Imágenes de páginas

2. These slots shall be allocated on the same basis as the atlarge delegates (Rule 8B(2)).

3. Delegate candidates must be identified as to presidential preference or unpledged status at the pledged Party and Elected Official level.

4. If persons eligible for pledged Party and Elected Official delegate positions have not made known their presidential preference as candidates for district level or at-large delegate positions, their preferences shall be ascertained through (discretionary with state, pursuant to guidelines contained in Rule 8B(3).

NOTE.-Alternates are not selected at the pledged Party and Elected Official level. These alternatives are combined with the at-large alternatives and selected as one unit.

At-Large Delegates (Rule 9A)

A. After the selection of Party and Elected Official delegates, the: (choose one) (Rule 9B)

-State convention


-Committee consisting of the district delegates


-(State) Democratic Committee, provided:

1. Membership in the (State) Democratic Committee is apportioned on the basis population and/or measure of democratic strength;

2. Members of the (State) Democratic Committee have been elected through open processes in conformity with the basic procedural guarantees utilized for delegate selection;

3. Such delegates are elected at a public meeting subsequent to the election of district level delegates;

4. Members of the (State) Democratic Committee exercising such authority shall have been elected no earlier than January 1 of the second year next preceding the convention (January 1, 1982).

on (date) at (time) at (location) shall select:



at-large delegates.

at-large alternates (the at-large alternate unit is a combination of at-large and pledged Party and Elected Official alternates with no distinction between the groups).

B. At-large delegates and alternates shall be allocated according to: (choose one)

-(for states with binding primaries)-The statewide primary vote,


-(for caucus states)-The division of preferences among convention and caucus participants


(for non-primary states and states where delegates are elected directly on the ballot)—The division of preferences among district level delegates at the time of district level selection,

except that preferences falling below a threshold of 20% shall not be awarded any delegates at this level. (Rules 9C, 12B)

C. All delegate and alternate candidates must be identified as to presidential preference or unpledged status at the atlarge level. (Rule 11A)

D. If a presidential candidate is no longer a candidate at the time of selection of the at-large delegates, then those slots allocated to the candidate will be proportionally divided among the remaining preferences. (Rule 9C)

E. In the selection of the at-large delegation, priority of con- ́ sideration shall be given to Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Americans and women. The election of at-large delegates shall be used, if necessary, to achieve the equal division of positions between men and women, and may be used to achieve the representation goals established in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan. Delegates and alternates are to be considered separate goups for this purpose. (Rule 9A)

F. Persons desiring to seek such at-large delegate or alternate positions may file a Declaration of Candidacy with the State Party by (specify date which must be within 30 days of the date of selection of the delegate or alternate-Rule 11B & 13C), and shall be identified as to presidential preference or status. The State Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that candidate's authorized representative(s), not later than (date), (time), a list of all persons who have filed for delegate pledged to that presidential candidate. Each presidential candidate or his representative(s) must then file with the State Chair by (date), (time), a list of all such candidates he or she has approved, provided that approval be given to at least three times the number of candidates for delegate women and three times the number of delegate men to be selected. Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate, or the authorized representative(s) signifies otherwise in writing to the State Chair no later than (date). (Rules 13C, 11C&D)

G. The Declaration of Candidacy for at-large delegates and for at-large alternates will be the same. After the at-large delegates are elected by (body utilized to select at-large delegates), those persons not chosen will then be considered candidates for at-large alternate positions unless they specify otherwise when filing.

General Provisions and Procedural Guarantees

A. The (State) Delegate Selection Plan shall specify the methods and the timetable to be followed in selecting permanent and temporary members of standing committees of the National Convention. These procedures shall be in conformity with the rules contained in the Final Call to the 1984 Convention. These procedures shall be submitted to the Compliance Review Commission after the Final Call has been adopted and prior to the first step in the delegate selection process. (Rule 1F)

B. Participation in the delegate selection process is restricted to Democratic voters who have publicly declared their party preference and have that preference publicly recorded. Duly registered or publicly declared Democrats will not be re

quired to undertake a further enrollment as a condition of participation. (Rule 2A) (NOTE.-Documentary evidence (state statute, party rule, etc.) establishing that a state's process complies with this rule must accompany each plan upon submission.)

C. At no stage of the delegate selection process shall any person be required, directly or indirectly, to pay a cost or fee as a condition for participating in the delegate selection process. Voluntary contributions to the Party may be made, but under no circumstances shall a contribution be mandatory for participation. (Rule 2E)

D. No person shall participate and/or vote in the nominating process for the Democratic presidential candidate who also participates in the nominating process of any other party for the corresponding election year. (Rule 2F)

E. No person shall vote in more than one meeting which is the first meeting in the delegate selection process. (Rule 3E) F. The (State) Democratic Party reaffirms its commitment to an open party by incorporating the following:

1. All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party in (State) should be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status, or philosophical persuasion.

2. No test for membership in, nor any oath of loyalty to, the Democratic Party in (State) should be required or used which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, or economic status. 3. The time and place for all public meetings of the Democratic Party on all levels should be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.

4. The Democratic Party in (State) should, on all levels, support the broadest possible registration without discrimination on grounds of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, or economic status.

5. The Democratic Party in (State) should publicize fully and in such manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and practical procedures for selection of Democratic Party officers and representatives on all levels. Publication of these procedures should be done in such a fashion that all prospective and current members of the (State) Democratic Party will be fully and adequately informed of the pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure at all levels of the Democratic Party organization.

6. The Democratic Party in (State) should publicize fully and in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a complete description of the legal and practical qualifications of all positions as officers and representatives of the (State) Democratic Party. Such publication should be done in timely fashion so that all prospective candidates or appli

cants for any elected or appointed position within the (State) Democratic Party will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office.

These actions demonstrate the intention of the (State) Democratic Party to ensure a full opportunity for all Democratic members to participate in the delegate selection process. (Rule 4)

G. Discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, national origin, or color in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs is prohibited. (Rule 5B)

H. No delegate at any level of the delegate selection process shall be mandated by law or Party rule to vote contrary to that person's presidential choice as expressed at the time the delegate is selected. (Rule 11G)

I. Delegates elected to the National Convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them. (Rule 11H)

J. No less than 40% (forty percent) of the members of any Party body above the first level of the delegate selection process shall constitute a quorum for any business pertaining to the selection of Convention delegates. (Rule 14) K. An accredited participant in a caucus, convention, or committee meeting may register a nontransferable proxy with another accredited participant at that meeting, provided that no individual may hold more than three (3) proxies at one time. (Rule 15) [This provision for proxy voting is discretionary and therefore, a plan may prohibit proxy voting.] L. Any individual or group of Democrats may sponsor or endorse a slate of candidates for Convention delegates. But no slate may, by virtue of such endorsement, receive preferential treatment or a preferential place on a delegate selection ballot or be publicly identified on the ballot as the "official" slate. All slates must meet identical qualifying requirements for appearing on a ballot at all levels of the delegate selection process. (Rule 16B)

M. If a given presidential preference is entitled to one or more delegate positions but would not otherwise be entitled to an alternate position, that preference shall be allotted an at-large alternate position. (Rule 17B)

N. A delegate who is to be absent or resigns will select from among the alternates of his or her political subdivision, if possible, or state, and of his or her sex, the particular alternate of the same presidential preference or unpledged status who shall take his or her place. (Rule 17D)

O. Members of Congress elected as unpledged Party and Elected Official delegates shall not be entitled to name a replacement, nor shall the State Party be entitled to a replacement except in the case of death of the Member of Congress. (Rule 17E)

P. If, due to death or disability, a delegate is unable to select the alternate to take his or her place, that selection shall be made by the delegation in a manner which assures that the alternate will be of the same sex, and, if possible, of the same political subdivision as the delegate replaced. (Rule

Q. A vacant alternate position shall be filled by the delegation and the replacement shall be of the same presidential preference (or uncommitted status), from the same political subdivision, and of the same sex as the delegate replaced. (Rule 17G)

Affirmative Action

NOTE.-As with other sections of this Model Plan, this Affirmative Action section is illustrative only. Innovation and creativity are encouraged as well as specificity and the attachment of appendices, such as listings of print and electronic media that will receive publicity and groups that will receive educational material. The Affirmative Action section used by your state party in 1980 is another excellent model source. However, please note that the 1984 Rules require the following:

The addition of "persons of low and moderate income" to the groups for which you develop outreach programs.

A specific plan to help defray expenses of those delegates otherwise unable to participate in the National Convention, and

The addition of "Asian/Pacific Americans" to the list of groups for which you set representation goals.

Introduction of Goals

The Democratic Party of (State) has developed the following plan for encouraging full participation and representation in the delegate selection process for 1984. This plan details the special effort that shall be made to encourage Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Americans, women, ethnics, workers, youth, persons over 65 years of age, persons of low and moderate income, persons with a high school education or less, the physically handicapped, and other groups significantly underrepresented in our Party affairs to participate and be represented in an open delegate selection process for the 1984 Democratic National Convention. This goal shall not be accomplished either directly or indirectly by the Party's imposition of mandatory quotas at any level of the delegate selection process. The Plan addresses itself to minimum organizational structure, publicity efforts, educational efforts and a financial assistance plan (all of which address outreach to the groups set out above), plus the establishment of Democratic constituency representation goals for the Convention delegation of this state. This plan will be implemented from September 15, 1983 through the end of the process.

Organizational Structure

1. An Affirmative Action Committee shall be created and shall be responsible for the implementation of all requirements of the Affirmative Action section of this Plan. The Committee shall consist of members from each delegate district representing outreach groups set forth in the introduction. (Attached exhibit No. 1 lists the members of this group along with demographic information on each member.)

2. Financial and staff support for the Affirmative Action Committee shall be provided by the (state) Democratic Party

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