Imágenes de páginas


To. 32.-VOL. 4.


-Second Edition.

(Continued from page 243.)



Pliny, that quinces were grafted upon apple-tringent and stomachic quality. The expressed stocks in his time, (book xv. chap. 14): he juice of this fruit, in small quantities, as a spoonsays, "as for the quince-apples that come of a ful or two, is of service in nausea, vomiting, &c. An Historical and Botanical account of Fruits, quince grafted upon an apple-stock, they are Lord Bacon says, "It is certain that the use of known in Great Britain, by Henry Philips, called Appiana, after Appius, who was of the quinces is good to strengthen the stomach; but Claudian House, and who first devised and we take them to be better if they be used in practised this mode of grafting; these apples," that which they call quiddeny of quinces, than continues he, "have the smell of the quince, in the bodies of quinces themselves, because are of a red colour, and the size of the Claudian they lie heavy in the stomach; but those quidapple." denies are best taken after meals, alone; before In Botany, of the Monacia Syngenesia Class. The Quince was called. Cydonia, after an island meals, dipped in vinegar." Natural Order, Cucurbitacea. in the Mediterranean, now named Candia. It Quinces grow in such abundance in some parts The pompion is a coarse, inferior kind of me- is a fruit that the ancients held in high estima- of the Wealds of Sussex, as to enable private ion, which has long been known in Europe, as tion: they considered it as the emblem of hap-families to make quince-wine in quantities of Pany mentions it in his 19th book, chap. v. piness, of love, and of fruitfulness: it was de- from 1 to 200 gallons in a season. where he says, cucumbers of an exceeding dicated to Venus, and the temples of Cyprus agreeable wine, that improves much by keeplarge size are called pompions. Again, in his and Paphos were decorated with it. The sta-ing, and is greatly esteemed by asthmatic per20th book, chap, ii. he says, as for the fruit, tues of the gods also who presided at the nup-sons. A gentleman residing at Horsham, in called pompions or melons, being eaten as meat tial bed, were ornamented with this fruit; and Sussex, assured me, that he was not only reto cool the body, and the fleshy substance ap-the bride, before she entered into the marriage-lieved in an asthmatic complaint of long standplied to the eyes assuaging their pain, &c. bed, used to eat of the quinces. Columella says, ing, but completely restored to his health by Aiton states it to be a native of the Levant, quinces not only yield pleasure but health also: the use of this wine, which was made after the foland says it was first introduced into this coun- he speaks of three kinds; the Struthian, the lowing receipt:

It is an

try in 1570. Gerard says, "as there is a wild Must Quince, and the Orange or Golden Quince. "Cut large quinces in quarters, and corê sort of cucumbers, of melons, citruls, and gourds, The learned Goropius maintains that quinces them, as the seeds give the wine an unpleaso likewise there be certaine wild pompions, were the golden apples of the Hesperides, and sant flavour; grind them in the same manner as which grow in Barbarie, Africa, and most parts not oranges, as some commentators pretend. In apples for cider, and put to every gallon of pumof the East and West Indies." This author support of his argument, he states, that it was mis a gallon of water; let it stand a day or says, “the purple of the pompion is neuer eaten a fruit much revered by the ancients, and he as- two, then strain it off. Should the pummis smell raw, but boiled in milk and buttered; is not sures us that there has been discovered at Rome very strong of the fruit, it will bear a little onely a good wholesome meate for man's bodie, a statue of Hercules, that held in it's hand three more water, and to every gallon put three pounds but, being so prepared, is also a most phisicall quinces; this, he says, agrees with the fable and a quarter of moist sugar; tun it and stop it med cine for such as have an hot stomacke, which states, that Hercules stole the golden ap-quite close in the following March; rack it off; and the inward parts inflamed:" he continues, ples from the gardens of the Hesperides. cleanse the cask from the sediment, and put it


"the flesh or pulpe of the same sliced, and fried Pliny speaks of quinces in his 15th book, 11th back again; and in the second year bottle it off." in a pan with butter, is also a good and whole- chap. and says, "there are many kinds of this Quince-marmalade is greatly admired by those some meate:" but he condemns the method of fruit in Italy, some growing wild in the hedge-who are fond of the fruit. using it with apples in pies. rows, others so large that they weigh the boughs The Portugal quince is the most esteemed. This fruit has lately been raised in the down to the ground, some of a green hue, others In the pruning of the quince-tree little is rereighbourhood of London to an extraordinary inclining to gold colour: these were called chry-quired, except to keep the stem free from sucksize, weighing nearly two hundred weight. somela, which seems to give authority to the ers, and to cut all branches that rub each other. These are sold in the shops of the metropolis, above account of Goropius. The only kind that more as a curiosity than for use. I have found was eaten raw, he states to have been raised by them, when boiled in their own moisture, viz. grafting the large quince upon the stock of a In Botany, a Genus of the Icosandria Polywithout water, an excellent vegetable with meat, small kind, called struthea (the pear quince.) having a taste resembling artichokes: with the He adds, "all kinds of this fruit are in use addition of the peel and juice of lemons, they now-a-days, within the waiting or presence chammake an agreeable pudding. bers of our great personages, where men give Pompions are used by the Jews in the Feast attendance to salute them as they come forth of Tabernacles, when they form a kind of cra- every morning." He also states, that they were dles into which they put a great number of used to garnish the images which stand about pempions. the bed's head and sides.


gynia Class.

The raspberry was but little noticed by the ancients, and that principally on account of it's medical virtues. Pliny does not consider it of so much importance as the bramble, in mentîoning which he says, "there is a third sort of bramble, which the Greeks call Idea, after Mount Ida. This fruit is smaller than the In Hughes's Natural History of Barbadoes, The same author, in his 23d book, chap. 6th, other bramble-berries, with less thorns on the Le says, "Pumpkins make a great part of the writes much on the medicinal qualities of this stem, and these not so sharp or hooked. The food of the poorer sort, in the summer-time, fruit. Quinces," says he, "when eaten raw, flowers of this raspis," he continues, “being as well in Asia and Africa as in America." He if quite ripe, are good for those that spit blood, tempered with honey, are good to be laid to waadds, that they are distinguished in Barbadoes or are troubled with hemorrhage." The juice tery and blood-shotten eyes, as also the Erysiby the names of the White, the Blue, the Mar- of raw quinces, he states to be a sovereign rehied, and the Garden Pumpkin. The latter dif-medy for the swoln spleen, the dropsy, and dif- pelas. Being taken inwardly, and drunk with fers from all the rest by having no seed, but is ficulty of taking breath, particularly to those water, it is comfortable medicine to a weak propagated by slips. He says, also, that they who cannot draw their breath but in an upright are boiled and eaten with flesh meat, and much position. The flowers, either fresh or dried, he and is often found wild in the northern counties. The red-raspberry is indigenous to this country, used by the poorer sort in soups. tells us, are good for the inflammation of the I have also seen it in the wild state growing The jugglers, or quacks, in some parts of eyes. The root of the tree was used more as a freely in some woods on the South Downs of SusAn erica, extract the pulp out of pompions, and charm than a medicine for those afflicted with sex. It is a fruit that appears to have been them with flint stones, with which they the scrofula. much improved by cultivation, as Gerard writes



ake a great noise, and pretend to frighten Quince-trees grow wild on the banks of the on it, previous to 1597, as not being equal to the away all the complaints of their superstitious Danube, and they are stated to have been blackberry, although he says it is planted in garpatients. brought into this country from the island of dens. He calls it Raspis, or Hindberry: "the Crete, now called Candia. They have long fruit," he adds, "is in shape and proportion like been cultivated in this kingdom, as our earliest that of the bramble: red, when it is ripe, and In Botany, a Genus of the Icosandria Penta-authors on this subject mention them. Gerard covered over with a little downiness, of taste gynia Class. says, they were often planted in hedges and not very pleasant." He does not mention the Linnæus has joined this genus, as well as the fences to gardens and vineyards in his time. By white raspberry, nor has Tusser, who wrote in apple, to the pear, while Miller separates it on the Hortus Kewensis it appears that the quince the previous reign.

this account: he says, "the pear will take upon was first introduced in the reign of Henry the The large kinds of raspberries, both red and the quiuce by grafting or budding, and so vice VIIIth, 1537, which is evidently an error, from yellow, were brought from Antwerp to this Versa; but neither of these will take upon the the circumstance above related by Gerard, who country. The yellow or white raspberry is most adhave a particular account transmitted to us by Quinces are used in medicine, being of an as-mired at dessert; indeed all the white fruits of

apple, nor that upon either of these." But we was then an old man.


the berry kind, are sweeter than the coloured,] The service-tree is still occasionally to be REPORTS OF THE CATTLE SHOW AT BRIGHTON, ON but other fruits that are coloured are generally met with in the hedge-rows in Kent, and in the sweeter than the white. Wealds of Sussex, of the size of a moderate No. 1. On all the larger horned Cattle (except her The red raspberry is considered the finest for oak-tree; as also in the north of England and fers.) flavouring ices, jams, &c. A third kind is cul- Wales. The Committee report that the animals in this tivated, which produces two crops a year, but The service-berry, which is an umbilicated branch of live stock, were unusually numerous, I have seldom met with the October raspberry fruit, partakes of the quality of the medlar, and good, proving, that a gradual and regular impossessing much flavour. both in the green and in the ripe state. It is provement is steadily, and as rapidly as could be Raspberries are much cultivated in the neigh-gathered in bunches, and put into, or hung on, expected, taking place. The number of entries bourhood of Isleworth and Brentford; from a cleft stick of about a yard long, which be- for premiums, in this department alone, amountwhence those are sent to London in swing carts, comes a mass of berries: in this state the fruited to 42, and of individuals (many entries comwhich are used by the distillers for making rasp-is sold by the country people, and then hung up prising more than one) to 52, while the whole berry brandy, raspberry vinegar, &c. as also those in a garden to receive the damp air of the night, number of premiums offered, and granted, are onused by confectioners and pastry-cooks; but the which causes it to undergo a kind of putrefac-ly 10, so that four fifths of the competitors were raspberries which are intended for the table, are tive fermentation, and in this soft state it is eaten, necessarily thrown out. This is inevitable, unless brought by women on their heads: their load con- and has a more agreeable acid than the medlar. our funds should be exceedingly increased, or unsists of a round, or basket, containing twelve gal-Chancellor Bacon speaks of service-berries in less we should make our premiums smaller, and lons, of three pints to a gallon; and, although the his time as a garden fruit. In Italy and the more numerous. This might be liable to great obdistance is ten miles from Isleworth to Covent-Gar- south of France, they are still served up in the jection, by extending rewards to animals of infeden market, they regularly perform the journey dessert. rior merit, and thus diminishing the motives to in two hours; for which they are paid three I conclude, that the great size of the service-make the breeds as perfect as possible. While shillings and sixpense. From Hammersmith tree has been the cause of excluding this fruit the beneficial effects of the liberal premiums ofthese industrious women will take a load three from our gardens: but it is, from it's beauty, fered by the Society, for the importation of the times a day, for which they receive eighteen-particularly when in blossom, a desirable tree most improved breeds of foreign countries, is pence per load. These female fruit porters for planting in parks or paddocks; and as the every year evinced by the crowds which, from come to the vicinity of London for the season, timber is so valuable, and now become so rare, the beginning to the end of our shows, gather from Wiltshire, Shropshire, and Wales: in their I hope to see it more cultivated. There is a round the imported animals, and their improved long journies they seldom walk at a less pace remarkable fine tree of this kind now growing progeny, we ought never to forget the sound adthan five miles per hour. at Kingsfold farm, in the parish of Rusper, near vice of the venerable farmer who addressed the The dietetic and medicinal virtues of rasp-Horsham in Sussex. Society this year, "that the progress of improveberries being the same as those of the straw- I know many noblemen and gentlemen object ment by foreign crosses must be very slow"; and berry, will be noticed in the history of that to fruit-bearing trees being planted on their es- possessing as we unquestionably do, the materials fruit. tates, on the principle that it encourages depre- among our own stock of improving our breeds by Raspberry and strawberry wines," says Dr. dators to injure their plantations; but this seems careful selection, we should follow the example Short, are of all made-wines the most delici- but a poor excuse for depriving themselves and the of Bakewell and the other British farmers, who in ous to the taste; they lightly and pleasantly public of the beauty and variety which the blos- fifty years have raised the stock of Great Britain stimulate the nerves of the mouth and nose with soms give at one season of the year, and the fruit to a state of perfection little short of what it is a most agreeable smell and taste, which pro- at another, particularly to those who have park- supposed they can ever reach. And, who at the ceeds from a mixture of their essential salt and keepers or bailiffs on the premises. late show had the pleasure of viewing those fine


fine oil." This author recommends these wines Furber of Kensington, who in 1733 published animals, Denton and Celebs, could doubt whe in scorbutic disorders as a purifier and sweet- his twelve engravings of fruits for the desserts ther they were superior to any animals of the ener of the blood. "Mixed with water," he of each month, gives a representation of the same description now to be found in New Eng says, "they make a good reviving draught in Italian services for October, and the English land? And why is this the case? Assuredly our ardent fevers." maple-leaved service-berries for the month of pastures are as fine, and the race has not degenerThe wood of the raspberry-bush produces November. ated with us. Wherever a pride is felt in raising fruit but one year, therefore that should be This fruit is recknoned to be very restringent, fine stock, our success is perfect, and the single carefully cut down below the surface of the and useful for all kinds of fluxes; but when town of Sutton might send its team of 120 oxen, earth, and the young shoots should be shorten-ripe it is not altogether so binding. and challenge Devonshire or any other county of ed to about two feet in height: the middle or The timber of the service-tree is of a fine Great Britain, to trials of strength or activity. end of October is the proper time for this pru- hard grain, and the variations pleasing when Let us then, on this occasion, earnestly solicit ning. The fruit is produced from young branch-wrought into cabinet goods: it is esteemed by our farmers to select and propagate only the best es out of the last year's shoots or suckers. the turner and carver, as well as for the ma- individuals of their horned cattle. If they reply, king of gun-stocks. It is used by mill-wrights we feel no encouragement to do this because we for cogs to wheels, &c. in preference to any find the improved crosses always preferred at other wood; it is also a very durable wood for your shows, we reply that though this is partially buildings that are exposed to a northern aspect. true, it is not entirely so, and what would the far


In Botany, a Genus of the Icosandria Trygynia Class.

This fruit, which is a native of England, is now as little known, and as rare in the London market, as the fruits of the most distant parts of the world; and the service-berry-tree is now so thinly scattered over the country, that many farmers do not even know its existence.


mer have us to do on such an occasion? If, in fact, the full blooded or half blooded descendant of imported stock is superior, shall we refuse to admit it so to be? This would be indeed sacrificing the

The annual exhibition at Brighton last week, best interests of our country in relation to this obwas attended as usual by a large concourse of ject, as well as violating our solemn pledges, to Pliny writes of it as a fruit held in estima- people. The variety of manufactured articles gratify an improper national prejudice. Our true tion by the Romans. He mentions four sorts, was not so great, perhaps, as on some previous course is to strive to equal or surpass the foreign some round, resembling apples, others shaped years. There were some very fine cloths; and races by selections and careful management of like pears, others like an egg, and one variety some beautiful specimens of household manufac- our native stock. It was upon this principle that which was only used medicinally. He states, tures, particularly one or two remarkably fine our manufactures have been built up on the only that Cato would have service-berries preserved, grass bonnets in imitation of the Leghorn. solid foundation. Instead of complaining that

(book xv. c. 21,) and in the 17th chapter of At one o'clock, on Wednesday, the Society went foreign goods were preferred, our citizens have the same book he gives directions for preser-in procession to the Meeting house, where, after exerted themselves to make our own better as wel ving them in two different ways: again he men-la prayer by the Rev. Dr. Foster, the annual ad-as cheaper; and let Manchester and Yorkshire betions them in his 23d book, 17th chap. and says dress was delivered by the Hon. Timothy Pick-ware, lest they find themselves not only shut out their medicinal virtues are the same as those ering. from our markets, (not by prohibitions but by of the medlar. The exhibition of the strength of Working Cat-skill and industry), but eventually rivalled in those Gerard describes two kinds, and says, "they tle, Ploughing Match, Sale of Manufactures, &c. of foreign countries. These preliminary remarks are found in woods and groves in most places took piace on Thursday, in the manner previously are not only intended to allay, or diminish any of England. There be many small trees there-arranged. feeling of discontent at our impartial preference

of, in a little wood a mile beyond Islington: in At 4 o'clock the premiums were declared in the of the best stock, from whatever country it may Kent it groweth in great abundance, especially Meeting House. The official reports, as far as have been originally derived, but to encourage about Southfleete and Gravesend." received, will be found below. our own farmers to take more efficient measures



The Committee of the Massachusetts Society for
JOHN LOWELL, Chairman.
REPORT NO. 2-On the Smaller Animals.
the Promotion of Agriculture, appointed to de-
cide on all the smaller class of animals includ-
ing heifers.


for the amelioration and improvement of our own express the thanks of the Trustees to those Gen-not obtain premiums. I have never been satisfie native breeds. They cannot attend one of our tlemen, who without claiming any reward, and with this course. Its tendency is in some degre hows, without perceiving the public preference for purely with the view of giving aid to the show, ex-to lessen the value of the rewards we bestow, 25 he new races, and this is a strong confirmation of hibited fine animals at no small expense and trou-we praise too much those which were not success he justice of the decisions, though we are aware ble. It is probable that as the Committee took no ful; and after all we only shift the mortification hat it is not the least difficult task of the Commit-minutes of these animals, some of them may be and make it fall with more severity on the grea ee to endeavor to decide without any bias from overlooked. One we could not forget-the fine ter number whose animals are not noticed-but as his clearly pronounced opinion of all the bystan- imported bull Denton, belonging to Stephen Wil-it is the usage, we comply with it. There was a We have said that the imported stock and their with age, and shows that he has an owner who is fatter than some of those which obtained the preliams, Esq. of Northborough. He has improved very fat ox presented by Mr. Savary. He was progeny have usually been preferred by the visi-sensible of his great value. Nor could any one mium, but the difference of age decided the quesors at our shows; we would make one excep-overlook Celebs, owned by Major Jaques, of tion against him. There were fine bulls offered tion, and that is, with respect to milch cows. Al- Charlestown. If there had not been any other by Mr. Warren, Mr. Ward, Mr. Rice, Mr. Patch, hough the milch cows of Great Britain and the animals on the ground, those who are fond of of the fine native breed, so often noticed by us,Netherlands are in general far, infinitely, superior viewing fine natural productions, would feel that and by Mrs. Amory, of the Celebs Breed, one of to our own-yet during the 6 years in which I a visit to Brighton was well repaid by the sight which took a premium last year. There was alhave had this unpleasant duty to perform, I have and comparison of these animals, differing consid-so a superior Holland Bull, imported by Mr. Fornever seen an imported cow of equal merit (taking erably to be sure, but each very remarkable for rester, offered for exhibition only. the positive evidence of qualities, the quantity beauty. There was also a fine imported cow, with and quality of milk into view) with some of our her calf, lately bought by the Hon. Mr. Gray, for was Mr. Lee's, of Brooklyn, Major Jaques' and own which have been offered. So fully am I 200 dollars. Such liberal prices will ensure a Dr. Chaplin's. Many others were also very fine. convinced of this truth, as well as that our coun- constant and gradual improvement of our stock.The best bull calf, not noticed in the premiums, try possesses a very considerable number of these It is said that this cow is very remarkable for the very remarkable-and also Mr. Brigham's, Job fine cows, that I am persuaded, that, if Great quantity and quality of her milk-we have heard Ranger's and H. Warren's, both of New BrainBritain or the Netherlands were to send us ten that she had given in England 36 quarts per day, tree-but we have already explained the princiOf the cows, Capt. Inglee's, of Dorchester, were cows each, of the best quality, New England a- but there was no person to give us any accurate ac-ples of our decision as to milch cows, which we -lone could furnish twenty, which would equal count of her. Capt. Tracy, of the London Packet, hope will be satisfactory. which they would respectively produce. If this given, of his zeal for the promotion of the Agri-eral satisfaction and if they have failed of that, should be true, and I have no doubt of it, we at culture of his country, by exhibiting three young they will at least have the pleasure of having saleast possess one of the parents in perfection, from horned animals, just imported by him. Major tisfied themselves. The Committee have endeavoured to give genwhich an improved race might be procured. This Jaques also exhibited three fine cows, without opinion is not expressed lightly. We infer its asking a premium. truth from an examination of the products of foreign cows, thought to be so extraordinary as to petitors by these introductory remarks, many of After so long a trial of the patience of the Commerit notice in their periodical journals; and du- which competitors will however, be disappointed ring our short period of exhibitions, we have had quite as early as they would wishseveral, which have equalled the best, of which any accounts have been published. But we would wish, that it should be distinctly understood, that we refer only to a small part of our milch cows, and that we fear much the greater number are lamentably poor. We are well convinced, that some dairies in our country, with two good cows, produce as much as the average of those which have five. If we are correct, or near-town, ly so, in the opinion above expressed, how does it happen that our breed of cattle on the whole is of Watertown, 80 inferior? Because the owner of a good cow, instead of putting a proper value upon her, will Woburn, being the progeny of Celebs, generally send her to the nearest scrub bull, to save a little labor, and some trifling difference of expense. This we all feel and know to be true. But this shameful negligence is giving place to more judicious measures, owing principally to the effect of the public shows. If every owner of a Milton, For the next best do. to Samuel Murden, of good, and very superior cow, would consider her Princeton breed; her form and figure strongly inin a proper light, not merely as a valuable ani- Welles, of Dorchester, For the next best do. to the Hon. John $20 dicative of her sire. The heifer sucked only 12 mal during her life, but as capable of improving his whole stock-if he will spare no moder-well as most difficult articles to decide upon, the lbs. (the quarter) and never took all her milk unweeks, has had no other keeping than common As to milch cows, one of the most important, as calved in May; at six weeks her calf weighed 88 ate expense in procuring calves from her, from Committee proceeded, as they will probably here-til it was five weeks old. This heifer has given $15 pasturage and Meadow hay in the winter. She bulls of an improved breed, we shall soon see after always proceed, solely on evidence as to the from twelve to fourteen quarts of milk during the our whole stock gradually improve. Bakewell (actual product. The clearer this evidence, the season, and Princeps, among the most distinguished rai- more certain the success. The goodness of a The second premium was awarded for the sers of stock in Great Britain, lived to see their milch cow depends on so many circumstances, and improvements eminently successful. We are ful- all of them so important, that the committee are ly aware that all this exhortation and argument obliged to extend their inquiries very far. Form is of very little importance, compared with the and beauty is of some moment, but it is also somemore substantial proofs derived from prices.-times fallacious; and no one would reject a fine When, therefore, our farmers learn, that a calf cow, which should give an uncommon quantity of of six months, has been sold at the price of four fine milk-butter superior in quantity and quality class, which deserve particular notice and were ordinary cows, of five years old, who have con--continue to give milk every year, till within one highly approved. Such were these that belong to sumed twelve tons of hay, including pasturage, week of calving, merely because she had a great Mr. Wheeler of Framingham also of the Holder and have required great labour in attending on head, or a large frame, or small teats, or, in short, ness breed. Those presented by the Hon. Mr. Lini them; when they hear such a fact as this, that because she had not any one of the fine points de-coln, also of the Denton breed, and were animals an excellent judge offered fifty dollars for a two scribed in the "complete grazier." In this, as in of beauty and promise. months calf, of the cow hereinafter mentioned, every thing else, we must not always trust wholly owned by the Hon. Mr. Gray, they produce more to tie exterior. Conviction than any other sort of address. Before we announce the premiums, we would siderable merit, which deserved attention, but did of this society. Five hiefers belonging to the Hon. Mr. Welles, It has been usual to notice those animals of con-occasions had distinguished notice by committees of his own improved stock; which has on former

The Committee awarded the premium:
Star, of Deerfield, weighing 2333 pounds,
For the best fat ox, 6 years old, to Oliver
Barnard, of Worcester, weight 2256,
For the next best do. 6 years old, to Lewis

mos Davis, of Groton, weight 1292,
For the next best do. 5 years old, to A-
For the best bull, to Major Jaques, of Charles-
For the next best do. to Joshua Coolidge,

For the best bull calf, to Uriah Manning, of

ton, to the Hon. Levi Lincoln, of Worcester,
For the next bull calf, the progeny of Den-
For the best milch cow, to John Bart, of


That twenty-five animals of the class of "heifers, of from one to three years old," were in the $30 pens for premium or exhibition-all of an excel

Tent quality, and most of them of approved breeds. $20 And generally indicating the increasing attention of the agricultural interest to this important class $30 of stock. The general improvement in this class of animals, compared with our former Cattle $20 Shows, was very marked and decided.

$8 ed imported bull owned by Stephen Williams, The first premium was awarded for a heifer $15 owned by Henry Rice, Esq. of Marlborough.She was of the breed of "Denton," the celebrat

Esq. of Northborough. This heifer was two years $30 old on the first of February, from a cow of the


heifer owned by Mr. Samuel Brooks, of
Brighton, who had also received no extra
keep, and was a beautiful sample of the
approved Holderness breed, introduced in-
to the state by Gorham Parsons, Esq.
There were other distinguished animals of this

To these ought to be added the heifer of Mr. in such case award to Mr. Baker the premium Coolidge, and that of Francis Amory, Esq. of

The following gratuities are also awarded : $20 To Clarissa Fay, of New Braintree, for a very good specimen of fine Flannel

A premium being withheld on account of a de

from Mr. Coolidge's imported bull Celebs; and Samuel Jaques, Esq. also presented for the Soalso those of Mr. John Breed, of Bellesple, from ciety's premium, of the improved Leicester breed Mr. Thorndike's bull "Fill Pail," all partaking of long wooled sheep, having a cross of the South ficiency in the number of yards, the Committee strongly of the excellent and peculiar qualities of down, one Ram and six Ewes. They were bought recommend the gratuity into consideration of th their respective breeds. by him in Pennsylvania, and from thence brought excellence of the fabrick and the importance The Committee also award for the best Boar-into this State. Although your Committee know the manufacture.-And for the same reasons The first premium to Joseph Rice, of that the intention of the Society, in the proposal gratuity of

the sum of

The second premium for the best Boar, they awarded to Mr. Spark Vose, of Watertown, the sum of

The first premium for the best Store Pigs,
they award to Mr. Luke Fiske, of Wal-
tham, the sum of

The second premium for the best Store Pigs,
they award to Mr. Aaron Dow, of Brook-
line, the sum of
The first premium for the best Merino Ram,
they award to Gorham Parsons, Esq.
The committee regret to observe that the ge-
neral specimen of Merino sheep exhibited
for premium, were, in their opinion, inferior
to those of former years. They feel them-
selves justified only in awarding a second
premium for the best Merino Ewes to Gen.

$10 offered in the terms of that premium was, to en-To Susan Warren, of Chelmsford, for a piece
courage the importation of the animals from some of Linen of household manufacture.
foreign kingdom or state; and, that therefore To George Johnson, of Salem, for a speci-
$5 strictly speaking, Col. Jaques would be entitled to
men of Duck by machinery of recent in-
no premium on the terms of those proposals; yet
your Committee consider the animals are in this
[This Duck is thought superior to any brought
$10 State a new and very important race of Sheep, al- to this market from Europe, and can be afforded
though precisely not of the description proposed, at a price advantageous to the purchaser. The
and that Col. Jaques has at considerable expense character of the machinery employed, and the
and trouble, introduced them into it. They, quality of the article, afford a hope that duck may
therefore recommend that a premium be granted become one of our staple articles.]
to him of $50.



To Gerry Fairbanks, of Boston, for fine Beaver Hats

At former exhibitions the imitation Leghorn

The Hon. Thomas H. Perkins, Esq. also pre$20 sented for exhibition, a Ram and two Ewes of the long wooled Sheep of the Netherlands, the The committee have therefore recommended a [llats of the same quality are still imported.length of whose wool was greatly superior, and liberal gratuity in this case, as there is both stock its fineness but little inferior, if at all, to those and skill enough in the country to put a stop to of our present breeds. And although it was not the importation.] $10 the intention of that distinguished merchant to The second premium for Merino Wethers stand candidate for any premium, his sole purthey award to Francis Amory, Esq. $10 pose being to aid in the improvement of our breed Hats have been of a medium quality; this year For Native Wethers there was no competiof Sheep, and thereby to encourage the agricul- finer than any ever imported. As it was manuthere was one specimen from Vermont perhaps tion. Those presented by Mr. Silas Hall, ture and manufactures of his native State, yet of Phillipston, were very fine animals, and your Committee apprehending that all exertions factured in another State, the committee are not deemed worthy of the first premium, which of this kind, so honourable to the individual, and authorized to do more than to commend the exthe committee accordingly award, of $10 so advantageous to the community, should receive cellence of the fabrick. For other specimens of Straw and Grass manuUpon condition that he give evidence according some mark from our Society of its sense of the beto the rules, that they were wholly bred in this nefit conferred on the Commonwealth; they there- facture, they recommend gratuities as follows: state, and raised by the persons exhibiting them. fore recommend that the gold medal of the So To Ann Dalrymple, of Marlboro', for Straw A pair of Stags were presented by Mr. Meriam, ciety, of the value of fifty dollars, be presented to of Concord, as a specimen of a new mode of al- Mr. Perkins, for this distinguished and successful To Mariam Haven, of Hopkinton, for do. tering cattle; and which he represented as easier, effort to improve the breed of Sheep in Massachu-To Sally and Eliza Perry, of Brookfield, for equally effectual, and less dangerous than the ordinary method. Your committee were not authorized to grant any premium on this account. Nor can they recommend any to be given, without a more satisfactory evidence of the success of the operation and of all the advantages specified.Should this be the case, at any future time, it REPORT NO. 3.—ON MANUFACTURES. will always be in the power, and they doubt not it will be the inclination of the trustees to grant a just reward for this, as well as for any other sucBessful improvement in the important operations of agriculture.


Noddle's Island.

BRIGHTON, OCT. 10TH, 1822.
The Committee on Manufactures award:
The first premium for Broadcloths, to James
Shepherd & Co. of Northampton,

The second premium for Broadcloths, to the
Wolcott Wollen Manufacturing Co.

Mr. Meriam also presented several spayed Sows, for the society's premium for animals of The first premium for Household Cloth, to that description; but they were not accompanied Jona. Mann, of Worcester,

by any statement of the mode of operation and The second premium for do. to Stephen Buttreatment as required by the rules established by rick, of Framingham.

the Trustees, and besides, the operations were The first premium for Superfine Cassimere, very recent, and apparently some of them at least, to the Wolcott Woollen Manufacturing Co. done expressly for the exhibition, and for the The second premium for do. to Jas. Shepherd purpose of offering for the premium. Now in a & Co. of Northampton

case of this nature, when a premium is proposed The first premium for Superfine Satinet, to expressly for the purpose of testing the efficacy Daniel Ellis & Son, of Walpole


a Grass Hat

To Betsey Bennett, of Framingham, for an
imitation Leghorn Straw

To Susan Sherman, of Marlboro', for do.
To Mary and Hannah Dobben, of Beverly,

for Straw Bonnets



Gratuities to the following persons are likewise recommended for their specimens of ingenuity and industry:

[ocr errors][merged small]


To Fanny Peirce, of New Braintree, for a counterpane and coverlet



To Sally Penniman, of New Braintree, for a
Hearth Rug



To Caroline Fiske, of Waltham, for a counterpane



To Susan Stearns, of Waltham, for a knit mantle of cotton yarn.


To Mehitable R. Dean, of Mansfield, for a
Hearth Rug


To Priscilla Cotton, of Plymouth, for a Hearth



To Samuel B. Pope, of Boston, for a specimen of Men's Boots

of an important, and in this country, in some re-The first premium for fine Flannel, to James respects, a new operation, your committee ap- Howarth, of Andover


To Ann Heath, of Roxbury, for a specimen of fine Cotton Hose


prehend that no premium ought to be granted, The first premium for Carpeting, to Sarah
unless by well attested experiments, supported Patrick, of Worcester
by a lapse of time sufficient to leave no question The second premium for do. to Adolphus Bar-

[blocks in formation]

of the result.

Mr. John Baker had entered also four spayed The first premium for Linen Cloth, to Anna sows, belonging to Gorham Parsons, Esq. for the R. Putnam, of Grafton

premium proposed for the same operation. They The first premium for Diaper, to Mrs. Butwere in fine health and completely healed-nei- nam

ther disfigured nor weakened by the operation. The second premium for do. to Susan Young, A certificate also accompanied, made by Gorham of Newbury

Parsons, Esq. which will be laid before the Trus-The first premium for Sewing Silk, to Lem'l tees for their consideration, conformable to their Healy, of Dudley

proposal, and in case the same shall be consider-The second prem. for do. to Caroline Bronsed, or shall be made satisfactory to them, they don, of Milton

[blocks in formation]

Nancy Wheeler, of Worcester, for Fans thread may be gaged at any number which may and also a patent hulling or smut machine, a manufactured from Feathers 2 be wanted. The size is very compact and takes companied by strong and numerous printed re Messrs. Barrett, Tileston & Co. of Staten Isl-up a less number of square feet on the floor, than commendations, were presented for the inspectio d, presented for inspection some very hand-a common spinning wheel. But the Committee of your Committee, but they had no opportunit me Woollen Table Cloths and Silk Handker- had no certificate of its power or evidence of its to judge of their respective operations. iefs as specimens of their work in the art of being used in any family,and found to be by experinting and Dying. These deserve mention as riment capable of facilitating domestic spinning. ghly creditable to the taste and skill of the In their opinion this is the only test of its real manufacturers. The Handkerchiefs exhibited utility. They think it a sufficiently simple and inwere originally striped and cross-barred silks. genious machine. But whether it will perform They were shop goods damaged-the original all that is promised, your Committee, are for the colors were extracted-they were redyed and reason above stated, not able to decide; and the printed as exhibited. machine not being within any of the specified obWith respect to the progres of our principal jects of premium, your Committee do not deem woollen manufactures, the Committee think it themselves justified in recommending under the may be useful on this occasion to remark-that circumstances, any specific premium. Flannels of every degree of fineness required for The machine which most attracted the attention home consumption may be manufactured at rea-of your Committee, was one presented by Joseph That they were well pleased to find amongst sonable prices with the machinery and skill now Pope, Esq. of Boston, a gentleman long known by the other distinguished evidences of improvein the country. That our best cassimeres are the public by his inventions and mechanical inge- ment at their show, an increased number of substantial, well made and well finished, and ap-nuity. This machine is patented-intended to Working Cattle, superior to any previous exhiproach nearer to those of first quality made in work by hand, in its present model, but easily ca-bition.

England, than our best broadcloths do to the best pable of being enlarged and applied to a horse Twelve yoke of Working Oxen were entered That our best Broadcloths are improving pro- The material to be threshed, passes through op- by the Society. and appeared to contest for the premiums offered gressively with the gain of experience, and faster posite sets of surfaces placed transversely in a The Cattle were in general in their training as respects goodness and the style of finishing than frame. They are respectively moving rods and more perfect, and the committee feel confident fineness, and there is still room for improvement constitute a threshing power on an open floor that the community may look forward to the most in the dying and dressing. composed of stationary rods. gratifying results. There were no extra fine Broadcloths at the It was stated to your Committee that it threshexhibition. This may be accounted for without ed fifty bushels of grain in 12 hours-and four ence to their age and size, the equality of match, After taking into view the strength in referdiscrediting the manufacturers, by adverting to the bushels and 12 quarts of oats in one hour-and the docility and training, as well as other general fact that there is a full demand for cloths of a me- that a common sized sheaf passes through it and circumstances, the Committee unanimously agreed dium quality, at prices which give a large profit ; is completely threshed in one minute. The labor to award the following premiuns: the manufacturers are under no inducement there- is done by two hands, one destined to turn it, the To Luther Whitney, of Sutton, first prefore to attempt extra fine cloths. However much other to feed it, or one man and two boys are suf- mium it might gratify our pride to see cloths of this de- ficient for the same purpose. scription spread before the public at our annual In the experiment made before the Committee, exhibitions, it is neither for the interest of the it threshed the grain out perfectly. And it is obmanufacturer nor of the country, that it should at vious that with a very small expense, it may be present be gratified. The best cloths shown at converted into a machine for cutting straw withthe hall this year, were some pieces from the out any injury to its threshing power. Litchfield Woollen Factory in Connecticut, offer- Owing to an accident, for which the owner of ed not for premium but for exhibition; and these the machine is not responsible, it was not duly en-To 血 were thought by the Committee deserving of an entered, although it was brought to Brighton and 10 00 leve honorable mention on this occasion. No Cotton deposited in the society's room in proper seas on The Committee were all pleased to see so Cloths were exhibited ; and this among other cir- for that purpose. favourable an illustration of the benefit of the cumstances may be considered as proof that they As your Committee consider the machine as Ox Team, as was generally presented, the use require no encouragement beyond that afforded likely to be very useful, and as Mr. Pope has been of which cannot but be considered as including by the present good market. at great expense and trouble for the purpose of the most essential interests of the state. bringing it to Brighton, your committee apprehend To the honour of a small but respectable secthat some notice ought to be taken of it, and they tion of the country it receives a principal part therefore recommend that he should have a pre- of the premiums of the Society. But it is bemium of $20, he producing the requisite certifi-lieved that no man will doubt the distinction is REPORT NO. 4.-INVENTIONS. cates of its being used and approved by a practi-well merited. The Committee of the Massachusetts Society cal farmer. It is to be hoped that other for the promotion of agriculture to whom were Mr. Newell also presented for premium a corn-exertion as will spread the evidences of our parts of the state will feel excited to such an referred the subject of inventions, report- sheller, on a horizontal movement, on a wooden farmers care and skill more equally over the That they have had the gratification of inspect-barrel. ing a number of machines connected with the fastate, and thus the great object of the Society The Committee did not see its power, but ap-in the advancement of the honour and interest of cilitating manufactures and the labours of agriculture, which have been deposited in the society's prehend it may be made a useful machine, with the Commonwealth be promoted. some improvement, but do not consider themselves authorized in its present state to award a premium.



room, but none coming within the exact terms of their commission, except a Cast Iron Roller, which was duly entered for premium by Aaron Willard, of Boston. This roller is apparently an improvement on the ordinary roller. It consists of two rollers moving upon one axis, and thereby turns easier and makes less ridges. But the own er not being present nor any person in his behalf, the Committee have not been able to make those inquiries which are necessary to enable them to award any premium.

The next machine presented for their examination and entered for premium, was a vertical fami

The same gentleman presented for exhibition a
number of excellent and approved English ma-
chines, and also some of the invention of this
country, among these they notice

An English Turnip Čutter.
Three Double Mould Ploughs.
Batson's Scarifier.
Batson's Cultivator.

Howard's Patent Plough.


J. WELLES, Chairman.

No. 6.-Ploughing Match. The Committee on the Ploughing Match, consisting of John Prince, Benjamin Goddard, and S. G. Derby, having attended the duty assigned them, beg leave to


That the ground selected for the purpose by the Committee of Arrangements, was a very though green sward of 20 years lay, and had Also, an English hay maker, sent from Balti-been chiefly used as pasture for fat cattle, was ly spinner, invented by John Brown, of Provi- more. All of them are worthy of the attention previously laid off in lots of sixteen rods long dence, and presented for premium by J. R. New-of gentlemen interested in improving the agricul ell. It is apparently capable of spinning with from ture of the country, and their being brought to six to twelve spindles, and it was stated to your Brighton for exhibition, does great credit to the Committee that a girl of fifteen years of age of attention and zeal of Mr. Newell. common capacity is capable of tending it-that the A patent threshing machine invented by

and one and a quarter rods wide, making one eighth of an acre, (which was less than was wished, but being the only spot convenient that ould be procured, could not admit of their being larger)-the soil excellent and free from

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