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GEORGIANA E. BROWN, Principal P. S. 91, Brooklyn

The lessons given below may be taken as examples of the method to be followed. The answers are those likely to be given by the pupils, and may serve as suggestive to the teacher.



How many little boys and girls have à cat at home? What do you keep it for? Do you ever play with a cat? What does pussy do when you play with her? If you hurt pussy when you play with her, does she get angry? But when you are kind to her, what does she do then? (She licks my hand, purrs, rubs against me.) Did you ever take pussy in your arms like this little girl in the picture? Look at pussy. I wonder if she wants to play in the little girl's arms? Well, I don't think she does. Just look at her and tell me what makes you think she doesn't? Look at her tail. Now, look at her eyes. See how they stare! I guess she doesn't like it there; does she? Why does she want to get away from the little girl? Isn't she kind. to her? Yes, I think the little girl is kind to her. Don't you think she gives her milk and bread to eat? Do you think pussy looks as though she were well fed? Well, I wonder why she doesn't want to stay in the little girl's arms? (She's afraid.) No, I don't think she's afraid, she just feels strange and wants to get down on the ground and run about.

Look at the little girl's face. Do you think she has a kind face? Do you think she'd be kind to pussy? What makes you think she's kind? (Pussy is fat; is in her arms.) Yes, pussy gets plenty to eat.

Who can show me pussy's pretty

iack fur coat? Have all cats black fur like this? Tell me what color your cat is. Who has seen a white cat? What is the fur coat for? (To keep pussy warm and comfortable.)

Look at the little girl. What funny shoes she has! Do little girls in this country wear shoes like these? Oh, no! this little girl lives away across the sea, and where she lives, all the little girls wear shoes like this. And do you see her cap? That isn't like the caps you wear, is it?

I wonder if this little girl is real, real happy? (Yes.) She's smiling, isn't she? What makes her so happy? (She is pleased to have pussy in her arms, she likes pussy so much). Yes, you can see that in her face. What a dreadful thing it would be if this little girl were cruel to pussy! What would come over poor pussy if the little girl were cruel to her? (She'd get nothing to eat, have no home, be put out in the cold and storm.) Yes, and perhaps she would die, perhaps some wicked little boys would throw stones at her, too. I'm so glad the little girl is kind to pussy, because she shows us how we should take care of our animals, and how happy it makes us feel when we're kind to them. Do you think pussy knows when you are kind to her? Yes, and she likes us for it, too.

Children sing, "I love little pussy.'


What is this picture called? (The Pilot). Can any one tell me what a pilot is? (The man that brings the ship into port). Why doesn't the captain bring the ship in? (He doesn't know the way so well as the pilot. He doesn't

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where the bends of the current are, and where the deep places are, and it shows just the way that the ship should sail up to the city, and that is what they call a channel. Now when you sail down the bay, what do you see on each side of you floating on the water? (Buoys). What are they for? (They mark the channel). How far out do these buoys go? (Till they reach water deep enough to be safe for ships). Do you see any in the picture? Why are there none? (Too far out). Do you think this pilot sees a vessel, or is he just hunting around for one? (Sees one).

How many men are in the boat? Which of these men is the pilot? (The one that is steering). What kind of a cap has he on? Yes, the brim is larger at the back than the front.


Why? (To let water run off). What do you think the cap is made of? (Oilskin). Yes, it's made of oilskin. Why? (So that water will run off). What do you think his coat and trouare made of? (Oilskin, too). Yes, and he just wears them over his other clothing to keep the water out. Why does the pilot steer with an oar? (No rudder). No, there's not any rudder because there wouldn't be much use for a rudder in a sea like this. Why? It would be so often out of water in such high waves that it couldn't steer the boat, but with this long oar the pilot can always keep the end of the oar in the water and so steer the boat where he wants it to go. Now, tell me why the other men have such long oars too? (They couldn't row in such a sea with short ones.

They have to have long oars to reach deep down into the water).

Now, don't you think the men are working very hard to keep the boat straight? Yes, this is a very dangerous position those men are in, and do you know, if they didn't keep the boat facing the waves, they'd be in great danger of being swamped? What is this great white spot at side of boat? (It's a wave breaking). And if a great deal of that water were to come into the boat, what would happen? Suppose they allowed the boat to swing around with its side to one of those big waves, what do you think might happen? (Capsized, turned over, upset, filled with water). Yes, and they try to keep the boat pointing to the waves as much as possible.

What causes the water to rise in these great waves? (The storm). Yes, but it is the strong wind that takes hold of the water and dashes it about that makes the waves. Point out the other white places on the water and tell me what they are. What makes them white? Do the waves make much sound? Yes, they make a great sound, and that's the reason that people say the ocean "roars."

How does the sky look? (Black, dark, cloudy). Why is it black? Are the clouds high up or are they low down? Yes, and in some parts they are very close to the water. Why are they so low down? (Because they are so heavy, full of water). Yes, the rain is falling there very heavily.

What is the white part in the sky? Yes, this is the part of the sky the storm hasn't reached yet. Where is the ship that the pilot is making for? Now look very closely for it. It is quite far off and it is a dark day and you can't see it very easily. I wonder if any little boy could guess how far off it is from the pilot boat (10 or 12

miles). Why is the ship so indistinct? (It is enveloped in rain clouds). Now, how does the pilot get on board this large vessel? How does he get up the side of the vessel? (They throw a rope to the pilot and then they put a rope ladder down the side of the vessel and he climbs up).

Now, this picture shows us very clearly the dangers and hardships that some men have to endure, and it takes a very strong, courageous and daring. man for this kind of life. Sometimes, of course, it's very pleasant, when the sea is calm, and the sun is shining and they can row a boat easily over the water, but they have to be prepared at any moment to face the dangers of the sea.

Now, if you look at the men in the boat, you'll see that they're working very hard, that all their strength is needed to keep this boat safe and to make any progress at all against the storm. Now, if any one of these men should lose his courage, you can imagine what a dreadful thing it would be. They need all hands for the work, and after the pilot leaves them and goes on the big ship, those men have to row back through the storm, and sometimes the darkness, a good many miles to reach the land again. That shows the dangers of the sailor's life. and how brave, and strong and courageous a sailor must be.


J. K. THOMSON Who can tell me where the light is breaking? (Behind the hills). The sun has not appeared yet, has it? Do you see any stars in the sky? Where are they? What do we call this early morning light? (Daybreak-early morning-sunrise). Yes, and we call

it the dawn of day. It is very beautiful to see the dawn of day. If you

lived in the country where you could look away off toward the horizon, and if you were watching for the dawn you would see faint streaks of gray light coming up in the sky, almost without your knowing it, and in a little while this gray light would give place to a beautiful rosy white. Then golden bars of sunshine would appear stretching away up into the heavens and spreading light over all the eastern sky just before the sun himself appears. Some people think this is the most beautiful and interesting part of the day. I wonder if any boy or girl can tell me why the dawn is so beautiful and interesting? (The beautiful light-the sky looks beautiful). Yes, I think those are all good reasons, but perhaps the most interesting thing of all is the waking of the earth as soon as the sunlight touches it. The shadows of the night have been driven away and every living thing wakes. up to life again. Perhaps the first creatures to greet the dawn are the birds. As soon as the sun appears, they begin to twitter among the branches, and nothing is so beautiful to see as one of these early birds sailing across the sky from mountain top to mountain top in the peaceful calm of the early morning.

Now, at the dawn of day on the first Easter morn, something very strange and wonderful happened. If you look at your pictures you will see what I mean. What do you see there? (Angels). Yes, two bright angels coming down to earth. If we had lived in those days and had risen on that Easter morn, just when the first gray dawn entered our rooms, and if we had looked out over the eastern sky what a beautiful and wonderful sight we should have seen! Two heavenly beings clad in robes of purest white, and stretching out their wings like the

wings of a dove were silently descending from the sky, and while men yet slept those angels were winging their flight towards a spot in a garden near the holy city of Jerusalem. Where did these angels come from? (Heaven). Yes, they came from heaven, and they came down to earth. as the messengers of God. Do you think there are many angels in heaven? Oh, yes, myriads and myriads of them, far more than we can count. One painter long ago tried to give us an idea of Paradise where the angels dwell, and his picture shows us hosts and hosts of angels filling the skies, and stretching away back as far as the eye can see, and oh, how beautiful those angels look with their innocent. faces and their wide spreading wings, and the dazzling light of heaven shining all about them. And there are baby angels too, little chubby pink and white beings with wings just like the the older ones. I wonder if the angels ever die? No, they never die and they are always young and beautiful and always happy.

Who can tell me what a cross is? Yes, you have seen them on church spires and sometimes over the entrances of churches. Who can see one in the picture? How many are there? Where do they stand? (On the hill). What does the cross mean? It means suffering and self-sacrifice. Now, when Christ was on earth, people were put to death by crucifying them on the cross, and the crosses you see in the picture were used for that purpose. In the stillness of this morning, everything looks very quiet and peaceful, but only three days before, this hill was crowded with a great mob of people who had come out from Jerusalem to put to death the one perfect man in all the world. I think you can tell me who he was? Yes,

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