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they, perhaps, treat him a little worse than boys would.

7. I suppose Santa Klaus must have heard

about John, for on Christmas

morning John found on his table a nice watch, with a card near it. 8. On the card was written, “A good watch for a good boy." All the boys at school were glad that


John got his watch, and were sure that he

ought to have it.

9. There were two strange ten on the inside of the case. mean?

"The child is father of the man."

sentences writWhat do they

"Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined."

1. Overbearing, honest, truthful, choose, inclines, twig, depend, conduct, cowardly, loses, deceive, believe.

2. Give two meanings of watch. What is the meaning of un? of dis? What does dishonest mean? What does untruthful mean? Use dis and un with two other words. Write a sentence, using the word inclines. What does manly mean? How many hands does a watch have? Do watches ever have more than two hands? Never is what kind of a word? Find in the lesson another time-word, and tell what action-word it is used with.


1. Spot and Tip are great friends. play with each other and never fight. even lap milk from the same dish.

They They

2. One day a strange dog came into the yard and ran at Tip.

3. She was afraid, but bent her back in a funny way, and got her claws all ready to scratch him if he should try to bite her.

He heard the

4. Spot was in the barn. noise, and ran to help Tip. When Tip saw Spot coming, she was no longer afraid. She knew that he would take care of her.

5. The strange dog saw Spot, too, and ran away as fast as he could. Tip put her face up to Spot's and purred gently, as much as

[blocks in formation]

to say, "Thank you, Spot. I think you are a very good dog."

6. Spot answered her in his own way, which she seemed to understand, and they walked off together.

7. They always agree excepting when Tip

eats a mouse or a rat.

8. Then Spot looks at her for a moment or two, as much as to say that he doesn't think it very nice of her to do such a thing, and goes away out of her sight and hearing until she is through eating.

9. And yet Spot seems to know that he must not expect a cat to be just like a dog in everything, for he often brings a mouse or a rat that he has caught, and drops it at Tip's feet.

10. Then, without waiting to be thanked, he runs away, as if half ashamed to think that he has done such a thing, even to please his good friend.

11. Perhaps Tip is more selfish than Spot. At least, she always eats her own rats and mice, as well as those that Spot gives her, and never even offers him anything in re



12. But cats and dogs have ways of their

own, and perhaps in some way she

repays him for his kindness, though Spot never seems to expect her to thank him for what he does.

[blocks in formation]

1. Answered, excepting, funny, scratch, noise, understand, expect, waiting, selfish, return.

2. Who are Spot and Tip? What do they do? What happened one day? What did Spot do? How did Tip thank him? Did they always agree ? What did Spot do then? What do dogs eat? What do cats eat? Can you find a nameword in the first paragraph that can not be changed to mean more than one? Change mouse to make the word mean more than one. What four words tell how Tip bent her back? Is "in a funny way" used like a single word to tell the manner? "Spot was in the barn." What three words here are used as a place-word? What words can you make from answer?



1. Sleep, baby, sleep!

Thy father's watching the sheep, Thy mother's shaking the dreamland tree, And down drops a little dream for thee. Sleep, baby, sleep!

2. Sleep, baby, sleep!
The large stars are the sheep,
The little stars are the lambs, I guess,
The bright moon is the shepherdess.
Sleep, baby, sleep!

1. Dreamland, shepherdess, shaking.

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