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forth ministers to preach the glad tidings of the grace of GoD, knowing that where that is sounded GOD will bring his people; for it is written,

"all that the father giveth me shall come unto me, and that they do come by means of the preaching of the Gospel."

A Sermon


Psalm, iv. 4.-" Stand in awe, and sin not; commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be still.”

ONE great cause why sin is so feebly force the duty of communing with resisted, and that we see and feel it to ourselves. "Stand in awe, and sin be so universal, is, that we persist in not; commune with your own heart, neglecting the means prescribed for and in your chamber, and be still." overcoming it. GOD, in the Bible, has First, then, we must consider the state been pleased to express plainly the of our soul as to its chief and eternal nature of sin, and the seductive arts interests. Men are apt to think all is by which the great enemy of mankind right if they avoid the commission of seeks to promote it in the world; but heinous crimes; and all well enough He has also as plainly instructed us if they preserve a fair character in the how to overcome it. Serious reflec- world. Yet in the pursuits of that tion-meditation-self-examination- world, how are all their hopes, their

prayer, and the Holy Sacramentsthese are some of the chief means ordained by Him, who knoweth all our necessities and all our infirmities. If we have diligently sought and applied ourselves to them-well; but otherwise, if we have neglected and desspied them, we must fall. And, in fact, men do fall every day from this very neglect; walking as in no fear of harm or danger, they give no time to meditation, they have no communion with God, or with their own hearts; and religion, if they have recourse to it at all, is but to them a mere formthey know nothing of the spiritual nature of prayer. Thus men fall into many grievous errors which they are ever ready to lay to their weakness and infirmity, but which are alone the effect of their presumption and wicked

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mind, and their strength wasted—whether in business, or the affairs of the household, they are equally devoted, and even when nothing is immediately to be done, every thought is directed how to remove obstacles, and to make smooth the way; the grand concern of the soul is overlooked and forgotten, and left "to work out its own salvation," without "fear or trembling." Consider well, my brethren, whether this may not be your case, whether you do not go on trusting all will be well at the last, and wishing to know as little as possible of your spiritual concerns at present? Remember, confidence is not security! And there is a most fatal confidence which leads men to shut their eyes on all that influences the welfare of their souls. The Spirit declared unto the church of Laodicea, "Thou sayest I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable, and poor,

and become as a little child, he shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Do I fulfil all righteousness without reserve-do I sincerely desire and pray for the assistance of the Holy Spirit in my endeavours, and do I by my actions prove that the Spirit of God is in me? In all these, and various other points of like kind, must you try yourselves : they who are deceived, or wilfully

and blind, and naked." And doth not | declares, “Except a man be converted the Spirit also in these words address all those who sit down indifferent, or careless of their future state? Is it not alarming to hear in the word of GOD these assertions of our poverty and nakedness (though we know it not)-for it may be we have wilfully despised the grace of GoD, and are treading the road which leads to everlasting destruction; even now, perhaps, on the brink of perdition, be-blind, may "cry peace;" but it is cause we turn away from the means of making ourselves acquainted with that spiritual state which must decide our future happiness or misery. Will any of you then be thus content to go on blindfold? Rather search your own hearts-if you are in the right way, it will afford you greater comfort to persevere; if you are in error, it may induce you to turn from it while it is yet time. Question yourselves, therefore, for though perhaps highly esteemed of men, they judge the outside alone! Seek your own spirit-search your heart, its temper, its passions, and the principle by which you are guided. Ask yourselves—is not my carnal spirit indulged, at least in thought? Are my passions subdued, and my temper controled by a sense of what is right? Do I seek the praise of men, or the praise of GOD? Am I just and charitable to my fellow-creatures? Try yourselves by the Gospel of Christ. Have I a sincere faith-a steady view of GOD, my Maker and Redeemer? Have I a firm reliance on His mercies, and an awful dread of any thing incurring His displeasure? Does it act upon my whole life, purifying every action and every thought? Again, the Gospel says, "Repent, that ye may be saved." Have I humbly come to repentance and salvation from a thorough sense of my utter unworthiness? Do I abase myself, looking up to Christ alone for pardon and for grace? Finally, are my good resolutions sincere and earnest? The Gospel

peace without support, it will fail them at the end. And now, my brethren, of whom must you enquire these questions? Not one of your most intimate friends could answer them; your own heart alone is capable of doing so,-dive then to the bottom of that heart, that it may bear witness to the good or evil. Let it not be pleaded by any one, that this were a useless task, because we are told that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked;"—when God so charges us with wickedness and infirmity, it is to encourage us to "repent and turn unto Him," and is never calculated or intended to fill us with despair. Only exert yourselves to the utmost-comply with the principles of His holy law-rely on His Almighty Power--pray for His enlightening spirit, and doubt not but He will remove the veil from your heartHe will shed light into its inmost recesses and his powerful grace working together with your hearty desires shall enable you not only to know but amend all its errors.—Thus far we have admitted the necessity of communing with our own hearts; but the text goes further, inasmuch as it sets forth certain times and opportunities for doing so. Every time and place is indeed proper for serious thought and meditation, though, in the midst of worldly business and company, it were, perhaps, next to impossible to enter into communion with the heart. How lamentable, then, the state of those

who are wholly occupied with these | what fruit you will reap at the last if things-it is the ruin of a multitude you continue in your present courseof souls, when thoughts of sin and say to your heart, have I kept the comdanger are swallowed up daily in vain mandments, have I done all things to cares and transitory pleasures. "Be the glory of GoD, have I been content not ye so deceived, my brethren," with whatever he has bestowed, whetake heed that you find or make time ther blessings or corrections; and, to leave the affairs of the world, turn- finally, have I "done unto all men as ing your reflections to the hope that is I would they should do unto me?"— in you as Christians. Whether abroad Commune thus with your own heart, or at home, in the field or in the house, so shall sin not have dominion over take heed that at some hour you be you,-neglect the inquiries, and it found alone. Have you leisure?- will have power to deceive and blind happy is it for you. Is your time you. Let nothing interrupt the confully occupied ? Put off some of your stancy of this duty, let it be fulfilled occupations; better is it to be poorer without reserve, not with the mere in this world, than not provide for form of stated prayers. Moreover, that which is to come. I will repeat if the Lord should be pleased to the words of my text, to remind you prolong the opportunity by keeping that there is a season when no man sleep from your eyes, it is an occasion can plead an excuse. “Commune with to be improved as often as he send it. your own heart, and in your chamber, The waking soul is alone with God; and be still." In the hour of retiring though silence be broken, the still to rest, then, neglect not to have re- small voice is at hand, and blessed course to this effectual help. Then, they who hear and receive it in their when the business of the day-its temp- hearts! Then, how vain do all the tations and its cares are over-when cares and pleasures of this world apall sounds are hushed, and every good pear-how utterly unworthy the silly or evil thing is past recall, registered mind that could be set upon them. for ever in the book of the Lord, when Then, how is the remembrance of every men kneel down in their closet to sin as a drop of gall in the bitter cup! commune with their GoD, and pray But thanks be to GoD and to Jesus for forgiveness through the merits of a Christ! Thanks be to that Almighty crucified Saviour, that they may rise power which hath permitted light to hereafter in the perfection of His ho- shine through darkness, and promised liness, then search your heart!—Search pardon through the merits and suffermore especially the spirit of that day ings of a crucified Redeemer. Brethren, of your life-what you have thought, may such consolations ever attend your what you have spoken, what you have serious reflections night or day, (for done, and what you have left undone. GOD forbid that you should omit comCompare your growth in righteous- muning with your own heart), and ness with the days that have gone be- may He grant you that holy joy and fore-prove whether you are "living comfort, both now and ever, that you to the flesh or to the spirit," and how may zealously live unto righteousness you would appear if GoD should re- and sin not! quire your soul that very night-think

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London: Published for the Proprietors, by T. GRIFFITHS, Wellington Street, Strand; and Sold by all Booksellers in Town and Country.

Printed by Lowndes and White, Crane Court, Fleet Street.

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2 Peter, i. 16.—“We have not followed cunningly devised fables.”

THERE seldom has occurred a period | idleness-the willingness of the poor

in the history of our country which
affords so many subjects of deep and
extraordinary interest as the present.
Nor (if we except the time when the
God of creation visited this earth, and
exhibited a display of stupendous
power over the elements of nature,
or that time when, after a night of
worse than Heathen darkness, the sun
of learning and religion arose at the
æra of Reformation)—can we mention
any in the history of the world more
calculated to awaken astonishment, |
admiration, and gratitude to God than
the days in which we live. The phi-
losopher must behold with wonder
that rapid march of human intellect
which outstrips, almost in a few years,
the attainments of past centuries,
which shows us the grown men of an-
tiquity to have been but children in
the arts which embellish life, or the
sciences which dignify the human cha-
racter. The moralist may dwell with
admiration upon the emancipation of
the lower classes from the slavery of
ignorance the triumphs of national
education-the elevated tone of moral
feeling the extinction of many per-
nicious habits-the substitution of
sound principles and active industry
for visionary theories or destructive


to become receivers, as well as of the rich to be givers of moral blessings. And the Christian contemplates the eventful scene with mingled feelings of the most anxious solicitude and warm thankfulness to God, who has cast his lot in times when his eyes behold and his ears hear what many prophets and kings have desired to witness, but could not. He discerns, at this moment, a mighty contest between the powers of darkness and Immanuel, leader of the heavenly hosts. He sees the predictions of the prophets, and of Christ, the LORD GoD of the Holy Prophets, already receiving their incipient accomplishment. His word going forth swiftly, and subduing all its opponents-the idols of Egypt trembling in their shrines-the Dagons falling powerless before the ark-the fables of Rabbins— the reveries of the false prophet-the wild mythologies of the Brahmins and the Buddhites, the Veda and the Shaster, bowing to the superiority of the Bible-Princes the nursing parents of the once despised church—and the mighty ones of the earth, counting their highest honour to sit at the feet of Jesus, and to learn his word.

It is, indeed, an eventful period, a


time in which no faithful follower of Christ can retire from the field, or lay aside his armour. The enemies of Christianity, and of the Bible, which contains Christianity, have exchanged the subtle devices of the serpent for the open rage of the devouring lion. No longer contented with tainting, by the venom of their example or their writings, the springs of private happiness, or poisoning the streams of domestic and social enjoyments; they crawl from their lurking places, and swelling with accumulated venom, become transformed into monsters of ferocity, whom no bounds can confine, no chains can bind, no threats can appal. Yet the possible results do not dismay the Christian. Already have they tended rather to his encouragement. He sees the Christianity of the Bible stamped by the highest judicial authority, as an essential ingredient in that constitution which secures his liberty, his property, his life-recognised as the very soul and spirit of its laws, as that which regulates and tempers their severity of penalty, and gives sanction and vigour to their obligations. He sees that Christianity neither dreads nor shrinks from investigation (as her enemies have falsely asserted), but, enthroned in the hearts of a grateful people, she will not suffer the rude and unhallowed approach of ignorance and impiety. She will be addressed with reverence -she will be treated as the ambassadress from heaven-she will not withhold her credentials from the meanest or the most illiterate, who seek them in a becoming spirit; and in this country, where she has given stability to the altar and the throne, where she has infused her benignant spirit into the code which regulates society, she claims and has found protection in the courts of human judicature. Indeed, my brethren, the subject of our text has been so often and so ably made

the subject of public addresses from the pulpit and elsewhere, that it might seem almost superfluous to notice the objections of infidelity; yet, when the alarm is sounded, few wish to be suspected of indifference-few but wish to be actively employed on the side of truth. It is with this view I would assert the divine origin and the authenticity of the Christian system, and adduce to you such evidence as may satisfy you that the Bible is truly what it purports to be-a revelation from GOD.

FIRST-We have no way of ascertaining in general whether that which purports to be a revelation is really so or not, except by the accompanying evidence of miracles, performed by the persons who assume the character of inspired teachers—or prophecies delivered by them at the time, which prophecies are miracles to the persons who in after times witness their accomplishment. And when we see, or are assured upon credible testimony, that a human being (like ourselves in every other particular) has done something which exceeds the ordinary powers of nature—or has uttered distinctly, with great minuteness of time and circumstance, predictions of events, the most unlikely to happen—and at such a distance of time and place from the scene of these events, as that no human wisdom could possibly foresee and guard against all intervening contingencies; and when amongst these predictions it is foretold, that miracles should in future times be performed by others-and when we see that all these events did actually take place as they were so predicted-then we have the strongest evidence which the mind is capable of receiving, that those persons were not false claimants to inspiration, but delivered to us an exposition of the real will of God; and more especially so, if the truths which they delivered were such as man stood in ab

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