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This is the most beautiful set of souvenir post cards ever produced. Every card is a work of art. They are fitly named "Beauties of Friendship." The set consists of ten cards, each card bearing a different flower and a different expression of love and esteem. Each flower is reproduced in its natural colors in a most lifelike manner. The gold background adds to the effect and causes the flowers to stand out from the cards in a realistic manner. Each card bears a different verse of sentiment suitable and appropriate for any time or person. While the supply lasts we want every reader who sees this offer to write us at once and we will mail them free a set of these wonderfully attractive cards.

WHY THESE CARDS ARE FREE: The purpose of this advertisement is not to sell you this set of post cards, but to get in touch with people who buy and appreciate post cards. We have a special proposition to make to all such people, and in order to find out who they are and where they are we make this Special Offer: If you will fill out and mail us the coupon below, with three two-cent stamps to cover cost of clerical expense, postage and packing, we will send you absolutely free this set of ten (10) Beauties of Friendship" post cards. We make no profit on this transaction, in fact we lose money unless you see fit to do the small favor we shall ask of you when we send you these cards, but as it will be something which will benefit you, we are willing to run the risk of losing money on this offer.

EVERY YOUNG MAN Should Read Modern Methods

Cut out and Mail this Coupon

Because in every issue it gives ideas concerning business and office methods in use in the best offices in all the cities.

The articles published in Modern Methods are by men who are themselves successful in business and office management and they are the men whose ways you must emula te if you aspire for promotion to an executive position.

Don't be a Clerk

BUT LEARN HOW TO PROGRESS by reading Modern Methods. It will tell you more in one issue than you can learn in two years otherwise.


Published by

Modern Methods Publishing Co. Detroit, Mich.

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tory and Progress, devoted

to the interests of the Southwest Section of the United States. Wants a subscription representative in every city in the country; also desires State Managers experienced in handling crews. Write us at once, for Copy and Terms.

The following are some of the attractive premiums we allow our agents to give FREE with subscriptions, which enables them to earn from $5.00 to $15.00 a day: PREMIUMS.

One eight-plece Kitchen set, retailing for not less than $2.50 for $1.75 with one year's subscription, or

Six handsome pictures of Cow Boy-Girls, Mining Girls, in colors, which have retailed for $1.50, for $1.00 with one year's subscription, or

One Rollman Food Chopper, retailing for $1.00, for $1.25 with one year's subscription, or

One Hammond's Handy Atlas of the World, in book form, of 106 pages, retailing for $1.00, for $1.00 with one year's subscription, or

One Lightning Razor, made to sell for $1.00, and guaranteed, for $1.25 with one year's subscription, or FREE with two years' subscription, or One year's subscription to "Success Magazine," one year's subscription to "The Great Southwest," and 10 vols. of English Fiction, bound in red silk cloth, good paper, described in September issue of our magazine, for $3.25. This is an unusual offer, or

One Mission Lamp, for gas, oil or electricity. for $4.50 with one year's subscription. Lamp is retailing for not less than $9.00. Sent express prepaid.

We have other attractive premiums besides the above.

As our magazine is the ONLY HIGH-CLASS LITERARY MAGAZINE which is devoted exclusively to the development of the Southwest, it is attractive to easterners who are contemplating locating in this section; therefore, our eastern agents have no difficulty in securing lots of subscriptions.

Subscription $1.00 a year. Send 10 cts. for copy. The GREAT SOUTHWEST MAGAZINE, 1840 California St., Denver, Col.

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Set consists of One Quart Water Pitcher, 6 half-pint star cut Tumblers and highly reflecting beveled Belgium glass, 14-inch Mirror Plateau, with silver plated mountings.


THIS GENUINE RICH CUT GLASS WATER SET is unsurpassed for its distinctive character. Its clear crystal color adds a lustrous effect to the dining table or sideboard, and gives the home that touch of refinement so greatly appreciated by neighbors and friends. Buying cut glass is a judicious investment. Such an opportunity as this is unusual. The retailers' and jobbers' profits have been eliminated-you buy at factory prices.

An appropriate gift is this handsome WATER SET which is unique, brilliant and sparkling. Brides are especially pleased when they are presented with a set of this RICH CUT GLASS and it makes a suitable gift all the year through.

Send $1.00 for year's subscription to COMMON-SENSE, afterwards pay $1.00 a month for twelve months, which completes the payments on both water set and magazine. Remember the publishers of COMMON-SENSE stands back of this offer. Think of it, can you find a merchant in your city who will sell anything like this set for the money in small monthly payments and give you plenty of time to pay for it?

We are


Naturally you wonder how we can afford to make such an unheard of offer. doing it in order to introduce COMMON-SENSE to a wider circle of readers. COMMON-SENSE has a mission-to help you attain your ambition, to suggest ways increasing your earning capacity and to make your life a greater success. as the allotment is small, first come first served.


Write at once


Michigan Blvd. & 40th St., CHICAGO, ILL.

When writing to advertisers please mention Common-Sense.


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World's Greatest Collectors' Paper

Was First Paper in U. S. to Have Card Dept. Organ Most and Largest Card Clubs.

Send ten cents to the undersigned and you will receive for three months the oldest, largest and best collectors' monthly for all kinds of Hobbies; Natural History and American Historical Discoveries; Coins, Stamps, Curios, Relics, Photography, Minerals, Sciences, Illustrated Souvenir Post Cards, Rarities and New Finds for all Kinds of Collectors. Over 15,000 Ads. in the past two years. The Philatelic West and Camera News, Superior, Nebraska, U. S. A.

Greatest of its kind in the world. Fifty cents entitles you to a year's subscription and a free fifteen-word exchange notice in the largest exchange department extant. Over 3,600 pages in two years.

This Illustrated 100-Page Monthly

was established in 1895, and has the largest circulation of any collectors' monthly in the world, and in size has no rival. More ads. in the WEST than in all other American Collector monthlies combined. The best paying medium for advertisers. Rates small, results large. It will pay to write us about it. OUR MOTTO: "The best and lots of it." Invest ten cents judiciously by sending it to

L. T. BRODSTONE, Publisher,

Superior, Nebraska, U. S. A.

Send five cents for membership card to American Camera Souvenir Card Club Exchange-over 8,000 members in all parts of the world-or fifty cents for one year's membership to largest Souvenir Post Card or Philatelic Society Collectors Union.

West Souvenir Post Cars, 10 cents the dozen. Many colors. Try them.

SPECIAL OFFER-Six months' subscription and fifty beautiful post cards, 25c.

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Wild and Wooly Texas

The Land of Promise

Texas, the wild and wooly state of yesterday, is now the "largest" state in the Union. In no other section is there to be found the great wealth, the great climate, the great social, commercial and political possibilities of Southwest Texas-and, the "Garden Spot" is San Antonio.

Every feature of this City of Sunshine and Flowers is fully depicted in our new and highly attractive book, "SAN ANTONIO HISTORICAL and MODERN." Profusely illustrated, showing resorts, historic places, handsome homes and commercial interests.

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[blocks in formation]

$100 In Gold Given Away.

Also a large number of valuable prizes. A genuine bona fide offer. Read our proposition. Are you a smart speller? We give $100 in gold and other prizes to those able to make the largest list of words from the words DIXIE HOME MAGAZINE, You can make at least twenty, we believe, and if your list is the largest you will get the greatest prize. In case of tie, prizes will be divided. Here are the rules to follow: Use only words in the English language. Words alike, but with different meanings can be used but once. Use any dictionary. Pronouns, nouns, verbs, adverbs, suffixes, adjectives, proper nouns, allowed. Anything that is a legitimate word will be allowed. This is the way: Dog, do. Use these words and arrange alphabetically.

The following is a list of the prizes:

$25.00 for the largest list of words as above.
$15.00 second largest list.

$12.00 set of dishes third largest list.

$10.00 Mission Lamp, fourth largest list.

$10.00 cash fifth largest list.

$5.00 cash sixth largest list.

$5.00 set of Shakespeare seventh largest list. $2.00 each to the next twenty-two highest. Subscriptions to the Dixie Home one year to the next hundred highest.

We want you to know the Dixie Home, which is one of the brightest and best illustrated magazines in the world, and it is for this reason that we offer these premiums. We make no extra charge for the privilege of entering this wordbuilding contest. To enter the contest it is necessary for you to send us fifty cents for subscription to the Dixie Home for one year, with your list of words. List should be sent in at once. The lucky ones' names will be published later. This is a great offer to those that take an interest in such contests. Prizes will be awarded Nov. 20. Address,

"CONTEST EDITOR," DIXIE HOME, Dept. C. S. Birmingham, Ala.




Tells all about the MAIL ORDER BUSINESS from A to Z. It tells you how to start with little capital and make money from the very beginning and get hundreds of cash orders per day; how others do it; it tells you where to get free circulars of fast selling goods with your name and address printed on as dealer; where to get illustrated catalogues, advertising fast sellers, with your name and address printed on as manufacturer and dealer; where to get the goods at lowest rates; where to get all kinds of fast selling merchandise at lowest wholesale prices and fast selling books for 2 to 5 cents each that retail at 25 and 50 cents; where to get all kinds of books at wholesale and circulars with your imprint on as publisher; where to get all kinds of jewelry and watches direct from the factory; where to get cuts and electrotypes advertising same; where to get paper boxes and labels; where to get dry goods, clothing, groceries, notions, etc., at wholesale prices; where to get a complete set of small and large circulars containing your name and address as manufacturer or dealer, at 25c to 75c per 1,000, goods at less than 14 price to the trade; will tell you how to sell your neighbors names and addresses, and how to get big prices for different kinds of names; gives you advice about advertising agents that can save and make you money; tells WHAT, WHEN and WHERE to ADVERTISE; how to make your ads TAKE WELL, CHARM YOUR READERS, etc.; how to do a Manufacturing Business in your own home, what to manufacture and how to put it on the market; it gives the best methods and secrets known by which you can make thousands of dollars without leaving your own home; we tell you where to get wooden and tin boxes and bottles, drugs of all kinds, and many articles not mentioned here. This department alone will be worth hundreds of dollars to YOU. We tell you how to start on small capital, at your own home, and make money. This business is suited to women as well as men, and quite often they do better. Any one who can read and write and has some common sense can do a Mail Order Business by consulting MODERN ADVERTISING. Subscribe today and become wise in the Mail Order Business, sit in your chair and make money rain or shine. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.


Return this advertisement with 50 CENTS and receive the next twelve issues of MODERN ADVERTISING, and also a copy of our great book, entitled FIVE HUNDRED MODERN ADVERTISING SECRETS. The best published. All for only 50 CENTS. Send now. H. W. BURGES, Publisher, 234 C. B., Grand Rapids, Mich.

When writing to advertisers please mention Common-Sense.

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