Imágenes de páginas


Cabinet of the President, the first ap-
pointment of the members of, X. 11.
Questions proposed to, in view of
the expected expedition from Canada
against Louisiana, 113. The Presi-
dent's route for his southern tour com-
municated to, with instructions, 157.
Dissensions in the, between Hamilton
and Jefferson, 280, 283, 306, 515. On
the induction of the President into
office, 321. Meeting of, called for
instructions to commissioners for a
treaty with the Indians, 328. Ques-
tions sent to, relating to the proclama-
tion of neutrality and the reception of
the French minister; and their opin-
ions, 337, 533. Consulted respect-
ing vessels fitting out as privateers,
345; about a British letter of marque
in New York, 354. Proceedings in,
on the Little Sarah and M. Genet,
355, 356, 360, 361, 536. Consulted on
the expediency of arming and equip-
ping vessels, 361; and on an imme-
diate convocation of Congress, 362.
Prepares eight rules about the equip-
ment of vessels in the ports of the
United States by belligerent powers,
and favors the recall of Genet, 363,
546. Case of the Citizen Genet, a
privateer, submitted to, 366. Con-
sulted on Van Berckel's request re-
specting the Dutch consul Heinaken,
XI. 27, 28. Questions proposed to,
on the ratification of Jay's treaty, 31.
Consulted on the proceedings in Bos-
ton relating to the British treaty,
35. Proceedings on the ratification
of the British treaty, 57. On a call
for papers in relation to the British
treaty, 114.
On a minister to France,
and Mr. Monroe's recall, 132, 483.
On a mission to France, 572. List of
the members of, during Washington's
administration, XII. 432.
CABOT, GEORGE, the correspondence
with, upon the arrival of George Wash-
ington Lafayette, XI. 64, 66, 71, 95.
CADWALADER, JOHN, General, direc-
tions to, before the battle of Trenton,
IV. 241. Prevented by the ice from
crossing the Delaware, 247. His
movements, 248. Marches to Bor-
dentown, 250. Joins the army at

Trenton, 258. Recommended to Con-
gress, 292. Declines his appointment
as brigadier-general, 329. Despatch-
ed to arrange the Maryland Eastern
Shore militia, V. 52. His aid solicited
at camp, 289. Marches against the
enemy's rear, 417. His duel with

Conway, 516. Regrets not having ac-
cepted the appointment of Congress,
VII. 230, 231; XII. 309.
180. Taken prisoner and released
without parole, 188.

CALDWELL, JAMES, suggests the re-
moval of the Jersey troops to Morris-
town, VII. 406.
CALDWELL, Mrs., shot, VII. 76.
CALL, MAJOR, conduct of, X. 269, 273.
CALLBECK, PHILIP, President of the
Council, and acting governor of St.
John's, brought away by violence ;
presents a memorial to Washington,
and is discharged; his letter cited,
III. 193, 194.

CALLENDER, JOHN, Captain, court mar-
tial respecting, III. 490.
Cambridge, troops at, III. 6. Wash-
ington arrives there and takes com-
mand of the army, 14, 27, 38, 484.
Determination of the first council of
war at, 16, 18, 19. Provincial Con-
gress at, 44. Conference there, be-
tween a committee of Congress, dele-
gates from four colonies, and the
Commander-in-chief, respecting the
army, 123. Council of war there,
219, 251, 253. Visited by the Presi-
dent in 1789, X. 47, 48, 490, 491. See

CAMDEN, Lord, his remarks in Parlia-
ment respecting America, V. 247.
Camden, Gates's defeat near, VII. 185,
186, 189, 191, 197, 201, 205, 326. Ad-
dress to the inhabitants of; Baron de
Kalb buried at, XII. 200. Disappro-
bation of the British treaty by the
citizens of the District of, 212.
CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, district attor-
ney for Virginia, X. 195.
CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, a British lieu-
tenant-colonel, taken, III. 432. In
Concord gaol; writes to Washington
and Howe respecting his treatment,
IV. 330 – 333, 556. Resolve of Con-
gress respecting; and its impolicy,
334, 342, 350. Unjustifiable treat-
ment of, 440, 460, 556, 557, 559. To
be treated with kindness, 461. Pro-
position to exchange, V. 24, 269, 272,
310, 539. Exchanged, 362.
CAMPBELL, a British general, V. 64.
At Staten Island, 105, 174. Claims
officers from Governor Livingston,
183. Commissioner at the meeting at
Tappan, in regard to prisoners, VIII.


CAMPBELL, a British lieutenant-colonel,

killed in the attack on Fort Mont-
gomery, V. 105, 474.
CAMPBELL, Captain, his proposal to
bring off prisoners on parole, from
Long Island, VI. 173.
CAMPBELL, Major, at the battle of Ger-
mantown, V. 468.
Canada, expedition to, II. 29. Situa-
tion of affairs in, III. 143. The raising
of troops for, 249. General Thomas
appointed to the command there; ar-
tillery ordered to, 333, 348. Officers
there think themselves neglected in
the new arrangement, 349. Import-
ance of securing; detachments sent
to, 365, 375. Commissioners sent
there from Congress with instruc-
tions, 390. Sad condition of affairs
at, 390-393, 406, 432. Reinforce-
ments voted for, 407. Deplorable
condition of the army there, 411.
American army driven out of, 423,
445. Alarm and exposure in conse-
quence of the army's retreat from,
465. Number of prisoners taken in,
IV. 548. Expedition to, proposed, in
1778; troops ordered to the High-
lands, V. 281, 285, 286, 291, 300.
Importance of its union with the
States, 359. Expedition to, in 1778-
9, proposed, VI. 64, 72, 106-121, 135,
145, 165, 214, 544. Plan of the expe-
dition to, 106, 160, 215, 342, 307,
308. Objection to introducing French
troops into, 107. British troops de-
spatched to, from New York, 367, 372,
384. A French missionary offers to
visit, as secret emissary, 422. An-
other proposition for an expedition to,
Canadian Refugees, land ceded to, X.


Canadian Regiments, III. 174. See
Congress's Own, HAZEN, and LIVING-


Canadians, seem averse to engaging in
the war, III. 41. Friendly, 55, 60,
119. Advice to Schuyler respecting,
82. Instructions to Arnold respect-
ing, 86, 90. Address to the, circulat-
ed by Arnold, 92. Invited to send
delegates to Congress; exertions to
raise a regiment of, 174. Ill treated
and unfriendly, 362. Character of,
425. Dispositions of, after the French
treaty, VI. 308. Lafayette's procla-
mation to, VII. 44, 72.

CANNON, Colonel, agent in regard to
Western lands, XII. 317.
CAPELLEN, VAN DER, of Holland, cor-
responds with Governor Livingston,
VI 414.

Capitol, Blodget's plan of the, X. 278;

XII. 322. On the situation of the,

CAREY, JOHN, publishes Washington's
"Official Letters to Congress," XI.
185, 217.


CAREY, MATHEW, letter to,
the American Museum, XII. 296.
CAREY, Colonel, at New York, IV. 27.
CARLETON, SIR GUY, threatens a descent
upon Crown Point and Ticonderoga,
III. 41. Solicits the Indians' aid, 54.
Cited respecting the disposition of the
Indians and Canadians, 110.
His es-
cape from Montreal, 207. Proclama-
tion by, forwarded to Congress, 219.
His conduct to the captured and
wounded, 268. Transmits a copy of
his orders, IV. 56; their remarkable
character, 57. Made a knight of the
Bath, 143. Obliged to return to Can-
ada, 173. Succeeds Clinton as com-
mander of the British army, VIII.
281, 536. Charged with a commis-
sion of peace; forwards papers, 294,
295, 299, 536. Allusions of, to the
affair of Huddy, 296, 536. His request
for a passport for Morgann to go to
Congress, 296, 537. Instructions to,
upon his leaving England, 297. His
advances respecting peace, 312. Cor-
respondence with, about the case of
Hatfield and Badgely; a refusal to
correspond with, on civil affairs, 312,
317, 537, 539. His proposition to ex-
change American seamen for British
soldiers, 317, 338, 540. Correspond-
ence with, respecting Lippencot's
trial; asks a passport for Chief Justice
Smith, 324, 336, 537; on the recall
of Cornwallis and release of Laurens;
his reason for not evacuating New
York; ordered to the West Indies,
325. His despatches on negotiations
for peace and exchange of prisoners,
325, 326, 540. Reprobates the con-
duct of Lippencot, 336, 363. On the
incursions of Indians, 343. Written
to, and replies, on the liquidation of
the accounts of prisoners, 352, 541.
Informed of Asgill's release, 363.
Communicates official intelligence of
peace, 415, 542. Correspondence with,
on plans for releasing prisoners and
evacuating posts, 427, 431, 543. His
interview with the Commander-in-
chief, 427, 430, 543. Correspondence
with, on the evacuation of Penobscot
and New York, 490, 497-502, 545-*
547. His departure, 500 - 502.
CARLISLE, Earl of, a commissioner for
carrying into effect Lord North's bills,
V. 397, 398. Declines Lafayette's
challenge, VI. 79.

Sent to

Carlisle, fixed on, for a laboratory, IV.
319. Address to the inhabitants of
the borough of, XII. 210.
CARLYLE, JOHN, would furnish sup-
plies to the soldiers, II. 3. Neglect
of the deputies of, 42, 43.
the governor on business, 62.
willingness to contract for clothing,
100. A witness, 132.
CARLYLE AND ADAM, contract for
wheat, XII. 259.

CARMARTHEN, Lord, on the infraction
of the treaty of peace, IX. 179.
John Jay, VI. 385. Refusal of the
Spanish Court to receive, as Chargé
d'Affaires, VIII. 413, X. 74. Neglects
to forward information, 278, 369. In-
structions sent to, by David Hum-
phreys, XII. 92.

CARR, a British colonel, wounded, IV.

Colonel, a commissioner for exchange
of prisoners, VI. 483.

about persons to fill offices, XI. 78,
80, 83, 90. Declines the office of Sec-
retary of War, 106. On the British
treaty, 121. Recominended for quar-
termaster-general for the Provisional
army, 265, 269, 299. His aid soli-
cited in relation to officers for the Pro-
visional army, 429.

CARROLL, CHARLES, of Carrollton, a
commissioner to Canada, III. 390.
Visits the camp on a committee from
Congress, V. 71, 213. His sentiments
at the time of Conway's cabal, 373.
Declines the appointment of Indian
commissioner, X. 313.

CARROLL, JOHN, a Catholic clergyman,
accompanies the commissioners to
Canada, III. 390. Archbishop; reply
to his memorial about instructing the
Indians, X. 228.

Carrots, on raising, IX. 324, XII. 343,

CARTER, CHARLES, his statements to
Captain Peachey, II. 254. The pub-
lishing of a letter to, IX. 308, 313.
CARTER, LANDON, complains that Eng-
land neglects Virginia, II. 145; V.


Carthagena, unsuccessfully besieged,
11. 421.

CARY, ROBERT, instructions to, on bu-
siness, II. 328-331, 337, 341; re-
specting tobacco, XII. 251, 257, 260.
Invoices sent to, 253, 262. Sends to
Virginia for tobacco, 257, 258. His
sales not approved, 258, 260.
CASSATY, JAMES, despatched from Fort


Rensselaer to Detroit, to prepare for
Baron Steuben's arrival, VIII. 471.
Castle William, III. 54, 114. On sur-
prising, 162.

CASTRIES, Marquis de, opinions re-
specting, VII. 324.

CASWELL, RICHARD, Colonel, captures
General McDonald, IV. 78. Gover-
nor of North Carolina, 305. Visited
by Lafayette, V. 454.

Catawba Creek, Fort William at the
head of the, attacked, and the settle-
ment there broken up, II. 190. Wash-
ington meets Colonel Buchanan at,


Catholics. See Roman Catholics.
Cattle, price of, XII. 294. Number of,
at Mount Vernon, 314. On penning
and feeding, 363, 364. See Stock.
Cavalry, sent from Connecticut to New
York, and cannot be kept, III. 453,
465. American army destitute of,
454. First return of, 494. Proposi-
tion for forming a company of, IV. 14.
A body of, equipped by the British,
152. Pulaski appointed to command
the, V. 48, 49. Under the exclusive
direction of Congress; to be credited
to the quotas of States, VI. 197. Scar-
city of, VII. 82. Substitute recom-
mended for regiments of, 252.
Maréchaussé and Orderly Book.
Cayenne, Lafayette's plantation at, IX.

Cedars, defeat of Bedel at the, III. 408.
Cowardly conduct at, 417. Ameri-
cans taken prisoners, killed and plun-
dered at; capitulation; the conse-
quent proceedings of Congress, IV.
1-3, 56, 549. Virtual refusal of
Congress to confirm the capitulation,
communicated to the British officers
in Canada; and their conduct, 56.
Hostages given at, VI. 481. Meas-
ures for exchanging prisoners taken at,
512, VIII. 71, 125–127.
CELERON, a French officer, deposites
metallic plates near the banks of the
Ohio River, II. 430.
Cements, experiments relative to, IX.


CENIS, recommended by Franklin and
Turgot, V. 32.

Census, on the first taking of the, in
the United States, X. 176, 185, XII.

Cerberus, a British man-of-war, threat-
ens Falmouth, III. 144.
Chain of Forts. See Forts.
CHALMERS, GEORGE, his assertion re-
specting the early purpose of Ameri-
can Independence, II. 496.

[blocks in formation]

CHALMERS, raises loyalist troops, IV.

Chamblee, Fort, surrenders, III. 142.
Number of prisoners taken at, IV.


CHAMPE, JOHN, Sergeant, his adven-
ture to seize the person of Arnold
in New York, VII. 545-549.
Champlain, Lake, III. 41. Fleet on,
IV. 12. Destruction of the fleet on,


Chaplaincy in the army, advised, II.
188, 200, 203, 278. Dinwiddie's re-
marks on a, 200, 201. Is provided for,
278. Inadequacy of the pay; impor-
tance of, III. 220. Advance of the
pay of; officers ordered to fill the,
456. Number of persons allowed, IV.
436. Washingon's agency in regard
to the, XII. 399.

CHAPMAN, Major, II. 78. Left by Brad-
dock, 82.

Chargé d'Affaires, non-concurrence of
Portugal in the grade of, XII. 93.
Charleston, Lafayette's account of, V.
452. Apprehensions for its safety,
VII. 10, 19, 22, 42. Capitulation of,
69, 326. Gazette published at, by the
British, 92. Inquiry into the loss of,
102. Considerations about the reduc-
tion of, 326, 328, 329, 408. Leslie
arrives at, 348. Importance of, to the
enemy, VIII. 130. Rutledge's propo-
sition for a combined attack on, 173,
200. Proposition to Count de Grasse
to attack, 185. British evacuation of,
340, 359. Visited by the President,
X. 144, 146, 152, 157, 161. Donation
to sufferers there by a fire, XI. 164.
Address and resolutions passed at,
sustaining the Executive, 236. Pres-
ident's address to the citizens of, in
1791, XII. 196.

CHASE, SAMUEL, a commissioner to
Canada, III. 390. On a committee
of Congress to inquire into the con-
duct of the British and Hessian offi-
cers towards Americans, IV. 309.
On a committee reporting a plan for
the government of the Western Ter-
ritory, IX. 47. Appointed associate
justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, XI. 107; 240.
CHASTELLUX, a French major-general,
visits head-quarters and Philadelphia,
VII. 308, 319, 325. Commended, 336;
VIII. 4. To command a proposed ex-
pedition to Penobscot, 10. Present at
the Wethersfield interview, 54. His
intercepted letter, 60; 87.

Has an
interview with Count de Grasse, 162.
Letter to, on leaving the country, 366;

488. Humorous letter to, about his
marriage, IX. 346.

CHASTELLUX, Madame de, her applica-
tion for aid, XII. 319.

Chatterton's Hill, battle at, IV. 526.
Chaudière River, III. 112.
CHEESMAN, Captain, death and burial
of, at Quebec, III. 264.
Cheraw Neck, action at, VIII. 357.
Cherry Valley, attack upon, Vl. 111,
114, 122, 185.

Chesapeake Bay, threatened and desert-
ed, III. 339. British expedition in
the, VI. 261. Arrival of the French
fleet in the, VIII. 148, 154, 155, 156,
158, 160. French fleet leaves the,


Chestnut Hill, Howe's expedition to,
and loss, V. 180, 182, 238.
CHIAPPE, FRANCO, American agent at
Mogadore, X. 61.

CHILD, MOSES, III. 169, 170, 289.
CHIPMAN, JOHN, Captain, detaches men
to Fort Edward; skirmish, loss, and
capitulation of, at Fort George, VII.
269, 270.

Vermont, letter to, about the jurisdic-
tion of the State and its negotiations
with the enemy; its effects, VIII.
220, 384. Letter respecting his re-
monstrance to Congress, 382.
CHOISY, a French brigadier-general,
commands at Newport, VIII. 64, 65.
Arrival of, in the Chesapeake, 161.
Commands the American and French
troops at Gloucester, 168. Directions
to, in regard to the surrender of
Gloucester, 182. His march with
troops to Charlotte County, 259. Sent
to Governor Hancock about Vau-
dreuil's proposed expedition to Penob-
scot, 329. Sails for France, 369.
CHOUIN, Major, despatched by Count
d'Estaing to Congress; visits the
Commander-in-chief, VI. 4, 13.
CHURCH, BENJAMIN, recommended; on
a committee of the Massachusetts
Provincial Congress to accompany the
Commander-in-chief to Cambridge,
III. 20, 484. His letter in cipher to
Major Cane; his trial, 115, 502. Im-
prisoned in Connecticut, 167, 505.
Biographical notice of, 502.
Cincinnati, Society of the, meeting of,
at Philadelphia, in 1784, IX. 21, 42,
47,495. Particulars of the institution
of the, 22, 216, 252. Jealousy of the,
26, 28, 35, 216, 495. Judge Burke's
pamphlet, 28. The wearing of the
order of, not permitted in Sweden, 56.
Alterations in its rules, 47, 127, 217,

256, 495.

Mirabeau's "Considera-
tions," 147. Washington, president,
212, 256. Meeting of, in 1787; cir-
cumstances connected with it and with
Washington's attendance, 212, 216,
219, 222, 229, 236, 245, 251, 253, 254.
Extract from the Encyclopédie respect-
ing, 255. Address to the State So-
ciety of the, in Pennsylvania, in 1789,
XII. 142. Address to the, in 1790,
183. Unreasonable prejudices against
it, 298.

Citizen Genet, a privateer, X. 360, 366.
CLANDENEN, GEORGE, requests made
of, about western lands, XII. 301.
CLARK, GEORGE ROGERS, his spirited
enterprise against Fort St. Vincent's
and capture of Governor Hamilton,
VI. 316. His proposed expedition
against Detroit, VII. 342.

CLARKE, ABRAHAM, censures the proc-
lamation imposing the oath of allegi
ance, IV. 298.

CLAYPOOLE, printer of the Farewell
Address, XII. 235. Cited respecting
it, 396.

Clergy, Assessment Bill of Virginia, in
relation to the support of the, IX. 136.
Influence of, in Massachusetts, 330.
CLIFTON, Colonel, enlists loyalists, IV.

CLINTON, GEORGE, brigadier-general of
the militia on Hudson's River, III.
469. Appointed to command the
levies on Hudson's River, IV. 10,
35. Opposes the evacuation of New
York, 92. Ordered to concert with
Lincoln and others an expedition
against Long Island, 126. Commands
the New York militia attached to the
general army, 149. Ordered to fortify
Fort Montgomery, 409; to call out
militia, 478, 480. Chosen governor
of New York, V. 20. Resumes the
command of Fort Montgomery, 27.
Provides forces to oppose the enemy,
28. His presence at the northward
recommended; his account of the
storming of forts Montgomery and
Clinton, 31, 472. Letter of, trans-
mitted to Congress, 129. Declines

taking the direction of the works on
the Hudson, 177, 178, 281. Discoun-
tenances an enterprise against New
York city, 303; 387; VI. 121. Re-
quested to dismiss the New York mili.
tia, 409; to befriend Major Ballard,
416. Goes to Schenectady; is fur-
nished with troops, VII. 271, 281.
His safe return; inquiries made of,
281. Invested with powers for com-
pleting the army, 283. Threatened
with capture or assassination, 472.

Consulted about a Peace Establishment,
VIII. 417, 485. At the conference be-
tween the Commander-in-chief and
Sir Guy Carleton, 427; 485. His dif-
ficulty with Hamilton, IX. 272. Writ-
ten to, about the western posts, X.
192; about the nomination of a super-
visor, 221; about Lord Dorchester's
speech, 394.

CLINTON, SIR HENRY, British general,
III. 114. Goes to North Carolina,
223, 256, 301. Arrives at New York;
Lord Germain cited, respecting his
expedition to the south, IV. 27. Visits
England, is knighted; returns; claims
a spy of General Putnam, V. 27, 64.
His incursion into New Jersey, 64;
114. Commands the expedition against
Fort Montgomery, 105, 475. Fails to
join Burgoyne, 119. His letter to
Burgoyne, taken out of a bullet, 131.
Plan for taking the person of, 261.
Succeeds Sir William Howe in the
command of the British army; in-
structions to, 337, 395, 548. An
interview proposed by, 394. His re-
quest of a passport for Ferguson, 397,
404, 411. Takes the place of Howe
with Lord North's commissioners, 397.
Evacuates Philadelphia, 409. His
route, 420. Ordered to despatch men
to the West Indies, VI. 60. Writes to
Lord Germain about the diminution of
his army, and detachments, 88. Gives
no passports for transporting flour and
fuel to the convention troops, 94, 96.
Cited respecting expeditions to St.
Augustine and Savannah, 101. Pro-
poses a meeting of commissioners for
an exchange of the convention troops;
calls for officers on parole, 139. Let-
ters to and from, respecting an ex-
change of prisoners, 194, 213, 507,
509, 513. To keep the seacoast
alarmed, 208. On Long Island, 209.
His expedition against Stony and
Verplanck's Points, 269, 270, 272.
Dissatisfied with his instructions, 270,
271. His situation, July 28th, 1779,
307. Disappointed in not receiving
reinforcements; his proposed expedi-
tion to South Carolina and Georgia,
327, 341, 358, 426, 486. Weary of
the service; solicits a recall; recom-
mends Lord Cornwallis as his succes-
sor; is commended by the King, 345,
346. Sends troops to Jamaica, 358.
His arrival at the southward and pro-
gress to Stono, VII. 18. Number of
troops and ships engaged in his expe-
dition to Carolina, 40. Cited about
Lafayette's proclamation to the Cana-
dians, 45. His return to New York,

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