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698,128 cast,' was second in the running to John D. Fay, the Democratic candidate for canal commissioner, who had a majority of 50,277. Thomas Hillhouse, for comptroller, led his associates upon the Republican ticket with a total of 325,658.2

Although a number of arrests for illegal voting and rioting occurred, the election in New York City, in general, was very quiet. The crowds around the newspaper offices were immense but good humor prevailed, the general opinion being that the result was a foregone conclusion. The Democrats, in addition to carrying every State office, practically made a clean sweep in New York City. One Republican and an Independent* were sent to the assembly from New York City. The chief point of interest in the local 1 Tribune Almanac, 1868, p. 49.


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election appeared to center around the enforcement of the excise law.1

The Tribune blamed the New York Republican papers for a large part in the default of voters at the polls. Greeley claimed that they had influenced the State vote to the extent of 50,000. He also laid a large share of the fault at the door of the canal frauds and peculations during the past three years. The corrupt politicians who had by hook or crook managed to have themselves nominated upon the Republican ticket came in for their share of blame.

We are beaten by the Republicans this year and the work of reconstruction is thus practically delayed, if not arrested. The Southern rebels are virtually told by the State of New York "Hold on! vote against Conventions wherever you are strong enough to defeat them; refuse to vote wherever you can thus hope to discredit and damage the process more than by voting, and you may again resume control of your respective States, and trample the white and black Unionists under your feet through the disfranchisement and virtual re-enslavement of the latter."


The explanations of the Republican State organs as to the cause of the Republican defeat were many. Several minor causes were cited but the underlying sentiment. seemed to be a distrust of and disgust with Stevens and Sumner. The Syracuse Daily Journal placed the "humiliation of the Republicans to the credit of Horace Greeley. The feeble administration of the national

New York Times, Nov. 6, 1867.

Before the election, Greeley said that an omnibus would hold all of the votes that the said journals could control.

'New York Tribune, Nov. 6, 1867.

Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, Nov. 7, 1867; Ogdensburg Daily Journal, Nov. 6, 1867.

'Syracuse Daily Journal, Nov. 7, 1867.



finances, the increased debt and a failure to meet the negro suffrage issue were given as the causes by the Buffalo Express. To the Evening Journal the Republican defeat meant the abandonment by the people of the great principle of the War. Republican apathy, unworthy nominees,* Democratic reaction," and fraudulent voting in New York City, were among other causes enumerated by the Republican State organs. The causes given for the Republican defeat were essentially the same in the Democratic State papers."

The attitude assumed by the Democrats was one which largely showed their appreciation of the fact that the victory had not been entirely due to their own energies. The World wisely warned the Democrats not to forget themselves in their jubilation.

It will not do to assume that we have won by a simple exertion of our own party strength. The fact is true, whether we recognize it or not, that we are indebted for this magnificent and manifold triumph to citizens who have not, for the last few years, acted in the Democratic party."

A further aid to the Democrats was acknowledged by the

1 Buffalo Express, Nov. 7, 1867.

3 Albany Evening Journal, Nov. 6, 1867.

3 Syracuse Daily Standard, Nov. 6, 1867.

• Ibid. Albany Evening Journal, Nov. 6, 1867; Utica Morning Herald, Nov. 6, 1867.

Rochester Daily Democrat, Nov. 6, 1867.

See John I. Davenport, The election and naturalization frauds in New York City, 1860-70 (New York, 1894), p. 100 et seq. Ibid. Utica Morning Herald, Nov. 6, 1867.

'Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Nov. 6, 1867; Buffalo Daily Courier, Nov. 8, 1867; Utica Daily Observer, Nov. 6, 1867.

New York World, Nov. 7, 1867; Buffalo Daily Courier, Nov. 8,

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World, in that "a proportion of the Republicans stayed away from the polls, thus lending indirect help. It was urged that the true policy for Democrats to follow would be to render it easy, or at least, not difficult, for the liberal Republicans to act with the Democrats in the approaching presidential election. The general lack of worry on the part of the Republicans over their defeat was quite appar

"The best thing that could happen to us;" "Just what we need;" were common expressions among the cheerful Republicans. The shrewder Democratic journals, following in the wake of the World, fully understood the inevitable reaction unless the party pursued a conservative policy.

1Cf. Harper's Weekly, Nov. 11, 1867, p. 738. 'Harper's Weekly, Nov. 23, 1867.




THE New York State Constitutional Convention, which has been referred to in describing the campaign of 1867, was held under a new plan of representation. The legislature passed an act in March providing for a convention to revise the constitution. The election for delegates was held on April 23rd and the delegates then chosen were to assemble at Albany on the first Tuesday in June. The aggregate

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Annual Cyc., 1867, p. 543. All persons entitled to vote for a member of the assembly might vote for the delegates. The powerful sectional feeling still rife was shown in the provision which required a voter, if challenged, to prove his loyalty by taking an oath of allegiance, and swearing that he had not borne arms against the United States voluntarily, nor aided the enemy of the North, nor held any real or colorable office in hostility to the United States, nor voluntarily supported such authority. Further, he had to swear that he was not a [212


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