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What Salary Should a Competent Credit
Man Receive?

Truly the above is a heartrending question and
the editors can conceive of a deep personal inter-
est in such a problem, even if unexpressed, by
every toiler in the credit profession. It has long
been a bone of contention, open or secret, be-
tween the abused credit
manager and the
cold-hearted head of the house for years
beyond reckoning. When that happy day is in
sight which establishes a definite standard of
salaries for different duties and offices in the
mercantile ladder, then will the Credit Manager
come into his own.

Certain firms seem to believe that the supervision and collection of accounts is properly a side issue of the bookkeeper's or head clerk's duties, not perhaps realizing that this patient individual has about enough troubles of his own in getting his trial balance from the cash already entered on his books without further consuming his gray matter in devising plans to accumulate even more items on the credit side of the customer's ledger leaves.

Some heads of houses do not seem to differentiate between routine bookkeeping methods and the personal elements of fine judgment entailed in the opening and satisfactory conduct of a new account. "I know personally every desirable customer and what each of my accounts will stand for," says the boss and his dictum has to stand pat. This species of employer is generally so blind to the finer points of credit safety that two or three hard financial jolts are necessary to

Gems of "There is no habit so powerful as the habit of care for others," writes Sir Gilbert Parker, author of the "The Weavers," and there is ro habit which is more representative of higher civilization. The higher man rises from the brute, the greater in his altruism, the more developed is his unselfishness. Civilized man realizes that one's life is not independent of the lives of others, that one's happiness is achieved only through the help, the sympathy, the companionship of those among whom one lives. The strong man realizes that he can do far more work in the world than that involved in merely taking care of himself, and it is his nature to take care of others, especially his own family. It is his greatest comfort and his greatest encouragement to feel that his labor protects and comforts those who are dependent upon him. The habit of taking care of others is as old as civilization and as deeply engrafted into the soul

properly waken him to recognition of credit work as a specialized branch of mercantile pursuits.

To set an arbitrary standard for the compensation of an up-to-date, keen, progressive credit man is obviously impossible. In such houses as have recognized the value of detailing their credit management to one man, his remuneration is for the most part generous. Some wholesale houses, leaders in their particular fields, are, we are told, paying salaries of $7,500 to $10,000 a year. Department stores, which in recent years have so rapidly increased their charge business, are reputed to pay from $2,500 to $5,000, this latter figure being somewhat exceptional, it is true. Many of these houses, wholesale and retail, are in constant search for every available means of information to aid their credit men and neglect no opportunity to try out any plan which seems of value.

In brief, it would appear from outward indıcations that the days when a firm thought that the $15-a-week clerk should shoulder the respon sibility of their accounts and protect them by some rare intuitive method not yet explained, in addition to his regular day's stunt on the books, is rapidly passing. Specialization was never so necessary as in these days and never so indispensable as in the credit profession, and specialists, whether in medicine, engineering or in mercantile affairs must be recognized as such financially. ---Mercantile Monthly.


of the strong man as the instinctive love of life. The normal man must take care of others beside himself in order to be happy."

"Fortune befriends the bold."-Dryden. "Never leave that 'til to-morrow which you can do to-day."-Franklin. "Success makes success money."-Chamfort.

as money makes "Make yourself necessary to everybody."Emerson.

"Ability is of little account without opportunity."-Napoleon I.

"Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one generally makes it impossible."-Mason.

"To-day is your opportunity-to-morrow some other fellows.'


"He who ceases to grow greater, grows smaller."-McKenzie.

"Every man is the architect of his own fortune."-Alexander.

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Current Events Told by Cartoons

From the Leading Artists of the Daily Press

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Anyone who has read Abe Martin before knows that
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Material for the Ad-Writer


The Only Ad-Rule Ever Made That Answers

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of the Advertisement Writer



This valuable rule gives the width of newspaper and magazine columns in inches and lines. wish to lay out space for single or double column newspaper or magazine width, no measuring is required, the rule will do it for you. It gives the number of words you need for the space you have to fill, the various sizes of type by points and ems, Agate, Nonpareil, Breveir and inch measurments. The names of the various sizes of type is given from 5% to 36 point. It also explains how to lay out your dummy, how to give typographical directions, the use of margins, preparation of body matter, using rules, use of capitals and lower case, how the firm name should appear, and the proper styles of type to use for display, body matter and emphasis. The 126 agate line and the nine inch rule combination is an absolute necessity in the preparation of advertisements. You can tell at a glance just how many inches or lines you have marked off with.out measuring. The rule is printed in two colors, on high-grade celluloid, and will be sent to any address postage prepaid, on receipt of 50 cents in stamps or silver.

12 PT. EN.




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A very serviceable PORTFOLIO 20x121⁄2 inches with a 11⁄2 inch back made of fine quality of black linen cloth, with 31⁄2 inch side and end flaps. The student will find this convenient holder very handy for unfinished dummies and drawings. When placed in the portfolio they can always be found. Price, 50c.

An excellent pair of PARALLEL RULES made of ebony, connected with brass bars, can be furnished in any length desired. Six inches, 50c. Nine inches, 80c. Twelve inches, 95c. Fifteen inches, $1.15.

ERASING SHIELD made of thin, flexible metal or celluloid with slots and holes of various sizes so that small erasures can be made on drawings, dummies, or on type writing, limited in size to that of the opening on the shield. The metal erasures, nickel plated, size 28x34 inches, 50c. In transparent celluloid, 22x41⁄2 inches, 45c; 3x5 inches, 55c.

STEEL ERASURE (knife), cocoa handle, double blade, fine quality steel. Imported, 90c; Domestic, 60c.

International Merchandise Co.


Room 52, 91 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

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