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There is one advantage, however, in this. stock proposition. It enables the business man who employs advertising service to judge the mind capacity of the man who swallows the bait.

Smile and take your medicine-don't get grouchy-it might have been a heap worse, and anyway you'll get well. Cheerfulness is contagious and makes for happiness. Misery does love company-cheerful company. There are those who wouldn't recognize the word enjoyment if they met it in the road-who scowl at fate and are miserable from preference, to whom a smile may bring a message of good

Some Things John D. Rockefeller Said to The Reporters.

If you would achieve success, compel men tɔ have confidence in you, not only because of your integrity but for your ability. That is what I have done ever since I started out with only $50. My recipe to insure happiness: Do right. Chicago is destined to become the greatest city in the world.

I wouldn't throw stones at anybody who earns an honest living. The men who take photographs of me are engaged in an honest vocation.

I don't think I had better discuss court matters, but I want to say that I haven't an unkind feeling toward any human being in the world.

Opportunities for acquiring wealth or a simple competency are greater in this country than ever before.

The average citizen of today is enjoying the luxury of the rich man of yesterday. The average citizen of tomorrow will be enjoying the luxuries of the wealthy men of today.

Systematic saving and self-denial, with a good deal of hard work, is the foundation for every large fortune.

Scientific Training Invaluable.

The supreme gift of scientific training in method, declares W. Burton in his address to the Staffordshire pottery classes, is the power to see. "How many problems are there that present themselves to us every day in our businesses that really disappear are no longer problems if we once see them clearly. The commercial organizer of a business has two problems always facing him, first, the economical production of his goods, and, second, the disposal of these in the market. A scientific training, in so far as it gives knowledge tending to the solution of these problems, is of direct value to the commercial side of business. Many problems can be solved only by scientific methods. But manufacturers should not look for immediate results from the employment of a trained man. Remember, he must have time to apply his science to your industry. He must have time for experiment, and must be given both leisure and fullest opportunity to follow out these lines of prolonged and systematic investigation, on which alone scientific knowledge has been built."

Success comes oftenest to the men of the keen eyes and the steady hands. Some of us are able to see opportunities, and others have the nerve to grasp them when they are pointed out by the men who see them. But it is rarely that the seeing eye and the hand to seize and hold are united in the same person. When that happens, success is assured in advance.-Railroad

Promotres of Disturbance, Disorder and


"There are persons who constantly clamor. They complain of oppression, speculation and the pernicious influence of accumulated wealth. They cry out loudly against all banks and corporations and all the means by which small capitals become united in order to produce important and beneficial results. They carry on a mad hostility against all established institutions. They would choke up the fountains of industry and dry all its streams. In

a country of unbounded liberty they clamor against oppression. In a country of perfect equality they would move heaven and earth against privilege and monopoly. In a country where property is more equally divided than anywhere else they rend the air with shouting of agrarian doctrines. In a country where the wages of labor are high beyond all parallel they would teach the laborer that he is but an oppressed slave. Sir, what can such men want? What do they mean? They can want nothing, sir, but to enjoy the fruits. of other men's labor. They can mean nothing but disturbance and disorder, the diffusion of corrupt principles and the destruction of the moral sentiments and moral habits of society. A licentiousness of feeling and of action is sometimes produced by prosperity itself. Men cannot always resist the temptation to which. they are exposed by the very abundance of the bounties of Providence and the very happiness of their own condition."-Daniel Web


"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory a benediction."

"Remember that money is of a prolific generating nature. Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more, and so on. Five shillings turned in six, turned again it is seven and three pence, and so on till it becomes an hundred pounds. The more there is of it, the more it produces every turning, so that the profits rise quicker and quicker. He that kills a breeding sow destroys all her offspring to the thousandth generation. He that murders a crown destroys all that it might have produced, and even scores of pounds."-Benjamin Franklin.

Catch Phrases For Advertisers. Come early for these curtains. Prices in wool taken a tumble. Rare values in skirts and coats. Never such values in furniture. Astounding waist and suit sale. Right kinds of clothing for boys. Such an avalanche of price cuts. Good savings on good furniture. An opportunity sale of Cluny lace. Savings on household necessities. Unusual values in linen room. Rich cut glass for June weddings. Dress goods and silks slaughtered. Delightful glove bargains Tuesday. Profits shaved to the quick in staples. Prices talk here Monday and Tuesday. Fruitful, fleeting Friday only bargains. Bargain snaps in the juvenile section. Fashion leaders for women's wearables. Note these exceptional furniture values. Great sale of women's and girls' apparel. Come and see these exquisite white goods. The housefurnishing sale you've waited for. Here's a whirlwind value in bleached cotton. An early morning rally to the boot section. Unmatchable apparel values for everybody. Magnificent array of special silk bargains. Pretty undermuslins at special prices. Sacrifice sale of carpets, rugs, and linoleums. The finest bargains of the season in white waists.

Children's dresses in handsome style variety. Ribbons will take wings to themselves today. Extra special bargain in men's fur felt fedoras. These prices actually shout their economy. Sweeping reductions on all ladies' outer gar


The garment department should be visited this week.

Santa Fe Advertising.

The question is often asked how a railroad system is advertised and how much it costs. The question is answered by W. H. Simpson, general advertising agent of the Santa Fe. In reply to what is done with the appropriation of $400,000, Mr. Simpson states that $175,000 is spent with newspapers on the Santa Fe lines and $65,000 with newspapers in the Middle, Eastern and Southern States. Magazines and illustrated weeklies get approximately $25,000, theater programs $3,500, billboards $3,000, and every month 110,000 system time card folders are distributed at an annual expense of $30,000. This year the company will print thirty different books, pamphlets and folders, including 1,200,000 copies of a newspaper, at an expense of $35,000.-Galveston, Tex., Tribune.

Can You Catch A Mail Bag? The government wants a device for delivering mail-bags from swift trains without injury to the mail. "A big fortune awaits the inventor of such a scheme," says the Second Assistant PostmasterGeneral. A substitute for twine in wrapping the mail will also enrich the one who is ingenious enough to devise such a thing.

Men with brains have been experimenting for years to solve the problem of how mail-bags shall be received from trains running at sixty miles an hour. Every day thousands of mail-sacks thrown from such trains on to the platforms of stations where it is impossible to make stops. The mail-bags are not infrequently forced under the wheels of the fast-flying train by suction or the wind, ground to pieces, and the mail that is not entirely destroyed scattered broadcast. At the best the mail-bags get the roughest kind of handling and much of the mail becomes damaged. The government has been for years hunting in vain for a practical device for catching these flying mail-bags. A simple hook device has for many years been in use whereby the mail-bags are taken aboard a fast train without injury. A scheme just the reverse has been experimented with for delivering them, but unsuccessfully, the momentum gained in discharging a 200-pound bag being too great to be withstood by a device of this kind. So the government is willing to pay a big price for the use of a patent which solves this problem.

The post-office authorities are also looking out for a good substitute for jute twine. In every post-office of the country letters are wrapped up and tied with twine on being made ready for delivery. The government has to pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for this cord. All kinds of substitutes have been offered, but none have proved entirely satisfactory. A great many inventors have made devices for bundling up the letters, but they have all failed before the test of quickly untying them. A good fastener which can be disposed of instantly, and at a cost less. than twine, will be worth a million to the inventor. Whatever this device may be, it will have to be of stuff that can be severed as quickly as a snap of the scissors on twine, for time in the handling of mail counts.

"Labor is health-the life that is not busy is not wholesome-idleness saps the power of aspiration, attempt and achievement, and causes them to rot. Get busy-something to do puts you on good terms with yourself and the world. Habitual leisure is inherent laziness, and a source of evil, always-inactivity means stagnation, and stagnation means decay.

Men Who Should Know.

A young Wall street broker who has been spoken of as "the new wizard of finance," Otto H. Kahn, recently has received the credit of placing a $50,000,000 issue of Pennsylvania railroad bonds on the Paris bourse. In financial circles this is considered a great achievement, many having tried and failed to accomplish it. A few days ago he was called before the interstate commerce commission and surprised its members with his knowledge of railroad and financial affairs. Mr. Kahn is 39 years old.

"A man who does things" is the description of Charles S. Mellen, the presiding genius of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad company. He took into the east western methods. He spent money for new engines, new cars, new and up-to-date equipment in a way that made the staid and dignified directors gasp and get red in the face. But a short time after he had been at the helm the earnings began to increase. Now they tell him to spend all the money he suggests should be spent. His railroad gospel is, "Good dividends, and, in return, the best service to make these possible.'

Theodore S. Wilkinson, planter, patriot, aristocrat, ex-congressman, ex-collector of the port, and prospective governor of Louisiana, long has been considered an authority on the subject of reclamation and drainage of land. One of his most notable achievements was during the present year when a great crevasse in the levee below New Orleans was closed. At that time he had a narrow escape for his life, falling into the current from a barge. He was taken from the water in an unconscious condition, but was at work again the next morning.

Edward B. Moore, assistant commissioner of patents, was a page in the United States senate when he was a boy. He is a former newspaper man of Washington, D. C.-Ex.

An old bachelor bought a pair of socks, to which he found attached the following note:

"I am a young lady of twenty, and would like to correspond with a bachelor with a view to matrimony." The name and address were given. The bachelor wrote, and in a few days got this reply:

"Mamma was married twenty years ago. Evidently the merchant of whom you bought those socks did not advertise, or he would have sold them long ago. My mother handed me your letter and said possibly I might suit. I am eight


"He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north pole star, and all the other stars turn towards it."

A Visit To Ant Town.

"Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise."-Prov. vi. 6.

If you could only reduce yourself to the size of an ant, and then pay a visit to one of their cities, you would be amazed at what you saw. As you wandered through the numerous streets that ramify the ant hill, you would notice that though there are thousands of small ants running in every direction, they are all busy at some special work, and all working for the common good of the town. You would find incubators where the eggs are hatched, nurseries where the babies are washed and fed, storehouses for storing grain and other seeds, bedrooms, living rooms, gardens for growing small mushrooms and grain, cattle-pens where their cows are kept handy for milking and so on.

You find that the queen ant laid the eggs, others took care of them, some washed and fed the babies, others brought up the cows and milked them and took the milk into the dairy, some collected food, others acted as soldiers and guarded the city. Many acted as servants in waiting to the queen and her visitors, while doing the dirty work, would be seen the numerous black slaves.

The eggs are laid in small chambers and are moved from place to place according to the heat or damp. Every now and then the ants in charge of them lick them all over, and this is said to help the young ant inside the tiny egg.

When the babies are hatched they are taken by the nurses into other chambers, where they are washed and fed with the greatest care. Should any danger approach the nursery, the babies are picked up and hurried off to places of safety. When on the Alps at the back of Canterbury, I have often pulled up large ses under which the ants in New Zealand live, and watched with interest the haste with which the young ones are picked up and hidden.

Besides the numerous ants that remain inside to keep the town tidy, there are many who spend their time in scouring the country and bring insects, grubs, caterpillars, leaves, etc., for the sustenance of the town. Their cities are often a yard across the foot and built to a height of several feet and the little hill is simply riddled with tunnels and small chambers. Some ant hills have been known to extend for 100 square yards and three or four feet in height.

Cow-Milking in Ant Town.

In many ant-towns a large number of antcows are kept in paddocks, just handy, and these tiny animals supply the town with milk. These little milk-suppliers are really aphids, very muc the same as the small insects so common on our

cabbages and other garden plants. The way that they are milked is as follows: One of the milkmen of Ant-town puts the little cow into position and then begins to thump him on the back. This causes two large drops of a sweet fluid known as "honey-dew" to exude through two small openings in the cow; these the ant takes and carries them into the town to give to his customers. These cows are well treated and seem to have no objection to being milked as some of our cows do.

In the autumn these little ant-cows lay their eggs on the stems of small plants but in order that wet weather will not spoil them, the ants take them off the plants and store them safely inside the town, where they are carefully looked after.

In spring the young cows are taken out and placed on some plant, and in order to keep them from straying the ants build a little wall of dirt all around them and keep the cows in the cowpens.

Catching Slaves in Ant-Town.

Many ants keep a large number of slaves to work for them and they are usually well treated.

When a number of slaves is wanted a large phalanx of warriors makes a raid. When the scouts have found a town of slave ants, the attacking party creep quietly round and then make a rush among the inhabitants, and after a severe fight the hapless slaves are dragged back against their will to work for their captors. Many of the slaves are made to do all the work, even to feeding and washing their captors, and in some cases the captors get so helpless by being waited on so much, that if their slaves are taken away they are unable to feed themselves and will die of hunger and thirst, even with the food close by them.

The Art of War in Ant-Town.

Ants seldom attack in small numbers, but nearly always in countless thousands, and in long columns they march forward through the forest. They fight for several reasons; sometimes to capture slaves, often to collect a large quantity of food in the shape of insects, etc., and sometimes to pay off old scores.

The most common expeditions are for food and this is obtained by making a triumphal march through the forest and attacking and killing every small animal they can find.

These large armies are dreaded by all the ana's from the largest to the smallest, and as they approach the whole animal world is set in motion. The birds and larger animals move

clear of their track, while the spiders, beetles and numerous wingless insect larvae try to hide away under stones, etc.

However, there is no escape if they remain in the line of march, every hole and cranny is searched and the hapless insects are dragged out and butchered. If a large insect is encountered, four or five ants attack him at once; one goes to one side and one the other, and these hold the insect so that it cannot move, a third may go in front and keep the insect's attention by teasing it; then a fourth climbs on the insect's back and with its powerful jaws soon saws the head off. The beetle is then turned over on its back and several ants drag it back to town.

If this army approaches a house or shed all mice, lizards, rats and vermin of all kinds escape out of the house by the nearest way, and even man is unable to stand against them for they make their jaws meet in his flesh and then sting with all their might.

Some ants instead of marching out in the open build long tunnels to their battlefield, and so approach their enemies by aid of these trenches.

Advertising Opportunities.

"We are supposed," said a Globe-trotter, "to be the greatest advertising nation in the world. We don't half realize, though, the advertising opportunities of our dining cars.

"I lunched and dined on the diner last month in coming from Marseilles to Paris. Ads were everywhere. I was amazed.

"I ordered with my dinner a bottle of mineral water and a bottle of champagne. Well, on the mineral water bottle was pasted a label extolling the beauties of the Tunisia Palace Hotel, in Tunis, while the champagne bottle was labeled with an ardent puff of the Hotel Timeo, in Taormina.

"My roll was in a paper envelope containing an advertisement of the coming motor races at Monte Carlo. Stamped on my glass was a recommendation of a dentifrice made by the Benedictine monks. My plate's surface was quite covered with a picture of the Nice Casino.

"So it went on. Every plate, every glass, every bottle, the napkins, the salt-cellars, the salad-bowls - all contained advertisements. And the walls of the car were covered with advertisements, as the walls of our street cars


"Altogether, it was amusing to read these various ads while one ate. Why, then, have we, so wide-awake usually, failed to realize the advertising possibilities of the diner?"

When fighting many of them keep dancing about so as to prevent their enemies from biting them, and they willingly die for the good of the


Agriculture in Ant-Town.

It is well known to scientists that when a seed sprouts the starch in it is turned into sugar. The ants want sugar for food so they collect a large number of seeds and then put them into a moist chamber to germinate. When this takes place and the starch is turned to sugar the ants then bite off the young shoots and use the sugar in the seed for food.

Others pack damp leaves in a chamber and let them go mouldy, and they always seem to keep the proper mould and weed out the others and when the mould fruits it is picked and used for food. There are many other things I could tell you about these busy little citizens but space forbids, so I will close by asking you to take the advice of the Wise Man, and learn from these queer little creatures how to use up your time to the best advantage.-The Express, Christchurch, N. Z.

Scraps From The Mitchell Philosophy

Some of the experiences and observations of this man of money have their bearing upon the life of the young men of today. It is only a trite repetition to say that from the first money he ever earned he saved a considerable portion. But why he saved has significance.

"Why did you save?" I asked him, bluntly. "Because you liked to possess money?"

"Never. I never saved a dollar which I was not prompted to save as a matter of common scnse. If a man assumes the duty of working, he cannot shirk the responsibility of saving. He has not worked sanely if he has not saved a fair percentage of his earnings.

"For he must spend a fair percentage of that which he earns. The 'best citizen' cannot be measured by what he saves, regardless of his duty to spend. But he owes himself, his family, his friends, and the community in which he lives a sane measure of saving."

Long hours of labor, simple living, and sound, sufficient sleep hurt no healthy man, is in the Mitchell philosophy.

To do a man's work in the shortest day possible should be the young man's aim. Then let him learn to do more than the one task that is set before him. This is education and growth. This is a move toward success."

The most exasperating thing in dealing with a fool is his serene unconsciousness of being one.

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