Imágenes de páginas

(1865;) 8, Latin School at Grunberg, Real-School, first order, (1860;) 9, Evangelical Parochial School at Grossglogau, Evangelical Gymnasium, (1812;) 10, City-School at Stargard, United Royal and Groning Gymnasium, (1812.)

H. Century XVI., b. 1520–1560.-1, Evang. Latin School at Wittenberg, (1522,) Gymnasium (1827;) 2, Evangelical City School at Nordhausen, (1524,) Gymnasium, (1808;) 3, Union of three parochial schools at Stralsund to one classical school, in 1525, Gymnasium since end of 16th century; 4, Latin School at Eisleben, founded by Albert, Count of Mansfeld (1525,) united by Luther with St. Andrew's and St. Nicolas' School to a "chiefly Latin" School (1546,) Gymnasium, (1596;) 5, Protestant Latin School at Königsberg in Pr. (1525,) Real-School, first order, (1860;) 6, Lutheran School at Hirschberg (1526,) Gymnasium (1813;) 7, Union of Cathedral and City Schools at Brieg into City School (1529,) Gymnasium illustre (1569;) 8, Evang. School at Minden, (1530,) Real-School, first order, (1859;) 9, Latin School at Soest (1532,) Archigymnasium (1606; 10, Evang. City School at Bunzlau (1532,) Gymnasium (1861;) 11, School of Sts. Albinus and Ægidius at Cottbus, Latin School since 1537, Gymnasium (1820;) 12, City Lyceum at Francfurt on the Oder (1539,) Real-School, first order, (1861;) 13, Archigymnasium illustre at Dortmund (1543,) Gymnasium, with Real-School of first order, (1862 ;) 14, Lutheran Lyceum at Muehlhausen (1543,) Gymnasium (1626;) 15, State School at Pforta (1543;) 16, Pedagogium at Stettin (1543,) united with the Parochial School of St. James (14th century) into Royal and City Gymnasium (1805;) 17, Ducal Gymnasium at Dusseldorf (1545 ;) 18, Ducal Partic. School at Rastenburg (1545,) Gymnasium (1815;) 19, Lyceum at Wernigerode (1550,) Gymnasium (1863;) 20, Institute of the Convent at Rossleben (1554); 21, Evang. School at Wetzlar (1555,) Gymnasium (1743;) 22, School of the Reformed Brothers' Union at Lissa (1555,) Provincial Gymnasium (1624,) Royal Gymnasium (1821;) 23, Ducal School at Oels (1556,) Gymnasium illustre (1594,) recognized as Gymnasium (1812;) 24, Convent School at Bielefeld (1558,) soon after extended to Gymnasium; 25, Evang. Classical School at Danzig (1558,) reopened (1817;) 26, Classical School at Thorn (1557,) Real-School, first order, (1861;) 27, Latin School at Trarbach (1557,) Progymnasium (1855;) 28, Gymnasium at Duisburg (1559,) at the same time Real-School, first order, (1862;) 29, School of Sts. Catharine and Amalberg Church at Brandenburg, after the Reformation, Neustadt City School, first director known (1558,) united Gymnasium (1798.)

I. Century XVI., c. after 1560.-1, Classical Institute Hosianum at Braunsberg (1565,) Gymnasium (1811;) 2, Evang. Free School of Preparation for Secondary-Schools at Donndorf (1561;) 3, Union of the three Primary Schools at Greifswalde to one City School (1561,) Gymnasium (1812,) with Real-School, second order, (1859;) 4, College of the Jesuits at Treves (1563,) Gymnasium (1815;) 5, Evang. City School at NewStettin (1570,) Gymnasium (1640;) 6, Catholic Latin School at Ander

nach (1573,) Progymnasium (1815,) perfected in 1863; 7, the old School at Croffen, extended to a Classical School (1573,) secondary Burgherschool (1862;) 8, School of the Jesuits at Posen, (1573,) Vog. sim. Gymnasium (1804,) divided into Catholic Mary's Gymnasium and Protestant Frederic Wilhelm Gymnasium (1834;) 9, Berlin Gymnasium of the Gray Convent (1574;) 10, Cathedral School at Merseburg (1574,) Cathedral Gymnasium (1820;) 11, School of the Jesuits at Heiligenstadt (1575,) reopened as electoral Mayence Gymnasium (1774,) united with the Catholic Progymnasium at Erfurt (1834;) 12, Latin School at Saarbruck (1580,) Gymnasium and Provincial School (1604,) Gymnasium of six classes (1818-23; 13, College of the Jesuits at Coblentz (1586,) electoral Gymnasium (1773,) école sécondaire (1803,) Gymnasium (1814;) 14, Schola illustris at Mörs (1582,) Progymnasium (1824,) completed (1862 ;) 15, City-school at Tilsit (1586,) Gymnasium (1812;) 16, Provincial school at Lyck (1588,) Gymnasium (1812;) 17, old Latin School, Brandenburg, since 1589 Soldern's School, united with the school in the new city (1797,) Burgher-School (1817-18,) Real-School, first order, (1859;) 18, School in the Convent at Shuttorf, near Bentheim, (1588,) Gymnasium illustre (1591,) removed to Burgsteinfurt, reopened (1853,) with Real-School, second order, from 1861.

K. Century XVI., d. of unknown date.-1, Great School at Coeslin, Royal and City Gymnasium (1821;) 2, City-School at Custrin, RealSchool, second order, (1859;) 3, German and Latin School at Elberfeld, Gymnasium (1789;) 4, Lyceum at Landsberg, a W., Gymnasium (1859) with Real-School, first order, (1862;) 5, Great City-School at Memel, Gymnasium (1860) 6, Evang. City-School at Pyritz, Gymnasium (1859;) 7, Beginning of an Evang. Classical School at Wehlau, Real-School, second order, (1859;) 8, at Graudenz, a, Catholic Classical School in a Jesuit College, Catholic Gymnasium (1781,) Seminary for Catholic primary scholars (1817.) 6, Evang. Lutheran City-School, Real-School, second order, since 1859; 9, in the second period of the century, Lutheran Parochial School at Insterburg, in 1834 secondary Burgher-School, RealSchool, second order, (1859,) Gymnasium with Real-School (1862,) became Real-School, first order, (1862;) 10, Revival of the Classical School at Schweidnitz, suspended during the Thirty Years' War, reopened (1707) as a Lyceum, Gymnasium (1812;) 11, about the end of the century, Gymnasium of the Jesuits at Aix-la-Chapelle, reorganized as Gymnasium (1816;) 12, Secondary-School at Juelich, College of the Jesuits (1664,) Progymnasium (1862;) 13, School of the Franciscan Convent at Wartburg, founded before the 17th century, enlarged to a Gymnasium Marianum (1642,) Progymnasium (1856.)

L. Century XVII.-1, Electoral Institute at Joachimsthal in the UckerMark (1607,) removed to Berlin as Joachimsthal Gymnasium (1650;) 2, Evang. Reformed School at Cleve (1617,) organized after the general plan for Gymnasiums (1782;) 3, School of the Jesuits at Conitz (1620,) Gymnasium (1815;) 4, College of the Jesuits at Neisse (1622,) Catholic Gym

nasium (1773;) 5, Secondary-School of the Jesuits at Muenstereiffel (1625,) Gymnasium (1774-1810,) remodeled (1821;) 6, Collegium Ferdinandeum of the Jesuits at Grossglogau (1626,) Catholic Gymnasium (1773) 7, Jesuit Gymnasium at Coesfeld (1627,) complete Gymnasium (1828;) 8, School of the Jesuits at Roessel (1631,) Progymnasium (1833,) Gymnasium (1865;) 9, Institute of the Jesuits at Breslau (1638,) College and Gymnasium (1659;) 10, Convent-School of the Franciscans at Recklinghausen (1642,) secondary City-School (1820,) Progymnasium (1822.) Gymnasium (1828;) 11, Convent-School of the Franciscans at Dorsten, Gymnasium Patrinum (1642,) Progymnasium (1856 ;) 12, Latin ConventSchool at Neustadt, W. P., (1651,) Progymnasium (1857,) Gymnasium (1861;) 13, School of the Franciscus Minorites at Brilon (1652,) Gymnasium Petrinum (1858;) 14, Gymnasium illustre at Hamm (1657,) Gymnasium (1779;) 15, Gymnasium Dionysianum at Rheine, under direction of the Franciscans (1658,) Gymnasium Dionysianum (1861;) 16, Gymnasium Thomæum at Kempen (1664,) reopened (1802,) école sécondaire (1804,) City-School of four classes (1814,) Progymnasium (1833,) Gymnasium (1857;) 17, Burgher-School at Königsberg, P., (1664,) Real-School, School, first order, (1859;) 18, School of the Jesuits at Oppeln (1669,) Catholic Gymnasium (1773;) 19, School of the Jesuits at Deutsch Krone (1672,) Progymnasium (1823,) Gymnasium (1855;) 20, School of the Minorite Convent at Siegburg (1673,) Progymnasium (1855;) 21, Gymnasium of the Jesuits at Bonn (1673,) Prussian Gymnasium (1814;) 22, Latin School at Magdeburg (1674,) Cathedral Gymnasium (1822;) 23, Frederic Werder Gymnasium at Berlin (1681 ;) 24, College Royale Française at Berlin (1689;) 25, Latin School at Wipperfurth (1690,) Progymnasium (1855;) 26, Frederic School at Francfort, second order, (1694,) Gymnasium (1814;) 27, Franké's Institutes at Halle; Poor School and Pedagogium (1695,) Latin School (1697;) 28, College Française at Königsberg, Private School (1698,) Royal School (1701.)

M. Century XVIII-1, The Academy of Knights at Brandenburg, (1705;) 2, College of the Augustines at Saarlouis (1707–1789,) Progymnasium (1816,) secondary Burgher-School (1862;) 3, Academy of Knights at Liegnitz (1708;) 4, Evang. School at Landshut (1709,) Real-School, second order, (1859;) 5, Pedagogium of the Convent of our Lady at Magdeburg (1711;) 6, Latin School at Neuweid (1716,) Gymnasium (1819) partly secondary Burgher-School, partly Gymnasium (1825;) 7, School of the Jesuits at Fraustadt (1722,) dissolved (1773,) reëstablished (1781,) Real-School, first order, (1860;) 8, Orphan Home and Institute at Zullichau (1723,) Royal Pedagogium (1766;) 9, Great School at Gumbinnen soon after 1724, Gymnasium (1812;) 10, Enlargement of the Latin School at Potsdam (1739,) Gymnasium (1812;) 11, Gymnasium Mariano-Seraphico-Nepomucenum at Rietberg (1743,) Progymnasium (1825;) 12, Royal Real-School and Frederic Wilhelm Gymnasium at Berlin (1747,) Gymnasium and Real-School, first order, (1859;) 13, Latin School at Leobschutz (1752,) Catholic Gymnasium (1802;) 14, Orphan

House at Bunzlau (1753,) recognized as pium corpus, with the privilege of qualifying for the University (1760,) Royal Evang. Orphan School (1805,) Burgher-School (1814,) now Progymnasium; 15, first Real-School in Silesia at Breslau (1765,) Schola Fredericiana (1776,) Gymnasium (1812;) 16, School of the Franciscans at Hedingen (1770,) Latin School 1818, Gymnasium with Real School classes (1840,) Prussian Gymnasium (1851;) 17, first Commercial School at Magdeburg (1778-1806,) second (1800-1817,) third Technical and Commercial School (1819,) Real-School, first order, (1861;) 18, Latin School at Mulheim on Rh., to 1785, Progymnasium (1855;) 19, Provincial Institute of Education at Jenkau, near Danzic, (1798,) Classical School (1801-1814,) Teachers' Seminary (1819,) secondary Burgher-School (1843;) 20, Commercial School at Hagen (1799,) Real-School, first order, (1862;) 21, old Convent School at Eupen (1794-1814,) école sécondaire, and secondary City-School, secondary Burgher-School (1863.)

N. Century XIX.-1, Wilberg's Private Institute at Elberfeld (1806,) secondary Burgher-School (1829,) Real-School, first order, (1859;) 2, Real-School classes of the Francké Institute at Halle (1808,) Real-School, first order, (1861;) 3, College of the Carmelites at Cologne, opened as Progymnasium (1808,) secondary City-School (1820,) Gymnasium of the Carmelites (1825,) Frederic Wilhelm Gymnasium (1830;) 4, Catholic Gymnasium at Gleiwitz (1816;) 5, School for Boys at Bromberg (1817,) Real-School, first order, (1860;) 6, Former School of the Jesuits at Bromberg, Gymnasium (1817;) 7, Burgher-School at Breslau (1817,) RealSchool, first order, (1859 ;) 8, old Parochial School at Soran, Gymnasium (1818) 9, Cauer's Private School opened in Berlin (1818,) removed to Charlottenburg (1826,) Pedagogium (1840,) Progymnasium (1858;) 10, Secondary-School for Boys at Inoraclaw (1819,) Progymnasium (1857,) completed in 1860; 11, the City-School of Crefeld, united with the Scheuten Institute in 1819, Real-School, second order, in 1859; 12, Evang. Gymnasium at Ratibor in 1819; 13, Technical School at Münster in 1822, City Real and Provincial Technical School in 1851, Real-School, first order, 1859; 14, Mathematical Institute at Erfurt in 1822, RealSchool in 1834, Real School, first order, in 1859; 15, Secondary CitySchool at Barmen in 1823, Real School, first order, in 1859; the Progymnasial classes of 1857 became Progymnasium in 1864, Gymnasium in 1865; 16, Lyceum at St. Wendel in 1824, Progymnasium in 1856; 17, City (Fred. Werder's) Technical School at Berlin in 1824, Real School, second order, 1859; 18, Private School at Rheyot in 1827, secondary Burgher-School in 1860; 19, Burgher-School at Erkelenz in 1828, Progymnasium in 1856; 20, secondary Burgher and Real School at Cologne in 1828, Real School, first order, in 1859; 21, Evang. secondary Burgher School at Meseritz in 1833, Real School, first order, in 1859; 22, Royal City Secondary School at Berlin in 1832, Real School, first order, in 1859; 23, Real School at Neisse in 1832, of first order in 1863; 24, Gymnasium at Culm (1832-37;) 25, Stralau secondary City School at Berlin in 1833,

secondary Burgher School in 1860; 26, City School for Boys at Wittstock in 1834, Real School, second order, in 1863; 27, Private School at Dueren recognized as a public one in 1834, secondary Burgher School in 1863; 28, secondary Burgher School at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1835, Real School, first order, in 1861; 29, secondary School for Boys at Muelheim, in 1835, Real School, first order, in 1859; 30, Real School at Nordhausen in 1835, second order in 1859; 31, Real School at Potsdam in 1835, first order in 1859; 32, District School at Krotoschin in 1836, Gymnasium in 1854; 33, Pedagogium at Putbus in 1836; 34, Dorotheenstadt secondary City School at Berlin in 1836, Real School, first order, in 1861; 35, Luisenstadt secondary City School at Berlin in 1836, Real School, first order, in 1859; 36, Real School at Elbing in 1837, first order, in 1859; 37, secondary Burgher School at Goerlitz in 1837, Real School, first order, in 1859; 38, Real School at Dusseldorf in 1838, first order, in 1859; 39, Burgher School at Tilsit in 1839, Real School, first order, in 1860; 40, Frederic Wilhelm School at Stettin in 1840, Real School, first order, in 1859; 41, Rhenish Academy of Knights at Bedburg in 1841; 42, secondary City School at Solingen in 1841; 43, Evang. Private School at Muenchen-Gladbach in 1842, secondary Burgher School in 1860; 44, Gymnasium at Ostrowo in 1845; Private Institute at Hechingen in 1844, pr. secondary Burgher School, 1859; 16, City Real School at Burg in 1844, Real School, second order, in 1859, Gymnasium in 1864; 47, Progymnasium at Hohenstein in 1845, Gymnasium in 1857; 48, secondary Burgher School at Treves in 1846, united secondary Burgher and Provincial secondary School in 1847; 49, Frederic Gymnasium and Real School at Berlin in 1850, the latter to first order in 1859; 50, secondary Private School at Crefeld in .1851, secondary Burgher School in 1863; 51, Private School at Freyenwalde, a. v. in 1851, Progymnasium in 1863; 52, secondary Private Institute at Guetersloh in 1851, Gymnasium in 1854; 53, Real School at Stralsund in 1852, first order in 1862; 54, Real School and Progymnasium at Ruwicz in 1853, Real School, first order, in 1863; 55, old City School at Greifenberg, in Pomerania, since 1852 Frederic William Gymnasium; 56, Rectorate class at Schrimm, changed into a Secondary School in 1853, Progymnasium in 1861, Gymnasium in 1866; 57, Real School at.Posen in 1853, first order, 1859; 58, old Evangelical Parochial School at Stolp, Pomerania, Real School since 1854, Gymnasium in 1857 with Real School classes, the latter secondary Burgher School in 1860; 59, Real Institute at Ruhrort in 1857, Real School, first order, in 1862; 60, old Latin School at Demmin, Progymnasium in 1857; 61, secondary School for Boys at Schneidemuehl in 1858, Progymnasium in 1863; 62, Progymnasium at Berlin in 1858, Royal Wilhelm Gymnasium in 1861; 63, old City Lyceum at Luebben, Real School, second order, in 1859; 64, old Royal secondary School for Boys at Kreuzberg, Silesia, secondary Burgher School in 1860; 65, Catholic Gymnasium at the Apostles in Cologne in 1860; 66, old Latin School at Lauenberg, Pomerania, secondary Burgher School in 1860; 67, secondary Burgher

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