Imágenes de páginas

conditional exchange of, VIII. 69.
Exchange of the, proposed, 125.
CONWAY, THOMAS, Colonel, his arrival
from France, and recommendation to
Congress, IV. 411. Appointed briga-
dier-general, 412. In the battle of
Germantown, V. 78, 464-466. His
importunity, 98. Appointed inspector-
general, with the rank of major-gen-
eral, 100, 203, 483. Letter to, con-
taining an extract from his letter to
General Gates, 139, 492. Sends his
commission to Congress; writes let-
ters about his application for the rank
of major-general, 150, 203, 483. His
correspondence with the Commander-
in-chief upon being appointed major-
general, 203, 204, 205, 207. His
remonstrance against Baron de Kalb's
appointment, 204; 265, 531, 533.
Left with the command at Albany;
ordered to join McDougall, 292, 372.
Resigns; his vexation, and visit to
Congress, 372, 373, 516. Dangerously
wounded in a duel, 516. Confesses
his injury to Washington, 517. Goes
to France, 517.

CONWAY, General, his motion that
Lord Howe's powers be laid before
Parliament, rejected, IV. 40.
Conway's Cabal, particulars and papers
relating to, V. 483.

COOKE, NICHOLAS, Governor of Rhode
Island, III. 47. Cited in regard to
the enlistment of the slaves of Rhode
Island, V. 245.

COOPER, MYLES, president of King's
College, II. 374, 381.

COOPER, SAMUEL, of Boston, III. 20.
Cops Hill, III. 17.

Coram, destruction of forage at, VII.
294, 315.

CORBIN, RICHARD, a member of the
Governor's Council, II. 3. Remark

of, respecting the mutiny bill, 118.
Cork Fleet, V. 440; VI. 2.
Corn, particulars about the planting of,
IX. 323, XII. 295, 342, 366, 368.
Time of gathering, 314.
Cornstalks, how to be used, XII. 365.
CORNWALLIS, Earl, arrives at New
York, IV. 27. Forwards an objection-
able paper to Washington, 380. At-
tempts to surprise General Lincoln at
Boundbrook, 391. His movements at
the battle of the Brandywine, V. 57,
460. His expedition against Red
Bank, 156, 162, 166. Occupies the
heights near Madison's Ford, 185.
Embarks for England, 238. Arrives in
America, VI. 313. Recommended for
the chief command by Clinton, 345,
346. Sails for Jamaica and is ordered


back to New York, 358, 361, 380, 384.
Goes to the Southern States, 486.
His transactions in the Carolinas, VII.
197, 552. Retreats precipitately from
Charlotte, 283. Retrograde move-
ments of, 337. His junction with
Leslie, 348. Makes a push against
Morgan, and is near recovering pris-
oners; advances against Greene, 438,
445. Retreat of, 452. Cited on the
importance of making the Chesapeake
the seat of war and of reducing Vir-
ginia, 458. His engagement with
Greene at Guilford Court-House, 466.
His letter to Nesbitt Balfour, 555.
Summary of his movements and ac-
tions, VIII. 5. Retreats before La-
fayette, 100, 108. Has conditional
instructions to reinforce New York;
sends no troops from Virginia, 116,
117. His action at Green Spring,
118. His movements at Portsmouth,
128. Takes possession of York and
Gloucester, 129. Deceived by spies,
141, 153. Measures taken to prevent
his escape, 141, 152, 156. Capitula-
tion of, 181, 195, 207, 209, 210, 212,
220, 226, 530. Parole to be signed by
his officers, 195. Restriction upon the
exchange of, and the reason for it,
240, 243-246, 265. Particulars con-
nected with the proposed exchange
of, for President Laurens, 244, 247,
251, 265, 325, 333, 338, 540. Dis-
charged from parole, and takes his
seat in the House of Peers, 334.
CORTLANDT, PHILIP, Colonel, V. 24,
37; VI. 113.

Cotton, the raising of, urged, IX. 470.
Inquiry about giving encouragement
to, X. 197.

Courts-martial, defect in the Virginia
laws respecting, II. 126, 159; and in
the commission for calling, 132; 246.
The power of appointing, too limited,
V. 236.

Cows, price of, XII. 294. Hints re-
specting, 364.

Cox, SAMUEL H., on Washington's
partaking of the Lord's Supper, XII.


[blocks in formation]

concerning Conway's cabal, V. 493;
VII. 192. Applies to Washington for
papers to aid Bowie, IX. 28. Invited
to go to the Western country, 52;
X. 13, 29; XI. 257, 265; XII. 339.
CRAMAHÉ, lieutenant-governor of Can-
ada, superintends the burial of Mont-
III. 264.

CRANE, Major, convoys a ship in Tur-
tle Bay, IV. 74. Colonel, V. 4; VII.
356, 389.

CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, Colonel, facts
respecting, II. 346. Recommended
to accompany Dunmore in the west,
373; 375. Goes to Congress to re-
ceive commands, V. 169.

facts respecting, IX. 259, 386. Letter
to, 490.

Crisis, The, by Thomas Paine, VIII.

CROGHAN, GEORGE, Colonel, an Indian
trader, II. 42. Contracts to supply
flour, 43, 59. Brings Indians, 318.
Comes to General Braddock with one
hundred Indians, but is coolly receiv-
ed, 475. Visits Fort Pitt, 518.
Crops, general method with, in Vir-
ginia, XII. 293. First statement of
the Mount Vernon, in 1789, 347.
Second statement, 348. Third state-
ment, 350. Lambert's remarks on,
356. Directions respecting, for the
year 1800, 361, 368. Rotation of, 362,
374. Instructions in regard to, for
1801 and 1802, 366, 373, 374.
Croton Bridge, IV. 169.
Croton River, Colonel Greene surpris-
ed and defeated near, VIII. 48.
Crown Point, III. 41. Schuyler leaves,
85. Northern army retreats to, 450.
Sullivan fortifies, 472. Opinions on
the propriety of the retreat from, IV.
3, 5, 11, 25, 47. Decision of a council
of officers respecting the retreat, 6.
Number of prisoners taken at, 548.
Visited by the Commander-in-chief,
in 1783, VIII. 467, 469, 488.
Culper, a fictitious name given to spies
in New York; measures recommend-
ed for their forwarding information,
VI. 354, 355, 460, 461; VIII. 30.
Cumberland, Fort, at Will's Creek, II.
63; 75. Left in command of Colonel
Innes, 86; 101; 109. Dagworthy
assumes the command of, 112; 115;
119. See DAGWORTHY. Bad situation
and inconveniences of, 126, 186. Or-
ders for a new road to, from Win.
chester, 131. Is barely manned, 142.
Of no use, 151. Stores there, ordered
to New York, 163. A council held

at, respecting the chain of forts, 166.
Indefensible, and stores should be
moved from, 171, 186. Opinions and
reasons for and against the mainten-
ance of, 172, 200. Excluded from the
scheme of the chain of forts, 198.
Two spies taken at, 201. Washing-
ton ordered to, with one hundred
men, 202, 205, 214. Compared with
Fort Loudoun, as to importance, 205.
Dinwiddie's confused and inconsist-
ent orders respecting, and their bad
effects, 210, 214, 215. The Maryland
forces garrison, 233, 313. Two Ca-
tawba Indians killed near, 234.
Threatened, and troops called to the
aid of, 240, 241. Sickness at, 309,
311. Magazine at, blown up, 316.
CUNINGHAM, JAMES, aid-de-camp to
Lord Loudoun, II. 230.
Currency, uniformity in the, recom-
mended, XII. 9. Disorders in the,


CUSHING, WILLIAM, administers the
oath to the President upon his induc-
tion into office in 1793, X. 322, 323.
CUSTINE, Count de, a French officer,
visits head-quarters, VII. 316, 319.
CUSTIS, G. W. P., author of the "In-
dian Prophecy," a drama, II. 476.
Washington by her first marriage, II.
361, 370. Enters King's College, in
New York, 374. Leaves College and
marries Miss Calvert, 381. Accom-
panies Mrs. Washington to Cam-
bridge, III. 168, 196. Washington's
directions about settling the affairs of
his estate, 383, 384. Cited respect-
ing General Greene, VIII. 18. Death
of, 204, 210, IX. 39, 95.
CUSTIS, MARTHA, widow of Daniel
Parke Custis, marries George Wash-
ington, II. 327; XII. 251.

CUSTIS, Miss, daughter of Mrs. Wash-
ington, death of, II. 378. Letters
about the settlement of her estate, III.
383, 384.

CUSTIS, Mrs., VIII. 486.
CUYLER, Colonel, commands Refugees
at Bull's Ferry, VII. 116.


DAGWORTHY, JOHN, Captain, assumes
the command of Fort Cumberland,
and refuses to obey the orders of pro-
vincial officers, II. 112. Washington
refuses to serve under, 117, 128.
Claims provisions from the Virginia
supplies, 127. General Shirley de-
cides against his clain to command,


Ordered to Fort Cumberland,
233. Joins Forbes's expedition, 311.
DAGWORTHY, MARY, cited on trans-
mitting a contribution from ladies for
the army, VII. 90.

DALBY, his case with the Quakers
about a slave, IX. 158.

DALLING, Governor at Jamaica, re-
quests succour from Clinton, VI. 358.
DAMAS, Count de, a French officer, his
visit to head-quarters, VII. 319, 341.
DANA, FRANCIS, III. 356. Visits the
camp on a committee from Congress,
V. 213; 344. Secretary to John Ad-
ams, VI. 385. Declines an appoint-
ment as minister to France, XI. 203.
Danbury, British expedition against,
IV. 404.


DANDRIDGE, JOHN, father of Mrs.
Washington, II. 327.


DARKE, JOHN, Colonel, X. 153, 183,

DARTMOUTH, Lord, suggests to Gage
the taking possession of Rhode Island
and occupying New York, III. 113.
Advises Gage to abandon Boston and
go to New York, 114. His correspond-
ence with Gage at the commencement
of the revolutionary war, largely cited,
506-514. Advises the arrest of mem-
bers of the Provincial Congress, 507,

Dartmouth College, Eleazer Wheelock,
president of, III. 207. Address to the
Board of Trustees of, XII. 164.
pointed brigadier-general in the Pro-
visional army, XI. 323. Written to,
about the selection of officers, 334.
Appointed envoy to France, 405.
DAVIES, SAMUEL, II. 40. His notice
of Washington in a sermon after
Braddock's defeat, 89.

DAVIES, WILLIAM, Colonel, American
commissioner to effect an exchange
of prisoners; instructions to, VI. 213,

DAVIS, JOHN, attorney for the district
of Massachusetts, XI. 135, 158.
DAVIS, Captain, pursues and harasses
the British from Springfield to Eliza-
bethtown, VII. 508.

DAVISON, JOSEPH, Lieutenant, takes
four prizes; gives information of the
sailing of the British fleet from Hali-
fax for Sandy Hook, III. 441.
DAYTON, ELIAS, Colonel, ordered to
Canada, III. 372. Despatched against
Sir John Johnson, 410. Represents
the condition of the New Jersey regi-

ment at Ticonderoga, IV. 278, 279;
V. 219; VII. 335. Aids in suppress-
ing the revolt in the Jersey line, 381,
561. Opposes the enemy at Spring-
field, 506. To put his brigade under
marching orders, VIII. 58. Direc-
tions to, respecting the treatment of
Captain Asgill, 304; IX. 171, 196.
DAYTON, JONATHAN, recommended for
the Provisional army, X1. 265, 299,
327, 330, 548.

DEANE, JAMES, Indian interpreter and
missionary, VI. 122. Visits Newport
with Indians, VII. 183, 184.
DEANE, SILAS, his negotiations injured
by commissioners meeting Lord Howe
at Staten Island, IV. 343. Recom-
mends Conway, 412. Treaty of, with
Ducoudray, not ratified by Congress,
491. Sends engineers from France,
491; V. 353. His interview with La-
fayette, 446.


DEANE, SIMEON, bearer of the de-
spatches of the treaty between France
and the United States to Congress, V.
353. Transmits the news to Wash-
ington, 353, 355.
DEARBORN, HENRY, Captain, his ex-
change proposed, IV. 52.
DEBORRE, Chevalier, IV. 411.
pointed brigadier-general, 412. Exe-
cutes a Tory, V. 12. His conduct at
the battle of the Brandywine disap-
proved, and he resigns, 60, 61, 463.
DECHAMBAULT, prisoner, released at
the interposition of D'Emery, gov-
ernor-general of St. Domingo, IV.


Deer, procured for Mount Vernon, IX.

DEHAAS, JOHN PHILIP, appointed brig-
adier-general, IV. 329.

DEHART, WILLIAM, Lieutenant-Colo-
nel, written to, about an expedition to
Staten Island, VI. 445.
DELANCEY, JAMES, Lieutenant-Gover-
nor of New York, II. 5, XII. 417.
DELANCEY, OLIVER, appointed briga-
dier-general; to raise loyalists on Long
Island, IV. 129, 520, 522. Expedition
against his corps, at Morrisania, VII.
356, 357, 385, 392. His expedition to
Croton River against Colonel Greene,
VIII. 48. Proposed attack on, 92-
99. Expedition against, 109.
Delaware, address to a society in, for
promoting domestic manufactures,
XII. 141. Address to the legislature
of, 240. Chief magistrates of, during
Washington's public life, 418. Mem-
bers of the Continental Congress from,
423; of Congress during Washing-
ton's administration, 430.

Delaware, a frigate, taken by the Brit-
ish, V. 77.

Delaware River, obstructed, III. 427.
Situation and condition of the Amer-
ican and British armies near, IV.
213, 15, 218, 224, 230. Boats and
vessels on, secured or destroyed for
seventy miles, 230, 239. Crossed be-
fore the battle of Trenton, 246. Pre-
cipitate retreat of the British from,
251. Lookouts to be stationed at the
Capes of, 502. Military works on, V.
59. Importance of obstructing, 71.
Enemy's attempts to remove the ob-
structions of, 92, 104, 115, 116.
American vessels in, disposed of, 116,
139, 140. Transports arrive there,
142. British ships arrive, 302, 310.
Continental frigates in, destroyed, 362,
364. See Mifflin and Red Bank.
Delaware Regiment, the march of, to
the southward, VII. 7.
DELIGNERY, a French officer, com-
mands at Fort Duquesne, II. 239.
Democratic Societies, X. 426, 454. The
Pennsylvania insurrection, the first
formidable fruit of, 429, 437. Insti-
tution of, 429, 438, 440. The name
of" Madisonian" given to one of the,
443; 444; XI. 337.

DERBY, JOHN, Captain, carries the
news of the Lexington battle to Eng-
land; examined before the Privy
Council, III. 35.

DERBY, RICHARD, fits out a vessel to

carry intelligence of the Lexington
battle to England, III. 35.

Deserters, American, laws should be
passed against persons who favor, IV.
305. Proclamation respecting, 379.
Bounty offered to, by General Howe,
409. Frequently leaving the Ameri-
can vessels on the Delaware, V. 84.
Proclamation respecting, 133. From
the army, 240, 245. Coming with
flags from the enemy, to be seized and
punished, 294, 341. Inefficacy of
proclamations of pardon to, VII. 439.
Deserters, British, bounty paid to, V.
42. Not to be enlisted, 270, 298, 346.
To go at large, 279. Not to be enlist-
ed, VI. 85, 490.

Deserters in the French war, numerous;
punishment of, by death, advised, II.
60, 61, 126, 179, 250. Assembly pass
an act respecting, 113, 119. Should
be made examples of, 126; 160. Dif-
ficulty of securing them, 172, 219,
225. From the Virginia Regiment
invited by proclamation to join the
Royal American Regiment, 226. Two,
executed, 245.

DESTOUCHES, Chevalier, succeeds Ter-

nay in the command of the French
fleet, VII. 330, 374. Sends ships to
blockade Arnold in the Chesapeake,
404, 410, 418, 435, 461. Sets on foot an-
other expedition, with his whole naval
force, 425, 426, 439, 440, 444, 447, 449,
464. His interview with the Com-
mander-in-chief at Newport, 446. His
action with Arbuthnot and return to
Newport, 463, 468. Resolve of Con-
gress respecting, 465. Recapitulation
of his exertions against Arnold, VIII.
6. Ready for an expedition to Pe-
nobscot, 8, 10.

Detroit, expedition to, proposed VI.
120, 156, 225. Importance of the re-
duction of, and measures for effecting
it, VII. 341-345. Measures in regard
to the fortifications at, VIII. 463, 470;
482; IX. 59. Taken possession of,
XII. 66.

DEUXPONTS, a French officer, visits
the American camp and Philadelphia,
VII. 319.

DEWITT, SIMEON, appointed geographer
to the army, VII. 309. Declines the
appointment of surveyor-general, XI.

Diary, Washington's, extracts from,
while on a tour of discovery on the
Youghiogany in 1754, II. 21; re-
specting Jumonville, 34; while on a
surveying tour among the Allegany
mountains in 1748, 416; at Barba-
does in 1751, 424; on his agency for
Governor Dinwiddie to the French
on the Ohio, in the winter of 1753-4,
432; while attending the House of
Burgesses in 1774, 486; during his
attendance at the first Congress in
Philadelphia, in 1774, 503; about his
affairs in 1760, 509. Of a tour to the
Ohio in 1770, for viewing lands, 516.
Commenced May 1st, 1781, and con-
tinued, VIII. 31, 48, 54, 98, 109, 114,
134, 162. Extracts from, about his
reception at Fredericktown, IX. 118.
Of proceedings at the Federal Con-
vention, 538. His journey to New
York to take upon himself the Presi
dency, X. 461. Agricultural, in 1785,
XII. 379; in December, 1799, 381.
DICK, CHARLES, Commissary in the
army, II. 100, 109, 163.
DICKINSON, JOHN, author of the "Far-
mer's Letters," opposed the declara-
tion of independence; extract from
his letter after being superseded in
Congress, IV. 291. President of Del-
aware, VIII. 310. Author of letters
signed "Fabius," IX. 354. Author
of the address to the King by the first
Continental Congress, XII. 398.

DICKINSON, PHILEMON, General, defeats
a foraging party of the British, IV.
289, 290. Congress requests that he
may command the New Jersey mili-
tia, V. 54. Stations militia at Eliza-
bethtown and Amboy, 64; 70. Pro-
poses a simultaneous attack on Long
Island, New York, and Staten Island,
134, 135. His descent upon Staten
Island, 174, 175, 211; 362. To harass
the enemy in crossing New Jersey,
387, 395, 396, 397, 424. To procure
guides; informed of the disposition of
the detachments, 416, 417; 425. Op-
poses the British in their expedition
against Springfield, VII. 85; 133;


DICKINSON, Major, killed at Monmouth,
V. 428, 429.

Dickinson College, IX. 353.

Dickinson's Fort, surprised by the In-
dians, II. 196. Men to be posted at,

Dictatorial powers conferred on Wash-
ington, IV. 232, 254, 257, 550. See

DIGBY, ROBERT, Admiral, VIII. 162,
192. His proposal to exchange land
prisoners for seamen, inadmissible,
253; 261. With Sir Guy Carleton
charged with a commission of peace,
VIII. 299, 536.

DINWIDDIE, ROBERT, lieutenant-gov-
ernor of Virginia, his instructions,
commission, and passport to Washing-
ton in 1753; communicates his pro-
ceedings, and sends Washington's
journal to the Board of Trade; re-
solves to enlist two companies to con-
struct a fort on the Ohio, in 1754;
gives instructions for the expedition,
II. 1, 428. Commissions Joshua Fry
as colonel, and George Washington
as lieutenant-colonel, 4. Obliged to
rely on volunteer enlistments; issues
a proclamation to encourage enlist-
ments; his orders from the King, 5,
358, 359. Writes to several of the
governors, pressing for assistance,
without much success, 10. Severely
tried about the ten thousand pounds'
grant of the legislature; laments their
republican way of thinking, 12. Goes
to Winchester to meet Indian chiefs;
communicates to Lord Halifax a
scheme for colonial government, 18;
29. Prisoners sent to him, 37, 33.
Appoints Innes commander of the
Ohio expedition, and Washington of
the Virginia regiment, 41. Orders
Indian goods; refuses to ratify one of
the articles of the capitulation at
Fort Necessity, 42, 467. Orders the

forces to cross the Alleganies, 52.
Has a misunderstanding with the
House of Burgesses, 58. Proposes an
act of Parliament to compel obedi-
ence, 59. His plans for taxing the
colonists, 63, 153, Makes a change
in the military arrangement, which
causes Washington to resign, 64, 67.
In a new arrangement appoints him
commander-in-chief of the Virginia
forces, and expresses his opinion of
him, 97, 161. Dissolves the Assem-
bly, 113; 120. Permits Washington
to visit General Shirley respecting his
command; discourages gaming, 130.
Orders out militia, 145. Projects an
extensive chain of forts, 153. Is ad-
vised to stop militia, 157. Gives
instructions about enlisting servants,
169. Proposes an expedition to the
Ohio, 170. Generally gives ambigu-
ous instructions; insists on maintain-
ing Fort Cumberland, 172, 210, 215,
216. Describes the mode of declaring
war, 181. Censures Washington, 201.
Orders him to go to Fort Cumberland,
and send out parties to watch the
enemy, 202. Confusion and incon-
sistency in his orders, 210, 215.
luctantly consents to Washington's
meeting Lord Loudoun and the south-
ern governors at Philadelphia, 230,
262. Orders the evacuation of Fort
Cumberland by the Virginia troops,
233. Rebukes the Maryland Assem-
bly for denying Lord Loudoun's pow-
er, 234.
Concerts a new arrange-
ment for the troops, 235. His dispo-
sition towards Washington, 238, 244,
248, 256, 261, 262, 266, 268. Sails
for Europe in January, 1758; brief
sketch of his character and five years'
administration, 270.
Dinwiddie, Fort, on Jackson's River,
II. 101, 109, 125, 178.
Discipline, regular system of, contem-
plated and recommended, IV. 430.
Necessity of, in an army, XI. 414.
Dismal Swamp, company chartered and
measures taken for draining, and mak-
ing fit for cultivation, XII. 267, 277.
Examined, 268, 277. Meeting held,


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