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had been hauled down from the same place by order of Commissioner Blount, and which had been carefully preserved for this occasion by Lieutenant Lucien Young, of the United States steamship Boston.

After the flag-raising the proclamation of the sovereignty of the United States of America was made by Minister Sewall, followed by a short address. The oath of allegiance was then administered to President Dole by Chief Justice Judd, Mr. Dole and the other officials being authorized by President McKinley to continue in the administration of local affairs until some form of government for them should have been adopted by Congress. The assemblage then dispersed. And thus the influence of the United States in the Hawaiian Islands, which had its inception in the coming of the little shipload of missionaries from Boston in the year 1819, had had its fitting culmination.

ABERDEEN, Lord, 82.

ADAMS, United States steamship, 161; lands marines to
quell Wilcox-Boyd insurrection, 161; troops on beaten
to arms and make feint of landing in force, 222, 224.
ALEXANDER, Brev. Brig. Gen., on military commission to
examine Pearl Harbor, 148.


Anglican Church planted in Islands, 121, 125; its bishop
antagonizes American sentiment, 174.

Annexation, Minister McCook suggests, 43; Secretary
Seward considers, 43; preferred by Seward to reci-
procity, 44; France apprehensive of, 105; looking
toward, 106 et seq.; treaty of proposed, 114; move-
ment for progressing rapidly, 114; Kamehameha IV
averse to, 119; negotiations for cease, 119; in abey-
ance, 122; Kamehameha V not averse to, 127; dis-
cussed in Honolulu, 128; sentiment for rapidly grow-
ing in Islands, 129; suggested by Minister Pierce,
133; desired in Islands, 135; sentiment for increas-
ing at Islands, 150; first active step toward taken,
commissioners sent to Washington to negotiate
treaty of, 188; treaty of sent to Senate by President
Harrison, 196; the President urges its ratification,
197; treaty of fails for lack of time, 200; favored in
Republican platform of 1896, 242; Liliuokalani es-
tablishes a "lobby" at Washington against, 243;
new treaty of drawn, 243; treaty of signed by Presi-
dent McKinley, 244; fails in Senate, 244; joint reso-
lution of introduced in Congress, 244; becomes a
certainty, 246; is consummated, 247; news of re-
ceived with joy at Islands, 247; formally declared
and flag raised, 247, 248; ceremonies of declaration
of, 248–250.

Annexation, joint resolution of, presented in Congress,
244; passed in House and Senate, 246; signed by
President McKinley, 247.

Arion Hall, troops lodged in, 185.

BACHELOT, Rev. JOHN ALEXIUS, sails for Hawaii, 64;

his arrival, 65; attempts to propagate Romish faith,
65; his sincerity, 65; in conflict with Protestant mis-

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