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accomplishment, must come the man. What will be your part in the history of the twentieth century? When the train of Destiny goes thundering into the Terminal of Larger Accomplishments, will you be on the engine or will you be kicked off at some outof-the-way station because you were only a dead weight, a hinderer of progress and a sponge on the production of others?

There must be Edisons and Wrights and Roosevelts in every generation if the world is to go on, and, if you do not furnish any motive power, don't hang on to the brakes. Don't be satisfied to "follow the pace," but set a pace for others to follow. Only the stragglers, the clowns and the howling calliope bring up the rear. The Practical World.

Self-Reliance Better Than "Easy Money"

By Chas. G. Dawes, Ex-Comptroller of the Currency This is a hard world in business. It always has been, and always will be. There are many good and generous men in it. There are many who will lend a helping hand to you in your adversity, but in the time of need you will not find them among the men who tried to get you to embark in speculation with your little surplus and to sell you something which would help you to "easy money."

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Be self-reliant. Make your own investigation in investments. When you can not, put your money in a good savings bank. Distrust the financial demagogue as you distrust the political demagogue. Keep your hand on your pocketbook as you travel through life-first, to give always in proportion to your means to those who are poorer; second, to hold from those who would take through force or fraud what you need for yourself and yours. You will then, writes Mr. Dawes in the Saturday Evening Post, have your hand where most of the other fellows have only their eyes. this alone you will have the advantage of them.

Cutting Summer Advertising


The subject of cutting newspaper advertising in summer should be shunned by the man who has something to sell and wants to sell it, with as much vigor as he would shun a contagious disease.

How many merchants are there who will cut off every dollar of their newspaper advertising appropriation on the first of July or August, and keep it cut off until October 1. You could not begin to count them on your fingers.

These same merchants do not close up their doors because business is dull. These same merchants make just as heavy margins on what they sell in July and August as in January and February. These same merchants don't let their best help go just because the volume of business is not done in midsummer.

Advertising the right kind- will work just as good profits in August as in December. But it must be the right kind. It must not be "guesswork" advertising. It must be legitimately planned and legitimately placed otherwise it will be as much a failure as a snowball at this season.

The great trouble lies in planning and placing the appropriation. The ever evident advertising fakir is abroad in July and August as he is in the winter months, and it seems that he reaps a goodlier harvest. when "business is dull" than when business is really brisk. The fakir can always find enough listeners and takers to fill his medium-if such you can call it-with pages and pages of paid space, while the columns of the daily papers-the best mediums on earth -look as though they had been struck by a Kansas cyclone.

How many schemes, for instance have you had placed before you within the past week? How many of them have you taken space in? How much return do you expect? Perhaps you'll take it out in expectation. The fake scheme in a business sense is like unto the dungeon of death, with the usual inscription above the door, "He who enters here leaves hope. behind." It is an ulcer on the face of the advertising business and is responsible for more failures in advertising than any one thing any one man can point to. But how are you to know the "fake" from the real thing. You cannot hope to unless you devote time and study to advertising in all its branches. You may know dry goods or shoes or clothing or some other line of trade from a to izard, but you don't know advertising. You have never given it enough study to learn the very rudiments, much less the basic principles.

What are you to do? Depend on someone who does know, just as you wiuld depend on your lawyer for legal advice. You would be looked upon as a fool in the community if you tried to plead your own case before a court of justice. You will be looked upon as a "chump" if you try to plead your own advertising case before the tribunal of publicity. "It's not in the cards." All you've got to do is to be sensible. If you are paying a man for his advertising knowledge and services, don't- please don't go over his head in placing your advertising. in placing your advertising. Don't make him feel little, you'll make him angry, and that doesn't pay dividends. If he knows his business he'll know the "fake" and show him no quarter. If he knows not his business there are others who do. At any rate, while he is in your employ treat him to the courtesy he deserves by virtue of his position, and keep well before him the fact that when he takes up the fake advertiser as his medium between your wares and those who are to purchase them, he "leaves hope behind."

Pointed Paragraphs For Advertising

Managers and Writers

These Ideas Can Be Used To Increase The Pulling Power of Advertisements and Follow-Up Letters

The old-bargain-bringing room is at work again. He sweeps specials your way and puts them before you in so tempting a style as to draw you to him. Walk not into temptation, the Good Book says, but good things are always tempting. We lead you into temptation with values that do you more good than harm.

There's not a calm, dead or dull spot in any of the broad aisles where these things are assembled. Business is bright all around. No interval of quietness; no relaxation, not a turgid corner anywhere. The early trade principles have widened and grown until they now circle the entire house furnishing goods sphere.

To do a fine thing one week and sit down idly for six months is impossible here. This store is immeasurably better than it was a year ago, and each tomorrow will find us still better because of the momentum of experience and determination.

Good dress always attracts attention. It's the passport into good society. Ill dressed men or women are not welcome anywhere. The expense-the only stumbling block that has often prevented folks from dressing as well as they would have liked to need not stand in the way any more-for the best of clothes are now sold at

Important Trifles. A correct visiting card, à suitable invitation, a stylish monogram, seem small matters, but their arrangement and execution furnish scope for the most refined taste and artistic skill. A man will manage a business deal with ease, but will be seized with an attack of brain fever if compelled to furnish a form for an invitation. Is it a business? No. It's an art.

We're drawing the strings tight. Our prices for our instruments are rounding up a big part of the piano trade of town. There's no reason why there shouldn't be bargain specials in pianos as well as anything else. We're working on that principle. Watch our announcements, and you'll get a piano with a reputation at a price that probably wouldn't buy an inferior instrument.

The ebb and flow of the trade tide is like that of the Ocean. The shack water of summer business is no sooner reached than the flood tide of Fall sets in. This is upon us in resistless volume. We foresaw it. We've been preparing for it for months. We are ready for it been doing some masterly buying for you. All that is newest and best awaits your in

We're masters of the tailoring art, and we will give any form a fashion-plate appearance.

Cash has a leverage now that will move ponderous furniture values.

The whole store is on the latch, and the way is open for the coming of the new dress goods.

While some aim to, and some claim to, we really give best value for least money.

It is only recognizing real merit to call our instruments the dance pianos. Their delightful vocal quality and singing tone give an added charm to the ball room.

Are your dollars dead or alive? If you carry them in your pocket they are dead. If you invest ten of them in one of our $10.00 suits or overcoats they will be alive and return to you big value.

Money makes the Mare go! ! ! and just now it makes the prices fall. Five thousand dollars worth of Hardware at cost for cash or secured payments. You can't get a better bargain than we offer now.

Only for comparison and the lesson it experiences may have taught us. The great present and greater future engross all our attention and energies. The present of this store is the result of your confidence in our desire and ability to serve you honestly.

This business follows its own leadership, and swings in the first month of autumn with the greatest gathering of desirable merchandise we have ever succeeded in collecting for our patrons. Everything fresh and new, sparkling with the brightest fashion thoughts of the new season.

Fretful Children.-Maybe it's the shoes. Bad humor comes from discomfort. We have shoes to fit every little foot, prices to suit any purse, and more for the money than any store in the city, because we make a special study of children's and misses' shoemaking and pricemaking.

Idle hands, like idle machinery, grow rusty. One of our manufacturers has been running his plant during the dull season just for the sake of keeping it going. It has been a labor of expediency rather than profit. That goes mostly to you. We have bought a goodly share of his summer's work at bare cost. price.

A tidal wave of bargain enthusiasm sweeps the shelves. Vast multitudes of Fall goods surging in squeeze last season's remnants hard for room, and prices (always more fragile here than China) are the first to break. The liliputian figures linked to colossal

Hustling vs. System

There is a firm in Chicago where the "old man' gets down early in the morning, dusts off part of his desk, airs the office, breathes three minutes at the open window for a starter, and then pitches into his work like a cyclone. He opens his letters, takes out the orders, letter and all, hands them to the shipping clerk one at a time, leaps back to his office to dictate replies from memory, telling the customer what goods are out of stock, jots down memorandums in his pocket note book concerning goods to be ordered, fusses around from ten to twelve phoning to freight agents and dictating to dissatisfied customers, and then spends the entire afternoon charging around the establishment like a race-horse, clearing things up and asking his office-boy such questions as:

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"Did the Adams Express Co. call for a package of this fact becomes apparent when an effort is made day before yesterday, just after dinner?"

“Have you seen a small brown parcel addressed to Jones & Co?"

"Has the rest of that stock come yet from the Smith Mnfg. Co. ?"

And every time that neither he nor the office-boy can give the answer, he fishes out his pocket note book runs out to the shipping room to get an old letter on the subject in hand, and practices breaking that commandment that has to do with taking the name of the Lord in vain.

There is another firm in Chicago where the boss takes about one day off every year during a slack season, hunts up a stock record book that will serve his purposes, has order blanks printed and numbered serially with five duplicates for each order, carbons between, cleans out his letter-filing case, and gets an express receipt book. He turns the stock record over to the head shipping clerk, with proper instructions, and then, every time an order comes in he has it copied once, on the order blank with five duplicates. He files one of these duplicates in special order-file, gives the second to his bookkeeper, hands two of them to the head shipping clerk, and sends the fifth to the customer as an acknowledgment of order. The shipping clerk checks the two he has in duplicate, marking anything that may be out of stock, returns one to the bookkeeper and keeps the other on file in the shipping


Each one of the five bears the same number, so there is practically no danger of a record being lost.

But, better still, there is very little danger of any article being out of stock. The "old man" takes another day off during slack season and has a session with the stock keeper to find out how large a stock of each article should be kept on hand to meet ordinary demands, and gives instructions for the stock to be replenished whenever the danger line is reached; and the same system of duplicate order blanks is used

to stop the flow. Veins carry the blood to the heart, the arteries convey it in the opposite direction, so when a vein is severed pressure should be applied below the wound; but in the case of an artery, pressure above or between the wound and the heart is necessary. Sometimes, in the case of an extensive cut, both arteries and veins may be severed, and then pressure ought to be applied both above and below the wound. More than one man has bled to death with a crowd looking on, simply because none of the bystanders knew enough to stop the flow of blood until a doctor could arrive. A handkerchief with a knot in it tied around the limb will often answer the purpose. Even the pressure of a thumb will sometimes hold back the blood until a surgeon can apply more effective


Perseverance Conquers All

Genius, that Power that dazzles mortal eyes,
Is oft but perseverance in disguise.
Continuous effort of itself implies,

In spite of countless falls, the power to rise.
'Twixt failure and success, the point's so fine
Men sometimes know not when they touch the line.
Just when the pearl was waiting one more plunge,
How many a struggler has thrown up the sponge!
As the tide goes clear out, it comes clear in;
In business, 'tis at turns the wisest win.
And oh! how true, when shades of doubt dismay,
"'Tis often darkest just before the day."
A little more persistence, courage, vim!
Success will dawn o'er fortune's cloudy rim.
Then take this honey for the bitterest cup:
"There is no failure save in giving up,
No real fall as long as one still tries,
For seeming setbacks made the strong man wise.
There's no defeat, in truth, save from within.
Unless you're beaten there, you're bound to win!"
-Henry Austin.

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The Following Reviews Are of the Most Popular and Latest Books Published

THE BETTER TREASURE, by Mary Raymond Shipman
Andrews. Published by Bobbs Merrill Co., Indianapolis,

The author presents in the form of a charming story a strong powerful sermon on the value of returning good for evil. It is the history of Carl Maxwell, lonely, forgotten and forsaken the night before Christmas he overhears a conversation between his cousin and the town Parson Dr. Harding relative to the safe handling of a large sum of money, how the Clergyman finally hits on the idea of taking the treasure to his own home, and how the foresaken Carl Maxwell follows him with the intention of stealing the money, but secures instead "The Better Treasure", is picturesquely told. The following passage taken from the book is typical of the lesson it teaches:

"Going into wrong doing is like going into a tunnel that leads downhill to darkness. At every step the walking gels harder, and the air gets worse, and it's dirtier and more uninteresting. And all the time all you have to do is to face about and you see the sunlight".

"Of course it is not simple getting back. Sure as fate you'll bark your shins, and stagger into holes, and fall down, and may be get discouraged. But Heavens, man! What's that, when you see daylight, and you see you're getting to it? What's more, you'll see the faces of friends you didn't know you had waiting for you-they were there all the time and you wouldn't look at them-you were facing the wrong way".

A GENTLEMAN OF QUALITY, by Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey. Published by L. C. Page & Co., Boston.

A beautiful romance with many exciting adventures. The mysterious disappearance of Lord John Hertford, ninth earl of Ashton, at the height of the wedding gaities; his failure to return. The discovery in London of a young man, who gives his name as John Cowingford Ashton. Robert, the faithful old servant, observing his exact likeness to Lord John persuades the young man to accompany him to the London Mansion.

Lady Mercy Covington, firmly believes that Robert, the servant, is right in his assumption that young Ashton is her missing husband, and that he is mentally unbalanced-how the young man finally gets over the many complications. makes the Gentleman of Quality a masterpiece of fiction.

HILL-CREST, by Julia Colliton Flewellyn. Published by
Arena Publishing Co., Boston, Mass.

For a fascinating and interesting story of the numerous trials, sorrows and joy of a young girl, Hill-Crest, is a delightful example. Robert McDonnell, a widower, possesses four charming daughters, Kathey, the eldest of the McDonnell

girls, is the beauty of the family. It is with her many delightful experiences that the reader is first given an insight to the genuine and unusual beauty of the author's style.

The youngest daughter, Berthy, unlike the other members of the family, at once holds our sympathy and compassion; it is love and caresses she yearns but neither is given hernot from cause of dislike, but her character is unfortunately misunderstood. As the plot so uniquely unfolds, we learn that Berthy is an adopted daughter of Robert McDonnell's and turns out to be the sister of a wealthy preacher. In brief Hill-Crest, is one of those rare tales, full of hopefulness and youth that appeals to all lovers of romance.

TEMPERED STEEL, by Herbert S. Mallorg. Published by R. F. Fenno & Co., New York.

A thrilling story of the troublesome times of King Stephen of England. A period when great nobles did what was right in their own eyes when the crown was without authority and the barons fought each other.

The romance is replete with exciting incident, the rivalry between cousins from the first page to the last, the action of the story rushes on with impetuosity and force which will carry the reader with it to the last words.

THE LIGHT OF STARS, by Hattie Donovan. Published by R. F. Feneno & Co., New York. Price, net, $1.00.

The Light Of Stars by Hattie Donovan is a charming unpretentious story of a country boy, Robert March. A tale unfolding and developing his singular character, his many struggles with himself, his success and many failures. This lad is an unusual compliment of youth and old age, as a boy. preternaturally old, as a man, bubbling over with youthful


Miss Donovan possesses a keen descriptive power of character portrayal, which is equaled but by few authors, and "The Light Of Stars" is an unique specimen that affords to the reader both interest and admiration.

A DRAMA IN SUNSHINE, by Horace A. Vachell. Pub lished by R. F. Fenno & Co., New York.

The sunny land of California supplies the stage upon which this wonderful drama is laid. The author has thought and felt deeply and writes from a full heart. From the very first page this fascinating tale grips and holds our interest and imagination from the start. It tells of the effect of sudden wealth upon two comparatively simple lives. The young wife's revelation of her husband's dishonesty and fading love; her struggle to keep up her courage and to make the best of what is left to her, is strongly drawn. Love, temptation, defeat and conquest enter the tale and complicate matters to an extensive degree.

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