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A sensible man knows when to stop the chase for the dollar. There's some reason for running to catch a train, but no sense in holding on the rail and running the full distance of your jourMen who have been chasing the almighty dollar and who have caught up to it should be satisfied when they get there, and not still keep

Henry H. Rogers.

The Standard Oil King Said to Be Worth About One Hundred Million Dollars.

The little suburb of Fairhaven, Mass., is the proud birthplace of one of America's great men whose name has been dragged into the limelight of publicity by sensationalists and men who care not for wealth but who are self-appointed public benefactors.

Young Rogers' days were the same as those of other boys. No mark of unusual brightness seemed to attract the attention of that quiet little city where the pulse of life beat slow and regular.

It was back in the early forties that this bud of humanity came into the world unpretentious, yet the process of time has caused the world to stop and take notice of this usual yet unusual being.

Young Henry could be seen daily when a boy helping the neighbor grocer after school hours to dispense sugar, coffee and cheese, working like a little beaver for the few pennies he received for his labor. It was at these very labors he began to develop his business ability. His undeveloped business acumen would peep forth in these narrow confines and his employer would shake his head and say, "that boy will make his mark in the world"-like many "by way" statements that spring from the impulse of the moment, this one came true, and came true in its largest sense. Little was it dreamed in those early days that his measure of success was to be full even to overflowing.

"Hank" as the boys used to call him didn't seem to care much for the hum and hustle of large cities. He was quite a young man before he left his birthplace to go among strangers. And one day when all his companions had enlisted in the Civil War "Hank" felt that there was little left in Fairhaven to incite enthusiasm and he joined the caravan of fortune hunters in the oil field.

It was in 1861 he went to Oil Creek where from then on a great share of his time was spent in a flourishing tide of oil waves, where the fortunes of his friends and neighbors were obtained by striking gushing oil wells on their lands.

These fortunes usually went as quickly as they came; for these oil geysers as they might be called, had a great propensity to cease as suddenly as they erupted.

While fortune was thus scattering her capricious favors with one hand and taking them back with the other, Henry Rogers with several other young men formed a league and worked quietly and obscurely to make oil the source of a fortune that should owe nothing to luck, but would increase from year to year and gradually add new

fields of enterprise until such organizations should dominate the industrial world.

The members of this little company were all poor, plain hard working men, shrewd and ready to make the very most out of what was theirs to work with, and while the envied owners of gushing wells capered about in their glee, these modest young men quietly organized the industry of transporting, refining and marketing oil on a basis from which every vestige of chance was eliminated. It was Mr. Rogers' reckonings and reasonings that stood at the back of this organization; in fact Henry Rogers is credited with the actual conception of the original scheme of combination.

These men invested, not only what little money they had, but all their brains and energy as well, qualities which were worth a great deal more.

Mr. Rogers first proposed that all the well owners should pool their product and allow a single agency to handle it. Later he suggested that a combination be formed to swing the business on its own account, buying out the small producers and gathering in all the profits of the trade.

At this time there was a great competition in the oil business. There were one hundred and twelve petroleum companies in New York City alone, with a combined capital of $134,045,000. At Philadelphia the capital ranged still higher; $163,715,000 lay in oil companies. In ten cities the aggregate known capitalization of business was $326,200,000.

It was at such times as these that Henry Rogers' real characteristics and ambitions popped out. He was determined to make success his one great effort, and he stood strong and staunch to this one end. His opinions were sought, and his advice was followed. He had the great power of looking far and deep into things, and difficulties vanished in the wind when he began to work.

In later years Mr. Rogers tried similar methods in producing a copper organization but did not meet with a similar success and finally placed his entire energies to his one successful enterprise.

Mr. Rogers is a very stern and strong minded man, decidedly persistent in all of his arguments. He is keen, cool, and at times grimly hard to deal with in business affairs though he is a man of many friends.

He has great public spirit and a generous recollection of old associations. He has spent millions in the improvement of his home town-built a five hundred thousand dollar church in memory of

his wife; gave the beautiful Millicent Library in the name of his children as a monument of their late sister, and endowed it with one hundred thousand dollars.

He then gave to the suburb the model town water works which had cost more than one hundred thousand dollars and produced a net income of $6,000 a year. He also built a costly school house.

Mr. Rogers is president and director of over twenty corporations and causes a stir in Wall street when he enters the stock market.

He is seventy-five years old, with whitened hair and a military mustache that adds reverence rather than age to his expressive face, which radiates with a hope and animation that beams forth from his alert keen eyes-eyes that seem never to get weary.

A picture of Mr. Rogers appears on the cover page.

Wood for Paper Costs Twenty-Six Millions.

The Publisher Pays Much More for His Stock Than He Did Last Year.

Today there is general complaint among publishers that printing paper is constantly growing dearer. In the Middle West many local papers are raising their subscription price 50 per cent in order to pay for the paper. From the time when Gutenberg first used movable type, made of wood, to the present day of metropolitan papers, some of which consume the product of acres of spruce in a single edition, printing has in very large degree depended upon the forest.

In the face of a threatened shortage of timber, the amount of wood consumed each year for pulp has increased since 1899 from 2 million to 31⁄2 million cords. The year 1906 marked an increase of 93,000 cords in the imports of pulpwood, the highest average value per cord for all kinds, and a consumption greater by 469,053 cords than that of any previous year.

Spruce, the wood from which in 1899 threefourths of the pulp was manufactured, is still the leading wood, but it now produces a little less than 70 per cent of the total. How well spruce is suited to the manufacture of pulp is shown by the fact that during a period in which the total quantity of wood used has doubled and many new woods have been introduced, the proportion of spruce pulpwood has remained nearly constant in spite of the drains upon the spruce forests for other purposes. During this time three different woods, from widely separated regions, have in turn held the rank of leader in the

Since 1899, poplar, which for years was used in connection with spruce to the exclusion of all other paper woods, has increased in total quantity less than 100,000 cords, and is now outranked by hemlock. Pine, balsam, and cottonwood are used in much smaller amounts.

New York alone consumes each year over a million and a quarter cords of wood in the manufacture of pulp, or more than twice as much as Maine, which ranks next. Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Michigan follow in the order given. Sixty per cent of the wood used in New York was imported from elsewhere, and even so the supply appears to be waning, since the total consumption for the state shows a small decrease since 1905, whereas the other states named have all increased their consumption. Other states important in the production of pulp are: Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The average cost of pulp delivered at the mill was $7.21. The total value of the wood consumed in 1906 was $26,400,000. The chief item determining the price of paper is the cost of pulp. An example of the increased price of paper is found in the case of a publisher of a daily in the Middle West, who recently paid $1,200 for a carload of paper. The same quantity and grade of paper cost a year ago but $800.

The chemical processes of paper making, which better preserve the wood fiber, are gaining over the mechanical process. In 1899, 65 per cent of the wood was reduced by the mechanical process; in 1906, less than 50 per cent.

All importations of wood for pulp are from Canada, and comprised, in 1906, 739,000 cords, Four and a nearly all of which was spruce. half million dollars' worth of pulp was imported in 1906, a slight falling off from 1905.

Imperial power and economic monopoly may prosper for a time, but only democracy is strong to the end. For democracy is an expression of righteousness, and righteousness alone can ultimately prevail. When righteousness does prevail, then will there be universal peace; not the ghastly peace of the tomb, but the loving peace of brotherly justice. And with that peace will come prosperity; not the prosperity of a Dives with its crumbs for a Lazarus, but abundant prosperity for Lazarus and Dives both—on the just condition that the one quit begging and the other plundering, and that both go to work.-Louis F. Post.

You can always tell how strong a man is on heavy matters by the way he disposes of trivial

Is Your Trade a Drawback to Greater Achievements?

If it is, here is your opportunity! The man who is already employed in a trade that holds no future for him is making the greatest blunder in the world if he does not throw out his line of energy into the field of opportunity that now stands awaiting him-even beckoning him-the greatest field in the present market-the field that appreciates a man with brains.

The quality of the opportunity lies in the fact that he need run no risks, for the Correspondence School enables him to continue with his present position until he is thoroughly qualified to enter a better position; and the man who remains a slave to his position with such opportunities as these before him, is doing the greatest injustice to himself than man can self-inflict.

Correspondence instruction is the greatest triumph of success in the present period, and advertising is the most remunerative profession that was ever taught by correspondence. Not only are the chances of leadership in the line of work you now follow, within your power, but there is ever one occasion after another, each affording greater opportunities for the advertiser than the one before. The field in its extensiveness is ever growing. The limits for results are boundless. Each year finds success and the possibilities to attain it more delightfully astonishing than the year before.

Advertising is fascinating; it is broadening and cultivates a quality that is not known in other vocations. It opens ways and means whereby opportunities of the greatest natures are constantly placed in your reach.

The vast power in the form of knowledge that is daily gaining in value in the Correspondence Schools, is heralded in every speaking country of the globe. There is no cause for poverty in this great day of commercial enterprise, for the man with a common school education is just as competent to prepare for advertising as is his better educated brother; it's the one field that opens the doorway of success to every man with ambition.

Knowledge through this medium has broken. the seal that bound wealth with education and poverty with ignorance. Time has divided these classes differently now. From the precious collection of humanity in the little school room, to the highest positions in life held on the earth's surface there is the great line of ambition that separates those who do from those who dream. Where do you belong?

The man who fails to prepare for advancement in this great day of competition lacks that quality of "go" that lifts man into his present

sphere; he is not natural and therefore cannot cope with his natural brother. He will reach the day when a stronger hand and a better developed brain will command him to stand back and give space to the betterment of his community.

The Correspondence School is a Bank of Knowledge for the thrifty; it takes care of the surplus time and at the end of the month turns over the proceeds in knowledge. Don't waste a surplus which, if judiciously placed, would bring you triple and twice triple interest; and remember that your spare moments are the surplus.

The correspondence method of instruction is the most practically beneficial to the individual because it is based entirely upon scientific knowledge. This method develops the judgment of the student and at the same time trains him to appreciate the value of his own individuality— thus producing originality-a valuable factor that often is so totally ignored in other methods of training. His work goes before the instructor as individual work, and not as the work of a class; and his instruction is equally as individual. The lectures are black placed upon white and are given in a form that can easily be preserved as references upon any points of discussion that may later arise; they are not given in a lecture wherein you must depend principally upon your memory for results.

Dr. Harper, the late President of the University of Chicago, in speaking of correspondence instruction, says: "The work done by correspondence is even better than that done in the class-room. The correspondence student does all the work himself; he does it in writing, and does twenty times as much reciting as he would in a class of twenty people. He works out the difficulties by himself, and the results stay by him."

Being the only practical method that can be entered into without interfering with the daily vocation, it is the one method universally adopted by all who are seeking advancement. Therefore there is no man who can rightfully say in this era of scientific training that he has not an opportunity. He has the opportunity wel! enough, but having it and using it are two distinct and definite problems. The man himself must choose his own roadway.

If you are an advertising man pass along some good words for your profession. Show the other man that there is money in advertising.

Don't make the mistake that some of the silent advertising men are making. The field is far too extensive for you to feel that the other fellow might crowd you out.

Facts About Color Printing.

Three-color printing can be produced from wash drawings, ordinary photographs, colored photographs, and colored drawings or paintings. Simple objects, such as vases, are frequently reproduced direct.

The best results are obtained by what is known as the three-color process. The "process" colors are yellow, red, and blue. Properly blended, these colors will produce every other color and every shade.

A colored picture or subject is placed before a camera which differs little in principle from the ordinary camera. Three negatives are exposed. For the first exposure a purple lens is placed before the regular lens. This purple lens absorbs the yellow rays, so to speak, and makes their impression on the negative. A green lens is used for the second exposure; the green absorbs the red rays. The third negative is made with an orange lens, which absorbs the blue rays. Before each exposure is made a sensitized negative mounted on glass is. placed in the usual position. Another glass plate which is ruled from side to side and up and down so as to give a screen-like effect is placed immediately in front of the negative. When exposures are made the interposing of the screen plate between the lens and the negative naturally produces a print with

the screen-like lines. This accounts for the fine dotted effect that appears in halftones.

Printing plates are then made by printing the negatives thus produced on the surface of copper plates which have been sensitized with chemicals that decompose wherever the light strikes them while being printed. After the copper is prop

Phrases For Advertising Managers.
Interested purchasers should not delay.
Juvenile needs priced for slim purses.
Kaleidoscopic array of attractive varieties.
Lingering doubts to buy are banished.
Magnetic millinery models now on exhibition.
Novel conceits from the wide world of fashion.
Obligation to buy never comes with a visit.
Prices that sweep aside all opposition.
Quarters here do the work of half dollars.
Remorseless price-cutting.
Sensational selling.

Tasty confections at purse pleasing prices.
Umbrellas in a bargain shower.
Verify these statements.

Wellspring of rich values.

'Xcell this if you can.

Ye bargain seekers look here!

erly prepared, the etching is done by immersing it in a solution of nitric acid, which dissolves or "bites out" whatever part of the surface is not protected by the remaining particles of the chemical lacquer that was used for sensitizing.

The first printing is from the yellow halftone. The red halftone is next printed over the yellow, and the job is completed by printing the blue halftone over the other two colors.

Plates for three-color printing can be made from black drawings by reproducing three black halftones and re-etching them by hand until each halftone will print the different colors so that they will blend properly. The results are never so artistic as from process plates and the cost is much more, due to expensive hand work.

Plates for two-color printing can be produced from black or colored subjects. Two colored lenses are used on the same principles as for process printing. The best results are obtained from drawings confined to two colors. Every shade of these two colors may be worked into the drawing, however. For illustration: the warm tone plate, or color, may range from orange to red, and the cold tone plate, or color, may range from dark blue to light green.

Advertisers who use back covers in the general proofs of the front cover to guide their engravmagazines should always secure progressive ers. This will avoid frequent and costly errors caused by variations in the shades of colors used by the different engravers. When mistakes of this nature occur it is impossible to print both covers in the proper shades; one or the other must be sacrificed.-Advertisers' AlmanackDoubleday, Page & Co.

Clever Sayings.

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort."-Theodore Roosevelt.

"Work is the foundation of wealth, but wealth will come only to the man you work for. Moral: Work for yourself."-Anon.

"If you wish to be held in esteem, you must associate only with those who are estimable."-Bruyere.

"He who thinks intelligently and acts promptly forces success to perch on his banners."-McKenzie.

"A man behind the times is apt to speak ill of them, on the principle that nothing looks well from behind."-Holmes.

"What we have always seen done in one way, we are apt to imagine there is but one

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