilection, and while the whole congregation was sitting in silent meditation, all of a sudden, silence was broken, and a very clear, silvery-toned voice sounded through the spacious building-it was the voice of a very nice little boy (son of Mr. Saxton) who was appointed to represent the Lutheran Sundayschool before the Missionary Societies. "If," (thus the manly little fellow began,) "if the big people can do good, we thought little people may do some good too," and stepping forward to the table, and laying upon it his treasure, exclaimed, "Here are $60 from our Sunday-school for the missionary cause." The manner in which this little boy performed the duty imposed upon him had a thrilling effect upon the audience, and I hope that many of the ministers who were present on this occasion will try to awaken a similar feeling of missionary enterprise in the hearts of the children of their respective Sunday-Schools.

Jacob Emminger, jr., Jacob Emminger, sen., M. Louden John Bobb, C. Schreiner, David Lehn, Daniel and William Michling, each $5; John Albrecht, B. A. Walburn, John Hoover, Jacob Koller, each $2.50; and Adam Searer, $2; Susan Emminger, H. Gross, D. Gross, H. Miller, Major Emminger, Peter Eberly, each $1; Total subscription, $73; Cash, $65.50.

Lewis Bricker, $20; Rev. Cyrus Rightmeyer, $10; G. Messiah's Lutheran congregation, Mechanicsburg:Hummel, Sarah Hoover, S. Senseman, and R. Wilson, each $5; Miss Catharine Hoover, and Mrs. John Riegel, each $2.50. Total subscription, $55; Cash, $12.

On Thursday, the 1st of October, I had the pleasure of attending the East Pennsylvania Synod, which met in Bro. Crumbaugh's church, Lancaster. The church edifice is quite new, and is very handsomely finished; but it is to be regretted that Bro. Crumbaugh's health does not permit him to attend to the spiritual wants of this people. It is to be hoped that God will soon send them a pastor after his own heart, who shall break to them the bread of life, and build them up in our most holy faith.

On Saturday afternoon, the 3d, I left the Synod, in company with Brother Kohler, for New Holland, where on the following Sunday morning I presented the interests of the Publication Society. After 1 had come down from the pulpit, several of the prominent members of the church came forward and desired me to put off making any effort to collect at that time, fearing that in consequence of the present general money panic, I would not be able to obtain any money. I replied that I would glad y comply with their wishes, did not circumstances compel me to go on. When those brethren found that I was very desirous to make a trial, they very kindly promised me their assistance. Mr. Wm. Kinzer then invited me to accompany his son to his house on Sunday evening, after divine service, which I did, and I can truly say that I spent a very pleasant night at his house, with him and his excellent family. The next morning father Kinzer piloted me around to the members in Pequea Valley, and brought me back again to his house, where I spent another happy evening, and perhaps the last I shall ever spend with that dear family. On Tuesday morning I continued my solicitations in another direction, being still accompanied by father

Tuesday, Sept. 29th, I attended the first meeting of Kinzer. In the afternoon, about three o'clock, we bid the Publication Board in the new house. At this meeting we had the pleasure of seeing several brethren from a distance present. It was generally regretted that our worthy President, Dr J. C. Baker, was absent on this occasion, on account of serious indisposition.

On my way to Carlisle I stopped to finish my collections in Brother Stoever's and Brother Rightmeyer's charges, in and about Mechanicsburg. The following are the subscriptions and cash receipts: In the Trendel Spring congregation, in charge of Brother C. F. Stoever:-John Best and Frederick Gantz, each $10;

each other adieu, expressing the hope that if we should no more meet on earth, we may meet in heaven, where parting is no more. Father Kinzer having left me for his own home, I continued my collections in company with Bro. Kohler and Messrs. H. A. Roland and S. Diller. To the above named brethren, together with their excellent and hospitable families, I herewith tender my heartfelt gratitude. The result of my labors here, notwithstanding the great money panic, was somewhat encouraging, as the following list plainly demonstrates: William Kinzer and family, $20; Rev. John Kohler,

Isaac Rhoads, G. Weidler, Mrs. M Roland, Henry A. Roland, Mrs. Susan Bard, each $10; M. Hurst, B. F. Weaver, Miss M. Rhoads, J. Worst, J. Rauck, R. Diller, A. G. Smoker, Isaac Smoker, S. Diller, Smoker & Mentzer, J. H. Roland, S Davis, J. Sweigart, each $5; J. Huber, $3; Isaac Pitzer, B. F. Kinzer, Amos Diller, each $2.50; and Mrs. M. M. Yandt, $2; Mrs. E. Luther, J. K. Mentzer, D. Roach, F. Schnupp, P. Mentzer, J. Mentzer, J. Meyer, Christian Frieschmuth, each $1.Total subscription, $165; Cash, $87.

Having finished my collections at New Holland, Bro. Kohler brought me to Brother Samuel Trumbaur, at Mechanicstown, Lancaster County. Brother T. gave me $10 for the Publication Society, and afterwards accompanied me to Lancaster. Thence I proceeded to Centreville, nine miles west of Carlisle. Here I expected to meet Brother Babb, but he had just left for Mount Hope school-house, where he had engaged to hold a series of meetings preparatory to the Lord's Supper; Mrs. Babb however, received me very kindly. The next morning (Saturday) my old friend, Mr. William Schriver, took me to Mount Hope, where I met Brother Babb. Here I preached several times, and Sunday morning I assisted Brother Babb in the administration of the communion. Brother Babb and my old and esteemed friends, Benjamin Peffer and J. Heminger, gave me every assistance I could desire; and here too I obtained a respectable subscription, although the congregation is but small and not rich. Rev. A. Babb, Cu'n. Tritt, B. Roper, ea $10; Sam. Spangler, Phil. Spangler, Wm. Bower, J. Highlands, S. Long, M. Long, J Hocker, M. Claudy, Mrs. N Beetem, John beetem, Wm. Schriver, Benjamin Peffer, J. Barnitz, G. Martin, each $5; J. Riegle, 3; Mrs. E. Beetem, S Kisinger, Peter N. Tritt, each $2.50; John Spence, J. Garman, Juo. Hemminger, Jacob Hemminger, each $2; John Auld, J. King, Jos. Spence, Mrs. A. Beetem, J. L. Henry, each $1; Jesse Meyers and Henry Keefaver, each $1.50. Total subscription, $126; Cash, $66. Before I close this part of my report, I must express to Brother Babb and his excellent lady my grateful acknowledgments for the hospitable treatment I received at their hands.

My next visit was to Grindstone Hill: where I preached on Sunday 18th October, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at candlelight I preached in the Lutheran church at Fayetteville. Here I took a heavy cold, which was followed by chills and fever; still I held out until Monday evening, when I became very sick, and was laid up at the house of Mr. Wm. Reed.

Tuesday morning, Mr. Reed, in compliance to my repeated and urgent request, brought me to Chambersburg, where I took the cars, and under the protection of a kind Providence reached my home on the evening of the same day, where I was confined to bed for some days. I am now convalescent, thank God, and should I continue to increase in health and strength, my intention is to leave home again on Thursday or Friday next, for Greencastle, where I hope to finish my collections in Brother G. Sill's charge. Being advanced in life, I feel often as if my labors are almost more than I can endure. May the Lord be with me, give me grace and strength sufficient for my day and labor, and thus enable me to do something for the salvation of my own soul, the souls of others, and the glory of his name.To Mr. and Mrs. Reed I owe many thanks for the kind attention they bestowed upon me while sick at their

house. May the Lord richly reward them for it in time and in eternity. Yours fraternally,


SIXTH REPORT OF GENERAL AGENT.-In my last, I informed you, and the Church in general, that I was overtaken with sickness after having preached at Grindstone Hill and Fayetteville, on the 18th of October. On the following Wednesday (the 21st) I arrived at home, where I remained in a very delicate state of health, until Monday, the sixteenth of November, when I left home again in the cars for Chambersburg, with a view to prosecute my agency in that part of Brother Sill's charge in which I was stopped by sickness, namely, Grindstone Hill and Fayetteville. When I arrived at Chambersburg, I immediately made for Brother Sill's house, but oh! how great was my disappointment on being told that he was not at home, and that, in all probability, he would not be home until the next day. Being very weak in body and mind, I could hardly endure the disappointment. Mrs. Sill, however, received me so cordially and treated me so kindly, that by the grace of God, I was enabled to hold out till the next day towards evening, when Brother Sill came home, and by his presence relieved my mind of the most painful anxiety. I soon asked him whether he would, as I was very feeble, accompany me to the members of his church? To which he promptly and kindly answered in the affirmative.

The next morning (Wednesday) he took me into his rockaway and drove off into the bounds of his charge east of Chambersburg, namely, Grindstone Hill and Fayetteville, where I commenced my operations with the following results:-Juo. Tritle and son Henry, $20; G. Overcarsh, D. Greenewalt, J. Stall and Jacob Ruchard, each $10; Reverend G. Sill, V. Kechler, C. Lowry, W. M. Reed, Catharine Reed, S. Essick, G Lowry, Rachel Lowry, and M. Reed each $3; Jacob Garver and D. Baker, each $3; Cash, $3.50; and Thomas Bovey, $4; Susan and Elizabeth Reed, each $2.50; and Jacob Stonebrake, $2; S. Dougherty, A, Baker, A. Bonebrake, D. Bonebrake, S. Bonebrake D. Hopfer, Samuel Bonebrake, Geo. Tritle, each $1.— Total amount subscribed, $133.50; paid, $74. To Messrs. John Tritle and Michael Reed I feel very grateful for the comfortable night's lodging they gave us, but to Brother Sill and his excellent lady, I owe a thousand thanks for their kindness shown me in my great weakness. May the Lord reward them abundantly for it.

On Friday, the 30th ult., I left Chambersburg in the stage and arrived at Greencastle between 3 and 4 P. M. Immediately after I was out of the stage, I steered my course towards the Rev. Mr. Bridenbaugh's residence. Here I met with such a friendly and kind reception by Bro. Bridenbaugh and his lady, that my heart swelled with deep emotions of gratitude to God for having again brought me to a house and family in which I could feel myself at home. On Sunday morning, the 22d November, I preached in Greencastle, and after the congregation had been dismissed, the following brethren, namely, Henry Bushey, Michael Bushey, Barned Walter and Eli Huber, kindly offered to take me round to the members of the church, stating however that they feared that in consequence of having just collected for a parsonage and the great money pressure, little would be obtained, but the following subscriptions show that

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