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nal industrial expansion have established as permeating and permanent influences in the city the services. of the Carnegie institutions-the library, the music hall, the art gallery, the natural history museum and the technical institute. Better still, this period has started into action, through the normal, democratic initiative of public spirited citizens, many excellent agencies for social service devoted to that ultimate and fundamental municipal reform-the training of the sovereign electorate. In the last analysis the growth of strong human and humanizing influence in Pittsburgh lies in the fact that the deep moral energy of the established element of Pittsburgh people often slow moving and belated, but, when once aroused inflexible and indomitable-is beginning to be positively engaged and involved in the present issue.

We all remember how Chicago, on account of some of the crude moral by-products of its growth, came to be an object of scorn from many sources at home and abroad. By creating the World's Fair and by the exceptionally intelligent organization of civic and social betterment, Chicago has compelled the respect of the country and the world. Pittsburgh succeeded Chicago as the chosen example of the cynics; Pittsburgh is earnestly, and with that unparalleled Pittsburgh productive instinct, taking to heart these large plans for associated and public enterprise through which alone, as all the world is finding, a twentieth century city's prosperity goes hand in hand with its honor.

The Civic Responsibilities of Democracy in

an Industrial District


Director of the Pittsburgh Survey and Associate Editors
Charities and the Commons

American spread-eagleism has matured notably in the past ten years, but there is still youth and ginger enough in it to make my first postulate simply this-that the civic responsibilities of democracy in an industrial district are to come abreast of and improve upon any community standards reached under any other system of government; and, second, to do this in a democratic way as distinct from a despotic or paternalistic way.


It was my good fortune to spend a week the past summer in Essen and other industrial towns of the Rhenish-Westphalia district of Germany, following something over a year spent in the Pittsburgh District. I fancy that in our attitude toward the old countries, we are inclined to regard their cities as long established and to find justification for any lapses of our own in the newness of America. But Essen, for instance, as an industrial center is new. The chronology of the development of the steel industry there is not altogether different from that of the same industry in Pittsburgh; and one of the great problems of Fried. Krupp was to mobilize and hold within reach of his furnaces and rolls a large and efficient working population. Entering the industrial field generations later than England, German manufacturers have not had a trained working force ready to hand. Krupp had to draw his men from the country districts-healthy, unskilled peasants, unused to quick handling of their muscles,

unused to working indoors, unused to machinery, unused to living in large communities. The wages offered, as against the wages of agricultural districts, drew them there; he must keep them there out of reach of his competitors, and he must see that they worked at the top notch of their efficiency. It was a loss to Herr Krupp when a man with five years' training in his works left Essen, or was sick, or was maimed.

And its Great
Working Force

As a town, Essen was unprepared to absorb this great new industrial population. There were not houses enough; the newcomers were sheltered abominably and charged exorbitant rents by the local landlords. There weren't food supplies enough within reach of the growing city, and the workers had to buy poor bread and bad meat and pay heavily for them. The town hadn't enough sanitary appliances to dispose of the waste which a congregation of individuals sloughs off and which, if not properly disposed of, breeds disease. The high rents and high provisions pared away must of the incentive in the wages which must attract this working force to Essen; poor houses and poor food made directly for stupid, half-roused workers and for poor work. Primarily as a business proposition, then, Herr Krupp started that group of social institutions which have since been expanded from one motive or another, until they supply an infinite variety of wants to the Essen workers. The firm bought up successive plots of land, laid them out, sewered them, parked them, and today, at the end of fifty years, over thirty thousand persons are living in houses belonging to the Essen works (ten thousand of the sixty thousand Krupp employees are thus supplied). There has been a growth in quality as well as in numbers of houses. The buildings of the first workmen's colony, West End, are rough, crude boxes; the new colonies of Alfredshof and Friedrichshof are beautiful, with their red roofs, graceful lines, lawns, housekeeping conveniences and modest rents. Not less than seventy-seven Krupp supply stores, operated on a profit sharing basis, sell meat, bread, manufactured goods and household furniture. One of the greatest bakeries in Germany is operated on a cost basis, and there are slaughter houses, flour mills, ice making establishments, tailor shops, etc.

This welfare work of the Krupps has not succeeded in keeping either trade unionism or socialism out of the ranks of the

Essen's Welfare Work

working force; it has tended to put the workers in a position of semi-feudal dependence for comforts and to sap their initiative, and in those bearings it is not in accord with American ideas; but it has served to gather at Essen, to keep there, and to keep there at a high standard of working efficiency, one of the most remarkable labor forces in Germany.

It is solely the latter aspect of the case that concerns us here. I think it is agreed that when it comes to armor plate, I-beams, tubes, or rails, the Pittsburgh steel plants can beat the world. But a week's stay among the Krupp colonies at Essen brings with it the conviction that we in America have considerable distance to go if we are to match the Germans in the science of improved community conditions. The question is how some of these higher standards can be worked out in an American industrial district where one corporation does not dominate; where you are dealing with a much greater aggregation of people spread over a much greater territory, and where you must work out your solution in democratic ways through democratic agencies.

It must be borne in mind that much that I say of Pittsburgh is true of practically all our industrial centers; our severest criticism of any one comes not from a comparison with its fellows, but from a comparison of the haphazard development of its social institutions with the splendid organic development of its industrial enterprises. And more, in the methods and scope of progressive business organizations we have some of the most suggestive clues as to ways of municipal progress. I can cover only a few points in the time allotted and these will be more effective if I use as my text the concrete conditions in Pittsburgh with which I am most familiar.1

1 The findings of the Pittsburgh Survey are to be published in three special numbers of Charities and the Commons, January, February and March, 1909, and later in volumes issued by The Russell Sage Foundation.-EDItor.

The most

My first point has to do with administrative areas. effective city administration cannot act to advantage unless the units through which it operates are workable Administrative and bear some relation to the function they Areas are designed to perform. The radius of the old time city, as one English writer has pointed out, was the distance you could walk from your work in the center to a home convenient in the outskirts. Today, for most purposes, a city is a rapid transit proposition. For most purposes, a municipal area can be governed most effectively if it includes all such districts as can be reached by city workers, by subway, steam, or surface lines. The movement for a greater Pittsburgh which, within the last year, has been advanced by the merging of Allegheny and the movement for a greater Birmingham, which is now in progress in the corresponding English industrial center, are recognitions of this fact. The police, fire-in fact, every department of municipal activity is oramped and rendered less effective by restricted bounds.

But for certain functional activities much wider areas must be covered. The sanitary inspection force of Cleveland, for instance, inspects dairies and slaughter-houses throughout all that part of Ohio that supplies the Cleveland market, in contrast to the Pittsburgh inspection service which is at present only able to inspect supplies as they come into the city and sources in the immediate neighborhood. Again, the sewer and water problem of Pittsburgh is a water-shed problem. One hundred and twentynine towns and boroughs are dumping their sewage into the rivers which run past Pittsburgh and from which Pittsburgh must draw its water. No one of these governmental units can work out its sanitary problem alone. Close coordination of sanitary work is needed throughout the whole river district.

There is necessity, then, for increasing our municipal administrative areas and for relating them to the functions which must be performed through them; and this very fact raises the distinctive civic problem of creating this enlarged municipal machinery, without sacrificing that local loyalty and interest which in neighborhoods and smaller districts make for good government. In Pittsburgh we have a central city-a market

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