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Supplementary Reading and Language Lessons

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"I see nobody coming," Alice answered.

"I only wish I had such eyes," remarked the King. "It's as much as I can do to see real people by this light."

"Messenger, who did you pass on the road?" asked the King.

(He means whom did you pass," whispered Alice.) "Nobody, your Majesty," replied the Messenger. "Quite right, "said the King. "This young lady saw him, too. So of course Nobody walks slower than you." "I do my best," said the Messenger in a sullen tone. "I'm sure nobody walks much faster than I do."

"He can't do that," said the King, "or else he'd have been here first."

"There is nothing like eating hay when you are faint," said the King.

"I should think throwing cold water over you would be better," suggested Alice.

"I didn't say there was nothing better," the King replied, "I said there was nothing like it."

"And the box is no use without them," said the Knight.

"In winter when the fields are white
I sing this song for your delight"—

only I don't sing it," added Humpty Dumpty as an explanation.

"I see you don't," Alice said.

"If you can see whether I'm singing or reciting, you have sharper eyes than most people," Humpty Dumpty remarked severely."

"Would you be good enough to stop a minute?" panted Alice.

"I'm good enough," the King said, "only I'm not strong enough. You see a minute goes by so fearfully quick! You might as well try to stop a Bandersnatch."

Fables for Supplementary Reading

Grace Norton Whittaker


"What is the matter with our king,?" asked the Fox

one day.

"I do not know," replied the Wolf. "He was well enough when I saw him this morning. Why do you ask?" "When I went to call upon him just now he was groaning and growling so that I was afraid to go near him." Let us go and see what he is doing now," said the Wolf. "That is a good plan," replied the Fox. "I should like to know if he is ill."

They went through the woods very quietly. They

kept in the shadow of the trees. They were afraid the Lion would see them. Soon they heard groans and growls. "There, what did I tell you?" cried the Fox. "Do you think that he is sick or only angry?"

"I'm sure I don't know," replied the Wolf. "Why don't you ask him?"

"O, O, O! I am the most wretched beast in the whole

world,!" groaned the Lion. "I may as well die.”

"You are such a friend of his that I thought that you would ask him," said the Fox.

"No, no, Friend Fox," cried the Wolf. "You can't get me to do it. Try it yourself if you want to know. But here comes the Elephant. He will not be afraid of the Lion. He will stop to talk to him."

"O, yes," said the Fox. "If we listen we shall hear all about it."

"Good morning, Friend Lion," said the Elephant. "You seem to be in trouble this fine morning. Can I do anything ro help you?"

"Indeed I am in trouble but no one can help me," answered the Lion with a groan. "I am so frightened that I want to die."

"You frightened! You, the king of beasts! I can't believe it."

"But I am. I am so frightened that I tremble all over." "Pray tell me who there is that can frighten you so,' said the Elephant.

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"You will laugh at me, I know. Such a very small is the cock over there in the barn-yard.” creature did it. I could eat him at one mouthful. It

"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the Elephant. "Afraid of the cock! That is a good joke!"

he crows I am too frightened to move. "It is not the cock, but the noise he makes. Whenever

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"Just forget all about it till he crows again," said the Elephant.

"I wish I could," replied the Lion. "I have tried. I am the unhappiest animal alive."

"Excuse me for laughing," said the Elephant. "I did not mean to be unkind.

Just then the Elephant began to shake his head and to flap his ears as if something were troubling him very much. He seemed very frightened.

"What troubles you so?" asked the Lion. "Nothing could hurt you. You are so strong and big."

"Just look at this little buzzing gnat," said the Elephant.

Now it was the Lion's turn to laugh. "A little thing like that hurt you!" said he. "He is so small that I cannot see him from here."

"He is not very large," replied the Elephant, "but if he should sting the innermost part of my ear I should go mad with pain."

"I see! I see!" said the Lion. "Everyone has his troubles. I will try to forget mine. After all, the cock does not crow all of the time. When he is still I will forget him. I will think of pleasant things.

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"That is what I do," cried the Elephant. "As you say, mine is a very tiny trouble and it does not last long.. There goes the gnat. I think I had better go, too. Goodbye."

"What do you think of that?" asked the Wolf. "I never dreamed that the Lion and Elephant were afraid of anything."

"Nor I," said the Fox. "But I think now that perhaps they have as many troubles as anyone.”


Our new story is about several animals. One is the fox. James may tell me the best fox story he knows.


Outlines for the Pied Piper

Very good, James. Another animal in the story is the wolf. Who would like to tell a story about him. Well done, Mary. Still another animal is the lion. Charles would like to tell a story about him. Well told, Charles. The other animal is an elephant. You have all seen elephants, but no one has heard a story about him. We have one now and it will tell us that the big fellow has his troubles as well as other animals. (Pass copies of the story.)

Read till you learn what the fox heard. What was it? What do you think was the trouble? Read aloud. We will read till we learn what they decide to do. Tell me what they did. What did the fox say? What was the wolf's reply? Read aloud.

The fox thought of a way to find out what was the matter with the lion. Read till you learn his plan. What was it? What do you think of it? Why? Read aloud. The elephant will not be afraid to talk to the lion. Read

till learn what was the matter with the lion. Tell me. you What do you suppose frightened him? Can you not think of something that he might fear? James thinks that it might be a man with a gun.

Read till you learn what it was. Are you surprised? What do you think the elephant said? Read aloud.

What could there be about the cock that an animal like the lion would fear? Read till you find out. Tell me. What did the elephant think of it? Do you think it strange? Why? Read aloud. Read till you learm what the elephant did very soon. Tell me. What do you think was the matter with him?

Read aloud.

Find out what was the trouble. Tell me. Read it aloud.

What do you think the elephant will say? Read till you learn why the elephant is afraid. Why? Read aloud. Read till you find out what the lion said to him, then. Tell me what he said. Read aloud.

Finish the story. What did the elephant say? What did the fox say? The wolf? Read aloud.

Anne may read the whole story. Well done, Anne. You may select children for the wolf, fox, lion and elephant. You may play the story. Ask some one to read the descriptions. Choose other children to take your parts and we will see if they can play it as well as you did. Charles may be the judge and select those who do the best to play our story for Miss A's children tomorrow morning.

(First reading in each case should be silent reading.)

A Page for Story Tellers

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Years ago in the days of King Richard part of England was much distressed because of a strange, bold fellow who lived with his outlaw band in Sherwood Forest.

An Irish

T was the Eve of Samhain, which we Christians call
All Hallows' Eve.

The King of Ireland, Conn, the Hundred Fighter, sat at supper at his palace at Tara. All his chiefs and mighty men were with him. On his right hand was his only son, Art the Solitary, so called because he had no brothers. The sons of Morna, who had kept the boy Finn out of his rights and were at the time trying to kill him if they could,' were here, too. Chief amongst them was Gaul mac Morna, a huge and strong warrior, and Captain of all the Fians ever since that battle in which Finn's father had been killed.

And Gaul's men were with him. The great long table was spread for supper. A thousand wax candles shed their light through the chamber, and caused the vessels of gold, silver, and bronze to shine. Yet though it was a great feast, none of these warriors seemed to care about eating or drinking; every face was sad, and there was little conversation, and no music. It seemed as if they were expecting some calamity. Conn's sceptre, which was a plain staff of silver, lay beside him on the table, and there was a canopy of bright bronze over his head. Gaul mac Morna, Captain of the Fians, sat at the other end of the long table. Every warrior wore a bright banqueting mantle of silk or satin, scarlet or crimson, blue, green, or purple, fastened on the breast either with a great brooch or with a pin of gold or

silver. Yet, though their raiment was bright and gay, and though all the usual instruments of festivity were there, and a thousand tall candles shed their light over the scene, no one looked happy.

Then was heard a low sound like thunder, and the earth seemed to tremble, and after that they distinctly heard a footfall like the low, deliberate tread of a giant. These footfalls sent a chill into every heart, and every face, gloomy before, was now pale.

The King leaned past his son, Art the Solitary, and said to a certain Druid who sat beside Art, "Is this the son of Midna come before his time?" "It is not," said the Druid, "but it is the man who is to conquer Midna. One is coming to Tara this night before whose glory all other glory shall wax dim."

Shortly after that they heard the voices of the doorkeepers raised in contention, as if they would repel from the hall some one who wished to enter, then a slight scuffle, and after that a strange figure entered the chamber. He was dressed in the skins of wild beasts, and wore over his shoulders a huge thick cloak of wild boars' skins, fastened on the breast with a white tusk of the same animal. He wore a shield and two spears. Though of huge stature his face was that of a boy, smooth on the cheeks and lips. It was white and ruddy, and very handsome. His hair was like refined gold. A light seemed to go out from him, before which the candles burned dim. It was Finn. He stood in the doorway, and cried out in a strong and sonorous, but musical, voice:

"O Conn the Hundred-Fighter, son of Felimy, the righteous son of Tuthal the legitimate, O King of the Kings of Erin, a wronged and disinherited youth, possessing nowhere one rood of his patrimony, a wanderer and an outlaw, a hunter of the wildernesses and mountains, claims hospitality of thee, illustrious prince, on the eve of the great festival of Samhain.”

"Thou art welcome whoever thou art," answered the King," "and doubly welcome because thou art unfortunate. I think, such is thy face and form, that thou art the son of some mighty king on whom disaster has fallen undeserved. The high gods of Erin grant thee speedy restoration and strong vengeance of thy many wrongs. Sit here, O noble youth, between me and my only son, Art, heir to my kingdom."

An attendant took his weapons from the youth and hung them on the walls with the rest, and Finn sat down between the King of Ireland and his only son. Choice food was set before him, which he ate, and old ale, which he drank. From the moment he entered no one thought of anything but of him. When Finn had made an end of eating and drinking, he said to the King:

"O illustrious prince, though it is not right for a guest even to seem to observe aught that may be awry, or not as it should be, in the hall of his entertainer, yet the sorrow of a kindly host is a sorrow, too, to his guest, and sometimes unawares the man of the house finds succcor and help in the stranger. There is sorrow in this chamber of festivity. If anyone who is dear to thee and thy people happens to be dead, I can do nothing. But I say it, and it is not a vain boast, that even if a person is at the point of death, I can restore him to life and health, for there are marvelous powers of life-giving in my two hands."

Conn the Hundred-Fighter answered, "Our grief is not such as you suppose; and why should I not tell a cause of shame, which is known far and wide? This, then, is the reason of our being together, and the gloom which is over us. There is a mighty enchanter whose dwelling is in the haunted mountains of Slieve Gullion in the north. His name is Allen, son of Midna, and his enmity to me is as great as his power. Once every year, at this season, it is his pleasure to burn Tara. Decending out of his wizard haunts, he standeth over against it, till it is consumed. Then he goes away mocking and

triumphant. This annual building of Tara, only to be annually consumed, is a shame to me, and till this enchanter declared war against me, I have lived without reproach.'

"But," said Finn, "how is it that thy young warriors, valiant and swift, do not repel him, or kill him?" "Alas!" said Conn, "all our valor is in vain againstt this man. Our hosts encompass Tara on all sides, keeping watch and ward when the fatal night comes. Then the son of Midna plays on his Druidic instrument of music, on his magic pipe and his magic lyre, and as the fairy music falls on our ears, our eyelids grow heavy, and soon all subside upon the grass in deep slumber. So comes this man against the city and shoots his fire-balls against it, and utterly consumes it. Nine years he has burnt Tara in that manner, and this is the tenth. At midnight tonight he will come and do the same. Last year (though it was a shame to me that I, who am the high King over all Ireland, should not be able to defend Tara) I summoned Gaul mac Morna and all the Fians to my assistance. They came, but the pipe and lyre of the son of Midna prevailed over them too, so that Tara was burned as at other times. Nor have we any reason to believe that the son of Midna will not burn the city again to-night as he did last year. All the women and children have been sent out of Tara this day. We are only men of war here, waiting for the time. That, O noble youth, is why we are sad. The 'Pillars of Tara' are broken, and the might of the Fians is as nought before the power of this man."

"What shall be my reward if I kill this man and save Tara asked Finn''?

"Thy inheritance," answered the King, "be it great or small, and whether it lies in Ireland or beyond Ireland; and for securities I give you my son Art and Gaul mac Morna and the chief of the Fians."

Gaul and the captains of the Fianna consented to that arrangement, though reluctantly, for their minds misgave them as to who the great youth might be.

After that all rose and armed themselves and ringed Tara round with horse and foot, and thrice Conn the Hundred Fighter raised his awful regal voice, enjoining vigilance upon his people, and thrice Gaul mac Morna did the same, addressing the Fians, and after that they filled their ears with wax and wool, and kept a stern and fierce watch, and many of them thrust the points of their swords into their flesh.

Now Finn was alone in the banqueting chamber after the rest had gone out, and he washed his face and his hands in pure water, and he took from the bag that was at his girdle the instruments of divination and magic, which had been his father's, and what use he made of them is not known; but ere long a man stood before him, holding a spear in one hand and a blue mantle in the other. There were twenty nails of gold of Arabia in the spear. The nails glittered like stars, and twinkled with live light as stars do in a frosty night, and the blade of it quivered like a tongue of white fire. From haft to blade-point that spear was alive. There were voices in it too, and the war-tunes of the enchanted races of Erin, whom they called the Tuatha De Danan, sounded from it. The mantle, too, was a wonder, for innumerable stars twinkled in the blue, and the likeness of clouds passed through it. The man gave these things to Finn, and when he had instructed him in their use, he was not seen.

Then Finn arose and armed himself, and took the magic spear and mantle and went out. There was a ring of flame round Tara that night, for the Fians and the warriors of Conn had torches in their hands, and all the royal buildings of Tara showed clear in the light, and also the dark serpentine course of the Boyne, which flowed past Tara on the north; and there, standing silent and alert, were the innumerable warriors of all Erin, with spear and shield, keeping watch and ward against the son of Midna, also

Very good, James. Another animal in the story is the wolf. Who would like to tell a story about him. Well done, Mary. Still another animal is the lion. Charles would like to tell a story about him. Well told, Charles. The other animal is an elephant. You have all seen elephants, but no one has heard a story about him. We have one now and it will tell us that the big fellow has his troubles as well as other animals. (Pass copies of the story.)

Read till you learn what the fox heard. What was it? What do you think was the trouble? Read aloud. We will read till we learn what they decide to do. Tell me what they did. What did the fox say? What was the wolf's reply? Read aloud.

The fox thought of a way to find out what was the matter with the lion. Read till you learn his plan. What was it? What do you think of it? Why? Read aloud. The elephant will not be afraid to talk to the lion. Read till you learn what was the matter with the lion. Tell me. What do you suppose frightened him? Can you not think of something that he might fear? James thinks that it might be a man with a gun.

Read till you learn what it was. Are you surprised? What do you think the elephant said? Read aloud.

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Find out what was the trouble. Tell me. Read it aloud.

What do you think the elephant will say? Read till you learn why the elephant is afraid. Why? Read aloud. Read till you find out what the lion said to him, then. Tell me what he said. Read aloud.

Finish the story. What did the elephant say? What did the fox say? The wolf? Read aloud.

Anne may read the whole story. Well done, Anne. You may select children for the wolf, fox, lion and elephant. You may play the story. Ask some one to read the descriptions. Choose other children to take your parts and we will see if they can play it as well as you did. Charles may be the judge and select those who do the best to play our story for Miss A's children tomorrow morning.

(First reading in each case should be silent reading.)

A Page for Story Tellers

Ways of Opening a Story

Ida E. Roger

Unless teachers give definite assistance to pupils in regard to the ways of opening the story, it will generally be discovered that whatever variety in opening may occur tends to emphasize the time element; e.g., a choice of one of the following expressions is usually selected by the unguided child:

Once upon a time

Ages and ages ago

Once there was (or lived)

In olden times

Long, long ago

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Twas the Eve of Samhain, which we Christians call
All Hallows' Eve.

The King of Ireland, Conn, the Hundred Fighter, sat at supper at his palace at Tara. All his chiefs and mighty men were with him. On his right hand was his only son, Art the Solitary, so called because he had no brothers. The sons of Morna, who had kept the boy Finn out of his rights and were at the time trying to kill him if they could,' were here, too. Chief amongst them was Gaul mac Morna, a huge and strong warrior, and Captain of all the Fians ever since that battle in which Finn's father had been killed.

And Gaul's men were with him. The great long table was spread for supper. A thousand wax candles shed their light through the chamber, and caused the vessels of gold, silver, and bronze to shine. Yet though it was a great feast, none of these warriors seemed to care about eating or drinking; every face was sad, and there was little conversation, and no music. It seemed as if they were expecting some calamity. Conn's sceptre, which was a plain staff of silver, lay beside him on the table, and there was a canopy of bright bronze over his head. Gaul mac Morna, Captain of the Fians, sat at the other end of the long table. Every warrior wore a bright banqueting mantle of silk or satin, scarlet or crimson, blue, green, or purple, fastened on the breast either with a great brooch or with a pin of gold or

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