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Picture Study

Marie Lucile Linthicum

HE most interesting lessons in the school curriculum should be the study of pictures. Children see things as wholes they enjoy pictures as wholes, hence the lack of child interest in the dissecting method of studying pictures. They enjoy pictures only if they have a meaning to their mindsoften not the same meaning as they have to teacher's mind. The teacher is apt to think that she must give the meaning to the class by a circuitous method in which she does most of the talking. She usually begins with: "What do you see in the picture?" The reply is, "Three women, or "A girl with a sickle," or "A man and a woman, or a similar mention of the objects observed. "What are they doing?" asks the teacher, "Picking wheat" or "Standing with her mouth open," or, in the case of a beautiful copy of "The Angelus," I once heard a child answer, "They are burying a baby."

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After asking questions similar to the above, on Breton's "Song of the Lark," a teacher, seeking to gain attention by starting the imagination, asked, "What is she going to do with the sickle?" "Kill the lark," one bright youngster informed her. Such emphasis of petty details distracts the attention from the meaning of the picture. Before beginning the study of a picture with a class, the teacher should place it low-on level with the eyein some conspicuous place in the room. After allowing it to remain there for several days, place it directly before the class, with the question, Have you looked at this picture? Those who have will at once be interested. Those who have not will wonder why they have not. The teacher will find that, after several pictures have been thus posted, every one will look at the picture which appears in that place.

Did you like it? What thing did you like most? Why? These questions will start a discussion which will usually bring out all the points the teacher wants. During the discussion, the picture is frequently examined to justify the opinion expressed. The discussion and the examination of the picture never fails to explain it, to bring out its meaning, to make all the participants enjoy it.

After the lesson, hang the picture where they can see it easily they will enjoy it more now- and ask them to find other pictures by the same artist. Children love to lend things from their homes. Make a collection of that artist's pictures. Allow the children to look at them several days, then ask, Which is your favorite of the group? or, If you could have one of these, which would you take? Why? What characters did the artist usually choose to paint? Why? Does he make these characters real to you? Why was he able to do this? Answering these questions will give the children the artist's characteristics, and they will want to look up his biography.

Lead the class to contrast such types as the Raphael and Murillo or Botticelli Madonnas, the Millet and Breton peasants, the Bonheur and Landseer animals, etc. A series

of studies such as the Madonna in art, the peasant in art, the child in art, the wild animal in art, the landscape in art make very interesting lessons and give unified and wide knowledge of pictures. Of course, the studies could be only mere introductions to the subjects; four or five artists to each subject would be sufficient. Select one picture to represent each artist. The children examine all the pictures on a subject, then each selects and describes the one he likes best. The child then has a chance to do individual and independent work. In studying the Madonna in art, a picture may be selected from each of the following: Murillo, Raphael, Ferruzi, Michelangelo, and Sichel. In studying the peasant, select one each from Millet, Dupre, Breton, Adam or one may be

chosen from each school of artists. The children learn through these studies, not only the progress made in painting, but also to place the artists in their respective ages.

To encourage the children to look at pictures outside of school, give them such assignments as: Describe the picture in your dining-room which you think the most beautiful; tell us about the picture which you like best of all in your home, in your Sunday-school room, in some building which you have visited lately. Questions from the class will compel the person describing to examine his picture very closely, for they consider he has failed if he cannot present it to them clearly.

Although a biography of the artist should usually be the last thing in the study of pictures, Corot's pictures may often be approached by telling interesting facts in his life, or by reading some of his beautiful letters to friends about his pictures. The children will appreciate these letters, for they have had similar experiences. Many children have risen in the country before sun-up, to see the first rays of sun dart through the trees, to reflect in the dewdrops on the grass and wild flowers of a clearing in the woods, to hear the matins of the birds, and to experience the joyousness depicted in Corot's "Dance of the Nymphs.' the Nymphs." Whenever possible, pictures should be approached through personal experiences.

Children always enjoy posing pictures. Their dramatic instinct, and love of "dressing up" will sometimes help them to gain the meaning, the feeling of the picture, quicker than any amount of study by questions or discussions. "Picture gallery" will become a favorite and instructive amusement with the children. They will like to pose "The Angelus," "The First Step," "A Reading from Homer," "The Balloon," "Age of Innocence," "Dance of the Nymphs," "Strawberry Girl," or "Lilacs." The children divide into groups, each group choosing a picture which has been tudied. After examining it closely and choosing characters, the group poses, while the class closes eyes, or remains before a screen. At a signal from the group leader, eyes are opened, or the screen removed, and the posed picture examined for a moment, then the group relaxes. The class criticises first the spirit of the presentation, then details of position, expression, etc. This, of course, compels further examination of the picture. Each character is responsible for his part. Those who do not succeed in giving a good r presentation, are allowed another trial later.

Costumes of bunting are inexpensive, and easily made by the children themselves. These make the posed picture look very like the original. Children delight in giving the class surprises by posing some pictures which the others have not seen, but which were painted by a familiar artist. The surprise pictures are always presented in costume. If no one can give the title and artist, a search is made until it is identified. Posed pictures in costume make enjoyable entertainment for visiting classes and assemblies. The study of pictures, and especially of the costumes, brings out interesting history, and often geographical features of various countries. It also introduces a wealth of literature.

The teacher should seize every opportunity of visiting, with her class, near-by galleries. If her lessons are sufficiently enthusiastic, her pupils will be willing to pay their fare to distant cities for the purpose of seeing originals. On such excursions the pupils should be made to see certain pictures, not to "do" the whole gallery, as is the usual course followed.

Pictures studied by the method suggested in this article will train observation and concentration, enable the children to recognize the "picture on the wall" as a friend, not as a cold meaningless thing, and give an enjoyment, an appreciation, and a love of beautiful pictures, creating a desire of ownership which will influence the decoration of their school, homes, and all future habitations.


String the hearts in the following order: Heart size 1,

Schoolroom Decoration 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Repeat until three sets are strung

Johanna Holm

A Green-house Poster Draw two horizontal lines an inch apart the full length of the blackboard and six inches from the top. Draw a line from top of blackboard to this line at right angles with it and in about the center of blackboard. Draw the other lines from top to horizontal lines, gradually slanting them as shown in picture.

Below the horizontal lines, and intersecting the shorter lines above, draw parallel vertical lines twelve inches or more in length. The above represents the panes of glass. Eight inches from horizontal lines, or fourteen inches from top of board, draw another horizontal line. Four inches below this, draw another. Color the space between these two lines cream or white and shade with black chalk. This represents the shelf. Draw several brackets as shown in print. Mount the flower pots containing geranium plants, previously cut to line by the children from colored paper, on this shelf.

In center front of blackboard draw a table like those used in green-houses for raising of plants. This table is six feet long and one and one-half feet high. Color ground or earth brown, the table cream color or white. Indicate the cement block foundation in the rear of the table by lines and shading.

Place empty flower pots as shown in picture. Plant tulips cut out and painted by the children in the table, and put in shadows with black. This makes a very effective

[blocks in formation]

At the beginning of each group of hearts, pin a dove, catching the string, so as to form three loops.

Make two such units and in the center place the 18 inch heart, upon which has been mounted an appropriate


The Story Stand-Ups®

Ruth Ash

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Here is the Pied Piper and all the rats that he drowned, and the children that he enticed away, and the perfidious Mayor who caused the final disaster.

The children will love to make these toys while they are studying this story. The handwork lesson in itself is of value and by using the figures in dramatization a much clearer conception of the events of the story will be gained. And these people do not always have to walk in one direction. They can turn about as they choose and go the other way, as there is no embarrassment of one side being incomplete.

Directions for Making

Fold the paper to be used in the middle and put the dotted line of the pattern on the folded edge, thus making the two sides at once. Cut them out of colored paper or of white paper and color as suggested. Paste the figures together half way down, bend in the laps at the bottom of the feet and paste on top of each other, and then fasten to a piece of cardboard so that they easily stand upright. The legs should be made stronger with another thickness of paper or of cardboard.

The Mayor's body is tan, with purple hat and red coat edged with white ermine.

The Pied Piper's body is tan, with apple green suit and hat. One side of his cape is red and the other side yellow. The children's bodies are tan, and dress for the first is blue, second is white, third is gray blue, fourth is yellow, and fifth is brown. If more children are needed, repeat the first four, changing the color of the dresses. The first and second children should be pasted on the same piece of cardboard, as they are holding hands.

The rats are brownish gray and the four patterns should be repeated several times.

See pages, 102 103, 105


Outlines for a Green-house Poster


Graded Course in Seat Work for First and


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1 Have pupils write on paper a specified series of numbers, as from 100 to 200, or from 200 to 400.

2 Place on the board a list of numbers, as 221, 430, 500, 799, 301, 311, 619, etc. Tell the pupils to write the number which, when we count, comes just before and just after each of these numbers. The correct list is:

220, 429, 299, 798, 300, 310, 618. 222, 431, 501, 800, 302, 312, 620.

3 Across the top of a sheet of paper have each pupil write:

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Place on the board a list of numbers, such as, 836, 125, 840, 327, 901, 512, 209, 345, 999, 663, 187, 310, 598, 225, 640, 721, 111, 837, etc., until a long list has been written in promiscuous order. When the pupils have arranged these in the proper columns, they will have:

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
111 209 310

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512 640 721 837 901 598 663 736 840 999

4 Write the number series by 1's from 1 to 1000. Teach the pupils to leave plenty of space between columns and to place the figures so that those of one order come in a vertical line.

5 Write the number series backwards by 1's beginning with 1000. This will require several seat work periods. (Series subtraction.)

6 Using the number boxes, have the children lay the numbers by 2's to 100.

7 Arrange the number cards backward from 100 by 2's; backward from 99 by 3's; backward from 100 by 5's; backward from 100 by 10's.

8 Arrange the number cards by 2's to 100, beginning with 1 instead of 2; and backward by 2's beginning with 99 instead of 100.

9 Arrange the number cards by 10's, beginning with 2 and extending to 92; by 10's beginning with 1 and extending to 91; beginning with 7 and extending to 97; beginning with 3 and extending to 93; from 4 to 94; from 5 to 95; from 6 to 96; from 7 to 97; from 8 to 98; from 9 to 99. (One such series is 1, 11, 21, 32, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91.)

10 Write backwards the series by 10's spoken of in_9. 11 Write by 10's from 10 to 100. 12 Write by 5's to 1000.

13 Write backwards by 10's from

300 to 10.

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NOTE Before the pupils have fully mastered various number series mentioned in the exercises from 4 to 21 inclusive, laying the number cards or writing the series should be guided by the same series written on the board by the teacher. This prevents errors on the part of the child, and having this guide he can teach himself the series in performing his seat work. After he has had sufficient work on each series, his knowledge may be tested by having him write the series from memory.

22 Let the children cut objects from colored paper and mount them in such a way as to represent a combination. To illustrate, the combination 5 + 6 = may be shown by

mounting 5 trees in one group and 6 trees in another group. The combination may be written in a lower corner of the card.

23 Build with number cards all the combinations that. make 10, 12, 15, etc.

24 After new combinations have been learned in class, let the children draw pictures to illustrate each of these facts and write the numerical form beside the picture.

25 Give each child a hektographed sheet of simple, concrete problems. Have the children read each problem carefully and write out the numerical form and the answer in the margin beside the problem.

26 Hektographed sheets of number facts arranged in promiscuous order should be prepared early in the term. They are very useful for seat work and a large quantity of them should be kept on hand. Prepare seven different forms arranged as follows:

All the additional facts (the 45 combinations) in promiscuous order.

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d All the multiplication tables which are taught in the second grade in mixed order.


All the division tables which are taught in the second grade arranged promiscuously.

All the multiplication and division facts mixed.

g One sheet bearing the most difficult facts selected from the addition tables, the subtraction tables, the multiplication and division tables.

For seat work on. of these sheets is given to each pupil and he writes the answers. Suppose it is the sheet with the addition facts on it: after the teacher has checked the errors with red ink she may return it to the pupil and give him an opportunity to correct his errors. She will then file these sheets and she has a record of the combinations which each individual has trouble with. In another week she may wish to ascertain what improvement, if any, has been made by the class, so she passes out fresh copies of the addition sheet and the pupils write the answers to the combinations. By comparing the results of this test with the previous week's result, she finds out the present standing of her class. She sees which pupils need help and just which combinations are giving them difficulty. Later the subtraction sheets and the other sheets mentioned above will be used as needed.

27 Copy such problems as the following and write the

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29 Let the pupils write number stories. At class time let each pupil read his problems and call upon another member of the class to answer.

30 Let the children fold and cut pieces of paper 2" x 4. Suppose they are learning the multiplication facts of 2X, the teacher places the table on the board with the answers. Upon one side of these small pieces of paper have the children write in large clear figures 1X2, and on the back of the same paper the answer. Then on another paper write 2X2 and on the back of it the answer, 4. After the child has completed the set, he may play with them by mixing up the cards well, then trying to say the right answer for each card. If he cannot remember, or is not sure of the answer, he may look on the back and find it out. Children will enjoy playing with these cards in couples during an indoor recess. One child holds the cards and shows the other child the side of the card bearing the problem. If the child can name the right answer he takes the card. After going through the set of cards he may call himself winner, or the game may be continued until every card has been correctly named and won by the child who is giving the answers. The object in the latter case is to get all of the cards in as few relays as possible, that is, if a child names all of the cards correctly the first time they are shown him, he does better than if he had to go through the set three times before he won all the cards.

31 Of manila tagboard make cards similar to these shown below. Also cut a large number of little squares of tagboard and on each of these write a number with red

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ink or crayon. The number is an answer for some number fact which the children have been taught either in addition (one of the 45 combinations), or subtraction (one of the 81 fundamental subtraction facts), or in the multiplication or division tables that are taught in the second grade. To be clearer, 23 would not answer the purpose, because 23 is not an answer for any of the 45 combinations or any of the 81 fundamental subtraction facts, it does not occur as an answer in any of the multiplication or division tables. On the other hand, 25 does answer the purpose, because it is the answer for 5 X 5; 3 is needed on many cards because it is the answer for 2+1, 4—1, 6—3, 7—4, 8—5, 9-6, 10-7, 11-8, 12-9, 1X3, 3÷1, 6÷2, 9÷3, 12÷4, 15÷5, 30÷10. Since many pupils will use the cards, a large number of the little answer cards will be needed, with an especially large number of those answers, which like 3, are needed many times.

After the material has been prepared, give to each child for seat work one of the large cards and a handful of the little answer cards. The child will select a card from the pile and if it answers one of the problems on his card,, he puts it in the space with that problem. If it is not the answer for any of his problems he lays it aside and takes another one. He continues in this way until he has either found the answer for every problem on his card or has looked over all his answer cards, without finding one or more numbers which he needs to complete his problems. In either case, when the child has done all he can do, he places his card near the top of his desk (to reserve it for the teacher's inspection) and goes to the board and writes his name. If he is the first one to do so, he puts number 1 in front of his name, if three others were there before him, he puts 4 in front of his name. Then when the teacher is ready to inspect the seat work she glances at the cards, and if there are any errors points them out and in this case the answer card is removed. That child with the greatest number of correct answers who is nearest the top of the list of names on the board, is the winner.

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The samples of cards shown in the accompanying illustrations have a mixture of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is well to have such a set of mixed problems. There should also be a set of cards with addition problems only, for use when studying these facts. some with addition and subtraction, others with only multiplication and division.

If the game is used in recitation period it is varied somewhat. Each child has a large card; the small cards are put into a box or basket. The teacher passes down the aisle with this box, letting each child take five answer cards. Then she begins with the first pupil; he chooses one of his cards that answers one of his problems, places it in the right space on his large card and states aloud to the class the answer he chose, together with the problem it answers. If it is right, he has succeeded in covering one of his spaces; if it is wrong, however, he must remove it from the card and is not allowed to substitute another for it. Then the next pupil has a turn, and so on around the class. If it so happens that out of the five cards which a pupil drew, only two can be used to answer problems on his card, he will be obliged to forfeit three of his turns. But he may have better luck next time, for as soon as the rounds of the class have been made five times, then each one draws five more cards and the game continues. The pupil who is fortunate enough to draw cards which answer his problems and who places his answers correctly, succeeds in getting his card covered quickly and so wins.

32 Write on the board the Arabic numerals from 1 through 12. Have the pupils write the corresponding Roman numerals.

33 Write the Arabic numerals in irregular order and have the pupils copy them and write the corresponding Roman numbers.

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