Imágenes de páginas


Short sounds, of the vowels and sound of y as in "my."
One sound of each consonant except q, x, and z.
The combinations er, ight, ing, and old.

Attention is given to other combinations which occur frequently, as: an, in such words as Dan, Nan, fan, ran, etc.; in, in such words as bin, pin, win, intend, invent, etc. Other combinations which occur frequently in the words of the various reading lessons are en, on, as, is, ed, alk, and the plural forms.

No diacritical marks are used in this book.


The new sight words are chiefly those used in the ordinary vocabulary of children old enough to read from this book. The new words express the thoughts within the comprehension of the children. They are given in this work to aid in introducing some new form of expression or some author.

The words perplex, perplexed, vanish, vanished, and atmosphere are the chief words which are not in the vocabulary of the children, but the ideas are familiar. These words are given to prepare for reading Longfellow's "Children," and to introduce Longfellow to the children.

Study the Manual before beginning the work outlined in this book.






Where is my ball?" said Ben to his

little sister Mary.

"I do not know where your ball is. Is it on the stand?"


No; I do not see it on the stand."

Ben and Mary went to the garden to look for the ball.

You will laugh when you know where they found it. It was in a cap near the big tree. The cap was an old one.

"I am glad to see you, old ball," said



Now we will play with you."

They ran into the field to play. The

big dog went with them. He was glad to go with Mary and Ben.

Kate was in the field picking flowers for her mother. She called the dog to her. They went near the pond where there were pretty white flowers.

The dog jumped into the water.
"See the ball fly," said Ben.

They looked and saw the ball when Ben threw it. It fell near the pond, then rolled into the water.

The dog saw it, and jumped into the water. He found the ball for Ben.

They played ball with the dog, and they had fun all day.



"I can beat the drum," said Tom.

"Let us have a march," said Ben.

We will call John and the girls. They will march with us. We will have a

flag, a pretty red, white, and blue flag. Kate may hold the flag."

Tom began to beat his drum, Kate held the flag up high, and they marched into the garden. Round and round they went, marching, marching to the drum beat.

"I am going to put a rose in my hat," said Ben.

"We will all have roses," said Kate.

The children had fun in the garden.

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