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Hon. Edward Hoch of Kansas

By Geo. S. Annabel

It was back in 1900. The Republican majority in the Kansas legislature were about to elect a state printer. Ed Hoch, publisher of a county seat paper at Marion, wanted the position. In a quietly effective way he had done good party service for twenty years. He had never asked for an office, and probably would not have done so then if friends had not taken up his cause.


At that time the office of state printer was the most profitable one in the gift of the state. There were several candidates, but members of the legislature generally conceded the place to Hoch. election was expected. This, however, was before the boss of the state machine had spoken. Hoch and his friends had made the mistake of supposing that the people controlled the legislature. More experienced politicians would not have made this mistake.

The machine managers watched developments with amusement. They had a man for the place, also a newspaper man who had done good work for the party. He had been promised the position two years before and now, in spite of the lead Hoch had secured, word went out that he must be elected. Members of the legislature knew that Hoch should have the place; the people demanded it and justice. was on his side, but they owed their election to the machine and were compelled to execute its commands.

Hoch lost the office of state printer and by its loss became governor. The people had watched the contest in the legislature and were determined to teach the machine politicians a lesson. They realized how powerless they had become and started out to demolish the machine. Hoch and his associates were called the "trust busters" and they gloried in the title.

The success of this campaign made Hoch a national figure, and people expected great things of this new man in Kansas politics. The morning after election, the little town of Marion awoke to a new and dazzling fame. Hitherto unknown, it was now the home of the new governor, elected by a popular reform movement which had attracted the attention of the entire country. Its citizens were proud of the distinction his election brought, but nevertheless regretted to have him go away. From the time the town had been little more than a station on the Santa Fe branch, he had been one of them. An editor who told the news of his neighborhood to his neighbors; a citizen who did not dodge the duties. of his citizenship; a business man whose word was always good; a friend whose friendship had stood the


Because he was all of these to his home people their joy at his success was not unmixed with regret.

A printer himself, Hoch had at first written his own copy and put it in type. But as his paper grew he drew about him assistants who became almost as much a part of the paper as he himself was. His son, who had grown up in the printing office, took charge of the business during his father's campaign, and was its editor while Hoch was governor.

An old-fashioned Methodist and devoted churchman, Hoch is a strong believer in the truth of the Bible. In a recent lecture he declared that he believed the book from "kiver to kiver" and had so taught it to a bible class in his home town for twenty years. He is also a consistent advocate of state prohibition and has always been a leader of the local temperance forces.

His opponents made much of his reputation as a prohibition advocate in an effort to turn the liberal element in his own party against him in the campaign. After his election, there was considerable conjecture in regard to what his attitude would be toward the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor law in the large towns and cities of the state. The policy of former governors had been to leave the question almost entirely to local sentiment. As a result of this policy. there were no saloons in the small towns and rural communities, while in the larger places the law was either disregarded or only half enforced. People who knew Hoch well, felt sure he would make d different record; but men in the liquor business still relied upon friendly public sentiment in their communities to secure them immunity from executive interference.

But there were other things that claimed the attention of the reform administration which, and for the time, threw the liquor question into the background.

Kansas has one of the richest oil fields in the United States. In the ten years preceding Hoch's election this region had become amazingly prosperous. Little towns had grown into thriving cities, farms were sold at fabulously high prices, factories started up and refineries were opened. Prices of crude oil were high and many were growing rich from the product of their wells.

Left to itself the oil territory would have enjoyed a steadily increasing prosperity which would have been of great benefit to the whole state. But, quietly at first, then more openly, Standard Oil began to get control. Available lands were bought or leased; producing wells were purchased and then shut down; independent refineries were crowded out of business. When this was done and the control of the market secured, the company refused to pay a price for crude oil that would pay a profit to the producer.

Hundreds of paying properties became worthless. Independent plants were helpless because they owned no pipe lines and could not transport their oil by rail, on account of favorable traffic arrangements, secured by their great rival, that they were unable to get.

This was the condition of affairs when the new governor was inaugurated and the legislature assembled. He believed that the greatest need of his state was to secure the right to develop her own natural resources and find a market for her products. His first message to the legislature was devoted almost entirely to that question. So the fight was started which was known over the country that winter as the struggle between Kansas and Standard Oil. Under Hoch's leadership a state refinery law was passed; a law making pipe lines common carriers was enacted; another measure prevented discrimination in prices between different parts of the state. These and other statutes were the result of the fight.

The state refinery law was declared unconstitutional by the courts, but the other laws stood, and was a result of the legislation secured by the new The oil fields today are reasonably prosgovernor. perous. Independent concerns are doing business; both light and heat are cheaper than they ever were before; oil properties are again a paying investment.

As the stress of the battle passed, Hoch's friends, who had expected so much of him in the way of law enforcement, became impatient. To them there was no more important question and the governor seemed to be giving it no attention whatever. They urged him to do something, and do it at once. He was getting ready, he said, and would begin when he was prepared. Zealous, but lacking in practical wisdom, the temperance enthusiasts accused him of being recreant to his oath of office and untrue to his own principles.

Only a strong man has the patience to await his time in the face of biting criticism. Hoch carefully matured his plans and, when he was ready, struck, not in several places at once, but in the largest city of the commonwealth, Kansas City. This is one of the cities where the prohibitory law had been nullified by a system of fines, assessed by the police judge and collected by the patrolmen in the different precincts. Thus a considerable revenue was secured and a majority of the voters believed that this revenue was a necessity, if the financial obligations of the city were to be met.

The County Attorney refused to bring action to close the saloons; the mayor of the city would not enforce the law. The governor instructed his attorney-general to appoint an assistant prosecutor for that county; as the law authorized. He also began ouster proceedings against the mayor of Kansas City because of his failure to uphold the law.

The struggle was long and hard but it was


tirely successful. The Mayor, thrown out of office, was elected a second time, but was compelled to resign to escape a second expulsion. The saloons were closed and kept closed. What astonished the people most was the fact that their financial affairs were in better condition without the saloon revenue than with it, and that the community was more prosperous than it had been before.

It was during the progress of the law enforcement campaign that Hoch's first term expired. The result was still uncertain at the time of his fight for re-election. The enthusiasm of the contest with the powerful enemy in the oil fields had cooled; many people honestly doubted the governor's sincerity and some denounced his methods as spectacular and unfruitful. At this time the success of Gov. Folk, of Missouri, in enforcing the laws of his state was attracting much attention. He was a Democrat, and the Democrats of Kansas saw their opportunity. Taking Folk as their model and making of law enforcement a rallying cry, they selected the strongest Democrat in the state for their candidate and began a spirited contest for the governorship.

Governor Hoch made his campaign on the record of his first term. The benefits obtained from the oil legislation were tangible and were a credit to his administration and to him. But the people were anxious that something more be done in law enforcement and demanded that proceedings against the saloons in other large towns outside the state metropolis be brought.

In spite of the determination of the opposite party to defeat him, and the treachery of his own followers, Hoch was elected for the second term. Soon after this the wisdom of his policy was demonstrated. The law had secured a victory in Kansas City. Other cities saw that resistance would be useless and all over the state, in places where the prohibitory law had been held in contempt, it began to be enforced.

One day during the winter following the successful termination of his law enforcement struggle, Gov. Hoch addressed a meeting of Southern business men at a waterway's convention in Memphis. Introducing him, the chairman of the meeting had spoken rather lightly of Kansas as the home of prohibition. When he began, Hoch resented sharply the tone of the chairman's remarks and gave his listeners a glowing account of the fruits of prohibition in his state. No part of his address made a greater impression than this, though it was in no sense a part of what he had expected

to say.

Reluctant to leave his home town and his newspaper there, this man who had twice been elected governor, went back gladly after his task at the state capital was finished. His outlook had broadened, his interest in the great movements of national life had been quickened, but he was the same friend.

neighbor and citizen as before. He had served the whole people for four years; now he returned to take up his old work again, a lesser, perhaps, but an equally important service.

As governor he had not always been sure of his path. He had been forced to learn by his mistakes, but here at home he was sure of his ground, knew all that was expected of him and was not misunderstood.

After all, this ability of a man to take up a position of trust and lay it down again, himself unchanged, is the strongest test of our citizenship. Like many before him, Ed. Hoch has done this and is the better equipped for any other public service he may be called upon to give in later years. He has gained, and so has his state, by the mistake made by an arrogant state machine in crowding the people too far. A photograph of Mr. Hoch appears on the cover


From Factory To School

Probably no class of people on earth were ever so hard pushed for honest or even plausible arguments as to why they should be tolerated as the saloonkeepers and the men engaged in the liquor traffic. Among the silly sophistries foisted on a suffering public by those fugitives from aroused public opinion, is that the public schools would have hard sledding if it weren't for the license money.

They put up that argument out in a certain western city when 256 joints were flourishing. But when these joints were closed tight a lot of interesting facts came to the surface and among them these:

The schools were suddenly and unaccountably crowded, and an investigation was set on foot to find out the reason why; it developed that six hundred pupils under the age of fifteen who had been working in factories to help support their families had quit their jobs and started to school for the excellent reason that with the saloons closed, the fathers had "quit boozing" and were earning a good enough living so that they could take care of their families and put the children at the school desk instead of keeping them at the lathes and the benches.

When the biggest part of the United States is under fairly enforced prohibition we do not believe that there will be 2,250,000 children under fifteen years of age. working for hire as there are now.

License money

may seem, for a time, to make a big show in putting up a lot of school houses, but at the same time it is very busy in cracking the cruel lash of poverty over the children and driving them into shops and factories and stores when they should be in school laying the foundations of healthy citizenship.

Don't forget it: A dry town means a fat schoolhouse; a wet town means a fat poorhouse.-Woman's World.

Department of Correct English

Questions Asked by Our

Question. In the following sentence which form should be used and why? I do not know "but that" or "but what I shall go."

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Answer. "But that" is the correct expression to be used in this sentence, because "but" is a preposition. "But what" is only used when "what" is a relative pronoun. Example:-He never had any money but what he absolutely needed.

Question. Is "have done" in the following sentence meaning "to finish" correct? Let us "have done" counting the tags.

Answer. Let us "finish" counting the tags. "Finish" signifies to bring to an end what was previously begun, to do the last thing there is to "do." "Do" is the one comprehensive word which includes accomplish, achieve, completed, execute, finish, work out, etc. We may say of the least item of daily work, "It is done," and of the greatest human achievement, "It is well done!"

I don't know whether or not he is married.. This is used correctly as it is a correlative injunction (one used in pairs) answering to each other in the same

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British Students of the Page-Davis School

Present a Silver Statuette, "The Standard Bearer," To Their Instructor Edward T. Page, At Banquet Given In His Honor At

London, England, June 17

An enthusiastic gathering of Page-Davis students met in London, England, on June 17, for the purpose of showing their great esteem for their instructor, Mr. Edward T. Page, by presenting him with a silver statuette entitled, "The Standard Bearer."

No stronger evidence of the value of correct instruction could be given than this demonstration. The countenance of every student and graduate present glowed with pleasure and pride, and all took part in a spirited manifestation of appreciation. A noteworthy fact is that the students at this gathering, came in personal contact for the first time with their instructor and the intense feeling of fellowship that existed, showed conclusively that the correspondence which passed between the student and teacher was ample to inspire a full measure of enthusiasm and interest which is supposed to be engendered only by daily association in the class room.

Let us glance over the banquet hall and see what we can glean from the scene. Here, in the foreground sits a man who was, not long since, a clerk at £2:10:0 per week. Today he is an advertising man at £375:0:0 per year. Three years ago he saw a small advertisement in a newspaper which contained the statement "Learn to Write Advertisements," with a further suggestion of the opportunities that await the man who will spend a few hours occasionally in preparation for the advertisement profession. He answered the invitation to apply for a prospectus, and upon receiving a clear insight into the possibilities if he would study and qualify himself as an advertisement writer and manager, he enrolled, entering immediately upon the instruction, which resulted in his present success.

Glancing across the table our eyes rest upon the man who is conducting a business of his own. He too, felt the value of an advertising education in promoting his business interests, and likewise began the study which qualifies him to write strong and striking advertisements, which eventually brought a very perceptible increase in his trade.

By his side sits a man who is an important factor in a much larger business, and who has taken up the study of advertising with an entirely different point in view. This man is a man of great responsibilities. He has no time to construct the large amount of advertising matter used by his firm, but he is studying from a scientific standpoint, so that he might use his knowledge in a judicial capacity. He knows that a knowledge of the department over which he has jurisdiction is essential to the greatest success.

A little further to the left sits a man who was ambitious to leave the ranks of the employee. He too, also recognized his opportunity in the advertising business, started upon the lessons and even before his course was completed, he began to establish a clientelle of his own which eventually grew into a prosperous business.

One very young man can be seen in the group with a bright, wide-awake expression. He saw the advantage of beginning early to lay the foundation for his life work. There are also men of mature years present, with heads and beards that are gray, who have found success in the advertising field late in life, because all their previous knowledge and experience could be utilized successfully in this line.

The banquet hall is full of men, each of whom has his own peculiar history of success attained through an advertising education in the Page-Davis School to relate. To enumerate them all, and to list each diverse trade with which they are connected would require an enormous volume. Among the scores of students attending the gathering were men in the drapery, tailoring, publishing, billposting, laundry, photography, chemical, soap manufacturing lines, etc. Even the mention of these few branches will show the wide range of usefulness in which an advertising training can be applied.

The school, not being conducted for children, has arranged the studies to meet the requirements and conveniences of men and women who know the value of their time and money. It appeals to people who possess the ambition to rise high above the common level. Such men and women have had sufficient experience in life and sufficient practice in wrestling with the problems of business to properly appreciate superior service when it is rendered to them, and any expression of gratitude tendered has naturally been based upon practical lines. Their judgment is wrought from contact with the world in the business sphere.

Therefore this demonstration is not surprising. That these men are so appreciative of the correct and careful training they have received, when such tangible results in the form of increased salaries or promotions were obtained, is but a natural result.

In presenting Mr. Page with a "Silver Standard Bearer, Mr. W. R. Irvine, who made the presentation speech, said:

"Mr. Page: It is with unbounded satisfaction and pleasure that we, British students of the Page-Davis School, seize the opportunity of your sojourn in this country to greet you as our chief, and to offer you, cn many grounds, our sincere congratulations. Thes.

of us who are here deem it a high privilege to assist on this occasion, whilst as to the greater number throughout the country who for various reasons are unable to be present, you may be assured that they are with us in spirit, and they are in hearty accord with what we are doing tonight.

I have said, sir, that we wish to congratulate you on many grounds. May we first congratulate you on being a citizen of that great country beyond the seas. Believe me, sir, the people of this country have an unbounded admiration for the genius of the American nation, and if this is so in a general sense, it is especially so in the sphere of business. We marvel at the thoroughness, the resource, the alertness, the inventiveness, of the American in business, and when we want a concrete instance in exemplification of those qualities, we could not find a better than the PageDavis School, which brings me to my second point, for most heartily do we congratulate you on being the originator and the builder-up of that great institution. In view of the present event I have been going back in my mind to the time-now rather long ago— when I went through the course. I say nothing of the crude beginnings out of which you, sir, moulded me to what I am, an advertising man, but in recalling my happy days of my correspondence with Chicago, I have been struck with two things:-First, the skill with which the lessons are designed to draw out the latent ability of the student-almost without his knowing it; secondly, the care with which the sense of taste is formed, cultivated and educated.

"Of course many things go to make a successful advertisement writer, but I venture to think, none is so important as this sense of taste, for however brilliant a man may be, if he has not a sure and unerring perception of the fitness of things, he may frequently do more harm than good. That we all know, and I

"While you continue to do a thing simply because you have always done it, your competitors feel perfectly satisfied."

"The man who is fitted to take care of himself in all the conditions in which he may be placed, is, in a very important sense, an educated man. The savage who understands the habits of animals, who is a good hunter and fisher, is a man of education, taking into consideration his circumstances. The graduate of a university who cannot take care of himself—no matter how much he may have studied-IS NOT AN EDUCATED MAN."-Ingersoll.

The stability of American business life must rest upon the honorable relation which employer and employee and seller and buyer maintain with each other. In the wholesome preservation of the given word lies the present and future safety of our financial and commercial institutions.-Grover Cleveland.

think the value of the Page-Davis course is pre-eminently shown by the emphasis it lays on this side of the training. Throughout the lessons we find a sprinkling of what in this country we call without the slightest intention of offence-Americanism, those bright phrases which fasten themselves on the imagination, and will not let you forget them. I am going to quote one, which has become a favorite saying of mine, because I think it embodies what I spoke of just now as "the genius of the American nation." In one of the lessons the student is exhorted to "get down to work and show himself." You, sir, when you initiated and elaborated the Page-Davis course, "got down to work and showed yourself."

"And then, we want to congratulate you on your British representative. He is the right man in the

right place. From first to last, from the day when I filled out my application as a student, to the present time, I have had a good deal to do with James Black, and you may take it from me, sir, if you do not know it, but I am sure you do, that he is in the strictest sense of the word "one of the best.' Abounding in energy, tactful in negotiation, facing every difficulty with a ready smile and a brave heart, he is indeed a worthy representative.

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"And now, I will ask that you accept as a mark of our appreciation, a silver statuette, 'The Standard Bearer,' there could be no better title."

The presentation was followed by a happy hour of goodfellowship in which many pleasant and profitable friendships were formed. An advertising club of Page-Davis men and women was suggested and the proposed alumni is now in process of organization. The value of such an association to the members cannot be over-estimated, for there is no line of other work in which an exchange of ideas is so beneficial.

"Material opportunities are not less 'opportunities' because they are 'material,' if we but realize they are opportunities and act accordingly.

"Tomorrow's accomplishments depend upon realization of the opportunities of today—and the manner in which we take advantage of them.

"This applies to every department of life and effort. "The achievements of both artisans and artists may be justly measured only by the capabilities of each— for each may become what he will-limited only by his capabilities.

"Faithful performance-be the duty never so material is the one thing most to be desired.

"As good almost to kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself."-Milton.

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