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larger array of articles on exhibition. The principal difference in the display of stock noticed was that grade cattle were very scarce, nearly all the exhibiters bringing full-blood Shorthorns, thus showing that the standard pure breeds are becoming almost universally diffused, and nearly all our farmers have some animals of this strain.

The early frosts spoiled the display of flowers, but Floral Hall was beautifully adorned with works of art and evergreens, and compared well even with seasons in which the flowers have been abundant.

As was remarked in our last report, the fair-grounds, known as "Oak Grove," twenty acres in extent, was bought at a cost of $3,000, and buildings, costing about $2,000, were erected-the money being raised by a stock subscription. Forty per cent. on the stock has been collected, and the regular receipts at the Fair are confidently relied upon to pay the balance, and repay the stockholders within five years.

The total receipts from the Fair this year, including the amount received from the State fund are $2,035 37. The amount of premiums paid is $415. After paying the installments due this year upon the grounds, new improvements, the expenses of the Fair and premiums, the Treasurer reports $165 in the treasury.

OFFICERS FOR 1861.-Josiah Robbins, President; Leman Palmer, Vice-Presi dent; Junius Dana, Secretary, B. N. Robbins, Treasurer; D. W. Jameson, Marshal. Managers-H. B. Perkins, John Reeves, H. D. Freer, Geo. Hapgood, Franklin E. Stowe, Geo. K. Pelton, C. G. Beardsly, Ira L. Fuller, S. S. King,

Abner Rush.


The annual Fair of the Tuscarawas County Agricultural Society was held on the three last days of September, upon the Society's grounds, situated between Canal Dover and New Philadelphia, containing about eleven acres, substantially enclosed with convenient and excellent fair-ground buildings, for the accommodation and protection of stock.

Floral Hall, for the exhibition of fruits, flowers and fancy articles.

Farm Product Hall, for the display of bread, butter, cheese, honey-farm products and articles appertaining to this class.

The Fair passed off highly satisfactory to visitors, exhibiters, and the officers of the Society. The entries, exhibition, attendance and receipts were larger than any former Fair. The exhibition, in some departments, showed a marked superiority and improvement over any former fair. The season has been highly pro

pitious, more so than for a series of years, and the people have made the best use of the abundance.


Receipts from all sources......

Gross expenditures........

$1,169 91

1,169 91

OFFICERS.-B. D. Downey, President, Canal Dover; John Walters, VicePresident, Shanesville; B. B. Brashear, Treasurer, Canal Dover; Geo. Welty, Jr., Secretary, Strasburg. Managers-U. C. Deardorff, David Johnson, Josiah Walton, Jno. M. Hodge, Samuel Scott.


Our Fair was first appointed to be held in the month of September, but the State Fair being subsequently appointed for the same time, ours was changed to the 17th, 18th and 19th days of October. The late date at which it was held damaged it in some of its departments, but, taken altogether, it was quite equal to any that preceded it. In the receipts, and the number in attendance, it was ahead of all its predecessors.

There is a manifest tendency of our Fairs to run into stock shows. Something can be done to check this tendency by increasing the number and value of premiums on the other departments. But people admire "hosses" and cattle, and no doubt these will continue to be the leading features of our Fairs.

The crops of oats, hay, wheat and corn were good-better than for some years past. Potatoes were abundant, and of excellent quality. There was a fair crop of apples.

The premium corn crop was raised by D. G. Cross, and was 114 bushels to the acre. Thaddeus Wood raised 40 bushels of wheat on an acre. E. Burnham

raised 125 bushels of potatoes on one-fourth of an acre.

There has been a great deal of prejudice against much of the land of this county, because too flat and wet. But as the country is more cleared up, and drainage is introduced, this prejudice gives way. Indeed the land formerly condemned as too wet is now considered the best land for corn and hay. The corn crop of Mr. Cross, above named, was raised on a piece of land too wet for cultivation until drained, and this is the second crop grown upon it since it was cleared. There is no swampy or springy land in this county. The land we call wet is so only because there are not suitable drains to take off the surface water.

Tile draining has been tried on a small scale, and has proved satisfactory. Mole

draining has also been tried with results satisfactory in most cases. Suitable drainage is all that is needed to make our county a first rate county for farming. It should not be inferred from what is said above that ours is a very flat, wet county. It is not.

Agricultural societies, millinery shops and ready made clothing, together, are fast changing the whole character of society. In the days of homespun apparel country people had a rustic air that used to bring ridicule upon them among town people, who wore calico and cloth. But the milliners and vendors of ready made clothing have found their way into every nook and corner, and have carried the fashions with them, and now people all dress alike, and the town can no longer turn up its nose and call the country "Jake" or "Sal" on account of the cut of the coat or the shape of the bonnet. The great event of the year is the County Fair, and this belongs emphatically to the country people, and they know it, and it has placed them at the "head of the heap," and now, to gain a place among the leaders on this leading occasion, it is necessary to bring along a pair of domestic blankets, or pair of hose, or a jar of jellies, or a lot of canned fruits, or a roll of butter, or a loaf of bread, or a big beet, or cabbage, or a squash, or a calf, or colt, or something else in the line of agricultural exhibitions. These societies are doing much to revive a sentiment that had partially died out, to wit: That everybody that wishes to be considered anybody by respectable people, must be able to do something to add to the interest of the great annual exhibition. Our receipts this year were $1,182 70.

We have in the Treasury $673 84.

Out of this, however, about $200 of premiums remain to be paid.

The total amount of premiums awarded this year was $569 50.

The society has excellent buildings and other arrangements, but it is felt that the grounds (13 acres) is too small, and an addition is contemplated.

OFFICERS FOR 1861-President, E. Burnham, Irwin; Vice-President, James W. Robinson; Treasurer, E. L. Reynolds; Secretary, C. S. Hamilton, Marysville. Managers-Thomas Rolinson, New California; N. A. Woodworth, J. Fullington, P. Coe, Milford Center; J. M. Welsh, D. G. Cross, Levi Longbroke, Marysville.


I regret very much that, in making this report, I cannot give a better account of "Little Vinton." She does not give to the subject of agriculture that attention which its importance demands, nor which she, to be considered an agricultural

county, should give it. Our farmers do not seem to realize that they are the source of all wealth-that upon them all other interests depend, and that just in proportion as they increase and improve their farm products, just in that proportion will the wealth and independence of society in general advance. They need a general stirring up to get them to feel the importance of their station. But the farmers are not, by any means, the only class interested in the prosperity of an agricultural society. The mechanic, the merchant, and every class of society is equally interested, and deserves, and should receive, the support of all; yet our society falls far short of it this year.

Our Annual Fair, held on the 19th and 20th days of September, was not large nor very well attended. This was, no doubt, in part owing to the great political excitement in our county-the people scarcely thinking of anything but politics. The articles on exhibition were all of good quality, the live stock especially. Considerable improvement is being made in the quality of our horses and cattle, and the energies of our farmers need only to be aroused, and a spirit of honorable rivalry engendered among them, to make our society what it should be, one of the first in Southern Ohio. Let us then preserve our organization, and strive, each one, to excel in some department, and shall soon be rewarded by an increase in wealth, happiness and independence.

OFFICERS.-J. C. Garrett, President; J. W. McBetb, Vice President; G. W. Watts, Rec. Secretary; J. T. Mackey, Cor. Secretary. Managers-E. J Wolf, T. M. Bay, H. R. Demming, Benson Dankle, and C. Moler.


The Warren County Agricultural Society held their Annual Fair on the 5th, 6th and 7th days of September. The grounds were put in good order, and all done that was deemed essential for the convenience and comfort of exhibiters and spectators.

From the Treasurer's report, it will be seen that there is a falling off of the receipts from last year, which may be accounted for thus: the early and busy season of the year, the proximity of the United States and State Fairs, the one held in the adjoining county south, the other north, and, lastly, rainy weather during the first two days of the exhibition.

But the Board have to regret a feeling that manifests itself detrimental to the usefulness and design of the society, which appears to be gradually running into a grand Horse Show and merry making Pic-nic, where the people gather by thousands to see the exhibition of that noble animal-the horse-to see each

other, and have a good time generally, with as little care and trouble as possible. All come to be entertained, instead of contributing their mite for the exhibition. There is material enough in the products and manufactures of this county to show each department to great perfection. The exhibition of horses, swine, agricultural implements and grain have not been surpassed in former years. The cattle interest was almost entirely neglected.

There were a few good sheep on exhibition, both fine wooled and mutton, but the poor creatures looked forsaken and neglected, huddling together in the furthermust corner of their pens, for fear of their mortal enemies, the dogs, and our lawmakers; the latter prefer spending their time and the people's money in banqueting, pleasure excursions, and making buncombe speeches, to legislating for the benefit of the farming interests, while the former are feasting upon his mutton. Is it too much, then, to ask from our rulers that they should notice those that sustain them? Where does the collector go to obtain the tax that is to sustain the credit of the State? To the manufacturer? No; he is protected by your laws, unless a certain income results from his investments over and above the expense of carrying on his establishment. To the mechanic? he pays but a very small proportion of what the farmer has to pay. But our farms, though unproductive, must pay, though we have to toil early and late to sustain our families and meet our engagements. Our land is there, it must respond. But again, we ask, should not our requests be attended to, and aid be afforded to develop our resources, and improve our agriculture, while thus we are benefited? The State will reap a large income from the increased products of our farms, by protecting our property from destruction, and a geological survey that would develop the full capabilities of our country.

The ladies' department was very well sustained, considering the inclemency of the weather. Smiles and tears were liberally dispensed by the hand of Providence, which kept our fair country women in a state of great commotion to find shelter for their expanded forms during the fits of weeping indulged in by old mother nature. The crops raised in this county are the same as formerly reported, less tobacco and broom corn. Wheat, more than an average. Corn full average. Barley, short. Hay, oats and potatoes, good. Fruit, short; killed by late frosts.

The assessor's returns in March will give a much more accurate statement than we can approximate at this time.

OFFICERS.-Jacob Egbert, Lebanon, President; A. E. Stokes, Lebanon, Vice President and Treasurer; S. W. Egbert, Lebanon, Secretary. Directors-R. W. Gilchrist, John Bone, N. Kever, Henry Perrine, A. E. Dodds, L. G. Anderson.

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